Anglo-Saxon invasion V cent AD

General Information


Albion (white) (римское название)


The British isles



England - red rose (Union of Lancaster and York)

Scotland - t histle (чертополох) (Более 1000 лет символ Шотландии. Чтобы подкрастья незаметно к спящим шотландцам, викинги решили снять обувь. Но один из викингов наступил на чертополох, внезапная и резкая боль заставила его закричать. Этот крик стал сигналом тревоги для шотландцев, которые победили в честном бою).

Whales-daffodil нарцисс (просто символ новой жизни. 1 марта национальный день)

Northern Ireland- shamrock клевер. (Связан со Святым Патриком. Когда святой Патрик только пришёл, начал объяснять христианство, святую троицу, он использовал клевер, чтобы объяснить что у Бога 3 лица).


Flag:Union Jack

(От моряков)


Another symbol: John Bull (буль)

He is National personification of the UK

Represents Englishmen in general

Sometimes has a bulldog

Was created by John albuthnot



London (since 43 AD)

Edinburgh (since VII century)

Cardiff (founded in 1081)

Belfast (since XVII century)



1535,1542 first attempts to unite with Wales

1603 Union of the crowns (England Scotland Ireland)

1707 acts of Union of England and Scotland

1801 acts of Union of Great Britain and Ireland

1922 Irish free state constitution act (основание ирландской республики)

1973 Accession of the U.K. To the Eurounion

2016 referendum for Brexit


Ancient Britain

Stone Age -3100 BC

BEAKER people and the first settlements 2300 BC


ROMAN Britain 43AD - V cent

Anglo-Saxons: V cent

Vikings VIII cent - 1000

Alfred the Great IX- X cent

1066 battle of Hastings - William the Conqueror


…Geographical position of British isles has always been a blessing and a curse…


1. First people appeared in Britain in 4000 BC

NEOLETHIC CULTURE. We know little because there was no written language

We get information from Archeological finds of that period. Also genetic and linguistic evidence of that time (Names of hills and rivers).

First building:Stonehenge 4-3 cent BC. No knowledge of what purpose it was, maybe religious. It coild be an observatory or even a cemetery. Today it`s UNESCO heritage sight.


2.Second invasion - the beaker people - second newcomers. They made lots of beakers (горшки)/ Beaker pottery - for beer. Scientific version: these pots were made for beer. They were also spread in Europe. The term “beaker people” was coined by John Abercomoby.

They had developed burials: “barrows” - могильные холмы. They lest lots of barrows with jewelry iron and bronze. It was a high level culture because they took care of the dead.


3. Celts first came in 8 century BC. (England and France, Spain and Germany, central Europe, Crimea, Ukraine)

Топонимы: Heart of Europe - Bohemia (Czeh republic) is a celtic name -> большое наследие от кельтов в Европе.


Кельтские языки: Welsh (most developed and prospering), Irish, Scottish, Cornish (Корнэулл - на юге Британии), Manx (isle of man).

There is a Mystery around celts. One is known for sure: They were not barbaric They were farmers, they worked with metal, they had a developed religious system. Priests were called “ Druids

Celtic people had fair skin (complexion, light hair - red and yellowish).They formed basis for English culture.


4. The Romans (43 BC - 410 AD)

- 43 BC: first Caesar`s conquest. He was the first person to establish contacts with celts, but it didn't lead to immediate settlements. So, first expeditions were failures. Celts wanted to defend their land. The Romans wanted to impose taxes and get more land for themselves.

- Emperor Claudius 43 AD invasion. It was successful. Romans saw their mission in civilizing the country. The invasion wasn't welcome. They faced resistance - from local tribes.

Roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years but remained incomplete: - Some native tribes were given semi independence because they were fighting for their rights – queen Boudicca remains a symbol of revolt against the Romans, of resistance itself." Лучше умереть стоя чем жить на коленях - она и её семья покончили жизнь самоубийством." The resistance lasted for more than 1 century. About 80 000 locals were killed.

- The Romans didn't conquer all the British isles, because the tribes were rather aggressive.They managed to conquer half the country - to Scotland.


- Emperor Hadrian built a wall (Стена Адриана) to separate from the North. It still exists as a tourist attraction.

-Roman peace "pax romana" was imposed.


What The Romans did for Britain:

- engineering achievements: Roman roads, lighthouses(маяки),castles, forts, keeps (крепости), cities, flushing toilets, bathhouses were built.

- Cities names with roman/latin origin: (from castra-camp) Lancaster Manchester Winchester.

- the bridge across Thames was built

- Agriculture: canals (man made - channels are natural) and irrigation system

- economy: developed trade and money economy, created markets for their goods and charged (назначали) taxes

- Linguistic influence - borrowed vocabulary. Example: Cheese, pepper.

- Religious influence: Romans never imposed (навязывали) their religion on the celts. They respected local religions.

- They were the first to introduce Christianity to Britain. Ireland was first baptized (Saint Patrick took part on it but now he's a half legendary person).

- Roman Empire dissolved (stopped existing) in 5 century so the Romans left British Isles peacefully


Anglo-Saxon invasion V cent AD


They were barbarian Germanic tribes that came from Europe (Belgium Germany Denmark). They were pagans (heathens). Legends of King Arthur and the round table were formed in this period.


Heptarchy or 7 kingdoms

Essex (East Saxons)

Sussex (Southern Saxons)

Wessex (West Saxons)

East Anglia (East Angles)





That period is known having democracy – Kings were elected, they didn’t inherit the title or position.


6. At that period Vikings (Danes, номанны) from Norway Denmark Sweden came to British shores VIII - XI cent. They were brilliant and brave sailors. They mostly invaded England and Wales, sailed to Iceland and even had settlements in North America.

They were pagans...and a nightmare for locals.



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