Applying for a Scientific Research Grant

Learn the best ways to apply for this type of grant, and the most common mistakes individuals make. Once you've found the type of grant you want to apply for, the hardest part is using the application to convince the grant panel that you deserve the grant. There are several different skills that will come into play when applying for a science grant, from writing to researching and more.

Exercise 4. Now let us revise the main steps included into the process of grant location. Fill in the gaps with proper words from the box.
· eligible · research · awarded · applied · provide · familiar · mistakes · account · grant · ways


1. Become … with the foundations that offer grants for scientific ….

2. Visit websites which … the information such as what the grants are for,
who is … for the grants and how to apply.

3. Create an … to keep track of the grants you have checked on, … for and more.

4. Study the different … providers to determine the kinds of grants they've … and who they've been awarded to.

5. Learn the best … to apply for the grant, and the most common … individuals make.


Exercise 1. Scan the words and memorize them.

salary, n заработная плата
crucial, adj решающий, ключевой
treatment, n лечение
disease, n болезнь
pertinent, adj уместный, подходящий, имеющий отношение к делу
on behalf of от имени
familiarize, v знакомить
prior to до, до момента, перед, прежде чем
to fill out заполнять (анкету)
cover sheet титульный лист
entity, n организация
scientific evidence научное доказательство
breakthrough, n открытие, выдающееся достижение, новизна
merit, n достоинство
impact, n воздействие, влияние
undertake, v предпринимать, выполнять
share, v делиться
maintain, v поддерживать, собирать (данные)
sample, n проба, образец
benefit, n польза, благо
as a whole в целом
pie chart секторная диаграмма, круговая диаграмма
submission, n представление, передача на рассмотрение
amount, n количество, сумма
appointment, n должность, пост
affiliated organization филиал
outline, v изложить в общих чертах

Exercise 2. Translate the following words and word combinations without a dictionary:

a unique nine-digit identification number, pre-created, employer ID number, project summary, goals and objectives, biographical sketch, senior personnel, collaborators, editor, grad students.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions given before each paragraph.

What are scientific grants important for?

Scientific research grants provide support for salaries, equipment and other financial needs.

Grants for scientific research often prove crucial to the success of private research at schools or other institutions. Research grants help fund needed advances in treatment for disease, atmospheric research, agriculture and other pertinent areas. If you are preparing a grant on behalf of a scientific institution, then you should familiarize yourself with how to apply for a scientific research grant prior to requesting funding.

What are two ways of searching for grants?

Search for grants on the federal grants application website by going to "Find Grant Opportunities". You can choose to search by agency and review grants available through different agencies. Search by category and choose what area you need funding in, such as science and technology.


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