Но будьте внимательны, перед использованием внимательно изучите есть небольшие погрешности


.: ….sun rises in … east. The | the

. in Passive Voice: Rafting(to consider) as a dangerous type of sport. is considered

. in plural form of noun: a mouse mice

. of Adjective comparative form: He can speak French… than you. better

. of comparative degree “ busy” busier

. of compound word: bath room

. of compound word: rainbow

. of expression in one word of this sentence: A stopping place for buses is a….. bus stop

. of Modal verb: Do you think I…to apply for this job? ought

. of negative form: We used to live in Taraz. We didn’t use to live in Taraz.

. of the verb “to be “:They… seen breaking the window of their neighbour. were

. of written noun: doors

.: “ the 92 nd” the ninety second

.: “The 41st” The forty first

.: 6,000,006 six millions and six

.: A…. hotel. welcoming

.: Actually I live in Almaty, but for the time being I… in Chimkent. lived

.: Do you believe me, yesterday I was taken …Madonna?! for

.: I (to ring) him up before I (to leave) the country shall ring | leave

.: I am not fifteen,……? aren’t I

.: I am not quite ready yet. Do you mind… a little longer? waiting

.: I enjoy…to the cinema with my friends. going

.: I(to come)you if I (to have)enough time. will come | have

.: If I… wealthy, I…help the poor. were | would

.: In winter the days are…than in autumn. shorter

.: It…, if you heat the ice. will melt

.: Lena was reading…book when I entered…room .a | the

.: The members of the House of Commons are chosen by the….. electors

.: There are many cities in my country…I haven’t visited yet. which

.: Это стоит восемнадцать пенсов. It costs eighteen pence.

.: “откладывать на позднее время” to put away

.: …..highest building in our city is in….centre. The |the

.: ….dress do you like: the red one or the blue one. Which

.: …….English or Geography today? Have we got

.: An ant is not as….as bird. strong

.: annual income среднегодовой доход

.: bank lending банковский кредит

.: benefit payment выплата страховой суммы

.: business cycle экономический цикл

.: By….is this book written? whom

.: commodity price цена товара

.: Complete the sentence with noun in Possessive Case: The lightning struck our… chimne y.neighbour’s

.: concessional loan льготный кредит

.: consumer goods потребительские товары

.: consumer price inflation инфляция цены на потребительские товары

.: debt market рынок долговых обязательств

.: differential разница

.: domestic currency местная валюта

.: employment relations трудовые отношения

.: England is the most….part of Great Britain. over-populated

.: foreign exchange marketвалютный рынок

.: foreign exchange reserve валютные запасы

.: Guests arrived in….. Astana on ….thirty first of December .---|the

.: head customer главный заказчик

.: I am looking forward…seeing you. to

.: I need to get….flat than I have now. more comfortable

.: I was born…..1978. in

.: I will visit you as….as I can. soon

.: If I…busy, I… come and give you a lift. weren’t | would

.: If she.., she…her hand. fells | will break

.: If the questions…easy enough, Russian…the exam. had been | would have passed

.: inequitable несправедливый

.: international bond markets международные рынки облигаций

.: inward investment зарубежные инвестиции, привлеченные в данную страну

.: It’s difficult to name all…entertainment possibilities in… USA The |the

.: Let’s have fun,…..? shall we

.: Marat used to…during the exams, but now he doesn’t. cheat

.: monetary fund валютный фонд

.: My father used to be a scientist. Did my father use to be a scientist?

.: My favourite movies…”Titanic” and “Paidforward”. are

.: My left leg is…. than my right one. longer

.: My… brother works in Moscow. elder

.: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

.: Please cut …grass in the garden .----

.: pro-euro line политический курс, поддерживающий евро

.: risk exposure степень риска

.: She is much….than her sister. cleverer

.: She…much more salary last year if she…with the boss. will get | hadn’t argued

.: single currency единая валюта

.: sound liquidity высокая ликвидность

.: tax level уровень налогообложения

.: taxation налогообложение

.: That’s…. book I’ve ever read. the best

.: the index of prices used within the European Union индекс цен используемый в Европейском Союзе

.: The news…not surprising for me. is

.: The Nile is…. than Amazon. longer

.: There … many polar bears in Arctic. are

.: There … only one biscuit in the packet left .was

.: There ….little water in jar .was

.: There is a plate over there,…..? isn’t there

.: There….a lot of peach in our garden. are

.: There…little coffee in the cup. is

.: This is my……handbag. wife’s

.: This is not….lipstick, this is ….my | hers

.: This is the….bicycle. boy’s

.: What…if they… to your birthday party? will you think | don’t come

.: When I entered the classtoom, the lesson…. had already started

.: You always make me…..(laugh). laugh

.:…..there any juice in the glass? is

.:Во дворе много детей. There are many children in the yard.

.:Твой братишка учится? Does your brother study?

: … skirt do you want to buy: the green or the black one? Which

: Alex could not say…because he did not do his homework. anything

: It’s nice…..work. to have finished

: That dog seems …..(be) friendly. to be

: “ 23 rd “ The twenty third

: A cartoon…….(to watch) by the children at the moment. is being watched

: borrowing interest rate процентная става на заемный капитал процентная става на заемный капитал

: controlling policy политика регулирования цен

: environmental goals экологические цели

: Eric has got …….new hat .a

: export earnings экспортные поступления

: guideline руководство

: He is known to be a good president. Известно, что он хороший президент.

: Her the generosity……(to know) by all. is known

: I …..to wash up the dishes. am going

: I had such a feeling that I had forgotten….on the table. something

: I have gloves…..looks like yours. which

: I heard her ……(open)the door and go out. open

: I like … voice. …is so beautiful. her | It

: I promised…..(not be) late. not to be late

: I want you….(tell)the truth. to tell

: I warned you… the dangers of smoking. about

: I……going to visit Trafalgar Square. I like sightseeing .am

: If you had seen the movie, you…it. would have enjoyed

: If you…..so much money, I….angry. hadn’t lost | wouldn’t have been

: If you…your train, you wouldn’t have been late for the party

: leading commodities ведущие сырьевые товары

: Look at the sky! It……to snow. is not going

: monetary system денежная система

: multinational enterprises международные предприятия

: My mother’s birthday is next Friday. I…..flowers. am going to buy her

: Our aunt lives in Astana….is the capital of Kazakhstan. which

: raw materialsсырье

: risk exposure степень риска

: risk management markets управление риском изменения цен на рынке

: She hardly ever … him nowadays. meets

: She hasn’t got …to read in the evening. anything

: She left without…..money. any

: The film…. we saw last night was very boring. that

: The song was learnt by the whole group. Вся группа выучила песню.

: This is the most capturing novel I…… have ever read

: to establish new industries создание новых отраслей

: unsustainable неустойчивый

: We……to invite our neighbours to our wedding anniversary are going

:…..of the shop in the city have you visited? Which

:………bag is too big. the

Ask Common question to the following sentence: She had visited the museum by that time. Had she visited the museum?

Ask question to the bold word: Vegetarians don’t eat meat. Who doesn’t eat meat?

Ask the right question to the sentence: You want to know where the fire started. Where did the fire start?

Choose the right variant of Continuous Infinitive from the verb “live” to be living

Choose the sentence in possessive case:……father were quarrelling. The babies’

Choose the sentence in Possessive Case: Anne’s house is very beautiful.

Choose the sentence in possessive case: My granny’s hair is white

Complete Question tag: He doesn’t smoke, ….? does he

Complete Question tag: I am hard- working, …..? aren’t I

Complete the proverb: Actions speak louder than ….words

Complete the sentence: If you use pictures and slides your report will be… .interesting

Find antonym to the word: generous greedy

Find plural form of the noun “a sheep” sheep

Find Russian equivalent to the sentence: We started out early in the morning. Мы выехали рано утром.

Find antonym to the word “always”: never

Find antonym to the word “enormous “ tiny

Find antonym to the word “intelligent” stupid

Find countable noun: door

Find English equivalent to the proverb: Сколько голов, столько умов. So many men, so many minds.

Find English equivalent of the word “безработица” unemployment

Find English equivalent to the word: “ воспитывать” bring up

Find English equivalent to the word “невозможно” impossible

Find synonym of the word “ boring”: dull

Find the right English equivalent to the following sentence: Большинство магазинов в Британии закрываются в 5:30 вечера. In Britain most of the shops close at 5:30 p.m.

Find the right Modal Verb: ….I come in? may

Find the right question to the sentence: People used to be healthier than they are now. Did people use to be healthier?

Find the right Relative clause for in bold word: Alex woke up very early easily. how

Find the right sentence in Passive Voice: He is told to be an honest man.

Find the sentence where Modal verb is “ to be”: She is to start at ten tomorrow.

Find uncountable noun: sugar

Hadn’t missed

Make up Adjective with suffix: rain .y


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