Active Voice Passive Voice

Simple to translate to be translated

Continuous to be translating to be being translated

Perfect to have translated to have been translated

Perfect Continuous to have been translating ( по лицам и числам изменяется только подчёркнутый глагол)

Глагол употребляется в активном (действительном) залоге, если предмет сам совершает действие:


I speak English. They built the bridge last year.


Если действие совершается над предметом, употребляется пассивный (страдательный) залог:


English is spoken in the UK. The bridge was built last year.


В английском языке пассивный залог употребляется намного чаще, чем в русском языке. При переводе на русский язык предложений в пассивном залоге можно употреблять активный залог.


English is spoken in Great Britain. В Великобритании говорят на английском языке.

The bridge was built last year. Мост построили в прошлом году.

Примеры разных форм Passive Voice:

English is spoken in the UK – Present Simple Passive

The bridge was built last year – Past Simple Passive

The bridge will be built next year - Future Simple Passive

Look! The bridge is being built - Present Progressive Passive

The bridge was being built - Past Progressive Passive

The bridge has already been built - Present Perfect Passive

The bridge had been built before I came to the city - Past Perfect Passive

The bridge will have been built by 2010 - Future Perfect Passive


Тренировочные упражнения

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. The Mansion is old, but its beauty ____.


1) can still have been seen 3) can still be seing

2) can still be seen 4) can still see


2. If there is something important, you ____ in advance.


1) are told 3) will be telling

2) been told 4) will be told


3. I didn't know why she ____.


1) was chosen 3) has been chosen

2) had been chosen 4) is chosen


4. They ____ all the ways of making the wine.


1) were shown 2) shown 3) was showing 4) shows


5. Concorde ____ by film stars and business people.


1) is much using 3) uses much

2) is much used 4) used much


6. We can't use the concert hall yet because it ____.


1) still has built 3) is still being built

2) still having built 4) was still built


7. A lot of lies ____ to her by her boss.


1) were told 2) told 3) have told 4) has told


8. A great deal of property ____ by hurricanes.


1) is destroyed 2) is destroying 3) destroyed 4)has destroyed


9. Some new equipment ____ by the company.


1) had been ordered 3) ordered

2) had ordered 4) order


10. The papers ____ tomorrow.


1) will receive 3) are received

2) will be received 4) received


Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. A new concert hall ____ in the city center.


1) is building 2) is being built 3) built 4) has built


2. Complaints should ____ to the head office.


1) are sent 2) send 3) be sent 4) sent


3. Next year's congress ____ in Washington.


1) was held 2) is held 3) will be held 4) hold


4. I can't find my book. It _____ by someone.


1) is taking 2) has taken 3) has been taken 4) took


5. She ____ by everybody.


1) is liked 2) likes 3) has liked 4) liked


6. The room looks so nice! It ____ since I was last here.


1) has been decorated 3) decorated

2) is decorated 4) has decorated


7. The mail ____ by the postman.


1) were delivered 2) delivered 3) delivers 4) is delivered


8. Tom ____ the money because he didn't work.


1) gives 2) was given 3) wasn't given 4) to give


9. I _____ that Jane was ill.


1) tells 2) telling 3) to tell 4) was told


10. When Jane retired she _____ a gift from her colleagues.


1) presents 2) to present 3) is presented 4) was presented

PRONOUNS (Местоимения)

Местоимения – важнейшая часть речи. Без неё человек ничего не может рассказать о себе и не сможет участвовать в простейшем разговоре. Между русскими и английскими местоимениями нет полной аналогии. В таблице суммированы и систематизированы по лицам и числам личные, притяжательные, возвратные и другие типы местоимений.


Подле – жащего Дополне- ния Определе-ния Подлежащ. дополнен. Дополне – ния Определе – ния Определе- ния Определе- ния
Личные в имен. падеже Личные в объектн. падеже Притяжательные Абсолют – ные Возврат – ные Указатель ные Вопросительные Неопределённые
I You He She It We You They me you him her it us you them my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves this that– ед. ч these those - мн such same What What kind of Which Whose How many Who Whose What which each either neither every some any no none much /many little / few



Примеры использования разных типов местоимений

Personal pronouns

Nobody except me knows where the key is kept, and I am not telling you.

Tom is faster than me, but I am stronger than him.

Thailand is quite unusual: it has never been ruled by another country.

My bike ’s been given trouble, so I am taking it into the garage.

John is two years older than Mary, but she is nearlyas tall as him.



Alice hurt her foot very badly yesterday.

Take your foot out of the table. Its legs are not very strong.

That dog hurt its tail.

Chris and Pam never cut the grass in their garden.

That is my coat, and the scarf is mine too.

His score was better than hers.

Their holiday starts the week after ours.

Some, any, no

Some (немного, несколько) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и в вопросах-просьбах:

I have some money.

He has some books about England.

Any (немного, несколько) употребляется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях

Если any употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, то переводится «любой»:

You can exchange dollars in any bank.

No употребляется в отрицательных предложениях, переводится «нисколько»:

He has no money to buy this car.


I have some money.

Do you have any money?

I don’ t have any money.

I have no money.

Местоимения some, any, no имеют несколько производных, правила их употребления такие же

Somebody anybody nobody


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