Работа по тексту
Ответьте на вопросы, используя видео-материал: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK5Yo9BHSHI
a) Do you like living in a city?
b) What advantages of city life can you name?
c) What do you think about living in the country house?
d) Is it easy or difficult?
e) Can you compare city life and country life?
-Прочитайте текст. Источник, где вы можете найти транскрипцию слова или можете прослушать правильное чтение незнакомого слова: https://wooordhunt.ru/
-Переведите текст. Источник, с помощью которого вы можете посмотреть значение незнакомых слов: https://www.translate.ru/
My city
I was born in a big city and I really love it.
The city amazingly combines historical buildings and all the modern tendencies. I love the center of the city. It is called the Old Town. It has these beautiful narrow streets with paving stones, beautiful colored houses and old churches. At night the city is lightened up and looks breathtaking.
We have lots of places for the young people to visit. There are a lot of cafes and interest clubs. For example, there are several English-clubs opening every year. They provide free movie-evenings and speaking clubs. There are also lots of yoga classes and sport places to attract people to healthy life.
We also have various museums and art galleries. There are some old traditional museums like The National Art Museum and the new ones like The House of Pictures. What is more, to popularize the places there are days when you can go there for free.
I like shopping and my city provides lots of shopping centers to visit. Me and my friends can go shopping, relax in the cafe and go to the movie. And all that is in one place.
There are also two aqua parks to spend the weekend at. There are a lot of visitors especially in summer. More and more people go to the dolphinarium, where you can not only watch the performance, but also swim with these amazing animals.
So my native town has a lot to show. And there is no way I’m getting away from it.
The city is the place where all industrial cultural and educational centers are situated. In big cities you can find museums, theaters, clubs, cinemas, big shops and hospitals, comfortable modern flats. People try to live in cities because all necessary objects are situated nearby. For example, if you get ill a hospital or a chemist’s shop will be situated near your home in the city, and if you live in the country it will be hard to find any medical help very quickly. Besides in big cities you can find all sorts of entertainment such as cinemas, clubs, parks and so on. Many people like to spend their free time there because it helps them to relax and brings them a lot of pleasure. It is really convenient that everything you need in your everyday life is situated near you. One of the most important comforts of big cities is that you can get everywhere you like very fast either by underground or by bus or trolley bus. In big cities there is electricity therefore you can use electrical devices such as TV sets, computers, radio, microwave ovens, refrigerators and so on. One more thing, without which it would be impossible to live today, is the telephone and where there is a telephone there is also Internet. The connection is very important for people and we’ve got used to it so without telephone we feel uncomfortable and lonely. Yes, it is really comfortable, and at first glance everything is good but nowadays in big cities there is a great amount of cars and factories. Big cities suffer from overpopulation, dirty air and water, the streets are noisy and after hard working day people cannot relax. People try to do everything to go to the countryside because only there they can find quietness. Every holiday and every weekend people try to leave their houses and go to the country. The ecological conditions in towns are very bad because there are a lot of industrial objects there. As for me I prefer to live in a big city, but I also like to spend my holidays in the country because after living in the city for about 9 months I start getting tired.
Напишите на английском, используя словарь. (Writing in English using active vocabulary):
· Промышленный город, район, область
· Образовательный центр, учреждение (establishment), курс
· Необходимые знания, ресурсы, условия
· аптека, больница, медицинская помощь
· загрязнение воздуха, воды, почвы
· работа, удовольствие, развлечение
· город, сельская местность, деревня
Дополните предложения (Complete the sentences):
· In big cities you can find …………………….
· If you are ill the hospital or chemist shop…………………….
· If you live in countryside it is hard……………….
· All sorts of entertainment such as ………………..
· People like to spend their free time in clubs, entertaining parks because……………..
· One of the most important comfort of big cites…………………
· Big cities suffer of overpopulation………………..
· As for me I prefer to live…………….. (say your opinion)
Работа над грамматическим материалом
1. Напишите множественное число существительных. Вспомнить данное правило, вы можете в следующем источнике: https://langformula.ru/english-grammar/nouns-plural/
Н-р: one house (один дом) – many houses (много домов)
a) one watch (одни часы) – many ……
b) one child (один ребенок) – many ……
c) one leaf (один лист) – many ……
d) one mouse (одна мышь) – many ……
e) one tooth (один зуб) – many ……
f) one man (один мужчина) – many ……
g) one dress (одноплатье) – many ……
h) one shelf (одна полка) – many ……
i) one story (одна история) – many ……
Критерии оценивания:
Отметка «5» ставится, если правильно переведен текст, правильно даны ответы на вопросы, правильно выполнено упражнение.
Отметка «4» ставится, если в переводе текста, в ответах и упражнении допущено от 1 до 4 ошибок.
Отметка «3» ставится, если в переводе текста, в ответах и упражнении допущено от 5 до 8 ошибок.
Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа: доклад на тему «Городская инфраструктура»
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Плотникова Н. Е. – dubskaya789@yandex.ru
Орлова Н. Н. - orlowa.nina1979@yandex.ru