Task 3. Answer the questions.

1. What’s the difference between climate and weather? 2. What factors make up a particular time period’s weather? 3. What interval do the scientists use to define a region’s climate? 4. How can you describe a perfect spring day in Missouri? 5. Can human activities influence the climate? 6. How does carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere? 7. Why does the atmosphere become warmer? 8. How do chemists define this process? 9. Are these climatic changes dangerous for our planet? 10. Can we do anything to protect our planet?


Task 4. Look at the questions below and make a dialogue with your partner.

Model: 1. What is the climate in your country like? - We have a continental (sharp continental, sea, subtropical, mediterranean, tropical) climate.

2. Are you having high (low) humidity? 3. Is winter in your country severe (soft)? 4. Is summer in your country hot? 5. What is an average temperature in your country in winter, spring, summer, autumn? 6. Do you have snow in winter? 7. When does snow fall here? 8. When does spring come here? 9. Do you stand cold well? 10. Do you stand heat badly? 11. Would you like to live in another climate?


Task 5. Fill in: several, greenhouse, surface, come down, carbon, climatic, perfect, climate, scattered, human, particular.

1. …… scientists, 2. …… temperatures, 3. ….. time, 4. …….dioxide, 5. …….effect, 6. ….. spring day, 7. ….. activities, 8. ….. to time, 9. ….. decades, 10. ….. showers, 11. …… changes.


Task 6.* They say there’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes. What do you think about it?


Прогноз погоды.

Чтение: работа с учебным текстом «Weather forecast». Грамматика: способы выражения будущего действия. Лексика: лексические единицы по теме занятия

Task 7. Study the vocabulary:

Downpour - ливень, freezing - морозный, sleet - дождь со снегом, thaws - оттепель, mist – туман, stuffy – душный, slush – слякоть, rime - иней, icicles – сосульки, hard - суровый, meteorology - метеорология, pressure - давление, sunlight – солнечный свет, thunder - гром, clap of thunder – раскат грома, lightning - молния, thunderstorm - гроза, dew - роса, steam – пар, hail – град, fierce wind – резкий ветер.

Task 8. Read and translate the weather forecast:

Good afternoon and welcome to the weather forecast.

Let's take a look at the weather outside now. What's it like? Well, it's currently raining and cloudy in southern Oregon while northern Oregon is cold and clear. The sun is shining, but it's rather cold up here in the North! The temperature is currently 45 degrees in the southern Oregon and only 30 degrees in the North.

Shall we see what the weather will be like tomorrow? Well, it will be rainy in the morning in southern Oregon and windy in northern Oregon. In the afternoon, The South will see cloudy weather with some rain later in the day. Northern Oregon will also see rain turning to snow and quite windy, with winds coming from the North-East.

That's the weather forecast for this afternoon. Have a good day!

Task 9. Read and learn the dialogues:

A: The weather is fine, isn’t it? B: Yes, it is. The temperature is about 20 degrees above zero. A: It’s warm and sunny. No wind. B: Let’s go for a walk. A: Good idea. A: How is the weather, John? Is it raining or snowing? B: It was pouring hard about an hour ago, but it is snowing now. A: Do you feel cold, George? B: Yes, I am frozen to death. I am going in to get warmed up a little. A: No fear of that. Look! The sun is coming out.
A: What’s the weather like today? Is it raining? B: Oh, yes. It has been raining since morning. A: No! I am going for a walk with Jane tonight. B: The forecast says it will be clear in the evening. A: Let’s hope for the best. B: But now, don’t forget to take your umbrella before going out. A: Ok! Thanks mum! A: Good morning, George. It's a beautiful day. B: Yes. It's a fine day. The sun is shining. A: It looks as if we are going to have a couple of fine days. B: It's unusual weather for March. A: I hope that's the beginning of spring. B: I'm afraid the weather changes rather often. A sudden snowfall is quite possible.

Task 10. Look at the model sentences and speak about the weather.

What weather is it today?

– Today it is hot (cold, rainy, stuffy, cloudy, cool, windy, fine, foggy, frosty, blizzard, sleet, thaws) outdoors. The sky is blue (clear, cloudy). It is raining (snowing, hailing). A strong wind is blowing. It is pouring cats and dogs. It is driving rain. It is getting hold. Frosts have struck. Today the sun is shining brightly. Today the weather is much better. Today the weather is wonderful.


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