Read the sentences and decide which are from introductions and which are from conclusions.

План обучения письму для учащихся 9 класса

Требования ФГОС:

Дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование письменной речи, а именно умений:

— писать короткие поздравления с днем рождения и другими праздниками, выражать пожелания (объемом 30—40 слов, включая адрес);

— заполнять формуляры, бланки (указывать имя, фамилию, пол, гражданство, адрес);

— писать личное письмо с опорой и без опоры на образец (расспрашивать адресата о его жизни, делах, сообщать то же самое о себе, выражать благодарность, давать совет, просить о чем-либо). Объем личного письма — около 100—110 слов, включая адрес;

— составлять план, тезисы устного или письменного сообщения, кратко излагать результаты проектной деятельности.

Цель плана: формирование и развитие умения написания письма личного характера.


Read a letter that you have received from your English-speaking pen friend Ben.

· How did you understand what about this letter?

· What can you say about your friend’s career intentions?

You are to write a response letter. Look at the example.

11 October 2015

Dear Ben,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you!

I am happy to know you have chosen your future profession. I’m also interested in foreign languages and cultures. And I hope to visit the USA next summer.

As for me, I have already made up my mind to become a teacher of foreign languages. I like to work with children. They make me feel happy.

I have already been to Italy and France. But I recommend you to visit Russia first for there are many places of interest. If you travelled to Russia, I would be your guide then.

Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Give my best to your parents. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,

Look through the plan and some clichés that are given for every part of the letter.

1. Address


2. Date

ü 15 April 2017

ü April 15th, 2017

ü 15/04/2017

3. Greeting your pen friend

ü Dear_______,

4. Introduction:

a) thank friend for the letter;
b) mention something from the friend’s letter or apologize for not writing sooner


ü Hi! How are you?

ü Thanks for your letter.

ü It was great to receive a letter from you.

ü Your last letter was a real surprise.

ü It's always nice to get your letters!

ü I was awfully glad to get your letter…


ü I’m glad….

ü Great news about your…!

ü Sorry I haven`t written so long, I was so busy…

ü I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.

ü Sorry for not writing sooner…..

ü Sorry I haven`t been in touch for so long.

5. Answer part: answer all your pen friend’s questions from the letter.

ü You asked me to tell you…

ü In your letter you asked me…

ü I’ll do my best to answer your questions.

well, by the way, anyway, so, by the way

ü I’d be happy to….

ü As for me, …

ü Guess what?

ü Wish me luck!

6. Conclusion:

a) excuse to stop writing;
b) request to the person to reply soon.


ü Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.

ü Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.

ü I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.

ü Well, got to go now.

ü I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed (because my Mum is calling me / because I have to do my homework).

ü I’d better go now as …


ü Write back soon!

ü Looking forward for your next letter.

ü Take care and keep in touch!

ü Drop me a letter when you can.

ü Hope to hear from yon soon.

ü I can't wait to hear from you!

7. Closing line:

ü Love,

ü All the best,

ü Best wishes,

ü Bye,

ü Yours,

8. Final line: your first name (without full stop)

Task 1

Read the sentences and decide which are from introductions and which are from conclusions.

1. Please let me know as soon as possible.

2. I'm writing to invite you to our wedding on 6th May.

3. I'm sure it will be fun, and I hope you'll be able to come.

4. Looking forward to seeing you then.

5. We’re organizing a fancy-dress party and it would be great if you could come.

6. We'd love it if you could come to our house-warming party on 27th January.



2. I'm writing to invite you to our wedding on 6th May.

5. We’re organizing a fancy-dress party and it would be great if you could come.

6. We'd love it if you could come to our house-warming party on 27th January.


1. Please let me know as soon as possible.

3. I'm sure it will be fun, and I hope you'll be able to come.

4. Looking forward to seeing you then.

Task 2

Read the letter of a pen friend.

… I don’t think it’s fair to make children do household chores because we’re too busy at school. And what about you? Do you help your mum about the house? What kind of things do you have to do? Do you have enough time to do chores?

Hope to hear from you soon!



Fill in the blanks 1-5 in the letter, use phrases A-F. One phrase is extra.

A – I have enough time to do my homework and to chat with my friends.

B – I’d better go now.

C – Actually, I don’t do much, just go shopping and clean my room.

D – It’s also my duty.

E – It was great to hear from you!


25 October 2012

Dear Jane,

Thanks for your letter. 1__________.

In your letter you asked me about my household duties. Of course I have to do some chores because my mum’s too busy at work. 2 _______________. It doesn’t take long so 3 ________________.

Well, 4 ________________ I’ve got to take my dog for a walk. 5___________.


Key: A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D – 5, E – 1


Task 3


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