Read the text and write about your dreamland using the plan and vocabulary below.

My Dreamland

Turquoise Island

Turquoise Island is situated in the Atlantic Ocean South-East from Azores on the way to Italy. It is surrounded by warm turquoisewaters that’s why the climate is also warm and mild there. The landscape is wonderfully versatile: there are snow-capped mountains and crescent-shaped valleys, sparkling beaches and dense forests, crystal-clear lakes that reflect azure sky and the celestial blue horizon that welcomes and allures you.

The island is rich in magnificent flora and fauna. Edelweiss and high alpine flowers cover the grassy slopes. The purest waterfalls nourish the mountain streams. The fragrant meadows are bright with flowers: lavender, poppies, tulips, lilies-of-the-valley, daffodils, mallows, snapdragon, violets, forget-me-nots. Chestnut-trees, cypresses, banana- and coconut palms and olive groves invite you in their fairy-tale. Turquoise dragon-flies flutter over the sea-green lagoons and multicoloured butterflies fly over the flowers. Busy bees and bumble-bees, emerald and purple beetles, scarlet lady-birds, crickets and grasshopper s and other insects hum in the meadows and fields. From now and then you can hear piercing cicadas.

High up in the summer sky there soar falcons and eagles. Swallows and larks fly lower. Robins, nightingales, golden orioles, woodpeckers, waxwings, chaffinches, nuthatches, jays fill the forest with their marvellous descants. Owls live in the forest thickest and on the roof of the castle. Stork s and herons walk by the waterside. Swans and ducks float on the lanes. Sea mews fly just above the sea. Flamingos, ostriches and peacocks and pheasants live near the castle. You can find exotic birds in the tropical forest: sulphur-crested cockatoos, blue-and-yellow macaws, Sapphos,blue birds of paradise and calibri.

The waters are full of sea fauna: starfish, goldfish, jellyfish, sea-horses, octopuses, turtles, trout, eels, mussels, shrimps, lobsters. Tre are fantastic coral colonies around the island.

There are a lot of animal species that inhabit the island: jaguars,antelopes,rabbits, silver fox and red foxes,hares, mountaingoats,bats,platypuses, anteaters, kangaroos,porcupines,weasels, squirrelsllamaslynxes,raccoons,monkeys, muskoxen, horses, cheetahs, leopards,hamsters and many cats – in the jungle and in the castle. Some true courageous dogs guard the home – a beautiful castle build on the rock with a breath-taking view on the majestic sea. A yacht in the lagoon is awaiting you…

My Dreamland

My Dreamland ….. is situated in/on

It’s … (there)

There grow…

There live…

There fly….

There are (lakes, mountains, plains… etc) there.

The climate is …

You can… there.

It’s a special spot in the world (for me) because…


Platypus anteater porcupine mole hedgehog armadillo bat llama tapir squirrel elk seal marten sable weasel muskox raccoon lynx hyena baboon orangutan otter guineapig muskrat walrus lizard cheetah chameleon chamois rhinoceros hippopotamus buffalo wolf mountaingoat arcticfox polarbear leopard jaguar hamster antelope bison (red) fox silver fox hare rabbit утконос муравьед дикобраз крот ёж армадилл, броненосец летучаямышь лама тапир белка лось тюлень куница соболь ласка овцебык енот рысь гиена бабуин, павиан орангутанг морская свинка выдра ондатра, выхухоль морж ящерица гепард хамелеон серна носорог гиппопотам буйвол волк горныйкозел песец полярныймедведь леопард ягуар хомяк антилопа бизон лисица черно-бурая лиса заяц кролик



Swallow robin sparrow lark bullfinch thrush flamingo magpie tomtit starling rook crow swan duck (golden) oriole chaffinch woodpecker owl waxwing nightingale nuthatch quail grouse wood grouse partridge ostrich Ласточка малиновка воробей жаворонок снегирь дрозд фламинго сорока синица скворец грач ворона лебедь утка иволга зяблик дятел сова свиристель соловей поползень перепел рябчик глухарь куропатка страус stork heron peacock pheasant eagle kite seagull (sea mew) sulphur-crested cockatoo blue-and-yellow macaw sappho cardinal toucan jay falcon hawk goldfinch wagtail pelican pigeon dove lapwing emu penguin swift guinea fowl аист цапля павлин фазан орёл коршун чайка желтогрудый какаду сине-жёлтый ара сафо птица-кардинал тукан сойка сокол ястреб щегол трясогузка пеликан голубь голубь, голубка чибис эму пингвин стриж цесарка


Insects Sea fauna
Butterfly ladybird beetle worm glowworm, firefly caterpillar fly dragonfly ant silkworm spider grasshopper mayfly   moth   gnat midge mosquito aphid cockroach green locust cricket Бабочка Божья коровка жук червь светлячок гусеница муха стрекоза муравей шелкопряд паук кузнечик подёнка (муха-однодневка) мотылек, ночная бабочка, моль комар комар, мошка комар, москит тля таракан зелёная саранча сверчок   Flounder, plaice cod herring perch pike sardine shark sturgeon mackerel tuna salmon octopus sea-horse jellyfish mussel shrimp lobster starfish eel trout turtle камбала треска сельдь окунь щука сардина акула осётр скумбрия, макрель тунец лосось осьминог морской конёк медуза мидия креветка омар морская звезда угорь форель морская черепаха  




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