ГПБПОУ «КПК имени С.В. Хохрякова»

Преподаватель Пластовского технологического филиала

CONTENTS Введение (Preface) 4 PART 1. JOB DESCRIPTION AND WELDING EDUCATION 6 Text 1. Welding & Machine Trades 7 Text 2. What is Welding and what do Welders Do 9 Text 3. Welding Skills 12 Text 4 (Table). Welding Education and Consultation Training Centre 16 Text 5. Taking the Plunge: A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career 21 PART 2. THE HISTORY OF WELDING 25 Text 1. Welding History - A Story of Harnessing Heat 26 Text 2. From the History of Welding 31 Text 3. Welding's Vital Part in Major American Historical Events 35 PART 3. WELDING PROCES SES & EQUIPMENT 40 Text 1. Introduction to Welding Processes & Equipment 41 Text 2. Basic Principles of Welding 44 Text 3. Characteristics of the Principal Welding Processes 48 Master Chart of the Principal Welding Processes 49 Text 4. Alternative Types of Welding 52 PART 4. ARC AND GAS WELDING IN DETAIL 5 5 Text 1. Arc Welding 55 Text 2.Oxygas Cutting Equipment 67 Text 3. Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting 80 PART 5. MODERN DEVELOPMENTS 89 Text 1. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) 90


Text 2. New Welding Method for Aluminium 96 Text 3. Man-machine Communication for Multi-run Arc Welding 101 Text 4.IT in Welding and Cutting for the Welding Engineer - PC Programs and the Internet 105 Text 5. Moving Weld Management from the Desk to the Desktop 103 PART 6. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND THE FUTURE OF WELDING 118 Text 1. Space-Age Welding: The Past, Present and Future of Aerospace Join Processes 119 Text 2. What Is Orbital Welding 124 Text 3. Welding Forges into the Future 128 PART 7. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION 137 Text 1. Health Risks of Welding Fume/Gases 138 Text 2. Safety and Scheduled Maintenance Protect Your Welding Assets 143 APPENDIX 1. WELDING THEORY & APPLICATION DEFINITIONS 147 APPENDIX 2. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ВИДОВ И СПОСОБОВ СВАРКИ 17 5


Введение Данное учебное пособие рассчитано на подготовку по английскому языку студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по профессии 1501.05 «Сварщик ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки)». В пособие включены аутентичные тексты на английском языке по основной сварочной тематике, снабженные упражнениями и заданиями, направленными на развитие навыков чтения, реферирования и аннотирования с литературы по профессии, а также навыков ведения беседы на профессиональные темы. Работа с материалом, представленным в пособии, поможет обучающимся не только овладеть английской технической терминологией из области сварки и сварочных процессов, но и познакомиться с историей и современным состоянием отрасли, заглянуть в будущее технологии. Пособие снабжено иллюстративным и справочным материалами и может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы обучающихся.



In the list below tick the places where welders are not likely to work. Add some more places to the list. Отметьте в приведённом ниже списке место работы, где не могут успешно работать сварщики. Дополните список. - machine-building factory workshop; - bridge construction site; - hospital; - university department; - shipyard; - bank; - repair shop; - assembly site; - bakery.


weld repair and maintenance sheet metal work hobbyist carpenter ironworker glazier tender

supervisor contractor repair shop stoop awkward machine setting nondestructive testing

сварной шов, сварка, сваривать(ся) ремонт оборудования и уход за ним 1) обработка листового металла 2) изделие из листового металла 3) жестяницкие работы человек, увлеченный своим хобби плотник, столяр металлург стекольщик 1) лицо, присматривающее за кем-л., обслуживающее кого-л., что-л. 2) механик, оператор контролер подрядчик, контрактор ремонтная мастерская наклоняться, нагибаться неудобный; затруднительный, неловкий 1) наладка [настройка] станка 1) неразрушающие испытания; 2) неразрушающий контроль


Reading Pre-reading

Find the Russian equivalents for the underlined words and word combinations in the text.Найдите синонимы в русском языке к подчёркнутым в тексте словам и словосочетаниям. Text 1. Welding & Machine Trades Welding is a skill used by many trades: sheet metal workers, ironworkers, diesel mechanics, boilermakers, carpenters, marine construction, steamfitters, glaziers, repair and maintenance personnel in applications ranging from the home hobbyist to heavy fabrication of bridges, ships and many other projects. A variety of welding processes are used to join units of metal. As a welder, you may work for shipyards, manufacturers, contractors, federal, state, county, and city governments, firms requiring maintenance mechanics, and repair shops. Welding, while very physically demanding, can be very rewarding for those who enjoy working with their hands. Welders need good eyesight, manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination. They should also be able to concentrate for long periods of time on very detailed work, as well as be in good enough physical shape to bend and stoop, often holding awkward positions for long periods of time. Welders work in a variety of environments, both indoors and out, using heat to melt and fuse separate pieces of metal together. Training and skill levels can vary, with a few weeks of school or on-the-job training for the lowest level job and several years of school and experience for the more skilled welding positions. Skilled welders often select and set up the welding equipment, execute the weld, and then examine the welds in order to make sure they meet the appropriate specifications. They may also be trained to work in a variety of materials, such as plastic, titanium or aluminum. Those with less training perform more routine tasks, such as the welds on jobs that have already been laid out, and are not able to work with as many different materials. While the need for welders as a whole should continue to grow about as fast as average, according the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for low-skilled welders should decrease dramatically, as many companies


move towards automation. However, this will be partially balanced out by the fact that the demand for machine setters, operators and tenders should increase. And more skilled welders on construction projects and equipment repair should not be affected, as most of these jobs cannot be easily automated. Because of the increased need for highly skilled welders, those with formal training will have a much better chance of getting the position they desire. For those considering to prepare themselves to a meaningful welding-career, there are many options available. There are also different professional specialties and levels, that should be understood to make an informed choice. Some of these are: welder, welding machine operator, welding technician, welding schedule developer, welding procedure writer, testing laboratory technician, welding non destructive testing inspector, welding supervisor, welding instructor, welding engineer. While-reading activity. Во время чтения. Make a list of all the words in the text indicating: Составьте список всех слов, соответствующих определениям: a) welding professions and levels: welder, welding machine operator,... b) trades where welding skill is used:... c) places/fields a welder can work at (in):... d) personal qualities a welder should have: Answer the following questions on the text. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What are the trades where welding skills are used? 2. Where can welders work? 3. What personal characteristics should welders have? 4. How does the environment in which welders work vary? 5. What does it take to be s low-skilled/skilled welder? 6. What are welders able to do in terms of complexity of tasks and variety of materials? 7. What are the job opportunities for low-skilled/skilled welders for the nearest future as specified by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics? 8. What are the advantages of having formal training for making a welding career? 9. As you see, welding includes various professional specialties and levels. What is yours? After-reading activity. После прочтения текста. Переведите на английский язык:   Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:


1. Сфера применения сварки охватывает большое количество областей промышленности. 2. Профессия сварщика требует физической выносливости из-за частой необходимости работы в нестационарных условиях. 3. Для того чтобы стать квалифицированным сварщиком, необходима длительная теоретическая подготовка и практический опыт работы. 4. Квалифицированный сварщик должен сам уметь подбирать необходимое сварочное оборудование, материалы и технику сварки. 5. Чем выше квалификация сварщика, тем больше количество материалов, с которыми он может работать, и разнообразнее виды выполняемых работ. 6. В настоящее время имеются большие возможности для освоения профессии сварщика.

Look through the last paragraph of the text and say, what exactly, in your opinion, the following welding specialists do: Просмотрите последний абзац текста и выберете, то что по Вашему мнению, может делать специалист по сварке:

welding machine operator  
welding technician  
welding schedule developer  
welding procedure writer  
testing laboratory technician  
welding non destructive testing inspector  
Writing. Письмо.   Write five sentences (one per each paragraph) summarizing the main ideas of the text. Выберете из текста пять предложений, которые передают основную мысль текста. Запишите и выучите их   Text 2. What is welding and what do welders do? Welding is the most economical and efficient way to join metals permanently. It is the only way of joining two or more pieces of metal to


make them act as a single piece. Welding is vital to our economy. It is often said that over 50% of the gross national product of the U.S.A. is related to welding in one way or another. Welding ranks high among industrial processes and involves more sciences and variables than those involved in any other industrial process. There are many ways to make a weld and many different kinds of welds. Some processes cause sparks and others do not even require extra heat. Welding can be done anywhere... outdoors or indoors, underwater and in outer space. Nearly everything we use in our daily life is welded or made by equipment that is welded. Welders help build metal products from coffeepots to skyscrapers. They help build space vehicles and millions of other products ranging from oil drilling rigs to automobiles. In construction, welders are virtually rebuilding the world, extending subways, building bridges, and helping to improve the environment by building pollution control devices. The use of welding is practically unlimited. There is no lack of variety of the type of work that is done. Welders are employed in many industry groups. Machinery manufacturers are responsible for agricultural, construction, and mining machinery. They are also involved in bulldozers, cranes, material handling equipment, food-processing machinery, papermaking and printing equipment, textiles, and office machinery. The fabricated metals products compiles another group including manufacturers of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, tanks, sheet metal, prefabricated metal buildings and architectural and ornamental work. Transportation is divided into two major groups: manufacturers of transportation equipment except motor vehicles; and motor vehicles and equipment. The first includes shipbuilding, aircraft, spacecraft, and railroads. The second includes automobiles, trucks, buses, trailers, and associated A small group of welders belongs to the group of repair services. This includes maintenance and repair on automobiles or refers to the welding performed on industrial and electrical machinery to repair worn parts. The mining, oil extraction, and gas extraction industries form yet another group. A large portion of the work involves drilling and extracting oil and gas or mining of ores, stone, sand and gravel. Welders are also employed in the primary metals industries to include steel mills, iron and steel foundries, smelting and refining plants. Much of



this work is maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment. Another group is the electrical and electronic equipment companies. Welding done by this group runs from work on electric generators, battery chargers, to household appliances. Public administration employs welders to perform maintenance welding that is done on utilities, bridges, government armories and bases, etc. Yet another group involves wholesale and retail establishments. These would include auto and agricultural equipment dealerships, metal service centers, and scrap yards. Probably the smallest group of welders, but perhaps those with the biggest impact on the public are the artist and sculptors. The St. Louis Arch is possibly one of the best known. But there are many other fountains and sculptures in cities and neighborhoods around the world. While-reading activity Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: валовой национальный продукт, на открытом воздухе, в помещении, космический корабль, горное оборудование. True or false? 1. Welding is an important process employed by modern industry. 2. All welding processes are similar. 3. All welding processes require work pieces to be heated. 4. The smallest group of welders belongs to the group of repair services. 5. Welding is the only way to join metals. After-reading activity Make up a summary of the text using the following sentences as a beginning:] 1. Welding is.... 2. Welding ranks... 3. There are many kinds... 4. Welding can be made. 5. Welders can. 6. The use of welding is. 7. Welders are employed in.. Lead-in


You already know where welders are involved. Read the text below and find out if there are more such places.


journeyman (person) наемный квалифицированный рабочий
apprentice ученик
plate working обработка листового металла
blueprint 1) делать светокопию, копировать чертеж 2) делать разметку
brazing пайка твердым припоем (из меди и цинка)
GTA (gas tungsten arc) welding сварка неплавящимся электродом
TIG (ungsten inert gas welding) дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа
SMAW (shielded metal arc welding) дуговая сварка покрытым металлическим электродом
SAW (submerged arc welding) (дуговая) сварка под флюсом
resistance welding (контактная) сварка сопротивлением
flux core флюсовая сердцевина (порошковой проволоки)
metal core металлический сердечник
shift work (по)сменная работа, работа по сменам
Reading Text 3. Welding Skills A Welder permanently joins pieces of metal with metal filler, using heat and/or pressure. Welders join parts being manufactured, they build structures and repair broken or cracked parts, according to specifications. Job Related Skills, Interests and Values • using and maintaining tools, material handling equipment and welding equipment; • reading and interpreting blueprints; • acquiring thorough knowledge of arc, gas and resistance welding theory; • laying out, cutting and forming metals to specifications; • preparing the work site;


• fitting sub-assemblies and assemblies together and preparing assemblies for welding; • welding using shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, flux core or metal core arc welding, submerged arc welding and plasma arc welding processes; • carrying out special processes such as welding studs and brazing; • ensuring quality of product/process before, during and after welding; What Preparation and Training Do You Need? To become a Welder you should complete Grade 12 with credits in mathematics (particularly technical math) and some shop courses. In Ontario, welding is an unrestricted trade; completion of an apprenticeship could take approximately 3 years including 3 periods of 8 weeks (720 hours) in-school theory. Upon successful completion of the training agreement, you will receive a Certificate of Apprenticeship. What’s Your Future as a Welder? Most workers in this occupation work full-time, sometimes in shift work, usually indoors. Those with the ability to work with high-technology welding applications may have better employment opportunities. The bulk of employment opportunities are predicted to occur in the non-electrical, machinery, construction and metal-fabricating industries. Some workers will become self-employed. Examples of companies that employ welders include: • Fabricating shops; • Manufacturers of structural steel and platework; • Construction industries; • Boilers; • Heavy machinery contractors; • Aircraft contractors; • Ship building and other transportation contractors; • Specialized welding shops. Wage Rate • as an apprentice you would start at a wage rate less than that of a journeyperson • this rate increases gradually as you gain competency


• the wage range for fully qualified welders according to the Peel Halton Dufferin HRDC Wage Book is between $9.50/hr to $16.18/hr, with a median salary of $12.50/hr. After reading activity Revise the information of Unit1 and make a list of the things welders should be able to do and places they can work at. Self-Rating

Ask Yourself: Is Working as a Welder For You?

Are you good at preparing and planning a job from start to finish? ^ Yes ^ No
Can you look at a diagram or shop drawing and visualize how things come together? ^ Yes ^ No
Do you like figuring out what’s wrong with something and then repairing it? ^ Yes ^ No
Are you able to bend, stretch, kneel, stand for long periods and lift material and supplies? ^ Yes ^ No
Would it bother you to work around dangerous gases and intense heat? ^ Yes ^ No
Do you have good hand/eye coordination to guide a welding arc along the edges of metal? ^ Yes ^ No
If you answered Yes to most of these questions, welder may be for you! Lead-in You already know what sort of skills you should have to be a welder. Now think of the answers to the following questions: 1. How long should a person be trained to become a skilled welder? 2. Do you think that a welder should be able to use all kinds of welding? 3. What is more interesting to you personally: welding techniques, welding inspection (other)?


Vocabulary technique case study shielded metal arc welding arc welding submerged arc welding oxyfuel electric resistance welding tensile test bending test impact test discontinuity volumetric hardness tension site welding heat flow heat treatment welding metallurgy hardenability weldability non-ferrous filler metal alloy ASME AWS

1) техника, способ, технические приемы 2) метод; методика, учебный пример; разбор конкретного случая дуговая сварка покрытым металлическим электродом электродуговая сварка дуговая сварка под флюсом газоплазменный (контактная) сварка сопротивлением испытание на растяжение испытание на изгиб испытание на ударную вязкость отсутствие непрерывности, нарушение последовательности; несплошность объемный твердость, прочность; сопротивляемость (механическим воздействиям) натяжение; растяжение, растягивание, удлинение монтажные сварочные работы тепловой поток термическая обработка металлургия сварки 1) закаливаемость 2) прокаливаемость 3) способность к закаливанию свариваемость цветной (о металле), не содержащий железа присадочный металл сплав сокр. от American Society of Mechanical Engineers Американское общество инженеров-механиков сокр. от American Welding Society Американское сварочное общество

Match the words from the list below with their definitions a) alloy, b) joint, c) inspection, d) welding, e) laser, f) design, g) property, h) course, j) plasma, k) arc.


1. To contrive, to formulate, to project, to draw, to plan, to sketch out; 2. Joining pieces of metal (or nonmetal) at faces rendered plastic or liquid by heat or pressure (or both). 3. a) A junction or mode of joining parts together; b) the place where two things are joined together 4. The luminous arc or bridge across a gap between two electrodes when an electric current is sent through them. 5. a) A careful, narrow or critical examination or survey; b) an official examination. 6. An instrument which amplifies light waves by stimulation to produce a powerful, coherent beam of monochromatic light, an optical maser. 7. Metal blended with some other metallic or nonmetallic substance to give it special qualities, such as resistance to corrosion, greater hardness, or tensile strength. 8. A planned programme of study. 9. Peculiar or inherent quality. 10. A hot, ionized gas containing approximately equal numbers of positive ions and electrons. Reading and Speaking Imagine you are a trying to choose a welding course to your needs. Which one will you choose if your needs are like these: 1. You have to know how to carry out mechanical tests. 2. You are interested in welding ferrous alloys and non ferrous alloys. 3. You want to introduce computers in your welding process. 4. You are new to welding and would like to be introduced to basic welding processes. 5. You want to learn how to choose the right type of welding for your specific purposes. 6. You want to be a highly qualified and certified expert in the field of welding. 7. You want to be familiar with welding standards Use the table below to choose the course.

Text 5 (Table). Welding Education and Consultation Training Centre

Course Course Objectives Course Outlines
Welding The main objective of this Materials properties related to

Design course is to introduce welding engineers to the subject of welding design. welding. Welding process selection. Types of welded joints. Welding Accessibility
  Many factors have to be considered in this issue. These factors include: consumer requirement, technical specifications, and environmental and economical constrains and Inspection. Economical Analysis. Design information. Welding symbols. Case studies.
Welding Fundamentals The main objective of this course is to familiarize engineers and inspectors to various aspects related to welding techniques, inspection and quality procedures in welding industry. The course is designed for engineers of scientists with no or little experience in the welding field. Welding processes: Shielded metal Arc welding, Arc welding, Gas tungsten Arc welding, Submerged Arc welding & Oxyfuel welding & electric resistance. Cutting processes: Oxygen cutting, plasma cutting and laser cutting. Inspection of weldments: Nondestructive testing of welments. Mechanical testing of weldments (tensile, bending, impact).
Welding Inspection The course discusses both qualification inspections and on-line inspections of welded joints. These include mechanical tests (tension, bending, impact,...etc, and non destructive tests. Significance of weld discontinuities. Welding inspection (non-destrutive testing techniques: surface inspection, magnetic particle, volumetric, radiography, and ultrasonic). Destructive testing techniques: hardness, tension, bending,...etc. The control of quality during shop operations. The control of quality during site welding.
Non Destructive testing Certification: Level I: Is to train inspectors to be able to pass level I examination and to be able to inspect using the chosen Physical principals of test. Processing. Test equipment and materials. Codes, standards, procedures and

Magnetic Particle & Liquid Penetrant Testing (MT & PT) technique. Level II: Is to upgrade level I inspectors to be able to pass level II examination and to be able to inspect, write a report, etc in the chosen technique. safety. Test physical principals. Equipment and radiation source. Radiographic recording. Work parameters and conditions. Defectology. Selection of techniques. Test methods according to standards. Personal safety and protection.
Welding Metallurgy The course delineates the main changes in the microstructure and/or the morphology of the metals and alloys during welding that lead to changes in properties. Alloys discussed in the course include all types of steels, Cast Iron, Nickel, Copper alloys,...etc Heat flow in welding. Effect of pre-and-post weld heat treatment. Introduction to welding metallurgy (hardenability and weldability). Metallurgy of steels. Welding of ferrous alloys: Carbon-steels, Low alloy steels, Stainless steels, and Cast Iron. Welding of non ferrous alloys: Al- Ni- and Cu-alloys. Identification and specifications of welding filler metals. Case studies.
Welding Quality Assurance For each application, the welding process is controlled by specific code or standard. The course includes discussions of ASME boiler and pressure vessel code AWS steel structure code and other standards. Welding co-ordination: tasks & responsibility. Quality requirements for welding. Qualification of welding procedures and welders. International codes and standards. Mechanical testing of welds. Non-destructive testing of welds. Documents for weld quality assurance. Case studies.
Welding Techniques Selection of the welding process is very important. The course discusses the variables of each welding process and gives directions for selecting the proper Overview of welding techniques and processes. Conventional techniques: arc, Oxy fuel and resistance welding. Non-conventional: plasma, electron beam, laser

  process for specific application. Welding processes discussed include: SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, etc. welding. Flame and arc cutting of metals. Computer applications in welding. Case studies.
AWS Certified welding Engineer The highest level of certification in the field of welding To get certified as a welding engineer you need to attend four exams: Fundamentals of science. Applied science. Fundamentals of welding. Applied welding.
Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Кислородная, плазменная и газовая резка изучаются в курсе «Основы сварочного производства». 2. Методика проведения разрушающих испытаний изучается в курсе «контролер сварочного участка» («приемщик сварочных изделий»). 3. К традиционным типам сварки относятся: электродуговая, кислородно-газовая и контактная электросварка. 4. Каждый сварщик должен знать правила личной безопасности и использовать индивидуальные средства (equipment) защиты, а также разбираться в международных кодах и стандартах. 5. Во время сварки происходит изменение микроструктуры металла, что приводит к изменению его свойств. 6. При проведении монтажных сварочных работ особенно важно контролировать качество шв а. Writing Write a short summary about a welder’s competence. Cover the following areas: - welding courses welders can take; - types of welding welders should be able to use, - testing techniques welders should know about. Lead-in Before you read, think of the following questions: 1. What does it mean to be a surface welder?


2. When does it become necessary to weld underwater? 3. Do you consider underwater welding an interesting career opportunity?

Vocabulary прыжок, ныряние, погружение (в воду или другую среду) сделать решительный шаг 1) коммерческий, торговый; 2) промышленный 3) рентабельный, прибыльный Syn: profitable 4) технический погруженный в воду, подводный 1) оснастка, 2) сборка, регулировка, установка, монтаж (конструкций, оборудования и т.д.) 3) оборудование, оснащение, снаряжение сборщик, слесарь-сборщик выверка, выравнивание, регулировка разделка кромок сдирание, обдирание; зачистка; снятие верхнего слоя заплата лёгкий водолаз, аквалангист врачебный/медицинский осмотр горючая смесь газов делать чертеж, проектировать юр. прекращение, недействительность права (на что-л.) While-reading activity Think of the answers to the following questions: 1. How can you communicate to your company? 2. What can be a source of helpful information for a welder? 3. Who can be called a certified welder? 4. How do people apply for employment? 5. What professions are physical demanding? 6. What kind of career goals may a welder have? 7. What is formal training?

plunge take the plunge commercial

subsea rigging fitter alignment beveling stripping patch scuba diver physical (examination) oxyfuel draft lapse


Give the Russian equivalents for the word combinations in italics in the text


Reading Text 5. Taking the Plunge: A Guide to Starting an Underwater Welding Career Over the years, a number of people have expressed an interest in careers in underwater welding, but were unsure how to get started. Welders, students, divers, and other interested men and women have contacted the American Welding Society (AWS) for guidance. In order to help those prospective underwater welder-divers, the D3B Subcommittee on Underwater Welding has provided answers for some commonly asked questions. 1. What skills are prerequisite to entering the field of underwater welding? The skills suggested for entering the field of underwater welding can best be defined by the following typical description of a welder-diver from the AWS D3.6 Standard. "Welder-diver: A certified welder who is also a commercial diver, capable of performing tasks associated with commercial subsea work, weld setup and preparation, and who has the ability to weld in accordance with the AWS D3.6." By description, an experienced welder- diver must possess: commercial diving skills (i.e., be familiar with the use of specialized commercial diving equipment, have an understanding of diving physiology, diving safety, rigging, the underwater environment, communication, etc.); weld setup and preparation skills (i.e., the ability to perform tasks typically assigned to a fitter or rigger, such as materials alignment and materials preparation including beveling, stripping of concrete, fitting a steel patch or repair plate, etc.,); and the ability to certify to a required underwater weld procedure. 2. I am a certified surface welder, what other training do I need to qualify as a welder-diver? The majority of work performed by an average welder-diver does not involve the welding operation itself, but rather executing the tasks that lead up to and follow the actual welding activities. Except under special circumstances, a welder-diver in most cases must posses both certified welder skills and commercial diving skills. It is suggested that if you have no prior commercial diving experience you should attend one of the recognized commercial diving schools. The candidate may be required to pass a diving physical prior to school acceptance and in some cases a written exam. It is


suggested that a dive physical be taken regardless, to avoid going through the expense of training only to later find you have a disability that prevents your entering the profession. Once that basic commercial diver training is completed, it is common practice to apply for employment at one of many commercial diving companies that offer underwater welding as a service. An interview with the company of your choice is recommended to express your career goals in underwater welding and past welding experience. Expect to begin your career as a diver tender (apprentice diver) initially. As a diver tender you will gain valuable practical experience while learning the trade. 3. I am already a certified diver, what other training do I need to qualify as a welder-diver? The welding processes, classes of weld and qualification tests associated with underwater welding are described in ANSI/AWS D3.6. We recommend the specification as a reference for weld procedure and welder qualification. It is also a good source of other helpful information. If you are already certified as a "commercial diver" and work for a company that offers underwater welding services, it is recommended that you communicate to your company your career objectives and ask what welder skills they are looking for. If you are certified as a "scuba diver", it is suggested that you attend a commercial diving school. Sport dive training does not include the safe use of commercial diving equipment, offshore commercial work environment/safety, and other education. Underwater welding is a skill you also have to master once you obtain the basic commercial diving skills required. 4. What are the age limitations of a welder-diver? There is no age restriction on commercial welder-divers. There are, however, physical requirements. It is recommended and generally required that all commercial divers pass an annual dive physical. The commercial diving profession is physical demanding. It is rare to see an active commercial welder-diver over the age of 50. 5. What salary can I expect to make as a welder-diver? We know some welder-divers earn $15,000 per year while others earn in excess of $100,000. Because the majority of welder-divers are paid on a project-by-project basis, salaries are subject to the same variables as work availability. In addition, other factors such as depth, dive method and diving environment affect pay rates. The company with whom you gain employment should be able to tell you the salary range you can expect to earn. 6. What other skills are recommended to supplement my qualifications as a welder-diver? Ideally, a diving contractor would like its welder-divers to be "a jack of all trades and a master of them all!" Practically speaking, possessing the


skills that are common to underwater welding operations, in addition to welding and diving, are recommended. Primarily these skills are: underwater cutting (oxyfuel, abrasive water jet, mechanical cutting equipment, etc.); fitting and rigging; inspection and nondestructive testing (visual, magnetic particle, ultrasonics, radiography, eddy current, etc.); drafting; and underwater photography (still photo and video). The more skills the welder- diver maintains the more valuable he becomes in meeting project qualification requirements. The most desirable underwater welder-divers are those who are qualified to: assist the diving contractor in pre-job planning (e.g., having the ability to photograph/video, draft and report on work requirements prior to the actual underwater welding operation); cut, clean, rig, install, and fit up the sections they will weld; and work with personnel responsible for inspecting the completed welds. Formal training is recommended for whatever skills you wish to qualify for. Maintaining the qualifications you obtain is just as important as receiving them as there has been many a job lost to a welder-diver who has let his certification lapse. 7. What future career opportunities are there for an experienced welder-diver? There are a number of career opportunities for experienced welder- divers. Many go on to become engineers, instructors, and diving operations supervisors, fill management positions, qualify as AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), and serve as consultants for underwater welding operations and other related fields. Ideally, a career as a welder-diver should serve as a stepping stone to other opportunities for those who choose the profession. Industry has and will continue to demand higher quality standards for underwater welds and more certification of underwater welding systems and personnel. After-reading activity

Continue filling in the following table:

Operations both surface and welder-divers do Operations only welder-divers do
weld setup and preparation,... underwater cutting,...


Correct the following statements to make them correspond to the text: 1. Welder-divers must have the skills of commercial diving but need not be certified. 2. The majority of work performed by an average welder-diver includes only welding operation itself. 3. Welder-divers apply for employment at commercial diving companies before their diver training is completed. 4. Commercial welder-diver is the same as scuba diver. 5. You cannot be a welder-diver if you are over 50 years old. 6. To possess commercial diving skills means to be able to do underwater weld procedures. 7. Welder-divers earn from $15,000 to $100,000 per year depending on their work experience. 8. To pass a physical examination for welder diver you need to go through formal training. 9. Past welding experience doesn’t count if you choose to be a welder-diver. Answer the following questions: 1. Who can be a welder-diver? 2. What sorts of basic and supplementary skills must a welder-diver possess? 3. How can certified surface welders become welder-divers? 4. What is more important: receiving the welder-diver qualifications or maintaining them? 5. Why do commercial divers pass an annual dive physical? 6. Do welder-divers have any future career opportunities? 7. Do you think surface welding equipment can be used underwater? Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. Большое количество людей проявляет интерес к профессии подводного сварщика. 2. Сварщик-подводник - это квалифицированный сварщик, обладающий всеми навыками, необходимыми для сварки на поверхности и под водой. 3. Перед зачислением в школу сварщиков-подводников кандидаты проходят обязательное медицинское освидетельствование.


4. Полезными навыками сварщиков-подводников являются: фото- и видеосъемка, создание чертежа, установка оснастки и др. 5. Для многих профессиональных сварщиков навыки подводной сварки становятся залогом дальнейшего карьерного роста. Think and say 1. The word combination taking the plunge is a set phrase (связанное фразеологическое сочетание). Is it a good title for this text? Why? 2. Another set phrase in the text is a stepping stone. What are possible stepping stones in your welding career? PART 2. THE HISTORY OF WELDING Lead-in Think of the answers for the following questions: 1. Why did welding become necessary? 2. Is welding a new profession? 3 Who were the first welders? 4. Who invented modern welding? Vocabulary

forge выковывать, ковать oxyacetylene 1) автогенный 2) кислородно-ацетиленовый welding rod сварочный пруток MIG metal inert gas welding сварка металлическим электродом в инертном газе TIG tungsten inert gas welding дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа torch горелка submerged arc (дуговая) сварка под флюсом welding

molten pool/puddle сварочная ванна; ванна жидкого металла


Reading Text 1. Welding History - A Story of Harnessing Heat Joining metal and welding history go back several millennia starting in the Bronze Age then Iron Age in Europe then the Middle East. Welding was used in the Iron pillar in Delhi, India, about 310 AD, weighing 5.4 metric tons (picture at left). The Middle Ages brought forge welding, blacksmiths pounded hot metal until it bonded. In 1540, Vannoccio Biringuccio released De la pirotechnia, which includes descriptions of the forging operation. Renaissance craftsmen gained skilled in the process, and the welding continued to grow during the following centuries. Welding was transformed during the 19th century. In 1800, Sir Humphrey Davy invented the electric arc, and advances in welding continued with the metal electrode by a Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov, and an American, C.L. Coffin late in the 1800s. Acetylene was discovered in 1836 by Edmund Davy, but was not practical in welding until about 1900, when a suitable blowtorch was developed. At first, oxyfuel welding was the more popular welding method due to its portability and relatively low cost. As the 20th century progressed, it fell out of favor for industrial applications. It was largely replaced with arc welding, as metal coverings (known as flux) for the electrode that stabilize the arc and shield the base material from impurities continued to be developed. In 1881 a Russian inventor, Benardos demonstrated the carbon electrode welding process. An arc was formed between a moderately consumable carbon electrode and the work. A rod was added to provide needed extra metal. Thermite welding was invented in 1893, another process, oxyfuel welding, became well established. Around 1900, A. P. Strohmenger brought a coated metal electrode in Britain, which had a more stable arc, and in 1919, alternating current welding was invented by C.J. Holslag, but did not become popular for another decade. Resistance welding was developed during the end of the 19th century, with the first patents going to Elihu Thompson in 1885, and he produced advances over the next 15 years.


In 1904 Oscar Kjellberg in Sweden, who started ESAB, invented and patented the covered electrode. This electric welding process made strong welds of excellent quality. World War I caused a major surge in the use of welding processes, with the various military powers attempting to determine which of the several new welding processes would be best. The British primarily used arc welding, even constructing a ship, the Fulagar, with an entirely welded hull. The Americans were more hesitant, but began to recognize the benefits of arc welding when the process allowed them to repair their ships quickly after a German attack in the New York Harbor at the beginning of the war. Arc welding was first applied to aircraft during the war as well, as some German airplane fuselages were constructed using the process. During the 1920s, major advances were made in welding technology, including the introduction of automatic welding in 1920, in which electrode wire was fed continuously. Shielding gas became a subject receiving much attention, as scientists attempted to protect welds from the effects of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Porosity and brittleness were the primary problems, and the solutions that developed included the use of hydrogen, argon, and helium as welding atmospheres. During the following decade, further advances allowed for the welding of reactive metals like aluminum and magnesium. This, in conjunction with developments in automatic welding, alternating current, and fluxes fed a major expansion of arc welding during the 1930s and then during World War II. A significant invention was defined in a patent by Alexander, filed in December 1924, and became known as the Atomic Hydrogen Welding Process. It looks like MIG welding but hydrogen is used as the shielding gas which also provides extra heat.A major innovation was described in a patent that defines the Submerged Arc Process by Jones, Kennedy and Rothermund. This patent was filed in October 1935 and assigned to Union Carbide Corporation. The following was excepted from an article written by Bob Irving in he Welding Journal: “The importance of welding was emphasized early in the war when President Roosevelt sent a letter to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who is said to have read it aloud to the members of Britain's House of Commons. The letter read in part, "Here there had been developed a welding technique (referring to Submerged Arc Welding) which enables us to construct


standard merchant ships with a speed unequalled in the history of merchant shipping." Russell Meredith working at Northrop Aircraft Company in 1939-1941 invented the TIG process. This new process was called "Heliarc" as it used an electric arc to melt the base material and helium to shield the molten puddle. Mr.Jack Northrop's dream was to build a magnesium airframe for a lighter, faster warplanes and his welding group invented the process and developed the first TIG torches. The patents were sold to Linde who developed a number of torches for different applications. They also developed procedures for using Argon which was more available and less expensive than Helium. In 1957, the flux-cored arc welding process debuted, in which the self- shielded wire electrode could be used with automatic equipment, resulting in greatly increased welding speeds, and that same year, plasma arc welding was invented. Electroslag welding was released in 1958, and it was followed by its cousin, electrogas welding, in 1961. Other recent developments in welding include the 1958 breakthrough of electron beam welding, making deep and narrow welding possible through the concentrated heat source. Following the invention of the laser in 1960, laser beam welding debuted several decades later, and has proved to be especially useful in high-speed, automated welding. Both of these processes, however, continue to be quite expensive due the high cost of the necessary equipment, and this has limited their applications. After-reading activity Find equivalents for the following words combinations in the text: Угольный электрод, электрод с покрытием, защитный газ, торговое судоходство, открытая печь, военный самолет, открытый горн, источник тепла, признавать преимущества электродуговой сварки, высокая стоимость.

Match the dates, names and inventions from the following table:

  Vannoccio Biringuccio discovered acetylene
  Sir Humphrey Davy invented the electric arc
1800s. Nikolai Slavyanov, C.L. Coffin developed metal


  Edmund Davy brought a coated metal electrode
  A. P. Strohmenger invented and patented the covered electrode
  Benardos described forging operation
  C.J. Holslag invented alternating current
  Oscar Kjellberg demonstrated the welding process with carbon electrode
  Jones, Kennedy and Rothermund developed Submerged Arc Welding
  Alexander patented Atomic Hydrogen Welding process
After-reading discussion True or false? 1. Arc welding was used to build the Iron pillar in Delhi, India. 2. The discovery of acetylene made it possible to achieve higher heating temperatures. 3. The first electrode used in welding was a covered one. 4. The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was a famous welder. 5. Oxygen is used as shielding gas in TIG welding. 6. The TIG process made it possible to construct planes faster. Answer the following question on the text: 1. Which process was developed earlier, MIG or TIG? 2. Why is rod added in carbon electrode welding? 3. What is the difference between the Atomic Hydrogen Welding process and the MIG process? 4. What kind of gas was first used to shield the molten puddle? 5. Is tungsten electrode consumable?



Translate the following sentences from Russian into English: 1. Ковка - первый в истории метод соединения металлов, при котором было необходимо нагреть соединяемые металлы до высокой температуры на открытом пламени. 2. Открытие ацетилена и соединение его с кислородом позволило значительно повысить температуру нагрева свариваемых металлов. 3. Российский изобретатель Бенардос впервые использовал неплавящийся угольный электрод. 4. Использование электрода с покрытием значительно повысило качество получаемых сварных соединений. 5. Изобретение дуговой сварки под флюсом позволило ускорить строительство торговых судов. 6. При дуговой сварке вольфрамовым электродом в качестве инертного газа использовался гелий, который позднее был заменен более дешевым в получении аргоном. Vocabulary joining, joint соединение, связь, сращивание,

armour carburization brittle interlayering high-carbon hammer forging cast iron blacksmith jeweler fusion riveting

boiler oxyacetylene consumable bare coating spot

шов броня науглероживание хрупкий, ломкий чередование слоев высокоуглеродистый свободная ковка на молоте чугун кузнец ювелир плавка; расплавление производить клёпку — rivet, join by rivets паровой котёл, бойлер ацетилено-кислородный расходуемый непокрытый покрытие точечная


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