оценивания за раздел/сквозную тему (рубрики)

Summative Assessment for unit


Grade: 7

Unit Hobbies and Leisure
Learning Objectives 7. L4 Understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics. 7.W8 Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics. 7. UE15 Use common verbs followed by infinitive verb/verb + ing patterns.
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and Comprehension Application Analysis
Assessment criteria Comprehend information and recognize main details of the conversation while listening; Demonstrate the ability to write topic specific vocabulary; Employ basic rule for verbs before V+ing / to V in practice;
Task A. Listen to two people talking about their free time. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? You will listen to the recording twice. 0 Example: Jack likes rock music. __ T ____ 1. Jack does not love watching sport._______ 2. Jack loves horror films. ________ 3. Jack sees his sister every week. _______ 4. Jenny likes Chinese food and Jack loves Mexican food. _______ 5. Jenny loves soap operas. _________ 6. Jenny likes flying _____ B. Choose the correct form of the verbs (V+ing / to V). Circle the right answer. 1. Climbing/To climb mountains is so much fun. 2. I hope to find/finding some gold coins! 3 I really enjoy to visit/visiting old ruins. 4 We go to climb/climbing to the mountains. 5 I always visit Semey on holiday seeing/to see with my family. 6 I'm tired of visiting/to visit museums! C. Write names for: Sport hobbies (3) _____________________________________________________________ Domestic hobbies (3) ___________________________________________________________ Dangerous hobbies (3) __________________________________________________________ Enrichment hobbies (3) _________________________________________________________  
Assessment criteria Descriptor Mark
Comprehend information and recognize main details of the conversation while listening; Writes 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F  
Demonstrate the ability to write topic specific vocabulary; Writes names for 12 hobbies  
Employ basic rule for verbs before V + ing / to V in practice; Writes 1. Climbing 2. to find 3. visiting 4. climbing 5. to see 6. visiting  



Summative Assessment for unit Hobbies and Leisure

Assessment Criteria Level of learning achievements
  Low Middle High
A learner
Comprehend information and recognize main details of the conversation while listening;   experiences difficulties in listening comprehension to understand main ideas; experiences some difficulties in understanding main ideas and makes mistakes: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F comprehends information and recognizes main details correctly (1 mistake is possible)
Demonstrate the ability to write topic specific vocabulary;   experiences difficulties in writing names for hobbies; experiences some difficulties in writing names for hobbies; writes names for hobbies with confidence (2 spelling mistakes are possible);
Employ basic rule for verbs before V+ing / to V in practice; experiences difficulties in usage basic rule for gerunds and infinitives; experiences some difficulties in usage basic rule for gerunds and infinitives. Learner makes mistakes in: 1. Climbing 2. to find 3. visiting 4. climbing 5. to see 6. visiting confidently employs the rule in writing. (1 mistake is possible);
  0-9 10-19 20-24



Информация для родителей по итогам суммативного

оценивания за раздел/сквозную тему (рубрики)

ФИ учащегося   Предмет Класс  
Четверть 1 четверть Суммативное оценивание за раздел/тему «Хобби и Досуг»
Критерий оценивания Уровень учебных достижений
Низкий Средний Высокий
Понимает на слух основные моменты в речи Испытывает затруднения в понимании речи на слух     Допускает ошибки в понимании прослушанного текста
Понимает основные моменты в речи на слух (возможна 1 ошибка)  
Применяет правило использования инфинитива и герундия на начальном этапе Испытывает затруднения в применении правила инфинитива и герундия на начальном этапе   Допускает ошибки в применении правила инфинитива и герундия на начальном этапе  
to find
to see



    Уверенно употребляет правило инфинитива и герундия на начальном этапе    
  Умеет писать основные слова по теме«Хобби и Досуг», обращая внимание на правописание     Испытывает затруднения в написании основных слов по теме   Допускает ошибки в написании основных слов по теме Правильно пишет основные слова по теме«Хобби и Досуг», обращая внимание на правописание (допустимы 1-2 орфографические ошибки)
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ФИО учителя: _________________________________





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