XXII колено
Рождение: | 22/05/1670 | |
Смерть: | 01/02/1733 |
· Курфюрст Саксонский 27/04/1694 - 01/02/1733
· Король Польши 1709 - 01/02/1733
· Король Польши 1697 - 1704
· Веттины
· Мейсенский дом
· Саксонский дом
Отец: | Иоганн Георг III Саксонский (30/06/1647-22/09/1691) | |||
Дед: | Иоганн Георг II Саксонский (10/06/1613-01/09/1680) | |||
Прадед: | Иоганн Георг I Саксонский (15/03/1585-18/10/1656) | |||
Прапрадед: | Христиан I Саксонский (29/10/1560-25/09/1591) | |||
Прапрабабка: | София Гогенцоллерн (06/06/1568-07/12/1622) | |||
Прабабка: | Магдалена Сибилла Гогенцоллерн (09/01/1587-22/02/1659) | |||
Прапрадед: | Альбрехт Фридрих Гогенцоллерн (29/04/1553-18/08/1618) | |||
Прапрабабка: | ||||
Бабка: | Магдалена Сибилла Гогенцоллерн (07/11/1612-30/03/1687) | |||
Прадед: | Христиан Гогенцоллерн (30/01/1581-30/05/1655) | |||
Прапрадед: | Иоганн Георг Гогенцоллерн (11/09/1525-08/01/1598) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Елизавета Асканианская (25/09/1563-25/09/1607) | |||
Прабабка: | Мария Гогенцоллерн (23/01/1579-11/02/1649) | |||
Прапрадед: | Альбрехт Фридрих Гогенцоллерн (29/04/1553-18/08/1618) | |||
Прапрабабка: | ||||
Мать: | Анна София Ольденбургская (11/09/1647-01/07/1717) | |||
Дед: | Фридрих III Ольденбургский (1609-1670) | |||
Прадед: | Кристиан IV Ольденбургский (1577-1648) | |||
Прапрадед: | Фридрих II Ольденбургский (1534-1588) | |||
Прапрабабка: | ||||
Прабабка: | Анна Екатерина Гогенцоллерн (26/06/1575-29/03/1612) | |||
Прапрадед: | Иоахим III Фридрих Гогенцоллерн (27/01/1546-18/07/1608) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Екатерина Гогенцоллерн (10/08/1549-30/09/1602) | |||
Бабка: | София Амалия Брауншвейгская (24/03/1628-20/02/1685) | |||
Прадед: | Георг Брауншвейгский (17/02/1582-12/04/1641) | |||
Прапрадед: | Вильгельм Брауншвейгский (04/07/1535-20/08/1592) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Доротея Ольденбургская (29/06/1546-06/01/1617) | |||
Прабабка: | Анна Элеонора Гессен-Дармштадская (30/07/1601-06/05/1659) | |||
Прапрадед: | Людвиг V Гессен-Дармштадский (24/09/1577-27/07/1626) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Магдалена Гогенцоллерн (07/01/1582-04/05/1616) |
1. Кристина Эбергардина Гогенцоллерн (29/12/1671-05/09/1727)
Свадьба: 20/01/1693
1. Фридрих Август II (17/10/1696-05/10/1763)
Кристина Эбергардина
XIX колено
Рождение: | 29/12/1671 | |
Смерть: | 05/09/1727 |
· Гогенцоллерны
Отец: | Христиан Эрнст Гогенцоллерн (06/08/1644-20/05/1712) | |||
Дед: | Эрдман Август Гогенцоллерн (08/10/1615-06/02/1651) | |||
Прадед: | Христиан Гогенцоллерн (30/01/1581-30/05/1655) | |||
Прапрадед: | Иоганн Георг Гогенцоллерн (11/09/1525-08/01/1598) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Елизавета Асканианская (25/09/1563-25/09/1607) | |||
Прабабка: | Мария Гогенцоллерн (23/01/1579-11/02/1649) | |||
Прапрадед: | Альбрехт Фридрих Гогенцоллерн (29/04/1553-18/08/1618) | |||
Прапрабабка: | ||||
Бабка: | София Гогенцоллерн (10/06/1614-03/12/1646) | |||
Прадед: | Иоахим Эрнст Гогенцоллерн (12/06/1583-07/03/1625) | |||
Прапрадед: | Иоганн Георг Гогенцоллерн (11/09/1525-08/01/1598) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Елизавета Асканианская (25/09/1563-25/09/1607) | |||
Прабабка: | ||||
Мать: | София Елизавета Вюртембергская (28/02/1642-13/10/1702) | |||
Дед: | Эбергард III Вюртембергский (16/12/1614-02/07/1674) | |||
Прадед: | Иоганн Фридрих Вюртембергский (05/05/1582-18/07/1628) | |||
Прапрадед: | Фридрих Вюртембергский (19/08/1557-29/01/1608) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Сибилла Асканианская (28/09/1565-16/11/1614) | |||
Прабабка: | Барбара София Гогенцоллерн (16/11/1584-13/02/1636) | |||
Прапрадед: | Иоахим III Фридрих Гогенцоллерн (27/01/1546-18/07/1608) | |||
Прапрабабка: | Екатерина Гогенцоллерн (10/08/1549-30/09/1602) |
Augustus II, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony (Augustus II the Strong) (German: August II der Starke; Polish: August II Mocny) (12 May 1670 – 1 February 1733) was as Frederick Augustus I the Elector of Saxony 1694-1733, and later also King of Poland 1697-1704 and again 1709-1733.
August's great physical strength earned him the nicknames "the Strong“, "Saxon Hercules“ and "iron hand“. He liked to show that he lived up to his name by breaking horse shoes with his bare hands. His ancestor Cymburgis of Masovia was also noted for her strength.
August the Strong owed allegiance to the Imperial Habsburgs as a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
As Elector of Saxony, he is perhaps best remembered as a patron of the arts and architecture. He established the Saxon capital of Dresden as a major cultural center, attracting artists from across Europe to his court. August also amassed an impressive art collection and built fantastic baroque palaces at Dresden and at Warsaw.
As a politician, he is nowadays not held in high esteem in Poland, getting blamed for embroiling the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Great Northern War. His attempts at internal reforms and at bolstering the royal power are considered coming to naught, while his policies are said to have allowed the Russian Empire to strengthen its influence over the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Royal titles
· In Latin: Augustus Secundus, Dei Gratia rex Poloniae, magnus dux Lithuaniae, Russie, Prussiae, Masoviae, Samogitiae, Livoniae, Kijoviae, Volhyniae, Podoliae, Smolensciae, Severiae, Czerniechoviaeque, necnon haereditarius dux Saxoniae et princeps elector etc.
· English translation: Augustus II, by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia, Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Livonia, Kyiv, Volhynia, Podolia, Smolensk, Severia and Chernihiv, and Hereditary Duke and Prince-Elector of Saxony, etc.
[edit] Biography
Drawing by Jan Matejko
Augustus was born in Dresden, Saxony, as the son of John George III and Princess Anne Sophie of Denmark. In 1694, upon the death of his elder brother John George IV, Augustus became Elector of Saxony, as Frederick Augustus I.
In order to be eligible for the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Augustus had to convert to Roman-Catholicism. Given that the Saxon dukes traditionally had been called "champions of the Reformation" and that the duchy was a stronghold of German Protestantism, Augustus's conversion was most spectacular. Subsequently the now Roman-Catholic electors of Saxony lost the prestigious leading role of the Protestant estates in the Imperial Diet (see Reichstag) to Brandenburg-Prussia. Although the prince-elector guaranteed Saxony's religious status quo he somewhat alienated his Protestant subjects with his embracing the Papacy, and because of the huge amount of money necessary to bribe Polish noblemen and clergy at the expense of the Saxon treasury, Augustus's royal ambitions were referred to as his "Polish adventure" by some contemporaries.
It is, however, noteworthy that the directorate of the Corpus Evangelicorum, which was the official Imperial board of the Protestant estates and the counterpart of the Corpus Catholicorum, remained with Saxony and thus, paradoxically, with the Roman-Catholic Augustus as its head. His church policy within the Holy Roman Empire was orthodoxly Lutheran on behalf of his Saxon subjects (and apparently against his newly found religious and also absolutistic convictions), whereas the Protestant Princes of the Empire and the two remaining Protestant Electors (of Hanover and Prussia) were anxious to keep Saxony well-integrated in their camp. According to the Peace of Augsburg Augustus theoretically had the right to re-introduce Roman-Catholicism (see Cuius regio, eius religio) or at least give religious freedom to his fellow Catholics to the full extent, but it never happened. Saxony remained Lutheran altogether and the few Roman-Catholics were without any political or civil rights, and in 1717 it became clear how awkward the issue was: For his ambitious family-plans in Poland and Germany it was necessary that his heirs became Roman-Catholics, too. So, after five years as a convert in disguise, his son--the future Augustus III--publicly came out as a Roman-Catholic. The Saxon estates were outraged and revolting, because now it was certain that Roman-Catholicism wasn’t just an episode in Saxony of Augustus II.
Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth, electress consort of Augustus, interestingly refused to follow her husband's example and remained a staunch Protestant. She didn't attend her husband's coronation in Poland and led a rather quiet life outside of Dresden. She gained some popularity for her stubbornness.
[edit] King of Poland for the first time
Following the death of Polish King Jan III Sobieski and having successfully converted to Catholicism, Augustus was elected King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1697 with the backing of Imperial Russia and Austria, which financed him through the Jewish banker, Berend Lehmann.
It is sometimes incorrectly stated that Augustus defeated the other leading candidates, Jakub Ludwik Sobieski, son of the previous king, and the French candidate, François Louis, Prince of Conti. Augustus actually received fewer votes than Conti (despite a massive bribery campaign), but he rushed to Poland and had himself crowned before the French candidate could set foot in the Commonwealth. Some Poles questioned the legality of Augustus's elevation.
He continued the war of the Holy League against Turkey: After a Moldavian campaign his Polish army defeated the Tatar expedition eventually in Battle of Podhajce in 1698. It compelled the Ottoman Empire to sign the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. Podolia and Kamieniec Podolski returned to Poland. An ambitious ruler, Augustus hoped to make the Polish throne hereditary within his family, and to use his resources as Elector of Saxony to impose some order on the chaotic Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was, however, soon distracted from his internal-reform projects by the possibility of external conquest. He formed an alliance with Denmark's Frederick IV and Russia's Peter I to strip Sweden's young King Charles XII of his possessions. Poland's reward from this Great Northern War was to have been the Swedish territory of Livonia. Charles proved an able military commander, however, quickly forcing the Danes out of the war and then driving back the Russians at Narva, thereby allowing him to focus on the struggle with Augustus. Charles' decision ultimately proved as disastrous to Sweden as to Poland.
Poland in 1701
Charles defeated Augustus at Riga on 17 June 1701, forcing the Polish-Saxon army to withdraw from Livonia, and followed this up with an invasion of Poland. He captured Warsaw on 14 May 1702, defeated the Polish-Saxon army again at the Kliszów, and took Cracow. He defeated another of Augustus's armies under command of Generalfeldmarschall Adam Heinrich von Steinau at the Pułtusk in spring 1703, and besieged and captured Toruń.
By this time, Augustus was certainly ready for peace, but Charles felt that he would be more secure if he could establish someone more pliable on the Polish throne. In 1704 the Swedes installed Stanisław Leszczyński on Polish throne, it compelled Augustus II to introduce Poland to war alongside with Russia (alliance was concluded in Narva summer 1704). On 1 September 1706, Charles invaded Saxony, forcing Augustus to yield up the Polish throne to Leszczyński by the Treaty of Altranstadt.
Meanwhile Russia's Tsar Peter the Great had reformed his army, and dealt a crippling defeat to the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava. This spelled the end of the Swedish Empire and the rise of the Russian Empire.
[edit] King of Poland for the second time
The weakened Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth soon came to be regarded almost a protectorate of Russia. In 1709 Augustus II returned to the Polish throne under Russian auspices. Once again he attempted to establish an absolute monarchy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but was faced with opposition from the nobility (szlachta). Peter the Great seized on this opportunity to pose as mediator, threatened the Commonwealth militarily, and in 1717 forced Augustus and the nobility to sign an accommodation, favorable to Russian interests, at the Silent Sejm (Sejm Niemy).
Arms of the House of Wettin
For the remainder of his reign, in an uneasy relationship, Augustus was more or less dependent on Russia (and to a lesser extent, on Austria) to maintain his throne. After the Silent Sejm, he gave up his ambitions and finally settled on attempts to strengthen the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Faced with both internal and foreign opposition, however, he achieved little.
Augustus died in 1733. Although he had failed to make the Polish throne hereditary in his house, his eldest son, Frederick Augustus II of Saxony, did succeed him to the Polish throne as Augustus III of Poland — although he had to be installed there by a Russian army in the War of the Polish Succession.