So, should it be the IQ or the IE (intelligence equation)?


Aaand… Did you know that Alfred Binet, the author of the IQ test has never passed it himself? Maybe being a smartass himself, he did know that

after conducting the largest online intelligence study on record, a Western University-led research team has concluded that the notion of measuring one's intelligence quotient or IQ by a singular, standardized test is highly misleading.


*If you were an employer, how would you defend yourself against stupid graduates and / or fake diplomas?

Whether you own a small business or run a Fortune 500 company, you've most likely noticed the demands of the workforce are changing. However, out of all the aspirations, the number one offering that Millennials want in the workforce is compelling and engaging corporate learning. How corporations are helping to solve the education crisis? Conventional education does not fit the bill. If you offer training in the same way we've delivered traditional education for hundreds of years, you might want to think again. Looking more closely at the facts, it’s not difficult to comprehend why.

It’s no secret that resumes can be a little bit “fluffy”. Similar to how we like to filter our photos on Instagram, many people “filter” their information on their resumes. Not every bullet point is 100% true, and it’s not even a big deal. Employers know this and see past the little white lies. The problem is that sometimes the little white lies aren’t so little. Sadly, people can also fib on their actual degree information. Whether it’s a false graduation date or flat out lying about an entire degree, it’s a real concern for many employers. So what are people doing? They’re stretching the truth by embellishing on their resumes with graduation dates and names of courses and universities. And some go as far as to using diploma mills. These are websites that offer diplomas and degrees for purchase. Companies have gotten better at knowing which applicants are being truthful or not. Unfortunately, the vast number of people that fib on their resumes have made employers more skeptical of their applicants and in many cases, the hiring process can become longer and more complicated. The fact of the matter is that employers do check your credentials. And here’s how: *Educational Background Checks: There are companies like Global Verification Network and other third party agencies that offer degree verification services. *Skills Assessment During the Interview: During a job interview, employers know exactly what questions to ask to check whether or not you have the skills they are looking for. Be sure that they will test your capabilities and knowledge. *Preliminary Exams or Tests: Many employers will ask you to do a test to see if you qualify for the job or even just for the next round of interviews. They are trying to filter out the unqualified applicants. *Social Media Research: Today, social media is not just a fun and friendly way to engage and communicate with others. It’s also a way for employers to see if your account is legitimate and if your information matches your resume.


*High(er) school trains social morons with the donkeys’ carrot and stick method, better known as true-or-false exercise or, another version of it, multiple choice test. Subject of testing, wordings, choice of questions – everything is preset with no explanations other than references to the “approved curricular” or “reasonability”, albeit playing the fools’ game, for once, might be helpful… What could be the right better choice:

- Nobody is going to teach me, there is no such goal…

- The compilation above is as good as any other BS on the matter…

- All above is hardly relevant to my case…

- It makes sense, but everything depends on the place and time…

- Some information is just click baits…

- As long as you are not a dumbass, it doesn’t concern you…

- If I want to survive, it’s high time to realize I have to study learn things myself…


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