Unit Plan Lessor. 22 (English 5) by S. K. Folomkina and E. I. Kaar



  Objectives Language material Language skills Acces­sories Home­work
Listen­ing compre­hension Speaking Reading Writ­ing
Dialogue Mono­logue Oral Silent
  Teach pupils: (1) how to answer and ask when-; where-; what-ques­tions; (2) the names of. the months: April, May, June. Sentence patterns with when, where, what. Words: April, May, J an"..   Ex. 1, 4 Dialogue (pupils' re­sponses) Ex. 3 (sentence level) Ex. 2 (words, sen­tences)       Ex. 1 (copying), Ex. 2'
  Present new words ii: conversa­tion and in sen­tences, teach pu­pils to use them. Speak, learn, chess, in the eve­ning, that's right, that's not right, go swimming. Listening to the text. Ex. 8 (pupils' re-sponses Ex. 7, 9 (utter­ance level) Ex. 1, 5 (words, sen­tences)     Rec­ord 2 Ex. 2, В (copying ' and j \\. ting), Ex. 5!


The unit plan completed the teacher may move into plan­ning a class-period or a daily plan which, in addition to what has been determined by the unit plan, indicates the ways the teacher will follow to organize his class to work during the lesson. Therefore the daily plan includes (1) what should be achieved during this particular lesson, (2) what material is used for achieving the objectives, and (3) how the objectives should be achieved.

Since almost every teacher has several classes of one level he usually makes preparations for each level although, ideally, a separate plan is needed for each class because classes pro­ceed al different speed, thus he must make adaptations in his plans to compensate for varying speeds of progress in the classes of the same level. The teacher should write his daily plans if he strives for effective and reasonable use of time allotted to his pupils' learning a foreign language. However some teachers, including novice teachers, do not prepare written plans. They claim that they can teach "off the top of their heads", and they really can, but their teaching usually results in poor pupils' language skills because in (his case we have "teacher-dominated" classes when the teacher works hard during the lesson while his pupils remain mere "observers" of the procedure. Indeed, when the teacher is standing in front of pupils he does not have much time to think how to organize his pupils' activity. This should be done before the lesson for the teacher to be able to stimulate and direct pupils' learning the lan­guage. We may state that the effectiveness of pupils' desired learning is fully dependent on the teacher's preparation for the lessons. If the teacher is talking, reading, and writing a great deal himself during the lesson, he is not ready for it. And vice versa, if the teacher gets his pupils to talk or read with communicative assignments while he listens, or to write while he moves about the class, giving a helping hand to everyone who needs it, he has thoroughly thought over the plan of the lesson beforehand. Therefore we may conclude: to provide necessary conditions for pupils' learning a foreign language, the teacher should thoroughly plan their work during the lesson which is possible if he writes his daily plan in advance.

There are teachers who strictly follow the textbook and accept plans that others have made for them without any changing. In doing this they overlook the unique capacities of their particular classes. They race through the textbook covering the ground regardless of whether pupils master each section.

Some experienced teachers assume that the content of foreign language teaching is constant and as they have worked for many years they do not need daily plans; they have them in their minds. In reality, however, the content changes continuously as well as the methods and techniques of teach­ing. Moreover, the old plans which are in their minds may not suit the needs of a particular class, since each group of pupils is unique, or they may no longer be applicable because better and more effective teaching aids and teaching mate­rials have appeared. Consequently, proceeding from these considerations the teacher needs a daily plan to provide a high level of language learning of his pupils.

One lesson may require a detailed plan; for another les­son a brief outline will suffice. In any case, a workable form for a daily plan should state the objectives, specify the activities {oral practice, reading, writing, etc.), include evaluation techniques, indicate the assignment, and deter mine teaching aids and teaching materials. The plan itself (should (1) be brief, but with sufficient detail to be precise;

(2)assign a definite number of minutes to each activity;

(3)indicate exactly what words, phrases, facts, items are to be learnt and how; (4) make use of a variety of classroom activity for every pupil.

In the organization and conduct of a foreign language; lesson there is always a wide range of possibilities. No two teachers will treat the same topic in the same way. There are, however, certain basic principles of teaching and learn­ing which should be observed:

1. Every lesson should begin with a greeting in the foreign language and a brief talk between the teacher and the pupils.
Through this conversation the lesson may be motivated.
The conversation may take place between:

Teacher — Class Teacher — Pupil on duty Pupil on duty —Class Two Pupils on duty

The foreign language should be used [or all common class­room activities; the teacher manages the class activities by-giving directions in the foreign language. He stimulates pupils' participation by asking questions, praises and encour­ages pupils from time to time, and he may also criticize the behaviour of a pupil or a class.

2. There should be a variety of activities at every lesson, including pronunciation drill, oral activities, reading, and writing. The success of activity is measured by attention, enthusiasm, and involvement on the part of the pupils.

3. The lesson should be conducted at a high speed when oral drill exercises are performed. Pupils should not stand up to say a word, a phrase, or a sentence.

4. The lesson should provide a certain sequence in pupils' assimilating language material and developing habits and skills from perception, comprehension, and memorizing, through the usage in a similar situation following a model, to the usage of the material received in new situations that I require thinking on the part of the learner.

5. The lesson should provide time for the activity of every pupil in the class. They must be active participants of the procedure and not the teacher as is often the case when the teacher talks more than all the pupils.

6. The lesson should provide conditions for pupils to learn. "Language is a skill so it must be learnt, it cannot be taught" (M. West). A certain amount o(time should be devoted to seatwork as opposed to activities involving the class as a whole. During seatwork and other forms of solitary study pupils learn to learn for themselves. The use of language laboratories, teaching machines, and programmed instruction creates necessary conditions for each pupil to learn for him­self.

The work done during the lesson should prepare pupil-for their independent work at home. It is generally accepted as good practice not to assign exercises that have not been covered in class; this especially refers to early stages of lan­guage learning.

7.The lesson should be well equipped with teaching aids and teaching materials which allow the teacher to creak-natural situations for developing pupils' hearing and speak­ing skills in a foreign language.



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