Match the parts of the sentences on the left with the correct parts on the right.

1) Most governments maintain 2) International relations include 3) International contacts include 4) Countries may 5) A court has a power a) the dealings of multinational corporations and such worldwide programmes. b) peaceful relations with one another through special representatives. c) to enforce its decisions. d) the flow of trade and the movement of people between countries. e) bring their disputes to an international court for settlement.

Sum up all information about International relations.


Stage A

Mind the differences

Ambassador (n) – a person sent to live in a foreign country as the senior representative there of her or his own country: the newly-appointed British Ambassador to Greece.

Diplomat (n) – a person whose job is to present her or his country abroad.

Consul (n) – 1) an official appointed by a state to live in a foreign city: the British Consul in Marseilles; 2) either of the two magistrates elected each year to rule in ancient Rome before it become an empire.

Delegate (n) – a person chosen or elected by others to express their views.

Representative (n) – 1) an agent of a firm, esp. a person who travels about selling its products: their representative for the Middle East; 2) a person chosen or appointed to take the place of another or others: the Queen’s representative at the ceremony; 3) a person chosen or elected to speak and act on behalf of others (e.g. In a law-making body): our representative in the House of Commons, to send a representative to the negotiations.

Mediator (n) – a person or an organization that mediates. (посредник).

mediation (n) – посредничество.

to mediate (v) – (between somebody and somebody) – try to get agreement between two or more people or groups who disagree with each other. (посредничать, занимать промежуточное положение, служить связующим звеном).

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1) The British Council acts as a cultural ambassador for Britain and for the English language.

2) A consul’s job is to help people from her or his own country who are travelling or living there and to protect their interests.

3) The new manager was delegated to reorganize the department.

4) The prime minister refused to meet the union delegation.

5) International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war.

6) Diplomat is a person who is clever at dealing with people (a tactful person).

7) All offers of mediation were rejected.

8) Ambassadors work to gain political advantages for their government.

Stage B

Mind the differences

Summit (n) – a meeting between the heads of two or more governments, esp. of the world’s most powerful countries;

A summit talk / meeting / conference.

Conference (n) – a meeting for discussion or exchange of views, esp. one held regularly.

Meeting (n) – an assembly of people for a particular purpose, esp. for formal discussion.

Assembly(n) – 1) the meeting together of a group of people for a specific purpose; 2) a gathering of the students and teachers in a school at the start or at the end of the day; 3) a group of people meeting together, esp. to discuss matters of national importance.

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1) Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision.

2) Many international conferences are held in Geneva.

3) The national assembly has met to discuss the crisis.

4) The director is in conference and cannot be disturbed.

5) MPs held public meetings during the election campaign.

6) We’ll meet at this assembly point at 3 o’clock.

7) The motion was put to the assembly.



Countries maintain peaceful international relations by a number of methods, including the use of diplomacy, international conferences and organizations, treaties, and international law. They also try to influence each other by using economic and other sanctions.

A number of limited wars have occurred since World War II ended in 1945. But most governments work hard to solve their problems and settle their disputes by dealing peacefully with one another. Their leaders know that much of civilization could be destroyed if a limited war grew into a general war involving nuclear weapons.

Diplomacy. Traditionally, governments have maintained relations with each other through their diplomats. Governments usually send their diplomats to live in other countries. Ambassadors and other diplomats carry on day-to-day relations between their government and the government of the country in which they serve. They arrange treaties, protect the rights of fellow citizens who are abroad, and work to gain political advantages for their government through negotiations (discussions), they may settle disputes between nations.

Governments often send special diplomatic representatives to other countries. A third party, or mediator, may act as a go-between to try to settle a dispute between two nations. In 1982, General Alexander Haig of the United States carried out such an assignment, trying to settle the quarrel between Argentina and Britain over the Falkland Islands.

Every nation has a government department for the conduct of foreign affairs. A nation's department of foreign affairs supervises the government's relations with other governments. This office assigns diplomats to other countries and sends representatives called consuls to foreign cities. Consuls work to promote and protect the economic interests of their fellow citizens who are abroad.

In recent years, governments have also communicated with each other by allowing their statements to be broadcast on television or distributed through other forms of mass media. This use of TV and other media has reduced the traditional role of diplomats.

International conferences and organizations. International problems may involve many countries, or several disagreements may have to be settled at the same time. To deal with such problems, governments may send their diplomats or some other representatives to an international conference. Between 1967 and 1982, for example, the United Nations (UN) has sponsored a series of meetings in order to draw up an international treaty governing the development and protection of the oceans.

In some cases, two or more heads of government may hold a summit conference. European Community and Commonwealth leaders hold regular meetings. United States and Russia held many conferences to discuss arms control and other issues.

Most nations belong to the United Nations and send delegates to this international organization. The delegates discuss ways of solving problems and promoting world peace. The Security Council is the main peacekeeping agency of the UN. The Council may call on United Nations members to end contacts with a country that is endangering world peace. The Council also may ask UN members to furnish military forces to settle an international dispute. However, the Security Council has often failed to maintain peace, largely because it lacks the power to force a government to follow its recommendations.


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