Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

Контрольная работа № 1

По английскому языку для студентов юридических специальностей заочной (дистанционной) формы обучения

Прочитайте данные ниже определения слова «law», которое переводится на русский язык как «право, закон».

a) Law is а rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority;

b) Law is а set of rules or principles dealing with a specific area of a legal system;

c) Law is а way of life;

d) Law is а statement describing a relationship between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met.


Прочитайте и выучите идиоматические выражения со словом “law”. Составьте предложения с каждым из них. (Идиомы – это устойчивые по составу и структуре лексически неделимые и целостные по значению словосочетания или предложения).


1) law and order – правопорядок

2) the law of the jungle – закон джунглей

3) to lay down the law – a) устанавливать правовые нормы, формулировать закон; б) говорить

безапелляционным тоном, не допускать возражений

4) necessity knows no law –- нужда не знает закона.


3. Запомните следующие устойчивые сочетания со словом law(s):


1) to make laws – издавать, принимать законы

2) to repeal laws – отменять законы

3) to break laws – нарушать законы

4) to obey laws – соблюдать законы

5) to enforce laws – обеспечить (принудительно) исполнение закона

6) to apply laws – применять законы

7) to be against the law – быть противозаконным

8) to study law – изучать право

9) to amend the law – вносить поправки в закон

10) to turn to the law – обращаться к закону (в полицию)

11) to propose laws – вносить законы на рассмотрение


4. Ответьте на вопросы, начиная ответ с одного из выражений, данных ниже.

In my opinion – по моему мнению

I can’t make up my mind, but – не могу принять решение, но …

I am keeping an open mind for the moment – пока у меня нет никакого мнения на этот счет

I’m (not) sure that – я (не) уверен, что

Firstly, (secondly) – во-первых, (во-вторых)

Finally– наконец


1. Can we live without laws?

2. Why do we need law?

3. What spheres of life are regulated by law?

4. Must people obey laws?

5. What rules of behaviour are accepted in the society?

6. Do you share the idea that people should look only after themselves and take no care about others?

7. What rules do you obey willingly?

8. What rules would you abolish if you could?

9. Do laws limit your personal freedom?

10. Must all people study law at school?

11. Do you feel that laws protect you?

12. What law would you propose if you were a Member of Parliament?



Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами из упражнения 3.

1. The State Duma of the Russian Federation … laws.

2. The government … laws and … them if they are bad.

3. The police … laws.

4. Courts and judges … laws.

5. Law-abiding people … laws.

6. Criminals … laws.

7. The students of universities … law.



6. Выберите правильную форму глагола./ Для того чтобы правильно выполнить это задание, необходимо повторить грамматическую тему - Система времен английских глаголов в активном залоге (The System of Tenses. Active Voice) См. примечания в конце заданий /.


1. Students (are studying, study) law at the university. 2. He already (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 3, Last year he (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 4. The police (didn’t find, haven’t found) the killer yet. 5. For about 10 years legislators (discussed, have been discussing) the bill. 6. Every year the State Duma of the RF (is passing, passes) a lot of laws. 7. In 1992 our country (ratified, had ratified) the treaty. 8. Lawyers (came, have come) to the agreement by the end of the present session. 9. You (are looking, look) very thoughtful. What (do you think, are you thinking) about? – I (think, am thinking) about retirement. – But you are only 25. You only just (started, have started) your career. – I (know, am knowing), but I (read, have read) an article which (says, is saying) that a sensible man (started, starts) thinking about retirement at 25.


Why do We Need Law?



1. rules imposed by morality and custom – правила, предписанные моралью и обычаем

2. rules made by the state or the courts – нормы, создаваемые государством и судами

3. to control or alter our behaviour – управлять и вносить изменения в наше поведение

4. to safeguard our personal property and our lives – охранять нашу личную собственность и наши жизни

5. a well-ordered society – высокоорганизованное общество

6. to ensure a safe and peaceful society – обеспечивать безопасное и мирное существование

7. to punish people without trial –наказывать людей без суда и следствия

8. to respect individual rights – уважать права человека

9. to give effect to social policies – оказывать влияние на социальную политику

10. to protect liberty and equality – защищать свободу и равенство


7. Прочитайте и переведите текст Why do we need law?

Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for games, for social clubs, for sports and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules imposed by morality and custom that play an important role in telling us what we should and should not do. However, some rules those made by the state or the courts are called “laws”. Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behaviour. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law whether you like that law or not you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.

Why are some rules so special that they are made into laws? Why do we need rules that everyone must obey? In short, what is the purpose of law?

If we did not live in a structured society with other people, laws would not be necessary. We would simply do as we please, with little regard for others. But ever since individuals began to associate with other people to live in society laws have been the glue that has kept society together. For example, the law in our country states that we must drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people were allowed to choose at random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be dangerous and chaotic. Laws regulating our business affairs help to ensure that people keep their promises. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.

Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who is the real owner and to make sure that the real owner's rights are respected.

We need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals’ rights are respected. But we expect even more from our law. Some totalitarian governments have cruel and arbitrary laws, enforced by police forces free to arrest and punish people without trial. Strong-arm tactics may provide a great deal of order, but we reject this form of control. The legal system should respect individual rights while, at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner. And society should believe in the Rule of Law, which means that the law applies to every person,

including members of the police and other public officials, who must carry out their public duties in accordance with the law.

In our society, laws are not only designed to govern our conduct: they are also intended to give effect to social policies. For example, some laws provide for benefits when workers are injured on the job, for health care, as well as for loans to students who otherwise might not be able to go to university.

Another goal of the law is fairness. This means that the law should recognize and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality. The law also serves to ensure that strong groups and individuals do not use their powerful positions in society to take unfair advantage of weaker individuals.

However, despite the best intentions, laws are sometimes created that people later recognize as being unjust or unfair. In a democratic society, laws are not carved in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of society. In a democracy, anyone who feels that a particular law is flawed has the right to speak out publicly and to seek to change the law by lawful means.


8. Подберите к английским cловосочетаниям из текста русские эквиваленты.     1) the purpose of law   a) уважать права отдельного человека
2) to live in society b) отражать изменяющиеся потребности общества
3) to choose at random c) иметь разногласия и конфликты
4) to safeguard our personal property and our lives d) верить в верховенство закона
5) to have disagreements and conflicts e) защищать основные права и свободы
6) to resolve disputes peacefully f) назначение (цель) права
7) to turn to the law g) иметь право открыто высказать свое мнение
8) to respect individual rights h) жить в обществе
9) to arrest and punish people without trial i) выбирать что-либо наугад
10) to believe in the Rule of Law j) стремиться изменить закон законными средствами
11) in accordance with the law k) арестовывать и наказывать людей без суда и следствия
12) to protect basic individual rights and freedoms l) охранять нашу собственность и жизнь
13) to reflect the changing needs of society m) в соответствии с законом
14) to have the right to speak out publicly n) обращаться к закону
15) to seek to change the law by lawful means o) решать споры миром


Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом.

1. Almost everything we do is governed by …

a) rules imposed by morality.

b) the courts.

c) some set of rules.


2. If we didn’t live in a structured society with other people …

a) we would simply do as we please.

b) we would simply do with little regard for others.

c) laws would not be necessary.


3. Laws against criminal conduct help …

a) to protect our property.

b) to take advantage of other individuals.

c) to safeguard our personal property and our lives.


4. We turn to the law …

a) to resolve disputes peacefully.

b) to decide who is the real owner.

c) to force people to keep their promises.


5. Another goal of the law is …

a) to protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms.

b) fairness.

c) to provide for benefits.



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