Напишите следующие слова во множественном числе и затранскрибируйте их, прочитайте вслух.

Тема 7 Слог. Слогообразование, слогоделение и типы слогов. Правила чтения и словесное ударение.


1. а) Как могут произноситься следующие слова? Напишите варианты произношения в транскрипции.

rhythm fashion decision

blossom Asian Basil

bottom special phrasal

Б) Напишите в транскрипции произношение следующих слов и прочитайте их.

Eton Arden capital

eaten garden Capitol

lessen reason cotton

lesson brazen rotten

В) Напишите в транскрипции следующие отрицательные формы глаголов и потренируйте их произношение.

isn’t haven’t doesn’t shouldn’t oughtn’t

wasn’t hasn’t didn’t wouldn’t needn’t

Разделите на слоги следующие слова и прочитайте их.

author, Peter, lady, riding, beaten, people, beautifully, vacation

Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции и подчеркните звуки, внутри которых или после которых проходит слоговая граница. Прочитайте эти слова, обращая внимание на усеченный характер ударного гласного.

money muddy vanish settle

many attic punish little

city pity written

Betty mini

Протранскрибируйте следующие слова и словосочетания, прочитайте их вслух и объясните правила их чтения.

a) best, code, nod, tops, sent, bed, these, cod, sold, spoke, mock, theme, block, then, neck, cone, bold, enter, cell, centner, motor, dose, nest, depth, less, self, fold, doctor.

b) sit, lame, back, miss, sack, gave, tip, tide, tap, late, mad, made, nine, fill, cake, thick, bat, pin, pine, hate, act, ice, plot, face, hid, fate, stamp, spot, pile, land, mist, mole, mark, gold, cap, nose, fix, harm, merry, horn, start, form, exact, examination, exist, sixty, appendix, expend, exotic, except, exile.

c) speed, loaf, loom, reach, rose, fill, coal, aim, cube, weave, faint, steam, tool, freeze, mutton, crystal, tense, shoot, trainer, coast, raze, float, beach, least, boot, fee, rein, author, veil;

a merry song, a big boat, a simple riddle, a little star, a black bag, an old goat, a good cook, a fat cock, a good accent, an old oak, a good tool.

5. Запишите по пять слов с каждым из диграфов: oo, ee, ea, oa. 2) Выпишите в столбики слова с этими диграфами из книги по домашнему чтению.

Напишите следующие слова во множественном числе и затранскрибируйте их, прочитайте вслух.

college, writer, family, wife, child, mouse, parrot, house, bird, man, goose, woman, leaf, roof, day, son-in-law, turkey, swine, box, dish, sheep.


7. Transcribe the following words, read them aloud and explain the reading rules:

five, tip, bed, pipe, land, fry, rule, ton, tone, pupil, love, cut, shade, brother, shall, bus, snack, blame, poke, found, aloud, green, town, toy, farm, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, nothing, mild, world, month, worth, company, worship, none, find, wild, ought, above, brought.

8. Explain the pronunciation of the consonants in bold type in the following words:

fa с e, ei gh t, y et, g ate, ca g e, en g ine, lo ck, wr ong, wr ite, j ob, wh ite, g ymnastics, Ali c e, ch est, li gh t, ch eek, fi sh, si gh, g ently, k ni gh t, bri gh t, g in g er, k nock, ph ysics, ph lox, G ypsy, w hole, w h ip, w h isper.

9. Transcribe the following words, read them aloud and explain the reading rules:

boot, prepare, ball, book, mere, meat, good, store, bread, care, palm, cure, cold, last, plant, text, exam, rather, germ, hurt, hare, grasp, staff, bald, calf, chalk, clasp, a talented dancer, a broken branch, a stone wall, a dull day, a wise man, a cheap car, a big ship, a fat sheep, a naughty girl, a lazy boy, a rare plant, a strict lady, a cold lake, a birthday present, Bertha's basket, spare time, pure water.

10. Write the following words and phrases in transcription and explain the reading rules:

share, store, here, cure, fur, term, more, firm, spare, sphere, wire, mere, a spare moment, a famous painter, a rare ring, the upper teeth, the thick wood, the first letter, the next room, the full moon, the vast territory.


11. Transcribe and read and the following words and word combinations and explain the reading rules:

a) weight, lain, coin, play, neighbour, neutral, grew, pie, pool, took, toy, autumn, how, know, narrow, true, group, bread, peace, feel, dare, mere, where, sore, ore, nasty, salt, lure, sure, jerk, jaw, fruit, foe, paw, hair, dear, chair, peer, learn, car, moor;

b) a white bear; a poor fellow; a new dish; a low couch; a big mouth; a narrow path; a broken chair; an old gypsy; chilly weather; brown bread; good maize; bitter beer; fresh air; red hair; bad flour; repeat each word; correct these mistakes; close the window; take the pill.

12. Read and transcribe the following words. Explain the reading rules:

did - deed, had - hard, lick - leak, hip - heap, dear - deer, lad - lard, Mary - marry, hail - hear, sill - seal, bear -beer, lip - leap, pit - pat, hill - heal, chair - cheer, bad -bard, fill - feel, marry - merry, ship - sheep, taught - tap - tape, pen - pain - pale, fit - foot - fate, dive - dove - dame, daisy - lazy - darling.

13. Copy the following words and arrange them in columns according to the corresponding type of syllable:

stamp, write, stir, bench, tulip, Arthur, button, mule, lace, typist, fare, dark, cure, burn, here, muff, fine, mere, lace, cube, purse, tires, fade, prepare, mass, system.


14. Spell and transcribe the 3rd person singular of the following verbs:

come, go, play, write, wash, stress, begin, catch, cut, eat, hang, get, relax, hold, know, lead, meet, ring, think, understand, work, change, open, push, kiss, study, stay, copy, say, carry, watch.

15. Copy and transcribe the following words. Mark primary and secondary stresses and read the words aloud:

anniversary, demonstration, revolution, illumination, the Mississippi, nationality, Japanese, explanation, celebration, invitation, assimilation, conversation, congratulation, palatalization.

16. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules:

a) porridge, salt, already, thirsty, bacon, marmalade, father, meals, dining-room, dinner, passing, butter, sweets, spoon, husband, afraid, Smith, moment, about, leave, talking, another;

b) thin, think, bite, hungry, just, article, canteen, please, kind, chop, glass, mustard, pepper, pass, use, sausage, apple, right, discussion, off, mashed.

17. Transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation:

dreadfully, radiantly, arranged, week-end, squeeze, enough, quietly, patience, unwillingly, expensive, carriage, both, further, bathing-suit, coward, tired, mouthful, ashore, moment, raft.

18. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules:

angry, exams, mind, mark, Russian, admire, hard, proud, sports, find, tape, lucky, ages, sorry, invite, club, certainly, rather.


19. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules applied in them:

broad, crooked, crowded, guide, hotel, museum, narrow, street, stream, square, typical, worker, show, friendly, builder, view, straight, country, avenue, between.

20. Transcribe the following words, read them and explain the reading rules applied in them:


Yeast, big, made, type, little, did, dye, dib, eve, mete, mole, make, feels, clay, stage, stable, stale, stands, zippy, kite, ill, mine, yoke, style, flat, date, nail, gyp, bend, bands, go, gentle, size, pencil, state, miss, fans, bits, lime, sale, doll, name, nap, nape, plate, plan, Nancy, neck, mile, snake, van, vale, lot, black, dyne, pain, pay, fell, cake, fine, zeal, seas, may, leak, cap, gate, zany, ninny, spoke, clock, cycle, cold, gin, gob, glide, mind, idle, mystic, by, synonym, desk, lye, cliff, yell, mist, neatly, lift, lie, lain, space, spice, sold, log, ice, thick, spot, fix, harm, merry, horn, exact, examination, exist, sixty, appendix, expend, exotic, except, exile.


Reach, quite, class, new, book, silly, which, when, well, wax, hide, shy, rock, tube, gipsy, gun, cheap, bottle, home, use, wild, kind, stuff, box, mind, chalk, type, fuse, last, ask, pay, wake, wage, child, exact, page, jet, dig, too, spoke, jump, all, witty, hair, day, vast, call, hill, his, moon, shut, Dutch, mast, joke, role, bridge, ream, whale, wale, quick, air, exhibit, small, balky, pole, Balkan, mash, fairy, dish, pair, shoot, shot, spine, whiff, spice, vice, wide, win, while, dust, dupe, dune, dumpy, grain, Husk, rail, sake, each, shape, loom, fetch, conquest, rainy, grind, trail, hole, hike, hip, hit, new, cash, jelly, rate, heal, heel, dusk, lump, liquid, life, reason, toe, keeps, chain.


Snow, depth, width, stir, mere, bird, doctor, burn, sport, born, care, car, square, long, pure, rare, wire, maker, fume, she, singing, Rome, space, brick, teach, bold, run, myth, eve, add, fix, wage, cake, fancy, few, ink, day, dirty, here, nurse, serf, English, turn, worker, dark, hair, more, fir, ring, yes, kind, rifle, huge, town, round, hold, pass, talk, six, know, witty, voice, satire, tester, darling, father, front, mother, among, aloud, along, gardener, ignorant, some, human, parents, parrot, love, number, aspire, tree, charm, jumper, junk.


Knit, physics, want, knife, Russian, picture, write, right, primness, boy, boil, girl, measure, demonstration, party, fancy, worse, philosophy, dark, duck, faculty, register, monitor, reward, university, marry, narrow, bale, terrible, require, mister, minister, departure, hut, purl, knuckle, knew, keeping, war, enrich, herb, pension, wood, ray, treasure, strong, first, reader, noise, station, writer, gun, wry, gipsy, actor, round, air, watch, maze, flower, wall, enslave, purge, pure, snare, smoker, tight, trainer, weakness, cremate, enlarge, brass, brightness, voice, structure, session, wash, ward, physics, phlox, physicist.


Boot, prepare, ball, book, mere, meat, good, store, bread, care, palm, cure, last, plant, text, exam, rather, germ, hurt, hare, grasp, staff, bald, calf, chalk, clasp, share, here, cure, fur, term, more, firm, sphere, wire, weight, lain, coin, play, neighbour, neutral, grew, pie, pool, took, dare, paw, where, ore, nasty, salt, hair, dear, lure, sure, jerk, jaw, fruit, foe, a sore throat, a talented dancer, a broken branch, a stone wall, a dull day, a wise man, a cheap car, a big ship, a fat sheep, a naughty girl, a lazy boy, a rare plant, a strict lady, a cold lake, a birthday party, Bertha’s basket, spare time, pure water, a famous painter, the upper teeth, the thick wood, the first letter, the next room, the full moon, the vast territory


Arrive, admire, impress, situate, enjoy, ride, cross, teach, visit, drive, build, tights, mittens, cardigan, jeans, sour, biscuits, onions, straight, stooping, saucer, kettle, cucumbers, honey, taught, curtain, stool, cabinet, telephone, floor, rule, ton, tone, brother, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, worth, company, worship, none, wild, ought, knitting, above, brought, ginger, Alice, knight, whisper, whole, flute, these, photo, central heating


Chair, peer, learn, moor, Arthur, tulip, button, mule, lace, typist, fare, cure, burn, muff, purse, tires, prepare, mass, system, open, porridge, already, thirsty, bacon, marmalade, father, meals, butter, sweets, spoon, husband, moment, talking, another, think, article, canteen, glass, mustard, sausage, discussion, mashed potatoes, a white bear, a poor fellow, a new dish, a low coach, a big mouth, a narrow path, a broken chair, an old gypsy, chilly weather, brown bread, good maize, bitter beer, fresh air, bad flour, repeat each word, correct these mistakes, close the window, take the pill


Anniversary, electricity, demonstration, revolution, illumination, nationality, possibility, economy, simplicity, stupidity, faculty, situation, imitation, organisation, decoration, Japanese, explanation, celebration, invitation, assimilation, conversation, congratulation, palatalization


Moon, cling, ward, rank, cell, huge, bow, ounce, cube, wink, gown, foul, wharf, vine, curt, watt, germ, allude, fear, deceive, eatable, powerful, sphere, whale, vow, scurry, departure, wheat, during, dangerous, whirl, store, fired, quest, wrong, whether, calk, wrest, high, knee, ruby, lore, whirl, steer, yoke, squirrel, feather, mask, barrel, fracture, plaster, entrance, mixture, flask, famous, niece, birch, courage, cheque, blurred, squeeze, origin, current, readable, audience


Signature, to sign, breath, to breathe, a present, to present, wind, to wind, weight, to weigh, eight, eighteen, eighty, dairy, quest, exhibit, knell, explore, secure, curdle, score, wonder, wander, fairy, quill, expect, reward, glue, circle, measure, chorus, document, mew, politician, priest, deaf, shawl, pour, grasp, fold, gown, plaster, virgin, dew, brute, rough, radio, swan, niece, separate, cavity, clothes, castle, France, comfortable, naughty, Washington

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