читается [s]:
face, place, ice, nice, mice, pencil, juice, cinema, city, concert, December
Задание 1. Прочитайте слова
black, cat, clock, cup, car, pack, clean, sock, case, jacket, cream, luck, club,
disco, October, city, nice, face, mice, cinema, ice, place, December, cycle
Задание 2. Прочитай предложения:
I like coffee. Lucy is in her place. Her place is nice. I can clean the car. I like
my cat. My cat is clean. He can run. She can climb. A clown is nice.
Чтение буквосочетаний sh, ch
Задание 1. Прочитай слова
sh [ʃ] fish, dish, wish, fresh, shelf, she, sheet, shop, shut, brush, sheep, ship
ch [ʧ] chick, peach, cheap, chips, cheese, chess, bench, check, much, chimp
Задание 2. Прочитай слова и перепиши их в тетрадь:
Fish, she, shop, sheep, short, chick, chips, cheese.
Задание 3. Прочитай предложения и перепиши их в тетрадь:
I like fish. I like chips. A chick is yellow. My sandwich is big. A sheep is white.
Задание 4. Прочитай слова и напиши рядом с каждым словом
транскрипционный знак [s], [ʃ] или [ʧ]
shall shed chop chum chill chat send
shop shun chip sand sell spot shunt
shift smack hack chick pluck check pack
stack tick chuck beck shack stash brick
chum neck lack back shelf chips rich
Чтение гласных букв в четвёртом типе слога
Задание 1. Прочитай слова
are care, share, hare, parents,
ere here, there, where
ire fire, tire, tired
ore more, bore, store, shore
ure pure, cure, sure
Задание 2. Прочитай слова и перепиши их в тетрадь:
Hare, here, where, fire, more, sure.
Задание 3. Прочитай слова:
care, hare, share, parents, here, there, where, fire, tire, tired, more, bore, store,
shore, pure, cure, sure, car, her, here, there, fir, fire, storm, store, purse
Задание 4. Прочитай слова
[a:] arm, art, ark, bar, mar, part, dark, tarn, mark, barn, nard
[eǝ] tare, hare, ware, fare, rare, pare, care, mare, bare, air, fair, pair
[o:] or, for, tore, bore, more, pore, sore, wore, tort, lorn, ford, torn, north
[ǝ:] firm, first, skirt, shirt, birth, pirn, wire, hire, mire, dire, entire
[ǝ:] her, fern, tern, perm, term, perk, kern, serve, fur, turn, curl, purse, durst, hurl
[iǝ] clear, dear, shear, peer, veer, beer, here, mere, beard, fear, hear
[ei] main, tail, paid, mail, pay, say, day, mail, pain, waist, rein, they
Задание 5. Прочитай предложения;
Please, speak to me. I don’t like cheap meat. He drinks tea near the sea. She likes
to sit on the beach. I look at clean see.
Задание 7. Прочитай слова и напиши рядом с каждым словом
транскрипционный знак [i:], [e] или [ǝ:]
He pen we get bee her herm
Bed girl hen she me bird red
Turn meet text see well best leg
Send egg meat tree chess seven ten
Чтение буквосочетания –оо
Задание 1. Прочитай слова:
Kangaroo, look, book, bedroom, good, noon, football, food, too, footprints.
Задание 2. Прочитай словосочетания и перепиши их в тетрадь:
A good book, my nice bedroom, a big room, look at me, a big kangaroo.
Задание 3. Прочитай предложения.
A kangaroo can jump. My book is good. My bedroom is big. My favourite food
is pizza. His favourite food is chips. Her favourite food is chips too. Look at me!
I can climb a tree.
Задание 4. Прочитай слова
been heed need sheet deed keel creep
peel keep keen creel meek teem cheek
teen wool look took soot good crook
boot hoot pool room moon loom proof
drool dream mean bean beach creak team
weak cheap team weak cheap meat peal
Задание 5. Прочитай слова
[au] owl, cow, now, down, flower, how, towel, power
[ou] show, low, fellow, sown, bowl, lowly
[oi] oil, soil, spoil, toil, boil, joy, boy, enjoy, toy
[o:] all, tall, also, ball, wall, football, call, hall, small
Буква у – особая гласная
I. В начале слова буква у обозначает согласный звук [j]:
yes, you, your, yard, young, yet, yellow
Задание 1. Прочитай словосочетания:
a bad year, a good year, many years, five years, six years, nine years, a young
man, a young girl, young people, young children
Задание 2. Прочитай предложения:
Your yard is green. Your yard is large. I like to play in the yard. Young people
play tennis in the yard. This man is young and strong. Give me a yellow cup.
My jacket is yellow. Yegor is five. Yura is six years old. How old is Yasha?
He is nine years old. Yana and Yelena play in the yard. Semyon and Tanya
live in Yalta. Ilya and Tolya cycle in the yard.
II. Буква у в открытом слоге читается [ai]:
my, sky, fly, try, fry, dry, cry, why, shy, type, style.
III. Буква у в закрытом слоге читается [i]: system, symbol, gym
Задание 3. Прочитай слова:
yard, my, Yegor, cry, type, yellow, shy, system, fry, young, year, yet, buy, why,
style, symbol, Yulya, dry, try, fly, gym, Olympic.
IV. Буквосочетания ay, ey обозначают дифтонг [ei]:
they, may, day, play, pay, say, way, away, stay, grey
V. Буквосочетание оу обозначает дифтонг [oi]:
boy, toy, enjoy, Floy, Roy.
Задание 5. Прочитай слова:
my, fly, sky, cry, dry, try, why, type, style, buy, guy, may, day, pay, play, say,
way, stay, grey, boy, toy, joy, enjoy, Roy, system, Olympic, shy, symbol.
В конце многосложных слов буква у читается как [i]:
carry, happy, berry, sorry, hurry, hungry, baby, lady, lazy, crazy, marry, merry,
very, every, duty, story, only
Задание 6. Прочитай предложения
The lady lives in a big city. Her baby is very nice. It’s a merry story. We enjoy
every happy day. I am not lazy. Only you can help me.
Задание 7. Прочитай слова и поставь рядом с каждым словом
транскрипционный знак [i], [ai] или [ǝ:]
I big bird bike fly six ice
Hi smile his pig drink city by
Time sky ride time slim try baby
Like fix girl pretty film sing lady
Задание 8. Прочитай и переведи текст
My Toys
Hi! My name is Denis. I am ten. I have got many toys. I’ve got three balls,
six cars, two cats and one dog.
My balls are green, red and yellow. They are in the box. The box is in my
room. I have got many cars: big and little, black, blue, grey, brown and white.
They are on the shelf. My cats are grey. They are nice. They are on my desk. I
like to play with my toys.
Чтение буквосочетания th (звонкий межзубный звук)
Буквосочетание th обозначает звонкий межзубный звук [ð]:
they, them, this, that, mother, father, brother, together, grandmother, grandfather,
then, that, clothes, with, weather
Задание 1. Прочитай слова с неопределённым артиклем:
a day, a play, a tale, a name, a cake, a train, a tail, a pie, a pupil, a student,
a green tree, a fine sweet, a blue sea, a fine tale, a green coat, a blue suit
Задание 2. Прочитай слова с определённым артиклем:
the name, the tale, the day, the play, the tail, the train, the time, the tie, the pie,
the tree, the tea, the sea, the home, the coat, the pupil, the student, the suit, the
fruit, the fine pie, the sweet tea, the blue coat, the green fruit
Задание 3. Прочитай предложения:
I have got a mother and a father. My grandmother can sing English songs. I like
to play with my brother. My brother likes coffee with milk. My mother drinks
tea. My mother can play the piano.
Задание 4. Прочитай словосочетания:
this man, this baby, this lady, this day, that girl, that teacher, that game, that rose,
this cat, that bed, this chair, that radio, this ship, that chicken
Задание 5. Прочитай предложения:
This is a cat. That is a dog. This is my mother. That is my father. This is his
brother. That is her sister. The weather is good. The moon is on the sky.
Чтение буквосочетания th (глухой звук)
Буквосочетание th может обозначать глухой межзубный звук [q]:
thick, thin, think, thing, thank, tooth, teeth
Задание 1. Прочитай слова и перепиши их в тетрадь:
This, that, with, they, there, mother, brother, father, thin, thick, thank.
Задание 2. Прочитай предложения:
Let me think. Thank you! I see three trees. The bird is in the tree. That girl is my
sister. The girl is thin. She is my mother.
Чтение буквосочетаний ng, nk. Суффикс -ing
I. Буквосочетание ng читается как один звук [η]:
sing, spring, bring, long, song, strong, hang, morning, evening, swing.
Задание 1. Прочитай предложения:
Good morning, Ike! Good evening, Eng! We play in the morning. They read
in the evening. Spring is a fine season. Birds sing in spring. Spring brings rain.
Please, bring me a ring. Bring a cup of strong tea. We swing in spring.
Задание 2. Прочитай предложения.
It’s evening. The evening is fine. The day is long. Eng can’t sing. Bring him
strong tea. A king likes to sing a song. He likes swimming and skating too. So
he is very fit and strong.
Чтение буквы g
I. Буква g чаще всего обозначает звук [ g ]:
green, game, glad, gas, go, big, bag, garden, dog, good
II. Если буква g стоит перед гласными e, i, y, то обозначает звук [d3]:
age, page, cage, stage, agent, large, orange
Исключения: give, girl, get, gift, begin
Задание 1. Прочитай слова
game, page, sing, gym, long, age, bring, stage, green, garden, glad, orange, bag,
get, gift, give, large, girl, begin, flag
Задание 2. Прочитай и переведи текст
My Friend
Hello, boys and girls! I am Anton. I am a pupil. I have a friend. His name is
Sasha. Sasha is ten. He is a pupil too. He is my classmates.
Sasha is a tall boy. His hair is dark and short. He has grey eyes. He has blue
jeans and brown T-shirt on. He has black boots. He has no cap on. He has a ball
in his hands.
Sasha can sing songs very well. But he can’t ride a bike. He likes to read.
We like to play football and to play computer games. We are good friends.
Задание 3. Обведи кружком правильную транскрипцию выделенных
1) cat, cow, crocodile [k] [s]
2) black, duck, clock [sk] [k]
3) cherry, children, bench [∫] [t∫]
4) ship, fish, sheep [∫] [t∫]
5) sing, spring, song [ng] [η]
Задание 4. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы
My name is Alex. I am a pupil. I am nine. I like to read books. I like to play
football and volleyball. I do not like to play tennis. I have got a sister. Her name
is Sally. Sally likes to sing songs. My sister and I like to paint.
1) Who is nine? Alex Sally
2) Who reads books? Alex Sally
3) Who likes to sing? Alex Sally
4) Who likes to paint? Alex Sally
Задание 5. Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ
Hello! My name is Dick. I am five. I do not go to school. I have got many
toys. I have got a teddy bear. It is big and brown. I have got four cars. They are
white and blue. I have got a robot and two planes. I have not got dolls but I have
got three balls. I like my toys.
1) Dick has got ____________. many friends / many toys
2) He has got a brown __________. teddy bear / car
3) He has got four ____________. balls / cars
4) Dick has got one ___________. robot / plane
5) He has not got a ____________. ball / doll
Задание 6. Прочитай предложения
I have got a pet. It is a cat. Its name is Fat. It has got a funny nose. My cat likes
milk. It cat climb and jump. My cat is clever and cute. I love my cat!
Mike has got a dog.
Dear Friends! Now you can read English well. You know many new English words. You
can read English poems and rhymes. I hope you love English!