Многие позиции доступны на кассетах 10 глава

VENEDAE "The Silenced Boulders" - Heathen NS Pagan Metal (Poland) 200 р.

VENEDAE / ГРОМ "Pod Znakiem Ognia / Сын Старого Леса" - Pagan Metal (Poland-Russia) 350 p.
VENEDAE "Diabol Sive Zcerneboh" - Pagan Metal (Poland) 250 p.
VENEDAE "Venedae" - Pagan Metal (Poland) 250 p.
VENEDAE "Tęsknota... " - Pagan Metal (Poland) 250 p.
VESTIBULUM "Profile Of Universal Axiom" - Melodic Death Metal (Belarus) 150 р.

VIOLENT OMEN "Infernal Express" - Thrash Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

VIOLENT OMEN / ZOMBIE ATTACK "Lunatics Revenge / Dead & Drunk" - Thrash Metal (Ukraine) 300 р.

VINDICTA "Восходящая Звезда Армагеддона" - Listen To Black Mantras spoken in russian and latin by the witch. Six tracks in fast and raw way

full of hatred and Satanic possession. + tribute to old days as Beherit cover. (Russia) 150 р.

VICTIMIZER "5 Years Of Violence And Skullcrushing" - Thrash / Speed Metal (Denmark) 150 р.

VIGILIA MORTUM "Transformation To The Dust" - Death Metal (Estonia) 150 p.

VIGILIA MORTUM "Invoking" - Death Metal (Estonia) 150 p.

VISIONOIR "Through The Inner Gate" - Gothic /Dark Metal (Italy) Pro Tape 250 p. (хром)

VINTAGE SOLEMNITY "Yillanmis Kasvet" - Occult Symphonic Metal (Turkey) 150 р.

VIINGRID "Live Warmageddon" - Fast Raw True Black Metal (Portugal) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "...Durch Neblige Walder" - Dark Synth-soundscapes /Ambient (Germany) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "...Und Die Nacht" - Dark Ambient / Pagan Music (Germany) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "Der Letzte Winter - Der Ewigkeit Entgegen" - Atmospheric Black Metal / Synth Sound scopes (Germany) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "Finsternis" - Dark Ambient / Pagan Music (Germany) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "Landschaften Ewiger Einsamkeit" - Cult Dark Ambient / Pagan Music (Germany) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "Sturme Der Letzten Stille" - Harsh Black Metal with Synths Ambient Parts (Germany) 150 p.

VINTERRIKET "Von Eiskristallen...Und Dem Ewigen Chaos / Das Winterreich" - Synth Sound scopes (Germany) 150 р.

VINTERRIKET "Winterschatten" - Great Dark Ambient (Germany) 150 р.

VIA DOLOROSA / GLORIOSA BANDEIRA N.S. "Extermination Of The Jewish Scum" - NS Black Metal (Italy-Brazil) 150 р.

VIA DOLOROSA "Cavalcare La Tigre" - NS Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.

VIA DOLOROSA "Cavalcare La Tigre" - NS Black Metal (Italy) Pro Tape 200 р.

VIA DOLOROSA / JUGRA "Italian / Malay Uprising" - Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.VIA DOLOROSA / JUGRA "Italian / Malay Uprising" - Black Metal (Italy) Pro Tape 200 р.

VIA DOLOROSA / ECCE HOMMO "From The Past You Can Find Your Inner Truth" - Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.

VIA DOLOROSA / PROPAGANDA "Arditi...." - Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.VIA DOLOROSA "Discipline & Ironfist: 15 Years of Tyranny" - Black Metal (Italy) 200 р.VIA DOLOROSA "Forever Kali Yuga" (Reissue) - Ultra Raw Black Metal (Italy) 150 р.VINLAND SPECIAL SERVICES / NS NINJA "Occupy NSBM" - Avant-Garde Electronic (USA) 150 р.VINLAND SPECIAL SERVICES / 野晒ノ国 "Hello Spaceman! /密造!" - Avant-Garde / Neo Folk (USA) 150 р.VINLAND SPECIAL SERVICES "Aces & Eights" - Avant-Garde Power Electronics / Neo Folk (USA) 150 р.VINLAND SPECIAL SERVICES "Cemetery Without Crosses" - Avant-Garde Power Electronics / Neo Folk (USA) 150 р.

VRYKOLAKAS / KOMA "Aftermath" - Death Metal (Singapore) 150 р.

VTA (Mephisto members project!) "Vesuvian Thrashing Attack" - Total Southern Old-school Thrash Metal Worship! (Italy) 200 p.

VULTYR "Bleed For Vultyr" - Cult Band from Finland (Side Project of AZAGHAL Member)! Tracks of CD Version + 3 Bonus Tracks from the

split-CDR with AZAGHAL and MISANTHROPY! (2002) (Finland) 150 р.

VULTYR "Leviathan Dawn" - Cult Band from Finland (Side Project of AZAGHAL Member)! Tracks of the CD + 3 Bonus Tracks from the EP "Suicide Propaganda" (2002) (Finland) 150 р.

VULTYR "Philosophy Of The Beast" - Cult Band from Finland (Side Project of AZAGHAL Member)! Tracks from the CD + 3 Tracks from

unreleased 7"EP "Dedication" and 1 Track from the split with NEHEMAH (2003) (Finland) 150 р.

VULTYR "Monument Of Misanthropy" - Cult Band from Finland (Side Project of AZAGHAL Member)! Tracks from the CD + the Demo

5 Tracks from 2000 of NECROMORTUM (Pre-VULTYR) on Bonus! (Finland) 150 р.

VERGELTUNG "V2" - Radical Black Metal (Germany) 150 р.

VULTURINE "Cathartes Aura" - Misanthropic Black Metal (Brazil) 150 р.

VERSIPELLA "Versipella" - Symphonic Raw Pagan / Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WARRIOR'S CHALICE "The Aryan Spirit Rises" - NS Black Metal(USA) 150 р.

WARRIOR'S CHALICE "Warrior's Chalice" - NS Black Metal(USA) 150 р.

WARMONGER "Warmonger" - Old-school Nazi Death /Black Metal (Ukraine) 200 p. (Aryan Sturm rec)

WATERFALL "Vita Vigilia Est" - Doom /Death Metal (Poland) 150 р.

WARHAMMER "No Beast So Fierce" - Doom/ Death/ Thrash Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WAR BLASPHEMY “For The Glory Of The Unpure” - Raw Fucking Black Metal (Portugal) 150 р.

WAR MASTER "Eternal War" - Raw Black Metal - Blasphemy!!! (Portugal) 150 р.

WAROATH "Conjuration Of The Wargods" - Black Metal (Poland) 150 р.
WARSORE / DYSMORFIC "Split Tape (Live & Demo, 1999)" - Grind Core (Australia-Italy) 150 р.

WARHEAD " Various Views Of The Present... " - Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WARHEAD " Various Views Of The Present... (Demo)" - Death Metal (Russia) 100 р.

WARHEAD "The Realms Of Fancy" - Melodic Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WAR-WHORE "Surweillance" - Grind Core /Industrial (Ukraine) 150 р.

WANGELEN "El Camino Pagano" - 2 albums on one tape. Epic, Majestic and Intense Pagan Folk Black Metal - unique style and atmosphere.

18 tracks - 80 min. (Chl) 150 р.

WAR SWALLOWED "Fantasy Flight" - 70 min. of Death / Thrash Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WEJDAS "Wejdas" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania) 100 p.

WEJDAS "Dykra" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania) 150 p.

WEJDAS "I Tamsa... (Demo 1994)" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania) 150 p.

WEJDAS "Wejdas (Demo 1998)" - Dark Ambient (Lithuania) 150 p.

WITCHMASTER "Masochistic Devil Worship" - Old-School Black /Thrash Metal (Poland) Pro Tape 150 р.

WINTERDEMONS "The Darkest Storm" - Black Metal (Greece) 150 р.

WINDSTORM "Eternal Gods Forgotten" - Black Metal (Greece) 150 р.

WINTER DECADENCE "Lacrime Di Solitudine Invernale" - Cold, Dark and Emotional Ambient Music (Ita) 150 р.

WINTERFROST / WOLFTHRONE "Hateland / Memories From Ancestral Times" - Black Metal (Spain) 150 р.

WINGS OF WAR ''Prepare For War'' - Thrashing War Black Metal (Poland) 150 р.

WINGS OF WAR ''Battle Hymn'' - Furious War Black /Thrash Metal (Poland) 150 р.

WIRE TRAIN ''Wire Trane'' - Heavy Metal (US) Pro Tape 150 р. (MCA Records)

WITHOUT FAITH "False Prophet" - Death Metal (Greece) 150 p.

WOLFS SPELL ''Black Hordes Metal'' - Grim, Evil Black Metal (Canada) 150 р.

WOMBBATH "Brutal Mights (Demo 1992)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 150 р.

WELTKRIEG "Битвы Просторы Грядущей Расправы" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WEDRAD "Ein Leben In Der Ewigkeit" - Atmospheric Depressive Black Metal (Germany) 150 р.

WEWELSBURG "Антиархитектор /The Antiarchitect" - Aryan NS Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

WEWELSBURG "Im Deinst Der Deutsche Wehrmacht" - NS Hate Metal / RAC (Russia) 100 р.

WELTSCHMERZ "Odium Humani Genesis" - This young band brings agressive, good composed and Quality Black Metal. The lyrics on this

version of "Asmodeus" are different from the 2011 split (Netherlands) 150 р.

WEISSHORM "Au-Dela Du Soleil Invaincu" - Extremist Hateful Black Metal. Consists in itself raw guitar riffs with brutal scream followed by melodic acoustic sounds. It goes definitely with full of hatred growling vox mostly performed in French language. Also includes Seigneur Voland cover! (Switzerland) 150 p.

WSCHOD / SIMERIS "Korzenie Zla" - Evil Black Metal (Poland) 200 р.

WINTERGEWITTER "The Final Solution" - NS Black Metal (Germany) 150 р.

WINTERFRONT "Thrones Of Eternal Winter" - Raw, Mid-paced Pagan Metal. Debut demo of the band (Croatia) 250 р.
WHIP "Head" - Melodic Metal (Italy) 150 p.

WITENAGEMOT "Interregnum" - Great Ambient Wave (Ukraine) 150 р.

WITENAGEMOT "Old Brave Gallery" - Great Ambient (Ukraine) 150 р.

WITENAGEMOT "Tomorrow Bequest" - Great Ambient Wave (Ukraine) 150 р.

WITENAGEMOT "Experiment Expulsion" - Dark Ambient Wave, Project Of Mourning Palace (Ukraine) 150 р.

WOLVENBLOED "Verleden Tijd" - New band on Dutch soil with known members. Lyrics about Dutch history. Featuring members of Usthor/Northhymn and Infestis/Draugar. (Netherlands) 150 р.

WOLFSHOF / LEGION OF WOLWES "L.O.W. / Wolfshof" -NS Black Metal / Pagan Metal(Netherlands) 250 р.

WOLVES' WINTER / MARQUIS / HEIMLDAALR / TOORN "Argentinian and Dutch Violation" - NS Black / Pagan Metal / Blackgaze

(Netherlands-Argentina) 250 р.

WOLFHOWL "The Purity Of Mother Nature" - Black Metal (Greece) 150 p.

WOLFSHADE "Sun Of The Sleepless" - Melodic Black / Heavy Metal (Belarus) 150 р. (Blacksmith productions)

WOLFSHADE "Sun Of The Sleepless" - Melodic Black / Heavy Metal (Belarus) Pro Tape 150 р. (Sound Age productions)

WOODS OF BELIAL "Baxabaxa... 666 Yndstr Draconis / Thy Unholy Pentagram" - Black Metal (Finland) 150 р.
WOLF "End Of Divinity" - Raw & lo-fi Black Metal Act mixing tradtional with Ambient soundscapes… (Mexico) 250 р.
WOLFSDUISTER "Het Duistere Pad II" - Cold Dark Ambient (Hol) 150 р.

WOLFSDUISTER "Het Duistere Pad III" - Cold Dark Ambient (Hol) 150 р.

WORVHALLAG "Worvhallag" - Black Metal (Poland) 150 р.

WOKKH "Vard Eineen" - Вы знаете, что такое быть взаперти? Герой дебютного альбома Black-Ambient проекта из ниоткуда Wokkh знает. Именно его переживания отражены в 9 холодных и пугающих композициях. Страх, отчаяние, апатия, боль – всё это есть в музыке. Музыка хоть и примитивна, но захватывает целиком, и слушатель окунается в неё полностью. Это осуществимо благодаря использованию живых инструментов, среди которых баян, и настоящих сэмплов, например звуков поднимающегося лифта. Если вы поклонник нестандартного подхода к творчеству и по-другому смотрите на жизнь - этот альбом для вас. По непроверенным источникам в записи были использованы фрагменты стенаний людей подвергаемых пыткам и издевательствам / 150 р.

WOJNAR "Когда Дух Войны Надо Мной Взойдет" - Heathen NS Battle Pagan War Ambient (Poland) 300 р.

WOJNAR / SWIATOGOR "Tym, Co Z Ziemi Lecha..." - The mighty WOJNAR presents unpublished tracks of pure Heathen spirit recorded in 2000-2001. Their side includes a Graveland cover! SWIATOGOR's side features their remastered first album, "Pan Polaci Ziem Pomorskich" (Poland) 200 p.

WOJNAR "Zimowa Opowieść" - Pagan Metal (Poland) 250 p.
WRUM "Bridges For The New World" - Galactic Death Core (Yugoslavia) 150 р.

WULFAZ "Blood & Soil" - Black Metal(Netherlands) 150 p.

XANADOO / BATSTORM "Southeast War Thrashing" - Thrash /Death Metal (Thailand) 150 р.
XERION "Pale Death, Black Shadow" - Very well done Black Metal with epic and majestic atmosphere. It's about mythology, occultism, Darkness,

Death and times long ago forgotten. Bonus side was previously released by on split-CD with Decayed in 2005 a.b. (Spain) 150 р.
XERION "Nocturnal Misantropia" - Original Pagan Galician Black Metal (Spain) 150 р.

XUL "Зло" - Atmospheric Evil Black Metal (Ukraine) 400 р.

YAOTZIN "Chaosbringer" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 150 р.

YAMATU "Shurpu Asaru" - 4 demos + 2 bonus tracks from this dark and occult sumerian project. Raw and Ritual Old-school Black Metal with

own style and feeling. 15 tracks - 80 min. (USA) 150 р.

YGGR "Demo I" - Black Metal (USA) Pro Tape 300 р.

YELE SOLMA "Bokor" - Ritual Evil Dark Ambient! Much darker than those legions of shredding Black Metal bands, this is Vodoo Ambient!

This haunting record is limited to 100 copies. For friends of very special underground stuff. Recommended! (France) 150 р.

Y'HA-NTHLEI "Azathoth" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

Y'HA-NTHLEI / MHNUNRRN "Split" - Raw Black Metal /Drone, Noise (Russia-Czech) 150 р.

Y'HA-NTHLEI "Unholy Mysteries Of The Ancient" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ZARACH 'BAAL' THARAGH / ERIS / GROB "Split" - Black Metal (France-Serbia-Croatia) 150 р.

ZARACH `BAAL` THARAGH "Hysterical Behavior" - Infernal Black Metal - Chaos and Blasphemy! Cult French Band! (France) 150 р.
ZARACH `BAAL` THARAGH "Skull Face Exhumations" - Raw Black Metal / Noise (France) 150 р.

ZARACH `BAAL` THARAGH "Metal Bastard" - Raw Black Metal (France) 150 р.

ZARACH `BAAL` THARAGH "Dementia" - Raw Black Metal (France) 150 р.

ZARACH `BAAL` THARAGH "Real Life, Evil Dream" - Raw Black Metal (France) 150 р.

ZARATUSTRA "In Bleakness" - Fast Symphonic Black Metal (Bul) 150 р.
ZHRAJA "Forgotten Songs Of Dead Nation" - Melodic Folk Metal / Industrial (Belarus) 150 р.

ZINNUM "Zinnum" - Epic, Mysterious and Frost Pagan Black. Limited to 100 Copies with Artwork on luxurious silver Paper (Spain) 150 р.

ZMROK "Blukanni U Ciemry" - Hateful Black Metal (Belarus) 300 р.

ЗЛАЯ КОРЧА "Умрун" / УФИР "О, Бесполезнейший христос!" - Blasphemy Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ШЕПОТ РУН "Шепот Рун" - Pagan / Folk / Ambient Music (Russia) 150 р.
ШЕПОТ РУН "Вековая Зима" - Pagan / Folk / Ambient Music (Russia) 150 р.

ЧИЖ & СО "Полонез" - Rock (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

ЧЕРНОБОГ "VLIDOXFATO" - Storming & Melodic Black Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

ЧЕРНОБОГ "VLIDOXFATO" - Storming & Melodic Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ЧЕРНОБОГ "Русь Восстань" - Black Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ЧЕРТОГ ВОЛКА "В Холодных И Лютых Землях…" - Cold NS Pagan Metal (Russia) 200 р.

ЧУР / ОПРИЧЬ ''...З Мороку... / Огнецвет'' - Folk Slavonic Pagan /Black Metal (Ukraine-Russia) 150 р.

QASSAM "Promo 2011" - NS Black Metal (Hungary) 150 р.
QASSAM / STURM KOMMAND "Split" - NS Black Metal (Hungary-Bulgaria) 150 р.

QASSAM "Secret Weapon Tests In The Bunkers Of Genocide And Abomination" - Black Metal (Hungary) 150 р.
QUETZAL QOATL "Mictlan" - Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ЭПИДЕМИЯ "Загадка Волшебной Страны" - Power Metal (Russia) 150 р.

ЭШАФОТ "Зарождение Маразма (Demo 1993)" - Death Metal (Russia) 150 р.

Compilations / Сборники:

A TRIBUTE TO SOVIET THRASH METAL - Thrash Metal Compilation: Violent Omen - Мастер (Мастер), Blood Pollution - Джокер (E.S.T), Astarium - Русский лётчик (Д.И.В.), Eligorium - В шторме викинг и меч (Коррозия Металла), Elektrum - Trespass (Шах), Rewind - Radioactive Contemination (Trashmachine), Flames of Renaissance - Щит и Меч (Мастер), Kvinta - Crazy House (Коррозия Металла), Infernus Novas - Save the human race (Шах), Peritonit Vs Set - Берегись (Мастер), Тиран - Железный рок (Круиз), Etna - Фантом (Коррозия Металла). 150 р.


DER MENSCH IST GOTT "Книга Тьмы". Часть 1. (Радомир, Infinite Flame, Telal, Nargathrond, Sunchariot, Satanic Nocturnal, Misanthropic Poetry, Vae Solis, Bog-Morok, Crypt, Ashen Light, Storming Darkness, Служители Грез, Odor Mortis, Valhalla, Simonia, Flame Exergon, Panacea, Miktlantekutly.) - Black Metal! 150 p.


HELLFIRE 5-2 (Black Metal Compilation) "Slavonic Power": Atol Nerat, Mind Eclipse, Capitollium, Rossomahaar, Therm-Eye-Flame, Blut Formicarium, Enshade - CDM / Sound Age Prod /Pro Tape 100 р.

LEGION OF TCHORT Vol. 13. - Black Metal Compilation! / 1. Succubus "The Damned Underworld" (Germany), 2. Frozen Dawn "The Order of The Wintermoon" (Spain), 3. Crepusculo Dos Idolos "XV. Diabo" (Brazil), 4. Adokhsiny "Triumph Of Bestial Desekrator" (South Korea),

5. Northern Tod "Seventh Month" (Italy), 6. Sodamned "Hope" (Brazil), 7. Infernal Execrator "Massacre of the Evangelists" (Singapure),

8. Sirannon "Children of the Wolves" (Turkey), 9. Bode Preto "Children Of Suicide" (Brazil), 10. TrollfasthearT "Night Errant Creature" (Spain), 11. Red Front "Memories of War" (Brazil), 12. Nathorg "Sadistic God" (Iran), 13. Khephra "My Black World" (Italy), 14. Syphor "God Fearing Lunatic" (Irland), 15. Black Vulture

"A World Between the Afterlife" (Malta/Usa/Holland), 16. Terrorstorm "As if Absolved of your Cruelties" (Brazil), 17. Anachronaeon "The Message" (Sweden), 18. Nocturnal Damnation "Satanic War Metal" (South Korea), 19. Gestos Grosseiros "Predator of Soul" (Brazil), 20. Druid Lord "Baron Blood" (Usa) / 80 минут

зла со всего мира! 150 р.

LEGION OF TCHORT Vol. 12. - Black Metal Compilation! /1. Old Village "Looking at the Stars (Searching for Gods)" (Portugal), 2. Tirano "Death Signal (Cover Of Carnaza)" (Chile), 3. Verderben "Vernichtung" (Germany), 4. Won "The Forest of Blood and Hate" (Italy), 5. Megazetor "The Pain Merchant" (Hungary),

6. Draconis "Free Will" (Argentina), 7. Order Of Apophis "I.o.t.h.o.666" (Canada), 8. Pestilent Grave "Virtuous Selfmutilation" (Netherland), 9. Down For Life "Pembusukan Moralitas" (Indonesia), 10. Licurgo "To The Mountain" (Spain), 11. Bribe "Live Fish Anal Shower" (Italy), 12. King Stech "Visions Of Death" (Usa),

13. Vaspooher "Fire of My World" (Iran), 14. Blutregen "Demonized" (Germany), 15. Eternal Tragedy "Like A Stone" (Italy), 16. Ritual "Flames Of Blood" (Peru),

17. Tardive Dyskinesia "Triggering The Fear Reactor" (Greece), 18. Enoid "Deathklut" (Switzerland), 19. Zodiac "Kill Cerebos" (Germany), 20. Svar Fra Hedensk "Erindring om Blod" (Japan), 21. Mors Gotha "White Knight" (Switzerland), 22. Ophiussa "Raptus" (Portugal) / 90 минут зла со всего мира! 150 р.


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