Методические рекомендации:
Текущий контроль проводится после каждого цикла (всего 4) по результатам устного зачета по лексическим темам и самостоятельно выполненной письменной к/р по грамматическому материалу. Основным методом изучения является: <» самостоятельная работа студентов; о очные консультации в межсессионный период; о конспектирование;
в самостоятельное выполнение к/р по грамматическому материалу; о подготовка к устному зачету по лексическим темам, о подготовка к устному зачету по техническому перпереводу текста. о подготовка к зачету по грамматическому материалу.
Текущий контроль проводится после каждого цикла (всего три) по результатам устного зачета и самостоятельно выполненной письменной контрольной работе по грамматическому материалу.
Приступая ж изучению предмета прежде всего следует ознакомиться с тематикой лексического и грамматического материала. Для успешного освоения грамматического материала необходимо обратиться к рекомендуемой справочной литературе, кратко законспектировать материал и пометить на полях вопросы, оставшиеся неясными для последующей консультации у преподавателя,
После изучения и конспектирования материала можно приступать к выполнению к/р. Домашняя к/р выполняется в обычной окольной тетради с полями, все страницы пронумерованы. Записи делаются четким разборчивым почерком. Тексты заданий переписываются дословно.
Изучение лексического материала следует начинать с ознакомления и усвоения слов и выражений по теме. После этого можноприступить к чтению и переводу текста. Для этого необходимо иметь з своем распоряжении англо-русский и русско-английский словари. Успешность изучения темы оценивает в качестве устных ответовна контрольные вопросы после текста.
Для устного собеседования по изучению необходимо: ° знать слова и выражения по темам; о уметь читать и переводить текст;
• уметь отвечать на вопросы по заданной тематике.
• уметь определять грамматические явления в тексте.
Номер варианта контрольной работы — по последней цифре № студенческого билета.
Грамматические упражнения ставят целью развитие навыков и умений опознавать грамматические формы и конструкции в процессе чтения технического текста.
В ходе устного зачета студент переводит текст с листа (устно), используя словарь, данный после текста, преподаватель делает необходимые поправки и замечания.
Методические рекоминдации к выполнению письменной контрольной работы №3
При выполнении контрольной работы №3 рекомендуется разделить страницу пополам, слева записать английский текст, а справа дать его русский перевод.
Задания к упражнениям.
I. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, повторив тему «Основные способы словообразования». Подчеркните в словах префиксы и суффиксы (если есть), определите от какого слова образованы данные слова и способы словообразования. Переведите слова на русский язык.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, повторив тему «Интернациолизмы». Слово-интернационализм подчеркните.
III. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский
язык, обращая внимание на многозначные слова. Подчеркните
варианты перевода многозначных слов.
IV.Расшифруйте следующие общепринятые сокращения.
V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский
язык. Подчеркните глагол-сказуемое. Определите Еремя и залог
VI. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитив, определите
формы и функции инфинитива в предложении. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
VII.................. В следующих предложениях подчеркните причастие. Определите
вид причастия иего функцию в предложении. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
VIII. В следующих предложениях подчеркнитегерундий, определите
его функцию з предложении. Переведите предложения на русский
IX. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский
язык. Определите тип придаточного предложения, повторив тему
«Сложное предложение». Подчеркните придаточные предложения.
X. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
При выполнении упражнений используйте следующие образцы
a) unemployment - безработица
Имя существительное, образовано от глагола «to employ» при помощи аффиксации.
b) voltmeter - вольтметр
Имя существительное, образовано путем сложения слов (volt -существительное + meter - существительное)
The highest mountains in the Caucasus Самые высокие горы на Кавказе
are above four kilometers выше четырех километров
1. A monetary unit of the USA is Денежная единица США - доллар.
2. The meter is a unit of length and the Метр - мера длины, а грамм – мера
gramme is а unit of weight веса.
AC Alternating Current
(переменный ток)
c.c.w. Counterclockwise
(против часовой стрелки)
1. When the workpieces reach the Когда обрабатываемые изделия
loading position they are removed and aдостигают разгрузочной позиции
new blank is loaded они снимаются и устанавливается
новая заготовка.
reach. The Present Indefinite Active от to reach
are removed The Present Indefinite Passive от
to remove
is loaded The Present Indefinite Passive от
to load
1. In all the methods of arc welding, an electric arc is struck between an electrode and the parts to,be welded to be welded | VIПри всех способах дуговой сварки между электродами и частями, которые должны быть сварены, создается электрическая дуга Indefinite Passive (определение) | |
1. He spent all his spare time in his workshop studying electrical phenomena Studying | VII. Он проводил все свое свободное время в мастерской, изучая электрические явления. Participle I Indefinite Active от to study (обстоятельство) | |
2. An overheated steel will, have poor mechanical properties. Overheated | Перегретая сталь имеет плохие механические свойства. Participle II от to overheat | |
1.There are two wavs of measuring engine power. | VIII. Существует два способа изменения мощности двигателя Gerund Indefinite Active (определение) | |
2.I regret heaving told her about this accident. | Я сожалею, что рассказал ей об этом несчастном случае. | |
heaving told | Gerund Perfect Active (дополнение) I |
1.Не turned the lever to the right and the Он повернул рычаг вправо, и мотор
motor started начал работать.
Cложносочиненное предложение
2. By means of dynamometer the power Посредством динамометра может
which the engine del ivers can be быть измерена мощность, которую
measured. Дает двигатель.
Сложноподчиненное предложение с придаточным определительным.
Вариант №1
I. Density, equalise, generally, workshop, scientific, somebody, shock-proof, seventh, non-conductor, purify
1. Galileo established the fundamental conceptions of Kinematics &
2. Academician Paton said, «The science and technology of welding have
an important part to play in the future world»
3. Priority in the invention of radio belongs to the Russian scientist Popov.
1. Royal power in Britain is for life and is inherited by law.
2. There are two ways of measuring engine power.
3. Electric power is used in most plants and factories.
4. Many electric power stations were built in Siberia.
5. What is the power supply of this device?
6. You can't take our power -boat. Its engine is broken.
7. Do you know what the term «purchasing power » mean?
1. r.p.s. 3.NBC 5. yd 7. amp
2.p.m. 4.LH 6.C/ 8.hf.h
1. This type of conveyor facilitates the loading.
2. The new device had deen tested for 2 hours when the chief engineer
3. The temperature was raised by heating.
4. All the materials will have been put in order when you come.
1. The cuffing speed depends on the material to be machined.
2. To prevent rusting we paint the surface of the metal.
3. The purpose of tension test is to determine the mechanical
characteristics of a material.
4. The professor is glad to have seen his former students.
1. A magnet attracts only things containing iron.
2. Having been measured with inaccurate instruments the data were
3. The three common types of lathes usually found in a machine shop are
the bench lathe, the engine lathe and the turret lathe.
4. Particles forming an atom are in motion.
1. Many metal working processes include the melting and solidifying of metal.
2. For measuring the atmospheric pressure a barometer is used.
3. Your having worked at the plant helps you to master technical subjects.
4. The speed at which the lathe turns can be adjusted either by regulating the speed of the motor driving it, or by the gearing.
1. The machines which work on the surface of the metal piece, or provide
it with grooves or holes or which a thread, are call machine-tools.
2. It is a well-know fact that water boils at the temperature of 100 C°
3. When the first motor-car was tested, a lit of people was running behind it.
Вариант № 2
I. Classify, improbable, backwards, special, light-proof, widen, anybody, fifteenth, container, unfriendly.
1. The main branches of industry in Great Britain electronic engineering
and textile.
2. Our plant produces many kinds of radio equipment.
3. My future specialty is technology of metal-cutting processes.
1. As aluminum is light it is widely used in aircraft construction.
2. There is no light in this corridor as there are no windows in it.
3. The room was light and clean with plenty of fresh air
4. You little boy can carry this box - it is quite light.
5. Why did they light that old kerosene lamp?
6. The room was lit by two big lamps.
1. cmps 3. HF 5. kW • 7.mim
2. К 4. TF б.rpm 8.hp
1. The worker was clamping the cutter in the tool part when we came into
the shop.
2. Some lathes can do over two hundred various operations
3. This work was done by a qualified turner.
4. Air must be let into the cylinder of the engine because no fuel will bum
without air.
1. The temperature is the center of the sun is believed to be 15 mln.
degrees Centigrade.
2. The piece to be machined is held on the work table which may be
adjusted to any convenient height for the job.
3. To determine the density of a body, it is necessary to determine its mass
and its volume.
4. He is pround to be working with this famous engineer.
1.The new equipment bought by your company proved to be very useful.
2.Engine lathes vary in size, ranging from the small bench lathe of only a
few inches to one many feet in length.
3.Having worked as a turner for many years, he knew his speciality very
4. The instruments get spoilt if left in the open air.
1. No adjustment is required after changing the tools.
2. The failure of the experiment was due to the operator's having been
careless in using instalment.
3. In this figure, you can see a diagram of recording temperature.
4. Setting up an automatic lathe takes considerable time, during which ti
machine is idle.
1. The trouble is that we have lost his address.
2. Broaching is a machining method in which one or mere cutters with a
series of teeth are pushed across a surface to machine that part to the
desired shape.
3. Now we have various kinds of machine tools and they are of high
Вариант №3
I. Worker, hardness, non-smoker, effective, irresponsible, anything, sharpen, classify, watermelon, suddenly.
1. Welding finds widespread application in almost all branches of industry
and construction.
2. Grinding is the only method of cutting such materials as hardened steel.
3. Though the calculations might be very complex, the computer will do
them in a few minutes.
1. Look at this watch. Can you see the minute hand?
2. The man had a heavy trunk in his hand.
3. Our winter examinations are at hand.
4. Please, hand me this dictionary.
5. My little brother is quite out of hand.
6. On the cne hand I'd like to study English but on the other hand
sometimes it is quite difficult.
7. He originated from a poor family and they often lived from hand •
8. Are you socks knitted by hand or machine-made?
1. BBC 3.gr. 5.m. 7. fig.
2. b.p. 4. LH 6. mol. wt. 8. d.c.
1. In the history of mathematics Lobachevsky will always be one of the
greatest scientist.
2. The engineer was showed a new device which had been constructed by
the scientists & engineers of their laboratory.
3. They tried hard to set the engine in motion, but it wouldn't start.
4. The horizontal milling machine consists of a main casting in which is mounted the spindle & its gear drive, and the feed gear-box.
1. To know the melting point of the metal in use in necessary.
2. Steel undergoes heat treatment to improve its structure & to obtain
higher or specified mechanical properties.
3. Many cutting tools are know to be made of carbon steel.
4. We know the Earth to be turning on its axis, moving around the sun in
its orbit.
1. The mass of a body remains unchanged by any physical or chemical
change to which it may be subjected.
2. The new instruments worked continuously cutting off projecting parts.
3. Having been carefully tested the device was put into operation.
4. Metals being used in industry in the form of alloys have better
properties then pure metals.
1. Engine lathes are used for boring, taming, cutting, chasing, threads,
polishing and screw cutting.
2.Far connecting parallel shafts, spur gears are used.
3.The art of making weapons from iron was know to the Egyptians and
4. Originally slobbers were used for cuffering keyways.
1. He cannot find the book that I gave him some days ago.
2. The machine fool is the principle manufacturing equipment and we have
many fools in our machine shop.
3. If we lowered the temperature, the liquid turned into ice.
4. It is a well-know fact that radio was invented by Popov.
Вариант №4
I Invisible, non-conductor, unequal, purity, prewar, forward, hardened, dislike, first-class, daily, anybody.
I I.
1. Ferrous metals are used in industry in two general forms: cast iron &
2. Before metal is formed into the required shape, it has to undergo a
number of processes, such as casting, rolling, forging, welding, trimming
& others.
3. One of my favourite subjects is Mechanics.
4. During this term students of our group work with technical texts.
1. When I went home the sun was shining in my face.
2. My friend prefers to travel by train facing the engine.
3. Who is the mars facing us?
4. He'll lose his face if he doesn't keep his promise.
5. A cube has six faces.
6. The face of my watch is round.
l.t З.рс 5.atm 7.CW
2. kg 4.deg б.r.p.m. 8.F
1. One can easily find out the strict distinction between the operations of
drilling and boring.
2. When Yablotchkov was working at some new experiment he forgot
everything but his work.
3. As for accuracy of machinery processing much thought is being given
to the shape and dimensions of the workpieces.
4. The specimen will be placed upon the plate.
1. The electron hoes to be Influenced by some force in order to move
around the nucleus.
2. The student wanted to be examined as soon as possible.
3. To defect and measure the irregularities of the finer surfaces requires
the use of high magnification with very light operating forces.
4. The handle is turned C.C.W. and raised to enable the cutter to be turned
1. If the speed is too siaw, the abrasive is wasted without much work being
2. Haven been made carelessly the experiment proved useless.
3. A chisel is a fool made of very hard steel, having a cutting edge at one
end of the blade.
4. The damaged parts were immediately examined and repaired by a
1. The failure of the work was due to the operator's having been careless in
using the instrument.
2. In determining the dimensions of the rod we have to consider, first, the
necessary length and, second, the necessary cross - section of the shank.
3. The machining of metals is the process of removing chips from the
metal parts.
4. Modern lathes are highly efficient accurate and complex devices,
capable of doing a great quantity and variety of work.
1. It is know that this device works well.
2. Machine parts areusually oiledlest they should rust.
3. When the workplaces reach the loading position they are removed and a
new blank is loaded.
4. The most common machine-tool found in almost any workshop is the
lathe, in which the job spins round its axis while a cutting tool is
working on.
Вариант №5
I. Specialize, readiness, action, fourth, difference, semi-conductor, inventor, handbook, electrify, homewards, everyone.
1. If the student have received and read books on their speciality they
would not have broken the mechanism.
2. The temperature of the water was very high.
3. The use of electricity for various purposes is followed by a wider
application of electrical devices.
4. The father of the Periodic Table of Elements - D.I. Mendeleev, was
bom in 1834 in Tobolsk.
1. We study part II of the text-book on Mechanics
2. Who played the part of Hamlet?
3. Will you take part in this experiment?
4. I don't know the way to the square. I am a stranger in these part.
5. A minute is the sixtieth part of an hour.
6. There was со object on the part of the owner of the land.
7. The friend parted at the railway station.
1. i.e. 3. Br. P. 5.d. 7.cu
2. 1 4.a.h. 6.CW 8. sp.gr.
1. The Sun being the most body in the Universe provides us with light and
heat without which life is impossible on the Earth.
2. He was sent all the necessary equipment.
3. The new apparatus will be working when you come in the workshop.
4. Mechanics is concerned with relations of force, matter and motion.
1.The principle of operation for round surfaces is that the part to be
ground is put upon the centres & driven exactly as in the ordinary lathe.
2.He was glad to have fulfilled his work ahead of time.
3..Russian inventors did much to develop methods of making mechanical
4.To prevent pasting we paint the surface of the metal.
1. Nowadays everybody knows that the rainbow is composed of the
spectrum, formed in the sky opposite the sun, when it is raining.
2. The shaper is a flexible machine in many respects complementing the
lathe in the work it performs.
3. The process of progressive destruction of a metallic surface exposed to
an external active medium is called corrosion.
4. The stream of electrons moving along the conductor is called an electric
1. His working at the plant helps him to master technical subjects.
2. Drilling machines which are used mainly for drilling holes in machine
parts are made in many different types designed for handling the various
classes of work.
3. The advantages of electricity as a means of distributing power are
extremely great.
4. The longer the cutting tools operate without dulling, the less frequently
they require resetting.
1. A milling machine is a machine-tool that removes metal as the work is
fed against a rotating cutter.
2. What they want now is to speak with our director.
3. We search a place where we can arrange a new office.
4. The only way to tell whether a device is a robot or not is to see now it
works and what it does.
I. Metallic, ex-minister, foresee, rewrite, unlucky, machinery, transmitter, likewise, disappear, seventeenth, something.
1. Short trip winter drivings especially in the hours of darkness add an
excessive load on the battery, & one morning it may be dead.
2.The centimetre is devided into ten equal parts called millimetres.
3.A Diesel engine is a machine which produces power by burning oil in
air which has been quickly compressed to a high pressure by a piston
moving in a closed cylinder.
1.The boy hid among the branches of a big tree.
2.Physics is an important branch of science.
3.There are three branches of state power: legislative, executive and
4.Such branches of industry as coal-mining, electronic engineering and
textile are highly developed in Great Britain.
5.Yesterday at 6 p.m. Mr. Wilson entered the Butcher Street branch of the
National Westminster Bank.
6.The road branches here.
1. r.p.m. 3. sec. 5. at.ut. 7.d.c.
2. NBC 4. AC 6.b.p. 8. h.p.
1. All moving parts of machines wear.
2. By the first of January he will be working at this plant for ten years.
3. According to the character of work perfomed the design into the
following types: bench lathes, chucking lathes & automatic lathes.
4. By the end of the year the production of cars at our plant will have been
increased considerably.
1. Drill presses are buit in a variety of types, but the ordinary upright
drill press is to be found in nearly every machine shop.
2. The operator wanted to repair his lathe as soon as possible.
3. To be effective the roughing job must be accurate and must remove
as much excess stock as possible in on cut.
4. He was glad to have fulfilled his work ahead of time.
1. Working with machines, sharp tools, motors, electricity one must
always be careful.
2. The first voyage around the earth, begun at Seville by Magellan in
1510 and completed at Seville by del Cano in 1552, established that
the earth is a globe.
3. Having been used for a long time, the instruments partly lost their
former efficiency.
4. The equipment used for this work is similar to that used in hot
1.Cooper was used in prehistoric times for making weapons & tools
and later was alloyed with tin to form bronze, which was the most
important metal of the Greek & Romans.
2.Many turret lathes have systems of stops or gauges for controlling the
travel of the turret carriage, and cross-slide.
3.We know of copper having been used as a conductor owing to its
suitable characteristics.
4. Student like experimenting.
1. It is know that this device works well.
2. The question is whether he will finish his work in time.
3. The man whom you saw at our shop is a qualified turner.
4. Engines must be lubricated systematically, otherwise they may be
Вариант №7
I. Carefully, action, centralize, resistant, fifty, length, somewhere, compression, checking, water-flood, everything.
1. The stream of electrons moving along the conductor is called an
electric current.
2. It is desirable that you should take part in this experiment.
3. If he had used this formula he would not have made this mistake.
4. The machining of metals is the process of removing chips from the
metal parts.
1. England traffic keeps to the left side of the road, not to the right as
in America.
2. My eldest son is my right hand.
3. Can you tell me the right time?
4. He has no right to do this.
5. Can you give me your address right now?
6. This medicin will soon put you right.
7. He told me it would be better for you to leave. I guess, he is right.
8. The square is four-sided figure all sides of which are equal & the
angles are right angles.
1. AD 3. i.e. 5. ft 7. a.m.
2. D. 4. V 6. DC S.atm.
1. The machine parts lie on a moving platform.
2. Very complex drawings were made by Efim and Miron Cherepanov
(father & son), the famous Russian mechanics and engineers who
invented the first Russian steam engine.
3. Many automatic devices are being introduced at our plant
4. Next week you will be sent all necessary equipment.
1. Two resistors are said to be joined in series when the end of the first
resistor is coupled to the beginning of the second.
2. To say is to act.
3. We know Popov to have invented the radio in 1895.
4. The cutting speed depends on the material to be machined.
1. The width of the conveyor employed varies from 22 in. to 26 in.
2. Metals being used in industry in the form of alloys have better
properties than pure metals.
3. There are several types used in machine-shop work, the most popular
are the 4-jaw independent chuck & the 3-jaw universal chuck.
4. Having been carefully tested the device was put into operation.
1. Don't bother her. She hates being interrupted.
2. The strict distinctions between the operations of drilling and boring is
that the first initiates a hole while the second enlarges one already
3. Your having worked at the plant helps you to master technical subjects.
4. A compressed spring could be released to its natural length without its
performing any work.
1. He didn't know what this chart referred to.
2. Strike iron while it is hot.
3. All lathes receive their power trough the head stock which may be
equippedeither with a step-cone pulley drive or a geared-hea evice.
4. When and where he bought that equipment is still unknown.
Вариант №8
I. Non-essential, rapidly, fourth, breakable, freedom, rotate, misunderstanding, simplify, read-hot shock-proof, somebody.
П.. -
1. In the design of a modern machine of any type are reflected the
latest developments of engineering industries.
2. The main difference between the horizontal and vertical boring
machines is that one has a horizontal spindle & the other a vertical
3. The electrode from which electricity flows is termed the «positive»
electrode and the receiving electrode is termed the «negative»
1. A Japanese mother often carries her baby on her back.
2. His room was in the back of the house.
3. You can't cut bread with the back of a knife.
4. Don't lean against the back of the chair.
5. Go back! 1 don't want to see you!
6. Incline your body backwards
7. He backed his car into the garage.
8. He said he would help us and then backed cut.
l.fig 3.v.f. 5.W 7.cm. p. s.
2. AC 4. v.v. 6. hi-fi 8.I.V.
1. When Mendeleev was constructing his table he left several blanks in
order to put the elements of similar properties in the same group.
2. When a spiral drill is put into the chuck it will be positioned exactly
in the centre of the drill spindle.
I have worked at this plant since 1996.
4. The lathe consists essentially of a bed, headstock, tailstock and
1. The new methods of work proved to be good.
2. The most important thing for the apparatuses is to function
3. Our machine-tool manufacturing works is know to produce engine
lathes of heavy, medium and light types.
4. To detect and measure the irregularities of the finer surfaces requires
the use of high magnification with very light operating forces.
1. The machine tool is the principal manufacturing equipment in a
machine shop.
2. A straight line drawn from the centre to the circumference is called
3. Milling machines use cutting tools, usually made of high-speed steel.
4. Being repaired recently, the tool was in good condition.
1. The lab must be ventilated after and before being used for carrying
out the experiment.
2. The art of making weapons from iron was know to the Egyptians &
3. The main point of a transformer is providing the change of voltage.
4. They spoke of organising a new laboratory.
1. I don 't know whether the test has begun. 2.That he is a good specialist is know to everybody.
3. When the work is finished we shall buy new machine-tools.
4.The ordinary drilling machine consists of a spindle which imparts rotary motion to the drilling tool mechanism for feeding the tool into the work, a table, on which the work rests, and a frame.
Вариант №9
I. Illegal, percentage, lengthen, indication, founder, successful, suddenly, nineteenth, possible, characterize, anything.
1. Batteries as source of electrical energy are the result of a long series
of experiments which started with the discoveries of Alessandro
2. A straight line drawn from the centre to the circumference is called
the radius.
3. The results of that experiment are very interesting.
1. What a pity. I've lost the s pring of my watch.
2. These rubber bands have lost their s pring.
3. Spring is a beautiful season when everything awakes from its winter
4. There are many mineral s prings in the Caucasus.
5. I always spring out of bed very quickly.
6. Weeds were s pringing up everywhere.
!. w.g. 3.i.c. 5.db 7. v.v.
2. yd. 4. D .С. 6. cm 8.r.p.m.
1. Principles с f de sscriptive geometry were applied to technical drawing.
2. The hardness of the steel depends upon the presence of martensite.
3.8ix chief ha: I materials such as: diamonds, carbon, tool steel, high-speed steel, stellite carbides and abrasive-materials are used in machining as cutting tools.
4. At our plant the workers have been applying the new method et screw cutting for a rather long time.
1. My father likes to be asked about his work at the plant.
2. It is impossible for a single force to produce the same effect as a
3. A thermometer is an instrument to show the temperature.
4. To prevent the glowing wire from being destroyed is the main
problem in constructing an incandescent lamp.
!. Shapers are driven by belt from a countershaft, by direct connected motor, or by hydraulic power.
2. Working with machines, sharp tools, motors, electricity one must
always be careful.
3. Having worked as a turner for many years, he knew his speciality
4. A method of permanent consolidation of metal pieces, termed
«electroslag welding», has been developed in Russia by the Welding
Research Institute named after Academician Paton.
2. The experimenting generally takes considerable time.
2. He likes asking questions.
3. He remembered that there were evidences of this device having been
used before the nineteenth century.
4. It is conventional starting the engine after its being heated.
1. If you raise no objections, I think you agree to what I suggest.
2. He couldn't go to work on Friday as he was ill.
3. The question is whether he will finish his work in time.
4. The speed at which the lathe turns can be adjusted either by
regulating the speed of the motor driving it, or by gearing.
1. We were very pleased to have been able to help you.
2. A tooth clutch allows the rope to be adjusted for various lengths of
3. Honing and lapping machines use abrasives; they enable us to
obtain a smooth finish of less than 0,001 mm.
4. The workers of our shop have used special machines to produce
1. You must read this text paying attention to the unknown words.
2. The three common types of lathes usually sound in a machine shop
are the bench lathe, the engine lathe & the turret lath.
3. Being cooled inair the metal became hardened.
4. Insulated, the wire may be used as a conductor.
1. The planer a much larger and heavier machine than the shaper, is
designed to remove metal by moving the work in a straight line
against a stationary single-edged cutting tool.
2. The best way to solve this problem is experimenting.
3. I remember having visited this town during my leave.
4. Measuring temperature is necessary in many experiments.
1. Any instrument which measures electrical values is called a meter.
2. As soon as I get this book, I shall give it to go
3. Will you show me what you brought here?
4. This is the workshop we work at.