
Around the clock

Read what Art College students say about their working day. Is it very different from yours?

Sonya, 16

I usually set my alarm clock to ring at 7 o’clock, but when it rings I turn it off and go to sleep again. Then my mother comes into the room and says: Get up! I say “OK” and go back to sleep. Then my mother turns on the light and says “Get up!” again. I open my eyes and agree to get up. As usual I really get up at 7:30. I go to the bathroom and then to the kitchen to eat. Then I dress, make up and brush my hair. My morning routine takes me about 30 minutes. I don’t make my bed, it’s normally my grandmother who does it.

I study in Orel Art College. I live quite far from my college and it usually takes me 40 minutes to get there. I am usually in time for the first lesson at 8:50, but sometimes I am late because of traffic jams. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go to my classroom. We have both professional and general subjects and usually have from 3 to 5 double periods every day. My favourite subjects are drawing and composition.

At one o’clock we have a lunch break. I usually have lunch at the canteen, although the food is not very good. We usually have soup for the first course and meatballs or sausages with rice or pasta for the second. To drink there is usually tea or fruit drink.

After two or three more periods I go home. I don’t usually have time for my friends on my working days, but on weekends we usually go for a walk.

In the evening all the members of my family get together. We have supper and then I do my homework. Then if I have some time I read classic literature, listen to music or go online. I usually go to bed at about midnight.


Marina, 15

I come to college and start eating. Studying makes me hungry. I eat at the breaks and during the lunch hour.

…When I come home I start doing homework at once, but I am distracted a lot and so finish about midnight.


Lena, 15

I set my five alarm clocks to ring at 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, 8:00 and 8:15. I live not far from my college so I am never more than ten minutes left…


Angie, 18



My working day is one crazy Monday. I never know what time and how I will wake up. I usually wake up at 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 o’clock or work all night and sleep all day. I make my bed if I have slept in it and do my morning routine. After that I feed my brother, my cat and myself, get dressed and run to the bus stop.

Most of my day is spent at Art College. We have from 3 to 5 double periods every day except Sunday, and sometimes studio classes after official periods, so that means we finish quite late.

After an hour of anger and fear in the bus I get home at 8 or 9 in the evening. I have supper, check my brother’s homework, play with my cat and then do my homework or go to bed.



Alice, 16


My alarm clock always awakens me at 5 30. I get up at once and make my bed, then, still groggy, I go on to wash, brush my hair and dress, which often takes an hour. Since I normally sit up late, I tend to fall asleep again if I chance to adopt the horizontal position. Sometimes I even fall asleep when sitting down, therefore my clothes often look rumpled and slovenly, and my head resembles a bird's nest. Here I am picking up my cat to warm it on my breast...

… and the next thing I know is my mom waking me up at 7:10 when she has risen and made breakfast. A little less groggy, I eat, pick up my bag and leave the house at approximately 8 o’clock. Or rather, my mom pushes me out of the door lest God forbid I should sit down and fall asleep again. Sometimes she forgets to, on which days I’m always late.

I study in Orel Art College therefore I always look like an explorer with enough baggage for a long journey. My journey on the bus takes about 10or 15 songs on my player. I am always late for the first double period. If I manage to find a seat in the minibus, I fall asleep and missmy stop and have to walk back on foot(and if I fall asleep for the third time, I come to the second lesson or even to the second double period).If I haven’t snatched some sleep in the minibus, I catch up at the first double period.

Normally we have 3 double periods each day. As they finish at about 4 o'clock I have to decide whether to stay for a little extra work or to go home and sleep at once. The choice depends upon my mood and inspiration.

When I finally come home I go to bed first thing and wake up at approximately 9 or 10 p.m. I have supper and sit down to do my homework, which I never manage to finish before I get sleepy again at about 2 or 3 a.m., and then again the alarm clock and the desire to sleep … IF I EVER FALL ASLEEP ON MY FEET, PLEASE DELIVER ME INTO THE CLASSROOM!


Anna, 15

… I spend five minutes searching for my black socks and then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth with my black toothpaste…

Dasha, 16:

The working day of a modern proletarian

I set my ancient mechanic alarm to ring at 5:45. When it rings I turn it off and go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and my hair. I stroke the cat that was peacefully sleeping on me and wish good health to comrade Lenin, then go to the kitchen to eat my communist breakfast. Gorging on bread and salt, with the help of the Holy Spirit I feel a surge of vitality and sing songs of Leontiev, thereby awakening my Dad from anabiosis. He leaves his lair unhappily, because my mom says that he will make their bed personally. Dad goes hiding in the dark in search of a toilet. Finished with singing, I get dressed and pack my backpack. I always include my portrait of Jesus and with God’s help, leave the house and go to the bus station. I sleep on the bus, resting my head on my neighbour’s shoulder. Nobody has objected so far. If I don’t sleep, I watch the guy who often travels with me on the bus. Sometimes I pray to God that we arrive in the city successfully, because it seems to me that our bus will fall apart and we will all die.

At our arrival I continue following the object under surveillance to a trolleybus until he gets off at his stop. Then I arrive at college.

Most of the double periods I do nothing but get very tired. I replenish my energy in the canteen with my red haired friend and continue to do nothing.

Thus passes my whole day. After college I go to the bus station.

Home.Food. Sleep.

The end.







asusualкак обычно

bathroom ванная комната, туалет


beintime приходить вовремя


brush расчесывать (о волосах), чистить (о зубах)

canteen столовая


coat пальто, теплая куртка

dress одеваться

fallasleep засыпать

getполучать, добираться

gettogetherсобираться вместе

getup вставать

gotobed ложиться спать


hangaround тусоваться, проводить время вместе

in my third year натретьемкурсе


leaveуходить, оставлять, покидать

leavefor выходить (в училище, на работу и т.д.)


makemybed заправлять кровать

makeup косметика, макияж, краситься


quitefar довольно далеко




spend тратить, проводить


traffic jamsпробки

turn offвыключать

turn on включать





1. Open the brackets using Present Simple .

My sister (to set) her alarm clock at 7:30 but she usually (to get) up at eight o’clock.2. She (to be) a college student. She (to go) to college every day except Sunday.3. Jane (to be) very devout. She (to go) to church every Sunday.4. She (to have) lunch at the college canteen. They usually (to have) soup, pasta or rice with meatballs or sausages and some kind of drink.5. My friend (to hate) rap music. 6. It sometimes (to take) our students half a night to do their homework. 7. She (to speak) Japanese well because she (to be) crazy about anime. 8. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock, but I (not to get up) at once. It usually (to take) me fifteen minutes to get up. I (to go) to the bathroom, (to brush) my teeth and (to wash my face). I usually (to have) no time for morning exercises because it (to take) me so long (to make up) and (to decide) what (to wear). At eight o’clock I (to have) breakfast.I only (to have) time for a cup of coffee and a sandwich.My father (to take) me to college in his car. I (to be) usually on time for the first double period, but if the traffic jams (to be) very bad I (to be) sometimes late.

2. TranslateintoEnglishusingPresentSimple.

1. Я рисую. 2. Мы пишем красками. 3. Они не рисуют. 4. Вы рисуете? 5. Он работает? - Нет. Он учится. 6. Мой брат не учится. Он работает. 7. Моя сестра не читает книг. 8. Наша бабушка любит спать на диване. 9. Когда ты встаешь? - Я ставлю будильник на семь часов, но я не всегда встаю сразу же. 10. Когда встает твой друг? - Он встает около двенадцати. – А где он учится? Он учится в институте, но он очень ленивый и приходит обычно к третьей паре. За экзамены платят его родители.

11. Идеальная студентка (amodelstudent) встает в 6:30, заправляет кровать, открывает окно, делает утреннюю зарядку, принимает душ и всегда ест на завтрак овсяную кашу (porridge). Затем она идет пешком в училище, приходит за 15 минут до первой пары и всегда обедает в столовой. Но я не идеальна. Я встаю около восьми, быстро одеваюсь и крашусь в маршрутке (mini-bus). 12. Иногда у наших студентов уходит полночи, чтобы сделать домашнее задание.

13. Мой дядя менеджер в небольшой фирме. Он очень занят. Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он встает в семь часов, завтракает и садится в машину. На работе он продает компьютерные программы, контролирует своих сотрудников и иногда флиртует с секретаршей. После работы у него деловые встречи и вечерние занятия. Он много зарабатывает (makemoney), но я не хотел бы так жить.

3. Answer the questions


2.It is hard for you to get up in the morning? Do you often manage to be on time?

3.How long does it take you to get to college?

4.Where do you normally have lunch?

5.How much time do you spend online? On your hobbies?On your friends?On your homework?

6. What is your typical day in college like?

7. What time do you get home from college?

8. How often do you go out?

9. Do you often sit up late? What time do you go to bed?


4. Write about your typical working day




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