В средине слова c читается как s

Николай Хмеленок



Тренажёр по чтению


Тренажёр по чтению


Часть 1


Exercise 1

Oo, Ii, Cc, Aa, Tt

cat, act, tit, cot, tic, tat


Exercise 2

Dd, Gg

dog, cat, act, dig, cod, dad, gig, tag, gid, did, god


Exercise 3

Nn, Ss, Rr, Ee, Kk

in, on, ten, end, not, net, can, tennis, inter, test, egg, kid, nest, send, stand, Internet, tent, sit, sat, get, got, rest, red, kiss, desk, kitten, cock, sand, rag

a cat and a dog

a cock and a kitten

a desk and an egg

tennis and Internet

a nest and an egg

an ant and a desk

Internet in Donbas

Internet in Saransk

tennis in Odessa

kids and Internet



Exercise 4


Bob, Ben, best, big, dog, desk, bed, bag, bad

a desk and a bag

a bed and a dog

a big dog

a bad dog

a big cock

a big cat

a bad cat

a big egg

a bad egg

a red bag


Exercise 5

Ff, Ll, Hh

doll, leg, frog, black, hot, red, flat, hit, lip, hen, belt, hand, rabbit, bell, hill, dress, left, flag, hat, land, ill, if, had, from, glad, still, felt, tell, fat, soft, silk, off, hem, till, hotdog, frost, bit, still, salad, boss, less, second hand, elf, let

a big frog

a big hat

a big doll

a big rabbit

a bad dress

a bad hen

a bad desk

a bad hotdog

a bad hat

second hand

a cat in a hat, a frog in a cap, a cap on a hen,

a pen on a cap, a dog in a dress, a frog in a pond,

a pen on a cap, a doll in a hat, Bill on a pig



Exercise 6

Uu, ck

duck, gun, but, cut, bus, dust, hunt;

a cock, a clock, a sock, a neck, a duck, back, black, pick, kick, ticket, stick, brick, trick, Nick, luck, tack, tick, flack, lock

a big clock

a bad clock

a black clock

a big duck

a black duck

a bad duck

a black cock

a red sock

a big bus

a bad nut


Exercise 7

Mm, Pp

· milk, film, map, hop, pen, pink, pig, pot, man, spend, mat, tram, spell, mum, gun, but, pin, cap, mist, pond, lamp, spot, plan, top, stamp, trip, bus, duck, cup, drum, fun, club, dust, camp, run, must, plum, gum, Patrick, press, number, mud, umbrella, problem, plus;

· Stand up! A gun and a cup, a bus and a dog;

· a dog and a pig, a pink pig, a red bus, a black cap, a big pond, a big nut, a bad lamp, a red cup;

· red and pink, black and red


Exercise 8


six, box, fox, a dog and a fox, Rex, Max, fax, next, mix, taxi, tax, fix, flax, Xerox


Exercise 9


Jack, jam, jump, job, jag, jug, just, jet, subject


Exercise 10

Vv, Zz

seven, vet, vac, vest, vam, vent, vamp, puzzle, zed, zip, zest, jazz, zigzag, magazine


Exercise 11


wet, well, winter, window, well, will, wig, Willy, twelve, wind, west, win, swim

my dog can jump

my cat can run

my duck can swim

my cock can sing


Exercise 12


· y es, yellow, bo y, grey, day, play, toy, stay, may, way, joy, say, yesterday, player;

· sorry, funny, family, any, hungry, very, glory, lucky, greedy, puppy, copy, lorry, pity, Teddy, frosty, windy, berry, funny, candy, happy, body, story, empty;

· m y, fly, by, sky, try, cry, dry, why, my cat;

a happy boy

a sad boy

a fat cat

a funny man

a happy family

a big lorry



Exercise 13


good, wood, soon, balloon, foot, room, took, look, book, zoo, food, moon, scooter, boots, broom, copybook

a good dog — a bad dog

a bad cat — a good cat

a good umbrella — a bad umbrella

a bad doll — a good doll

a good clock — a bad clock

a bad dress — a good dress

a good hat — a bad hat

a bad lamp — a good lamp

a bad bag — a good bag

a good desk — a bad desk

a bad pen — a good pen

a good cat and a good kitten

a good dress and a good hat

a bad dog and a bad cat

a bad duck and a bad rabbit

a good dress and a good umbrella


Exercise 14

Th, th


· th is, th at, th en, th ey, wi th;

· Look! This is my doll. Look! Look! This is my cat. This is my rabbit.

Th is i s a dog. This is my dog.

Th is i s a cat. This is not my cat. My cat is black.

This is a rabbit. This is my rabbit.

This is a cock. This is not my cock. My cock is red.

This is a frog. This is my frog.

This is a duck. This is not my duck. My duck is yellow.

This is a fox. This is not my fox. My fox is red.

This is a doll. This is my doll.

This is a dress. This is not my dress. My dress is pink.

This is a kitten. This is my kitten.

This is a pig. This is not my pig. My pig is big.

This is a book. This is my book.

This is a balloon. This is not my balloon. My balloon is yellow.

This is a hat. This is my hat.

This is a lamp. This is not my lamp. My lamp is red.

This is a cup. This is my cup.

This is a pen. This is not my pen. My pen is pink.

This is a copybook. This is my copybook.


This is a cat with a kitten.

This is a box with a doll.

This is a doll with a bag.

This is a pond with a frog.

This is a dog, and that is a cat.

This is a rabbit, and that is a frog.

This is a cock, and that is a duck.

This is a fox, and that is a kitten.

This is a doll, and that is a box.

Is this a pig? — Yes, it is.


This is a good dress, and that is a bad dress.

This is a little room, and that is a ___ room.

This is a bad clock, and that is a ___ clock.

This is a good doll, and that is a ___ doll.

This is a big hen, and that is a ___ hen.

This is a big desk, and that is a ___ desk.

This is his dog. This is his cat. This is his book.


This is my bed, and that is his bed.

This is his duck, and that is his hen.

This is his rabbit, and that is his cock.

This is his room, and that is his bed.

This is his bag, and that is his book.

This is his bus, and that is his drum.

This is his cup, and that is his apple.

This is a green apple, and that is a red apple.

This is a big plum, and that is a little plum.

This is a little nut, and that is a big nut.

Exercise 15

Sh, sh

fish, ship, brush, dish, shelf, shop, fresh, finish, shut, shall, publish

a big fish

a big shelf

a big shop

a bad finish

a bad ship

fresh milk

my fish can swim

my kitten can sing

my frog can jump

my doll can run



Exercise 16

Ch, ch

· children, chick, bench, cherry, chess, lunch, chin, much, rich;

· shop, chick, fish, children, shelf, chess, brush, bench, ship, lunch;

· shelf, chess, ship, chips, shop, bench, mushrooms, check, chick, brush, cherry, Shreck;

· a big apple, a red cherry, a big bench, a big fish, a good shelf, a big shop;

· fresh milk, fresh fish, fresh nuts, fresh apples


Exercise 17


green, tree, sheep, coffee, street, see, meet, sleep, speed, week, need, sweet, bee, cheese, feet, speech, greet, free, feel, deep, seen, sweep, seek, week, agree, keep, steel

a green tree

black coffee

a green street

a black sheep

a bee in a tree


Exercise 18


meat, speak, read, dream, tea, eat, team, teacher, seat, clean, season, mean, cream, leaf, meal, weak, lead, deal, please

green tea

a good teacher

black tea

Speak English!

Stand up, please!


Exercise 19


(буква e боится стоять одна в конце коротких слов, она начинает плакать: i-i)

she, me, we

Help m e! Give m e! Show m e!

Show m e fresh apples!

Show me fresh mushrooms!


Exercise 20

Th, th

thin, thick, three, think, thanks, tooth, teeth, fifth;

three rabbits, a thick book


Exercise 21


cake, snake, name, Kate, table, lake, plate, date, late, skate, wake, tape, take, game, make


cat — Kate

fat — fate

pan — pane

mat — mate

at — ate


fat — gam e

dad — tak e

happy — cak e

rabbit — mak e

Ann — Kat e


· cake, hat, map, take, animal, table, man, hand, skate, cat, wake, and;

· man, Kate, hand, bag, name, cat, table, hat, plate, flat, game, can, skate, lamp, apple, cake, stamp, make, cap, gate, glad

This is a plate, and that is a cake.

This is a table, and that is a plate.

Is this a cake? — Yes, it is.

His name is Bob. And his name is Nick.


Exercise 22


· I, nine, five, bike, ride, like, kite, fine, side, time, life, hi, I am fine, smile, line, I like, driver;

· nin e, life, fine, like, wide, I, five, Mike, smile, tie, lie, side, time, a tiger, a spider, a bike, a kite, a crocodile, shine, pipe;

· date, time, table, hat, pig, nut, six, wind, smile, late, nine, cake

sit — tim e

big — bik e

milk — lik e

Tim — Mik e


Hi, Mike! — I am not Mike. I am Tom.

Hi, Bill! — I am not Bill. I am Nick.

Hi, Helen! — I am not Helen. I am Ann.

I have got five little kittens.

I have got a bike. And you? — I have got a bike t oo.

This is a black cock, and that is a green crocodile.

His cake, his bike, his kitten, his plate

Seven kittens, five dogs, six dolls, ten frogs, nine pigs, seven hats, five cocks, six windows, ten crocodiles, six clocks, nine bells, five crocodiles, seven ducks, ten bikes


Exercise 23

All, all

all, a ball, a wall, tall, small, a hall, fall, not at all!

Thank you. — Not at all.

A red ball, a black wall, a tall man, a tall tree.

a big doll — a small doll

a small dog — a big dog

a big clock — a small clock

a small pig — a big pig

a small room — a big room

a small bed — a big bed

a big cup — a small cup

a small table — a big table

a big hen — a small hen

a small bus — a big bus

a small nut — a big nut

This is a tall lamp, and that is a small lamp.

This is a tall bed, and that is a small bed.

This is a big nut, and that is a big plum.

This is a black ball, and that is a red ball.

Vova has got a green ball. I have got a green ball, too.

This is a big doll, and that is a small doll.

This is a big tree, and that is a ___ tree.

This is a tall lamp, and that is a ___ lamp.

This is a tall bed, and that is a ___ bed.

This is a big nut, and that is a big plum.

This is a black ball, and that is a red ball.


Exercise 24

-or, -er

mister, sister, letter, butter, tiger, or, morning, corner, sport, shorts, father, grandfather, clever, dinner, for, fork, form, horse, number, river, storm, corn, born, horn.

a little sister

a good doctor

a big tiger

a black horse

number seven

Good morning!


Exercise 25


a car, a star, a park, a garden, a farm, a yard, art, far, smart, an arm, mark, part, dark, barn

This car is green. That car is red.

This park is big. That park is small.

This star is big. That star is small.

This garden is small. That garden is big.



Exercise 26


a mother, a brother, a flower, a grandmother, a house, a mouse, a monkey, brown, a son, now, front. Come in! London

H ow many kittens? — Five kittens.

H ow many ducks? — Ten ducks.

H ow many rabbits? — Seven rabbits.

H ow many cups? — Nine cups.

H ow many hats? — Three hats.

How many brothers? — Three brothers.

How many flowers? — Six flowers.


Exercise 27

ow, ou

· a flower, owl, brown, how, a cow, a town, now, crown, down, a clown;

· a mouse, a house, a blouse, cloudy, count, sound, ground, out, wow, about, trousers;

· window, yellow, follow, below, rainbow, pillow, narrow

a funny clown

a small mouse

a brown house

a good cow

yellow town

brown pillow


Exercise 28


a girl, a bird, a skirt, a shirt, first, dirty, birthday

a big bird — a little bird — a very little bird

a good girl — a bad girl — a very bad girl

a big shirt — a little shirt — a very little shirt

a long skirt — a short skirt — a very short skirt


Exercise 29


· nose, rose, home, no, go, globe, hope, close, sofa, note, bone, stone;

· a big nose — a red rose, a red rose — a pink rose, a big globe — a small globe;

not — no

got — go

dog — hello

hot — home

Tom — rose


Exercise 30


· Ukraine, music, student, pupil, computer, unit, uniform, tube, institut e;

· student, music, tube, pupil, cucumber, tulip;

· cup, music, drum, pupil, bus, student, gun, institute;

· blu e, glu e, tru e


Exercise 31


night, right, bright, light, eight, might, high, fight, sight, flight

A long night. Eight pupils. Eight nights.



Exercise 32

wa, wha

wash, want, water, watch, was, what


Exercise 33


a queen, a squirrel, quick, quickly, quiz, quill, quod, quell


Exercise 34

-ace, -ice, -cil

В средине слова c читается как s


A f a ce, a pencil, n i ce, place, ice, price, office.

Nice to meet you.

a red pencil — a green pencil

This is my pencil, and that is your pencil.

My name is Alice. — Nice to meet you.


Exercise 35


Bring, long, ring, sing, song, evening.

Good morning!


Exercise 36

you — your

I have got a kite. And you? — I have got a kite too.

This is not my book. This is your book.

This is my cup, and that is your cup.

This is my desk, and that is your desk.

This is my bus, and that is your bus.

This is my room, and that is your room.

This is your teddy, and that is my teddy.


Exercise 37

Буква s между гласными и в конце слова после звонкой согласной читается как [ z ]:

music, user, surprise, vase, is, eggs, as, has, roses, always.


Exercise 38


Буквосочетание -ey в конце слова не под ударением читается как [ ɪ ]:

monk ey, mon ey, hon ey, hock ey, journ ey



Exercise 39


В буквосочетании wh буква h не читается:

wh en, wh at, wh ere, wh ich, wh y, wh eel.


Exercise 40


В буквосочетании wr буква r не читается:

wr ong, wr ite, wr en, wr eck, wr itten, wr ick, wr estle



Exercise 41


Буквосочетания air, are передают звук [ ]:

· h air, ch air, air, p air;

· h are, c are, sh are, prep are, squ are.



Exercise 42


Буквосочетание wor читается как [ wɜː ]:

wor k, wor d, wor ld, wor st, wor m, wor ker.



Exercise 43


Буквосочетание alk читается как [ ɔːk ] («l» не произносится):

w alk, t alk, ch alk.



Exercise 44


Буквосочетание ph передаёт звук [ f ]:

ele ph ant, dol ph in, Ph ilip, al ph abet, ph one, ph oto.



Exercise 45

ild, ind

В буквосочетаниях ild и ind буква i читаетсякак [ ]:

m ild, w ild, ch ild, k ind, m ind, f ind, b ind, bl ind, gr ind, beh ind.



Exercise 46


Буквосочетание ear передаёт звук [ɪə]:

n ear, d ea r, h ear, f ear, cl ear, y ear, dr ear.



Exercise 47


Буквосочетание ire передаёт звук [aɪə]:

f ire, t ire d, d ire, t ire, p ira te.



Exercise 48

au, aw

Буквосочетания au, aw передают звук [ɔː]:

au tumn, Au gust, d au ghter, dr aw, s aw, l aw, p aus e.



Exercise 49


В буквосочетании wh+o не читается w,поэтому читаем [ hu: ]:

who, who m, who se.



Exercise 50


Буквосочетание old произносится как [əʊld]:

c old, g old, h old, old, b old, f old, t old, s old ier.



Exercise 51


Буквосочетание ture читается как [ʧə]:

pic ture, na ture, cul ture, struc ture, sculp ture, fu ture, architec ture, litera ture.



Exercise 52


Буквосочетание tion читается как [ʃən]:

demonstra tion, tradi tion, dicta tion, na tion, ac tion, organiza tion, sec tion, congratula tion, posi tion.



Exercise 53


В буквосочетании kn буква k не читается:

kn ock, kn ap, kn ee, kn ot, kn it, kn ife.



Exercise 54

ass, ast, ask

Буквосочетания ass, ask, ast читаются как [ɑːs], [ɑːsk], [ɑːst]:

cl ass, p ass, gr ass, f ast, t ask, p ast, l ast, m ask, m ast er, ask.



Exercise 55

alm, alf

В буквосочетаниях alm, alf буква l не произносится:

p alm, h alf, c alf, c alm.



Exercise 56

ans, ank

Буквосочетания ans, ank читаются как [ɑːns]:

ans wer, d anc e, ch anc e, tr ans late.



Exercise 57

ull, ush

Буква u перед буквосочетаниями ll, sh передаёт звук [ʊ]:

f ull, p ull, p ush, b ush.



Exercise 58


Буквосочетания ead читается как [e] (исключение: read [ri:d] ):

br ead, r ead y, d ead.



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