Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and word phrases given below:

Fill in the verbs in Passive.

1. A lot of newspapers (to print) every day.

2. Too many mistakes (to make) in the last dictation.

3. A gold medal (to win) by our team next year.

4. We’re late. The game already (to play).

5. This match (to see) by millions of people at this time yesterday.


Change the sentences into Passive.

1. This writer wrote a lot of books.

2. We watch interesting films on TV every day.

3. They are looking for the girl everywhere.

4. Oh, we have lost the game today.

5. You will buy this CD tomorrow.


Translate the sentences into English.

1. Меня часто спрашивают на уроках.

2. Новую больницу только что построили.

3. Телеграмму бабушке отправят завтра.

4. Концерт транслировали по ТВ весь вечер вчера. (broadcast)

5. Его пригласили на вечеринку на прошлой неделе.


Translate the sentences below into Russian.


1. Ventilation is the least expensive and most energy-efficient way to cool buildings.

2. Ventilation works best when combined with methods to avoid heat buildup in your home.

3. In some cases, natural ventilation will suffice for cooling, although it usually needs to be supplemented with spot ventilation, ceiling fans, and window fans.

4. For large homes, homeowners might want to investigate whole house fans.

5. Interior ventilation is ineffective in hot, humid climates where temperature swings between day and night are small.

6. In these climates, natural ventilation of your attic (often required by building codes) will help to reduce your use of air conditioning, and attic fans may also prove beneficial.

7. However, an alternate approach is to seal the attic and make it part of the conditioned space in your house, putting the insulation on the inside of the roof rather than on the floor of the attic.

8. Sealed attics are more feasible in new home construction, but can be retrofitted on an existing house.


5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary. Translate the following sentences:

1. Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected … quality by anthropogenic influence.

a) by

b) in

c) with

2. Wastewater comprises liquid waste discharged … domestic residences, commercial properties, industry, and/or agriculture.

a) by

b) –

c) at

3. Wastewater can encompass … a wide range of potential contaminants and concentrations.

a) with

b) –

c) to

4. Municipal wastewater contains a broad spectrum of contaminants resulting … the mixing of wastewaters from different sources.

a) at

b) to

c) from

5. Sewage is correctly the subset of wastewater that is contaminated … feces or urine.

a) with

b) at

c) from

6. "Sewage" includes domestic, municipal, or industrial liquid waste products disposed …, usually … a pipe or sewer or similar structure, sometimes in a cesspool emptier.

a) of, via

b) -, at

c) -, from

7. The physical infrastructure used to convey sewage … its origin … the point of eventual treatment or disposal is termed sewerage.

a) from, to

b) of, to

c) of, for

8. Any oxidizable material present in a natural waterway or in an industrial wastewater will be oxidized both … biochemical (bacterial) or chemical processes.

a) with

b) by

c) to


Translate the sentences below into Russian.

Cooling Your Body


1. Your body can cool down through three processes: convection, radiation, and perspiration. Ventilation enhances all these processes. You can also cool your body via conduction -- some car seats now feature cooling elements, for instance -- but this is not generally practical for use in your home.


2. Convection occurs when heat is carried away from your body via moving air. If the surrounding air is cooler than your skin, the air will absorb your heat and rise. As the warmed air rises around you, cooler air moves in to take its place and absorb more of your warmth. The faster this convecting air moves, the cooler you feel.


3. Radiation occurs when heat radiates across the space between you and the objects in your home. If objects are warmer than you are, heat will travel toward you. Removing heat through ventilation reduces the temperature of the ceiling, walls, and furnishings. The cooler your surroundings, the more you will radiate heat to the objects, rather than the other way around.


4. Perspiration can be uncomfortable, and many people would prefer to stay cool without it. However, during hot weather and physical exercise, perspiration is the body's powerful cooling mechanism. As moisture leaves your skin pores, it carries a lot of heat with it, cooling your body. If a breeze (ventilation) passes over your skin, that moisture will evaporate more quickly, and you'll be even cooler.

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and word phrases given below:

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation relies on the wind and the "chimney effect" to keep a home cool. Natural ventilation works best in climates with (….) and regular breezes.

The wind will naturally ventilate your home by entering or leaving windows, depending on their orientation to the wind. When (…) against your home, air is forced into your windows on the side facing into the wind, while a natural vacuum effect tends to draw air out of windows on the leeward (downwind) side. In (…) climates, many seaside buildings are designed with large ocean-facing windows to take advantage of cooling sea breezes. For drier climates, (…) involves avoiding heat buildup during the day and ventilating at night.

The chimney effect relies on convection and occurs when cool air enters a home on the first floor or basement, absorbs heat in the room, rises, and exits through upstairs windows. This creates a (…), which pulls more air in through lower-level windows. The effect works best in open-air designs with cathedral ceilings and windows located near the top of the house, in clerestories, or in operable skylights.

Passive solar homes are often (…) to take advantage of (…) to distribute heat evenly through the home. These homes encourage natural ventilation by placing operable windows and skylights on the top floor.

Natural ventilation can be enhanced or diminished through landscaping. Depending on the (…) and wind direction, a windbreak like a fence, hedge, or row of trees that blocks the wind -- can force air either into or away from nearby windows.


cool nights, wind blows, coastal, natural ventilation, partial vacuum, designed, convection, house design.



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