Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов I курса (II семестр) специальности «Менеджмент»

I. Прочтите и переведите тексты.

The Tour Operator

The tour operator works in a tourist company. He develops tours also known as tour packages. Tour packages include transportation, accommodation, catering, transfers and other services.

In order to develop a tour package the tour operator works with transportation companies or carriers, hotels, restaurants, museums and other suppliers.

The tour operator usually markets the tours. He advertises them in mass media or in brochures.

The tour operator is a wholesaler. He sells tour packages to travel agents wholesale and pays commission to them. Sometimes he sells tour packages direct to the public.

Tour operators organize tours, so they are the main producers in the tourist industry.

The Travel Agent

The travel agent works in a travel company. The travel agent like the shop-assistant sells goods to customers. The goods which he offers are tour operator’s packages.

The travel agent is a retailer. He sells tour packages retail to consumers. He gets a commission from the tour operator. The commission is from 5 to 10 per cent of the tour cost.

The travel agent also sells separate services. They are flights, hotel rooms, sightseeing tours, car rentals, travel insurances and so on. The travel agent works directly with the public.

Travel agents sell tours, so they are the main sellers in the tourist industry.

The Tourism Manager

The tourism manager works in a tourist company. He runs some tourist business. He supervises all kind of operations in a tourist company. He also supervises the tourist company staff.

Sometimes the tourist manager is just the head of some department in a large tourist company: a sales department, a marketing department, or a public relations department. In this case he reports to the general manager.

The tourism manager plans tourist business: operations, new products, profits. He controls the results.

In a travel company – a tour operator or a travel agency – the tourism manager decides on development and promotion of new tour packages, advertising and sales. He also decides on prices and discounts.

The tourism manager hires employees. He selects them and provides their training.

The Tour Guide

The tour guide handles tour groups. He shows tourists round a city, a sight, or a museum. The tour guide conducts sightseeing tours or tours of museums and exhibitions. The tour guide is also called the tour conductor.

The tour guide accompanies tourists during a local tour or during the whole journey. He or she caters to the needs of tourists. During a journey the tour guide deals with all kinds of problems.

The tour guide speaks the language of the tourists perfectly well. He or she interprets or translates well from one language into another.

The tour guide knows a lot on history, geography, art and culture. He or she knows all the sights in a travel destination. The tour guide answers a lot of questions.

The tour guide is a friendly, easy-going and helpful person. Tourists always tip their guides if they like them.


II. Выполните задания к текстам:


1. Match the terms with the definition:


2) a tour operator a) a travel company staff member who sells services retail

3) a travel agent b) a tourist professional who shows tourists round a destination

4) a tourism manager c) a tourist specialist who develops tour packages

5) a tour guide d) a manager who supervises a staff of animators

6) an animator e) a tourist professional who manages a travel company or a department

7) a social director f) a travel company staff member who issues and sells tickets

8) a booking agent g) a specialist who arranges entertainments for hotel guests

9) a ticket agent h) a travel company staff member who arranges ticket bookings


1. Fill in the blanks:


A retailer, a commission, the animator, suppliers, the social director, carriers, the tour operator, destination, the tourism manager, a wholesaler, the tour guide, the travel agent, sightseeing, entertainment, promotion.

1. …supervises all operations in a tourist company and its staff.

2. …handles tour groups.

3. …sells tour packages and separate services to customers.

4. …provides entertainment for holiday-makers.

5. …develops tour packages.

6. The tour guide knows all sights in the …

7. The tourism manager decides on…and advertising of new tours.

8. The tour operator pays… to travel agents.

9. The tour guide conducts… tours.

10. The animator arranges and conducts… programmes.

11. The travel agent is…

12. The tour operator is…

13. The chief animator is also called…

14. The tour operator woks with…, hotels, museums and other …


2. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Менеджер туризма управляет туристической компанией. Он принимает решения о турах, ценах и скидках. Он управляет персоналом компании. Он не всегда находится в офисе. Он часто ездит по делам.

2. Я – гид-переводчик. Я не работаю в туристической компании. Я занимаюсь туристическими группами. Я провожу экскурсии. Я часто отвечаю на вопросы туристов. Я много перевожу с одного языка на другой.

3. Чем занимается туроператор? Где он работает? Туроператор – главный производитель в индустрии туризма. Он работает с поставщиками и разрабатывает пакеты туров. Он реализует пакеты туров оптом. Иногда туроператор продает туры в розницу.

4. Турагент не разрабатывает туры. Турагент продает пакеты туров клиентам в розницу. Турагент также предлагает различные отдельные услуги. – Какие услуги предоставляет турагент? Турагент предоставляет билеты, экскурсии, аренду автомобилей, страховки.




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