Art is propaganda for what’s really matters.

What is art for? Alain de Botton’s animated guide – video


What is are for (video)

In this exclusive video for the Guardian, philosopher Alain de Botton gives his top five reasons why art is such a vital force for humanity. Are we wrong to like pretty pictures? Why is some art painful to look at? Can art heal your feelings of urban alienation?



Group work

What is art for? Is it hard to answer the question? Why are people usually reluctant to talk about purposes of art? Come up with your ideas?


Can you define any clear purposes to art?


Pre – watching

Practise speculating and predicting.

The main purposes of art that Alain outlines are given below. Talk them over and present your opinion. Each member of your group should have their say in the discussion.

The link to each chunk is interactive flashcards with new vocab. Study them and try to use in discussion.

Art keeps us hopeful.

Think about the things that the best works of art show?

Is there any enthusiasm for prettiness?


1. ask directly   спрашивать напрямую
2. enthusiasm for prettiness   увлеченность изяществом
3. it's too complicated   это слишком сложно
4. it's too obvious   Это слишком очевидно
5. misplaced worry   неуместная обеспокоенность
6. People flock into museums   Люди ринулись в музеи
7. problems weighs too heavily on us   проблемы слишком давят на нас
8. slip into despair   скатиться в отчаяние
9. striking fact    


Art makes us less lonely.

Can art really change our perception of pain?

How does art fight the false enthusiasm of consumer society?


1. aggravate sadness   усиливать грусть
2. consumer society   потребительское общество
3. distress   горе
4. false optimism   ложный оптимизм
5. freakish   странный, причудливый
6. greatest works of art   величайшие произведения искусства
7. make the pain more publicly visible   сделать боль видимой окружающим
8. part of human condition   часть сущности человека
9. put on a cheerful facade   надеть веселый образ
10. reassure of the normality of pain   убеждать в естественности боли
11. sadness and regret   печаль и сожаление
12. somber works of art   мрачные произведения искусства
13. suffering   страдания
14. with dignity   с достоинством

Art rebalances us.

Can art compensate us for what we lack?

How can art balance us?




1. be moved by a work of art   быть тронутыми произведениями искусства
2. compensate for what we lack   компенсировать то, чего нам не достает
3. excitable   чувствительные
4. fall in love with smth   влюбиться
5. rounded   уравновешенные
6. too intellectual   слишком интеллекутальные
7. too masculine / faminine   слишком мужественные / женственные


Art helps us to appreciate stuff.

What is the difference between the perception of glamour by art and mass media? Do you think there is distortion in any of them?

1. distorted sense of what really matters   искаженное представление о том, что важно
2. give hints   намекать
3. highlight what genuinely is worth appreciating   показывает, что действительно надо ценить
4. it is worth paying attention to   На это стоит обращать внимание
5. return to its rightful place   вернуть на свое место


Art is propaganda for what’s really matters.

What kind of propaganda is art?

1. appealing and accessible   привлекательно и доступно
2. be far from good art   быть далеким от настоящего искусства
3. best sides of human nature   лучшие стороны человеческой натуры
4. constant source of support   постоянный источник поддержки
5. distracted world   безумный мир
6. encouragement for a betterselves   воодушевление, одобрение стать лучше
7. more playful and tender approach to life   более шутливое и доброе отношение к жизни
8. need to broaden one's horizons   необходимость расширить перспективы
9. on behalf of   от лица / со стороны
10. spontaneity   непосредственность
11. stand up for   поддерживать / отстаивать



The video is divided into several chunks for you to follow the ideas better and not to get drowned in new vocabulary.

Before watching each chunk look through the flashcards (OPTIONAL) with new words and expressions and try to anticipate the answers to the questions and ideas from the video.


Then watch the video again and try to answer the same questions witch are inserted into the video. You can either SKIP and continue watching or answer the question (depending on your teacher’s task).


This is a link to the video WITH INSERTED QUESTIONS, POLLS AND FLASHCARDS. All the answers are given online and will be visible for your teacher.


Video tutorial!!!




What is art for?


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