Card № 1 Let’s talk about accommodation
1. Let’s talk about accommodation. Tell about the house/flat you live in. С.4 № 1
2. Do you agree that living in a flat is better than living in a house? Prove your point of view. С.7 № 5
3. Ask me what my flat/house looks like. С.8 № 1
4. Most newlyweds have some doubts whether to build their own house or buy a spacious flat. What can you advise them? С.9 № 2-3
5. Explain why people want to make their houses more environmentally friendly.
Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment, creating healthy living conditions for yourself and people around. That’s why lots of people pay attention to it nowadays. It’s all abouttaking small steps towards natureso as to make this planet a better place for our communities and generations to come. The first step is to begin to understand the problems we have. The next step is to make different choices on a personal level that start to change your awareness, and consumption of resources. A good way would be to start with conserving water, driving less and walking more, consuming less energy, buying recycled products, eating locally grown vegetables, creating less waste and planting more trees. The changes are surprisingly easy to make, there are more ways than you can imagine to begin to practice conservation. The more we all do the faster we will create healthy living conditions. |
Card № 2 Let’s talk about the education
1. Let’s talk about education. Does school provide young people with knowledge and experience they need in life?
Yes, it does. I do think school provides us with knowledge and experience we need in life. First of all, students learn a variety of subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Information technology, Biology, languages. Moreover, we have highly qualified teachers devoted to their job. What is more, we can attend optional classes in different subjects and study these subjects at a profound level. School develops our study habits. I think different discussions and conversations, compositions and essays influence our attitude to life. The main principles of the educational system in Belarus are the priority of human values, national culture, sense of ecological purpose, scientific basis, support of gifted children and others. That’s why school clubs and societies develop our responsibility. Getting acquainted with famous people helps us understand the value of good advice and encouragement. Diligent work at the lessons and teacher's encouragement gives us opportunity to develop our personality. |
2. Do you agree that “teachers open the door but you must enter it by yourself”? Prove your point of view. C.14 № 5
3. Ask me about my school life. С. 15 № 5
4. What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a teacher from Great Britain to use in British schools?
It’s very difficult to give a piece of advice to a British teacher. Their school has a much longer history than ours. Everybody knows the British are very conservative and they won’t change anything in their system of education easily. Though the world is changing.The world data is more than doublingevery two years. And we should learn to work with it. So I can advise having a wider range of subjects on the timetable as we have here. |
5. Imagine that you are working as a teacher at our school. Wouldyou find this job interesting?
I think I would. I’ll try to explain it now. The job is really interesting if it develops you as a personality. So it must present challenges, some things to understand and problems to solve. Teachers carry out one of the most vital['vaɪt(ə)l] jobs. They educate juvenile['ʤuːv(ə)naɪl ] minds how to read, write and think seriously. Most teachers work with people from all walks of life and have to overcome some social barriers['bærɪə]. It means you have to hand over information from different point of views. Teachers prepare lesson materials. It can be challenging,so teachers are required to be "highly qualified.” All students should leave school with a sense of understanding, adjusting the curriculum to meet the educational needs of each student is not an easy thing. Having all those reasons in mind I can say this job isn’t going to be boring. |
Card 3 (Card 25) Let’s talk about tourism = Card 8
1. Let’s talk about tourism. Is modern life possible without travelling?
No, it isn’t. Modern life is impossible without travelling. The scientific and technological progress let people overcome time and distance. To begin with most of us in big cities travel every day to our schools, offices and factories. For most people it is quite a trek to get from home to work. They go by underground, they change to a bus or they take a taxi. From time to time we have to go to another city or country on business. Then after a year’s work people go on holiday and they do not like to spend it at home. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, to see different ways of life, to meet strange people, to try unusual food, to listen to various ['veərɪəs] musical rhythms. * trek [trek] 1. 1) переселение (особенно в фургонах, запряжённых волами) 2) переход, путешествие (особенно длительное, сопряжённое с трудностями) |
2. Do you agree that changing places is a good rest? Prove your point of view.
We live in a fast-moving, competitive world - the world of high technology, international business and multiculturalism [ˌmʌltɪ'kʌltʃərəˌlɪzəm]. Continuous tension and competitive atmosphere became an inseparable [ɪn'sep(ə)rəbl] неотделимый) item of our world. In order to keep pacewith our fast-changing world and not to lose our temper we should know how to relax. One of the way outs from this vicious ['vɪʃəs] circle is a little change in our life. First of all it can be a change of the surroundings.We can go out of town or to the cinema or just visit our friends. It’s not important what place we choose because the most important thing is to forget about your daily work and problems. Rest is as important as to work. That’s why little breaks make us more energetic and enthusiastic. |
3. What questions would you ask a guide on a tour around London? C.106 -2
4. Advise me which type of tourism to take to. C.103 – 1 (paragraph 3) + С.108 -6
5. Explain why tourism is so important for many countries.
Tourism plays an important part in the economy of different countries because it brings money. It brings in a lot of people who are willing to pay for things naturally found in that country. They pay for food, hotels, and other specialties['speʃ(ə)ltɪ] at higher prices than the natives would pay. So the main benefits of tourism are income creationand generation of jobs. For many regions and countries it is the most important source of welfare. On the other hand, tourism helps to open the minds of both visitors as well as domestic people. Actually, international travelling is a way to exchange cultures. It revitalizes[ˌriː'vaɪt(ə)laɪz] восстанавливать, оживлять) and invigorates[ɪn'vɪg(ə)reɪt] давать силы, воодушевлять) communities. It connects people; from strangers to friends to family. It is a platform for learning. It is a vehicle for adventure. It teaches people how to live with diversity, how to form connections with people whose culture is vastly different from your own. Tourism is more than just an economic driver; it is a way of life. It's a win-win situation for all. |
Card 4 (Card № 18) Let’s talk about your family
1. Let’s talk about family. What role does it play in each person’s life?
People are searching for things in life. Nothing else but the family can be an emotional centre of people’s lives. Families give us a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition, strength and purpose ['pɜ:pəs]. The things we need most deeply in our lives – love, communication, respect and good relations – have their beginning in the family. Of course, families have problems. Though, the most important job for a family is to give emotional support and security. If people love each other they will be able to sort out all their problems. If parents and children try to understand one another, they’ll feel secure and confident in their family. |
С. 62 № 2
2. Do you agree that family traditions make family ties stronger? Prove your point of view.
С. 61 № 1
3. What questions would you ask a family psychologist? С. 65 № 4
4. What can you advise people who want to get on well with their parents? С.66 № 3
5. Comment on the saying “ Blood is thicker than water”.
Blood is thicker than water is a famous idiom. It means family relationships are the most important. The bloodyou share with your relatives represents a strong relationship. It is called family ties. "Water" here seemingly represents the connection you have with people with whom you do not share blood ties. And those links simply are not as strong. So, the idiom blood is thicker than watermeans family ties are the strongest. * seemingly ['siːmɪŋlɪ] 1) на вид, по внешнему виду 2) по-видимому |
Card 5 (Card № 17) Let’s talk about accommodation
1. Let’s talk about different types of housing. What type do you like most? C.5 - 3
2. East or West, home is best. Do you agree with this proverb?
"East or West - home is best" means that home is the best place to be | no matter where it is. I like travelling and going out but anyway I am happy to come back home. If we go somewhere on holiday, returning from a trip, we understand that home is definitelythe best place. This is because we are at home in familiar surroundings, we know all cozyplaces. Our nearest and dearest live here. Any person feels relaxed at home. It’s a place where you don't need to play special roles, don't need to wear a mask and you can be yourself. I think home is a little world where you can live according to your own rules. That is why there is no place like home. |
3. Imagine that you are going to rent a flat. What would you ask your landlord about? C.8 - 4
4. People want to make their houses cozier and more comfortable. Advise them what to start from.
Our home is a special place. It’s here that we relax, gather together as a family at the dinner table, and drawinspiration [ˌɪnsp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n] for the new day. So even the smallest feature['fiːʧə] of decor['deɪkɔː] is important here. So if you’re not planning on major changes there are still some tips you can follow to get things looking better. CHOICE: - A visitor gets acquainted with your house at the front door. Its appearance is really important. You can decorate your door. There are some ideas you can use here: add an attractive number, door handle or flowerpot alongside. You could even put up a welcome sign with a wreath [riːθ]. - Flowers have the biggest effect if they’re placed in various corners of your home (on small tables, window sills, chests of drawers) and not grouped all in one place. You can divide your flowers up into matching sets. The random placing of flowers at home will make your house cozier. - The walls of your home reflect your personality. Empty walls express nothing, whereas photographs, paintings, or unusual ornaments can give your home a dynamic quality, evoke emotion, and change your mood for the better. Give your imagination a little room to breathe, and you’ll find the perfect way to make your home nice and cozy. |
5. Explain why young people prefer living in a flat to living in a house.
Young people do prefer living in a flat to living in a house. And I’ll try to explain why. There are numerous advantages of living in an apartment. Firstly, apartments make some individual live a simple life. For example, people who live in an apartment do not take care to clean the staircase and yard, and there is no need to trim the lawn as well. Secondly, as we all know apartment are more secure than houses. One more thing to think about is our utility bills.Of course living in a flat is much cheaper than in a house. And young people do not have a lot of money when they start their career. Finally, living in an apartment can afford people a sense of community. People communicate more with their neighbours. In my opinion those are the reasons why young people prefer to live in a flat. |
Card 6 (Card № 23) Let’s talk about youth and society
1. Let’s talk about youth and society. Do you belong to any youth organization [ˌɔːg(ə)naɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]?
1) C. 71-72 No.4
2) Yes, I do.
Not long ago I joined the BRSM. It is the most authoritativeorganization. Its activities are managed and directed by the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth. The BRSM: - supports the initiatives of the youthand development of their individual abilities; - elaborates and accomplishes different educational, social and other youth programs; *elaborate [ɪ'læb(ə)reɪt] детально разрабатывать (тему, вопрос); конкретизировать, развивать, уточнять - renders assistance in finding employment; - promotes international youth co-operation; - organizes conferences, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, concerts for young people It is interesting for me to take part in all those activities. |
2. Do you agree that active social activities make the life of young people more interesting? Prove your point of view.
Yes, I do. As psychologists say humans are social animals. It’s quite natural that young people want to socialize with their equals. All those activities give them a sense of belonging. And it is essential for all human beings to have that sense of personal involvement in a social system. That’s why young people join youth clubs and societies and take part in different sporting events, volunteering, taking care of war veterans, assisting the old and the handicapped, carrying out some ecological projects and doing other things. I think social activities make the life of young people more interesting. |
3. What would you ask a British teenager about youth movement in Great Britain? C.72 - 1
4. What would you advise a person who is going to join a youth organization?
If a person is going to join a youth organization, he should find outwhat societies are working in his area and what kind of activities they organize. The next step is to ask yourself what you are really interested in. Then you can join the organization where people share your ideas, do what you really like and make new friends. |
5. Explain what makes young people join youth organizations [ˌɔːg(ə)naɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n].