Задание 1. Установите соответствия между именем числительным и вариантом его чтения:

a) 27 1) twenty sevenths

b) 2) twenty-seven

c) 27 3) two hundred and seventy

d) 270 4) two thousand seven hundred

5) two point seven

Задание 2. Установите соответствие между именем числительным и вариантом его чтения:

1) 623 a) six and two thirds

2) 6.23 b) six two point three

3) c) six thousand two hundred and thirty

4) 6,230 d) six point two three

e) six hundred and twenty-three


Задание 3. Выберите правильную ответную фразу.

Thanks you for doing it.

1) That`s nothing

2) Never mind

3) Excuse me

4) That was a pleasure


Задание 4. Выберите правильную ответную фразу: How do you do?

1) I am unwell.

2) I`m fine, thanks.

3) How do you do?

4) Good day.


Задание 5. Выберите правильную ответную фразу.

Excuse me …

1) It`s all right.

2) Yes?

3) That`s nothing.

4) I say …


Задание 6. Выберите правильную ответную фразу.

Good afternoon!

1) Good afternoon!

2) Hi!

3) How do you do?

4) Hello!


Задание 7. «Лишним» словом, имеющим другое смысловое значение, является:

1) helpful

2) common

3) usual

4) normal


Задание 8. «Лишним» словом, имеющим другое смысловое значение, является:

1) fighting

2) flight

3) conflict

4) combat


Задание 9. «Лишним» словом, имеющим другое смысловое значение, является:

1) house

2) company

3) firm

4) corporation


Задание 10. Употребите нужную видовременную форму глагола в косвенной речи.

I asked who they _______ about

1) were speaking

2) spoke

3) are speaking

4) speak



Задание 11. Антонимом к слову pupil является:

1) teacher

2) learner

3) scholar

4) student


Задание 12. Выберите слово, которое не является интернациональным:

1) theorem

2) invisible

3) amplitude

4) cylinder


Задание 13. Антонимом к слову an adult является:

1) a child

2) a man

3) a woman

4) a grown-up


Задание 14. Выберите слово, которое не является интернациональным.

1) reactor

2) mass

3) quartz

4) heart


Задание 15. Заполните пропуски в письме следующими фразами и предложениями.


421 Michigan Avenue

Chicago, III. 606002

1 ____________

Mr James Green

Marketing Director

Green Industries Inc.

I48 Mortimer Street

London WIC 37D


Dears Sirs!

In reply to your enquiry 2_______ that we cannot offer you instruments of the

model you are interested in, as they are no longer produced.

We can make you a firm offer for similar instruments of a new model. Their price

is a bit higher, but they are already 3________.




a) we regret to inform you

b) Yours faithfully

c) in great demand

d) October 30, 2009




Задание 16. Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из заголовков соответствует тексту.

Imports must be paid for in a currency that is acceptable to the seller. In order to facilitate these transaction, there is a market for the currencies of all trading nations. The selling price of one nation`s currency in terms of the currencies of other nations is known as its “exchange rate”. Exchange rates fluctuate an accordance with the laws of supply and demand.

1) Currency

2) Exchange Rate

3) Import

4) The Selling Price


Задание 17. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:

What is the clean collection?

There exist two types of collections. Collections may be documentary or clean. The documentary collections is the collections of commercial documents or the collection of financial documents together with commercial documents.

The collection of only financial documents is called clean. Commercial documents are: invoices, bills of lading, waybills and certificates. Financial documents are: promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques and payment receipts.


1) The collection of any documents is called clean.

2) The collection of commercial documents or the collection of financial documents together with commercial documents is called clean.

3) The collection of only commercial documents is called clean.

4) The collection of only financial documents is called clean.


Задание 18. Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из заголовков соответствует тексту.

Trade among nations takes place for the same reasons that it does within a nation: to obtain goods and services that a region could not produce itself, or to obtain them at a lower cost than they could be produced for at home. This is explained by the principle of comparative advantage, which states that as long as the opportunity costs to produce items differ between two nations, both will profit by specializing in those things that they produce most efficiently and exchanging their surpluses. Despite the many advantages of international trade, most nations have been erecting artificial barriers to the trade for ages. These barriers are usually in the form of tariffs or quotas.

1) Trade 3) International Trade

2) Tariffs and Quotas 4) Barriers to the Trade



Задание 19. Дополните диалог:

Clerk: 1_______?

Man: I`d like 2________, please.

Clerk: Yes, sir. It`s for 50 pounds. But you haven`t signed it yet, sir.

Man: Oh, I`m terribly sorry. 3________.

Clerk: Thank you. How would you like the money?

Man: Four fives and 4________, please.

a) Here you are

b) to cash this cheque

c) three tens

d) What can I do for you


Задание 20. Дополните диалог:

Mr. Gavrilov: Is that Mr. Wanes 1__________?

Secretary: Yes.

Mr. Gavrilov: My name`s Gavrilov. 2__________ Mr. Wanes for tomorrow. Could you put it off till 3_______?

Secretary: All right, I`ll find out and confirm is today. Goodbye.

Mr. Gavrilov: 4________.

a) I have an appointment with

b) office

c) Goodbye

d) Thursday afternoon same time


Задание 21. Употребите нужный артикль.

I have _____ uncle.

1) –

2) the

3) an

4) a


Задание 22. Употребите нужную форму имени прилагательного.

Tom came home ______ than Jack.

1) late

2) the latest

3) more late

4) later


Задание 23. Употребите нужное местоимение.

Susan has got a son. ______ name is Peter.

1) His

2) Its

3) He

4) Her

Задание 24. Употребите нужный предлог.

He has returned ______ the south.

1) out of

2) to

3) from

4) into


Задание 25. Заполните пропуски в предложении соответствующей неличной формой глагола.

My father likes ______ for long walks in the early morning.

1) go

2) gone

3) to going

4) going


Задание 26. Употребите нужную форму глагола.

His friend _____ already ______ two English articles into Russian.

1) have translated

2) translated

3) has translated

4) had translated


Задание 27. Заполните пропуски в предложении соответствующей неличной формой глагола.

After _______ the letter, I posted it at the nearest post office.

1) written

2) write

3) writing

4) to write


Задание 28. Употребите нужную видовременную форму глагола в косвенной речи.

I asked who they ______ about.

1) spoke

2) speak

3) were speaking

4) are speaking


Задание 29. Формой притяжательного падежа подчеркнутого имени существительного Ann – bag является:

1) bag`s Ann

2) Ann bag

3) Ann`s bag

4) Anns` bag


Задание 30. Употребите нужный артикль.

I saw her _____ minute ago.

1) an

2) –

3) the

4) a



Задание 31. Употребите нужную форму имени прилагательного.

He is ________ in his family.

1) more hard-working

2) hard-working

3) the hard-working

4) the most hard-working


Задание 32. Употребите нужный предлог.

My mother`s birthday is ________ 7th of July.

1) in 3) on

2) at 4) b


Задание 33. Формой имени существительного a face во множественном числе является …

1) a faces 3) face

2) faces 4) faces

Задание 34. Употребите нужную форму имени прилагательного.

His work was _____________ than mine.

1) gooder 3) the best

2) better 4) good

Задание 35. Выберите нужный суффикс, чтобы образовать слово от предложенного black.

1) –ize

2) –ship

3) –en

4) –fy


Задание 36. Выберите нужный суффикс, чтобы образовать слово от предложенного king.

1) –ment

2) –ion

3) –ness

4) –dom

Задание 37. Выберите нужный префикс, чтобы образовать слово от предложенного to dress.

1) re- 3) post-

2) co- 4) un-


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