Задание I. Установите соответствие заглавий 1 - 7 абзацам текста A - F. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок – лишний.

Это задание базового уровня. Возможны 2 разных подхода к выполнению этого задания. Возможно сначала прочитать и обдумать заголовки, а потом уже читать текст. Можно предложить и обратный порядок: прочитать сначала текст, понять его основное содержание, а потом уже прочитать заголовки и соотнести их с содержанием абзацев. Выбор алгоритма выполнения зависит от индивидуальных особенностей и предпочтений студента. Важно, что выполнение этого задания не требует полного и детального понимания текста. Необходимо проявить языковую догадку, а в отдельных случаях проигнорировать незнакомые «трудные» слова. При выполнении этого задания не нужно прибегать к переводу или искать в словаре незнакомые слова. Один из способов борьбы с этим - установить жесткие временные рамки на чтение текста, а преподавателю рекомендуется не отвечать на просьбы учащихся объяснить незнакомые слова на этом этапе чтения.

Задание II. Заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из фраз в списке A-G лишняя.

Это также задание на установление соответствия. Первоначальный полный текст должен быть недоступен для студентов. Начинать выполнение этого задания следует с просмотрового чтения всего текста с пропусками с целью понять его общее содержание, логику изложения материала. Затем следует вернуться к первому предложению, содержащему пропуск, и сконцентрироваться на словах, стоящих до и после пропуска. Необходимо представить себе, каким может быть пропущенный фрагмент и с точки зрения содержания, и с точки зрения его грамматического оформления. Затем обращаемся к списку пропущенных фраз. Если выбор пока затруднителен, разумно перейти к следующему пропуску, а в конце вернуться к трудным случаям.

Задание Ш. В соответствии с содержанием текста продолжите предложение или ответьте на вопрос, выбрав цифру 1, 2 или 3.

Это задание проверяет полное и точное понимание текста и требует внимательного, вдумчивого чтения. Это задание с множественным выбором, где из трех предложенных вариантов надо выбрать один. Возможны два алгоритма выполнения: познакомиться с заданием, а потом прочитать текст и, наоборот, внимательно прочитать текст, а затем прочитать утверждения (вопросы) и попытаться ответить, не используя предложенные варианты. Только затем обратиться к предложенным вариантам и убедиться в правильном выборе. Иногда полезно отметить для себя очевидно неверные ответы. Сделав выбор, надо проверить его, вернувшись к тексту и прочитав то место, которое подтверждает ваш ответ. Правильный ответ не повторяет текст слово в слово, но имеет тот же смысл, по-другому выраженный. Успехов Вам!


A. Our health depends on different factors, and nutrition is one of them. We get all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and microelements with food. However, apart from necessary, vital elements, many food products contain ingredients that are useless or even destructive for health. Unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is tasty, appetizing and relatively inexpensive, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again. As a result, we receive too little healthy elements, such as protein, unsaturated fats and fiber and too many empty calories, trans fats and carbohydrates. It causes various health problems – from obesity to metabolic disease and accelerated physiological ageing.

B. The most dangerous for health is so-called “junk food” or food containing empty calories. It is food with low biological value and high content of solid fats, calories and sugar. This category includes carbonated soft drinks, sweets, fast-food, chips, chocolate bars and other snacks. For example, carbonated drinks, such as Cola and Pepsi contain no natural ingredients, and a lot of artificial chemicals – sweeteners, taste modifies and nature-identical flavourings, which are not just unsalutary. They are addictive like drugs – the more you drink, the more you want. Lemonades don’t allay thirst, and their “refreshing effect” is just an advertising trick, no more.

C. As for chips and other ready-made snacks, they are full of carcinogens, chemical additives and taste modifiers. As you probably know, chips are made not of natural potatoes, but of potato-starch, which has low nutritional value and digests poorly. Moreover, they are fried in a low-grade oil with artificial flavourings. That’s why all these snacks cause heartburn and gastritis.

D. Sweets that are sold in supermarkets, such as candy, biscuits, cakes and chocolate bars are also virtually uneatable. In order to extend their shelf-life, producers use various preservation agents and chemical additives. Moreover, nowadays almost all natural ingredients are substituted with cheap analogues. So, store sweets contain palm oil, hydrogenated fats, milk powder and margarine. Of course, sweets in general are not very healthy food, but if you can’t live without desserts, you’d better to cook them at home using high-quality products.

E. Apart from “junk food”, there are other categories of unhealthy food, for example, manufactured meat products. This category includes all types of sausages hamburgers, and any food made of processed meat. All sausage products contain very little meat and much animal fat, tallow, soya, ground bones and skin. These unhealthy saturated fats are accumulated in your organism, causing obesity. If you like meat, try to opt for natural low-fat red meat, poultry and fish, and avoid fatty pork and especially manufactured products.

F. The same can be said about food products made of refined wheat flour and refined grains, such as rice. Refined flour lacks absolutely all vitamins and minerals that are contained in wheat. In fact, it is a pure starch, which has no nutrition value. So, food made of such flour – white bread, pasta, biscuits – contains nothing good for health. These products are just empty carbohydrates, which are converted into fats and accumulated in our organisms. Generally speaking, all refined food including refined oil, sugar and grain is bad for health, because all healthy nutrients are removed from it. So, if you want to be healthy, pay attention to what you eat. If you like sweets, choose natural ones – honey, dried fruits, or, at least, natural bitter chocolate. If you can’t live without flour products, opt for wholegrain food. And please, never eat fast-food, convenience meat products and chips. And never drink Cola.

Задание I. Установите соответствие заглавий 1 - 7 абзацам текста A - F. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок – лишний.

1. Manufactured meat products

2. Ready-made snakes.

3. „Junk food“

4. Our nutrition

5. Food made of wheat flour

6. Virtually uneatable sweets

7. Meals for spacemen

Задание II. Заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из фраз в списке A-G лишняя.



Our health 1. ____, and nutrition is one of them. We get all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and microelements with food. However, apart from necessary, vital elements, many food products contain ingredients that are useless or even destructive for health. Unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is tasty, appetizing and relatively inexpensive, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again. As a result, we receive too little healthy elements, such as protein, unsaturated fats and fiber and too many empty calories, trans fats and carbohydrates. It causes various health problems – from obesity to metabolic disease and accelerated physiological ageing.

The most dangerous for health is so-called “junk food” or food containing empty calories. It is food with low biological value and high content of solid fats, calories and sugar. This category includes carbonated soft drinks, sweets, fast-food, chips, chocolate bars and other snacks. For example, carbonated drinks, such as Cola and Pepsi 2. _____, and a lot of artificial chemicals – sweeteners, taste modifies and nature-identical flavourings, which are not just unsalutary. They are addictive like drugs – the more you drink, the more you want. Lemonades don’t allay thirst, and their “refreshing effect” is just an advertising trick, no more.

As for chips and other ready-made snacks, they are full of carcinogens, chemical additives and taste modifiers. As you probably know, chips 3. ______ not of natural potatoes, but of potato-starch, which has low nutritional value and digests poorly. Moreover, they are fried in a low-grade oil with artificial flavourings. That’s why all these snacks cause heartburn and gastritis.

Sweets that are sold in supermarkets, such as candy, biscuits, cakes and chocolate bars are also virtually uneatable. In order to extend their shelf-life, producers use various preservation agents and chemical additives. Moreover, nowadays almost all natural ingredients are substituted with cheap analogues. So, store sweets contain palm oil, hydrogenated fats, milk powder and margarine. Of course, sweets in general are not very healthy food, but if you 4. ______ without desserts, you’d better cook them at home using high-quality products.

Apart from “junk food”, there are other categories of unhealthy food, for example, manufactured meat products. This category includes all types of sausages hamburgers, and any food made of processed meat. All sausage products contain very little meat and much animal fat, tallow, soya, ground bones and skin. These unhealthy saturated fats 5. ______ in your organism, causing obesity. If you like meat, try to opt for natural low-fat red meat, poultry and fish, and avoid fatty pork and especially manufactured products.

The same can be said about food products made of refined wheat flour and refined grains, such as rice. Refined flour lacks absolutely all vitamins and minerals that are contained in wheat. In fact, it is a pure starch, which has no nutrition value. So, food made of such flour – white bread, pasta, biscuits – contains nothing good for health. These products are just empty carbohydrates, which are converted into fats and accumulated in our organisms. Generally speaking, all refined food including refined oil, sugar and grain is bad for health, because all healthy nutrients are removed from it. If you want to be healthy, 6. _____ to what you eat. If you like sweets, choose natural ones – honey, dried fruits, or, at least, natural bitter chocolate. If you can’t live without flour products, opt for wholegrain food. And please, never eat fast-food, convenience meat products and chips. And never drink Cola.

А - depends on different factors

B - can’t live

C - are accumulated

D - contain no natural ingredients

E - looked after

F - pay attention

G - are made

Задание III. В соответствии с содержанием текста продолжите предложение, выбрав цифру 1, 2 или 3.

A. Our health depends on …

1) ournutrition 2) season 3) supermarkets

B. So-called “junk food” contains …

1) much salt and sugar 2) biological value 3) empty calories

C. Chips are made of …

1) natural potatoes 2) potato-starch 3) a low-grade oil

D. Sweets in general are not …

1) useful 2) tasty 3) cheap

E. All sausage products contain …

1) much animal meat 2) margarine 3) very little meat

F. If you want to be healthy, …

1) go for a walk with your dog 2) eat the right food 3) play chess


A. Environmental problems have become exceptionally acute in our country. For a long time too little attention was paid to the environment. In effort to meet production goals the ministries stinted on measures to protect the environment from industrial pollution. As a result, about half of the water sources in the country are polluted with industrial or communal waste. In more than a hundred towns and cities with populations of some fifty million, the concentration of harmful substances in the air is over ten times the admissible level.

B. For dozens of years the national economy focused on large projects, including giant projects in what was called the transformation of nature. Blunders were committed that caused environmental disasters.

C. The environmental safety of nuclear and hydrolic power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance. Public anxiety has grown particularly after the Chernobyl disaster. Another reason is the adverse effect of flatland hydropower stations on the environment. The list of serious environmental problems could be continued.

D. More than twenty years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was build on the shore of Lake Baikal. As a result, because of the water pollution, more than 50 per cent of the world’s purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological system of the lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in Lake Baikal are disappearing, trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-out from the factory.

E. In recent years people have become more sensitive towards the environment. Still more public organizations and unofficial environmentalist movements have been established with every passing year. In 1987 a “Green Peace” public commission has been set up. Its main goal is to combine the people’s efforts for peace with the huge and ever mounting movement for nature conservation. Another area of its work is to set up and strengthen cooperation among environmentalists from many similar organizations abroad. “Travels for Peace and Nature” is the name of another public movement that appeared in Russia some years ago. It concentrates its efforts on theory and practical work. The movement launches all kinds of environmental actions and informs the public of the ways, means and results of this work.

F. Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with the United States, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. Russia and the United States are carrying out joint projects to study and protect the environmental systems of the Arctic and Subarctic regions, and also to study some of the natural processes in the permafrost zone.

Задание I. Установите соответствие заглавий 1 - 7 абзацам текста A - F. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок – лишний

1. Cooperation with other countries

2. The results of industrial pollution

3. The cause of environmental disasters

4. Environmentalist movements

5. The destruction of the ozone layer

6. Ecological system of Lake Baikal

7. The environment safety of power engineering

Задание II. Заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из фраз в списке A-G лишняя.


1.____ have become exceptionally acute in our country. For a long time too little attention was paid to the environment. In effort to meet production goals the ministries stinted on measures to protect the environment from industrial pollution. As a result, about half of the water sources in the country are polluted with industrial or communal waste. In more than a hundred towns and cities with populations of some fifty million, the concentration of harmful substances in the air is over ten times the admissible level.

For dozens of years the national economy focused on large projects, including giant projects in what was called the transformation of nature. Blunders were committed that caused 2. _____.

3._____ and hydrolic power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance. Public anxiety has grown particularly after the Chernobyl disaster. Another reason is the adverse effect of flatland hydropower stations on the environment. The list of serious environmental problems could be continued.

More than twenty years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was build on the shore of Lake Baikal. As a result, because of the water pollution, more than 50 per cent of the world’s purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological system of the lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in Lake Baikal are disappearing, trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-out from the factory.

In recent years people have become more sensitive towards the environment. Still more public organizations and unofficial environmentalist movements have been established with every passing year. In 1987 a “Green Peace” public commission has been set up. Its main goal is to combine the people’s efforts for peace with the huge and ever mounting movement for nature conservation. Another area of its work is to set up and strengthen cooperation among environmentalists from many similar organizations abroad. “Travels for Peace and Nature” is the name of another public movement that appeared in Russia some years ago. It concentrates its efforts on theory and practical work. The movement launches all kinds of 4. ______and informs the public of the ways, means and results of this work.

Russia is cooperating in the field of 5. ______, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. Russia and the United States are carrying out joint projects to study and protect 6. ______of the Arctic and Subarctic regions, and also to study some of the natural processes in the permafrost zone.

A - The environmental safety of nuclear;

B - Environmental problems;

C - the environmental systems;

D - environmental protection with the United States;

E - environmental actions;

F - environmental disasters;

G - environmentalist movement in Canada.


Задание III. В соответствии с содержанием текста продолжите предложение или ответьте на вопрос, выбрав цифру 1, 2 или 3.

A. What idea is stressed in the first paragraph?

1) Cooperation with other countries has become exceptionally acute in our country.

2) We should protect the environment from industrial pollution.

3) More than a hundred towns and cities are in the permafrost zone.

B. The transformation of nature is the reason …

1) of industrial development.

2) of building of nuclear and hydrolic power engineering.

3) of environmental disasters.

C. Lake Baikal is …

1) the reserve of dirty water.

2) the name of pulp-and-paper factory.

3) the whole ecological system.

D. Public organization “Green Peace” has been set up …

1) in the twentieth century.

2) five years ago.

3) in 1897.

E. The impression “Travels for Peace and Nature” means …

1) the program of cooperation with USA.

2) the name of public environmentalist movement in Russia.

3) the name of joint project in the Arctic and Subarctic regions.

F. Russia and USA carry out some joint projects …

1) in Chernobyl nuclear power engineering.

2) in the permafrost zone.

3) on the shore of Lake Baikal.


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