Read these descriptions of some companies. Complete their names. Pay attention to the words in bold.



I. Introductions, greetings, and goodbyes

Look at the forms of address. Match the form to its meaning.

1) Mister (Mr) [`mistә] 2) Mistress (Mrs) [`misiz] 3) Miss [mis] 4) Ms [miz] 5) sir [sә:] 6) madam [`mædәm], ma’am [mæm] 7) Ladies and Gentlemen   a) обращение к женщине независимо от ее статуса b) обращение к незамужней девушке c) обращение к замужней женщине d) обращение к мужчине e) обращение к аудитории на собрании, конференции и т.п. f) обращение к клиенту в ресторане, магазине и т.п, а также часто к незнакомому человеку

2. Look at the phrases from conversations. Divide them into the following groups:

a) greeting;

b) introducing and responding;

C) saying goodbye.

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.

Hello, how are things?

It was nice meeting you.

Let me introduce you to …

Nice meeting you.

How are you?

My name is …

I’m …

Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you too.

It was great seeing you.

May I introduce myself, I’m …

How do you do?

See you soon.

Good to see you again.

I hope to see you again.

I’d like to introduce you to …

Nice to see you again.

Goodbye/ Bye.

How’s family?

Have a good journey.


Match the phrases with the correct responses.

1) How are you? 2) Pleased to meet you. 3) How do you do? 4) How’s life? 5) Hello, are you Alek? a) Yes, that’s right. b) Very well, thank you. And you? c) How do you do? d) Pleased to meet you, too. e) Not too bad, but very busy.


Read and translate the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

o Excuse me, are you Ms Bresson?

· Yes, that’s right.

o May I introduce myself? I’m Tony White. How do you do?

· How do you do, Mr White.

Dialogue 2

o Roberto! Nice to see you again. How are you?

· Hello, Jeanne. Fine, thanks. How are you? How’s the family?

o Oh, very well, thank you, Roberto.

Dialogue 3

o James, I’d like to introduce you to Luigi Bastini. He represents TST Systems. Luigi, this is a journalist friend of mine, James Turner.

· Pleased to meet you, Mr Turner.

o How do you do? Please call me James.

· Then you must call me Luigi.


Put these conversations in the right order.

1. a I’m fine. This is my colleague, Alexander Stall.
  b Hello. Pleased to meet you, Ms Novak. How are you?
  c How do you do, Mr Stall.
  d Hello. My name’s Jana Novak.
  a And you. How are you?
  b Not so bad, Maria. Do you know Eva. She’s my new assistant.
  c Alek. It’s good to see you again.
  d I’m fine. And you?
  e No. How do you do, Eva?
  a Thanks. Nice meeting you and your colleague.
  b Bye.
  c Yes, have a good journey.
  d It’s time to leave. See you soon.
  e Goodbye.

Look at the business cards below. What can you tell about these people? What can be the purpose of their visiting your city?

TRANS TALK Russell Brundon Purchasing Manager 39, Wirral Avenue London SWIA 2AN   Tel/fax: +44(0)20 8122 2359 Email: FIA PUBLICATIONS Julia Wool JOURNALIST 32 Belmont Square London W1 4TQ   Tel: +44(0)20 7333 4656 Fax: +44(0)20 7676 3654 Email:  

Write your own business card.

A. Introduce yourself to other people in the group.

B. Introduce your colleague to other people.

II. Grammar: to be; Possessives

to be Possessives (whose?)
I am/’m I my
he she it is/’s he she it his her its
we   we our
you are/’re you your
they   they their

8. Complete these sentences, questions, and answers with the forms of to be.

1) ___ you at work today? – No I’__ not. I ___ at home.

2) It ___ not an American company. It’___ British.

3) ___ they Italian? – No, they ___. They ___ Japanese.

4) ___ Martin a technician? – No, he ___. He’___ a commissioning engineer.

5) Where ___ you now? – We’___ in Paris.


Complete these sentences with a possessive.

1) We are from Customer Service department. Lawry is ___ boss.

2) Dan works here too. ___ desk is here.

3) I have an assistant. ___ name is Pauline.

4) Where is your boss’s office? – ___ is next door.

5) They can’t do copies now. ___ copy machine is broken.


Progress test

Complete the conversations. (IntExp., p. 12)

Conversation 1

A Dieter, 1) can I introduce you to Jose Corra? Jose, 2)___________________ Dieter Hann.
B Pleased to meet you.
C 3) _________________________.
A Jose is the manager at our office in Barcelona.

Conversation 2

A 4) __________________ myself? 5)___________________ is Pietro Zenari.
B Hello. Nice to meet you. I’m Jackie Pons.

Conversation 2

A Lisa, 6) __________________ Marcel Tullier? Marcel, 7)_________________ a colleague of mine, Lisa White.
B 8) __________________, Lisa. 9) __________________.
C Hi, niceto meet you too, Marcel.


11. Complete the email with the appropriate forms of to be and possessives.

Subject: IT Solutions


Dear Ms Smith

I am emailing you to introduce my company, IT Solutions. __ name is Jessica Thomson and I ___ a Marketing Director. It __ a computer company. __ head office __ in Glasgow. __ customers __ not only in the UK but also in Germany, Spain and Italy.

Please find attached a PDF with more information about __ work.

If you __ interested in talking about __ IT solutions, please contact me on (00 44) 141 496 0818 or (00 44) 7700 900474 (mobile).


Yours sincerely


Jessica Thompson



I. Companies and their activities

Read these descriptions of some companies. Complete their names. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1) It’s a subsidiary of Joint Stock Company “United Chemical Company URALCHEM” (JSC URALCHEM). It is one of the oldest producers of nitric fertilizers in Russia. It exports its products to the countries of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and more than 10 other foreign countries.

2) It’s the largest titanium producer with the head office in Verkhnyaya Salda, Russia. The company produces titanium, aluminum, magnesium and steel alloys. It supplies its products to the markets of 50 different countries and is deeply integrated into the world’s aerospace industry. The staff number comprises 20 thousand employees.

3) It is a global mineral fertilizer company. It also has two potash mining and processing facilities at two locations in Russia; at the Gremyachinskoe deposit (Volgograd region) and at the Verkhnekamskoe deposit (Perm region). It’s main competitor is Uralkali.

2. Find English equivalents in the texts from Ex. 1:

1) дочерняя компания

2) акционерная компания, акционерное общество

3) производитель

4) азотные удобрения

5) экспортировать

6) головной офис

7) производить

8) поставлять

9) штат, кадры

10) служащий, рабочий по найму

11) всемирная компания

12) минеральное удобрение

13) горно-перерабатывающее предприятие

14) месторождение

15) конкурент

16) продукция



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