Read the story, determine its genre and entitle it.

Суворкина Надежда Юрьевна










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Печатается по решению Методического и Редакционно-издательского Советов БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж». Протокол от 12 декабря 2016 года № 2.

Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков. Протокол от 17 октября 2016 г. № 3.

Заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков О.И. Левина

Редакционная коллегия:

Шадрина Л. И. – директор БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж», кандидат педагогических наук, доцент;

Галанина О.Г. – заместитель директора по учебной работе БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж»;

Никиточкина Г.А. – заместитель директора по производственной работе БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж»;

Павлова А.И. – заведующий методическим кабинетом БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж», кандидат педагогических наук;

Кутузова З.Ю. – методист БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж».


Третьякова Р. В., преподаватель английского языка БПОУ ОО «Орловский базовый медицинский колледж»

Баранова Е. А., кандидат педагогических наук, преподаватель французского языка БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж».


Суворкина Н. Ю. Учебно-методическое пособие для самостоятельной (внеаудиторной) работы студентов 1 курса по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»/Н. Ю. Суворкина. – Орел: БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж», 2016. – 38 стр.


Учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)» и предназначено для тренировки лексического материала студентами 1 курса педагогического колледжа поспециальностям очной формы обучения.



Материалы печатаются в авторской редакции

Технический редактор Кутузова И.И.

БПОУ ОО «Мезенский педагогический колледж. 2016



Vocabulary NATURE

Sunrise = the dawn восход

sunset закат

the sky = the heaven = the firmament poetic небо

placid = serene = calm спокойный

the horizon горизонт

the gale (strong) wind ураган

to glimmer = to shimmer = to twinkle мерцать

to sparkle = to glitter = to glisten блестеть

glow (morning glow / eveningglow) заря


to bloom = to blossom = to flower цвести

blossom(s) цветение

toflourish пышно расти; перен .процветать

dew(s) роса

breeze бриз

a valley долина

a plain равнина

a meadow луг

afield поле

a hill холм

pond пруд

pool лужа, заводь

а puddle лужа

theearth = theground земля

clouds облака

thunder гром

thunderstorm гроза

claps(peals) of thunder раскаты грома

lightning молния

flashes of lightning вспышкимолнии

an orchard (аfruit garden) фруктовыйсад

scent = fragrance = balminess аромат, благоухание

balmy = fragrant ароматный, благоухающий

azure (blue) лазурь, лазурный

to fade, to wither вянуть, сохнуть

аbud почка, бутон

аpetal лепесток

a cluster гроздь

leaf (Pl. leaves) лист, листья

toburstintoleaf распускаться (олистьях)

greenery зелень

foliage листва

fall (am.) = autumn

shower ливень

a brook ручей

a stream поток

to ripple журчать

an icicle сосулька

shade тень

shadow, shadowy тень(отпредмета), тенистый

wood = forest

dense (thick) густой

sinister зловещий

rural adj. (countryside) сельский, деревенский

hit жара

alark жаворонок

arobin малиновка, зорянка

a swallow ласточка

a blackbird чёрныйдрозд

a cuckoo

a beech бук

a birch берёза



to soar (to fly) парить

clover клевер

a frog лягушка

a cricket сверчок

an ermine горностай

moist = damp влажный

moisture = dampness влага, влажность

a midge мошка

a mosquito = a gnat москит, комар

to blow (……………, ……………….)

to fall (……………, ……………….)

weather forecast прогнозпогоды

weathersigns погодныеприметы

crimson малиновый

scarlet алый

chill, chilly прохлада, прохладный

dogwood, аdogwoodtree кизил, кизиловоедерево

glory великолепие

to plough пахать

a furrow борозда

swamp болото

fog туман

mist дымка (лёгкийтуман)

todrizzle моросить

sleet дождь со снегом

thaw оттепель

thethawsetsin наступаетоттепель

to melt таять

to float across the sky (about clouds) плыть(понебу, воде)

to migrate (about birds) мигрировать (улетать)

to twitter щебетать

descants poetic (songs) песни



Read the story, determine its genre and entitle it.

******************************************   The sun had three daughters: the eldest was Autumn, the middle was Summer, and the youngest was Spring. They led a cheerful life in their father's home. But then it was time to send them to the Earth. The Sun's children were to be the seasons. First to fly was Spring. She was so pretty in her youth that when sending her on her journey the Sun decided to make her a present of eternal youth. "People must like her," he thought. Three months later they sent Summer to the Earth, "You are a beauty!" said the Sun, saying good-bye, to his daughter. "I shall make you a present of eternal beauty." And at last itwas time for Autumn to leave her father's house. "Take all my wealth,'' the Sun told her. "I give you all the gold I have. Be kind, give people all you have, and people will love you." And on the other side of the world Winter, the only daugh­ter of Frost, was getting ready for her journey. She was also to become a season on the Earth. Her father worried about her. She was a very plain girl. She had no rich clothes. He couldn't make her any presents. Frost got together all the wealth he had and it was just a hand­ful of silver. And that was all Winter had when she stepped on to the Earth. It became very cold. The birds flew away. The water in the rivers soon turned into ice. People put on warm clothes and hurried to the shelter of their houses, where they closed the doors and windows. No one asked Winter into their houses. No one wanted to look at her. No one wanted to have anything to do with the plain and cold girl. Then she started to work. She made little snowflakes and tossed them to the sky, and the snowflakes started to fall slowly down on the Earth. The Earth was changing. Snow covered the fields. There was white snow on the trees and the houses. Winter wanted to make everything beautiful. It was hard work. But she did not feel tired. She was ready to give all she had to people. She threw all her silver on the Earth. The silver mixed with the snow and it began to sparkle.   Winter forgot about time. She did not see how the door of one house opened and a man came out and stopped in surprise. Everything was sparkling. The houses looked like ice palaces. The icicles were talking to each other like bells. And the drawings Winter made on the windows were like a work of art. Children were skiing and skating. All over the Earth people began to talk about Winter. They started to wait for her to come. They wanted every­thing to be as light and clear as it is on a sunny, snowy, win­ter day. They started singing songs about her and writing poems and music to her. But still Winter knew that when she was on the Earth people very often spoke of Spring, waited for Summer and placed their hopes on Autumn. And they were never sorry to say good-bye to Winter.


eternal– вечный, wealth – богатство, plain – неприметный, невзрачный;

hand­ful - горстка, tostep – ступать, shelter – укрытие, tohavetodosmth. withsmb. - иметьскем-л. lело, totoss – подбрасывать, toplacehopeson – возлагатьнадеждына, apalace – дворец, tomix – смешивать

Answer the questions:

1. Are all the four seasons of the same origin?(Do they have the same parent (father?))

2. Are the Seasons male or female characters in the story?

3. What is Spring’s magic power according to the fairy-tale?

4. What did father (the Sun) presented his middle daughter (Summer) with when he sent her to the Earth?

5. What was Autumn’s wealth?

6. What did Winter come onto the Earth with?

7. Were people glad to meet Winter? Why?

8. How did she win people’s hearts?

9. How would you entitle this story?

10. Do you feel about seasons the way it is described in the end of the fairy-tale?


Read the text about the seasons in New Zealand and note their peculiar features. Are they different from the seasons in your country? Four Seasons Since Maori - the indigenous people of New Zealand - named these islands as Aotearoa or 'the land of the long white cloud', the seasons have played a defining role in the lives of all New Zealanders. New Zealand's varied geography changes as each season casts its own interpretation on the landscape, revealing spectacular adventure playgrounds for every recreational pursuit.  
  Seasons in New Zealand Since Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, named these islands Aotearoa or 'land of the long white cloud', the seasons have been of paramount importance to New Zealanders, many of whom make their living on or from the land and sea. New Zealand has mild temperatures, moderately high rainfall and high sunshine hours throughout most of the country. The climate is dominated by two main geographical features, the mountains and the sea. It is subject to influences from east, west, south and north, and varies from day to day - it's not unusual to experience 'four seasons in a day' so visitors should be prepared for some variances. The changing seasons create a series of adventure playgrounds in the landscape for a vast range of leisure and sporting activities.   Spring in New Zealand Spring in New Zealand officially occupies the months of September, October, and November. After winter, spring brings a season of milder temperatures and a burst of growth as orchards and gardens blossom. It's a good time to get out and about, and experience New Zealand's prolific wildlife as the forest fills with birdsong and colonies of marine life - such as penguins and seals - come ashore to nurture their young.   Summer in New Zealand Summer in New Zealand takes over the months of December, January, and February. New Zealand's Christmas season is illuminated by the brilliant red blooms of the native 'Christmas tree' - the pohutukawa is a flowering coastal tree loved by birds and beach goers looking for a shady spot. Summer is the traditional time for holidays which many Kiwis spend relaxing at the family 'bach' or 'crib' - the local name for a holiday house. It's a time for outdoor pursuits, watersports and barbeques, and a long calendar of festivals from food and wine to music or sporting events.   Autumn in New Zealand Autumn in New Zealand stretches from March through to April and May. New Zealand most often experiences good weather during autumn as the countryside explodes into vibrant colours - gold, red and orange. With settled weather and cooler days, it’s the perfect time for experiencing New Zealand’s many cycling or walking tracks. Autumn is harvest time, and the opportunity to taste some of New Zealand's finest flavours at farmers' markets and vineyards throughout the regions.   Winter in New Zealand Winter in New Zealand kicks off in June, and runs through July and August. This is the time to hit the slopes as winter brings snow to the mountains of the North Island's Central Plateau and the great Southern Alps of the South Island - an alpine playground that's bigger than the European Alps. Elsewhere, in coastal areas, visitors can still expect to find milder temperatures and pleasant conditions for many other outdoor activities.     Ashburton Domain - in Canterbury - is picture perfect in spring with this natural floral archway of blossoming cherry trees. This beautiful garden park is also planted with roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, lilacs, maples, magnolias and conifers. Onetahuti Beach - on the Nelson Tasman coastline - is a camping spot on the Abel Tasman Coastal Track. The wide, golden beach has glow worm caves and a small estuary where visitors can watch wading sea birds in the water. Autumn colours take over this vineyard near Havelock North. In Hawke's Bay, the fertile Heretaunga plains and sunny climate combine to produce some of New Zealand's top red wines, fruit and a vast range of artisan foods. A memorial to local pioneers, the Church of the Good Shepherd rests on the shores of Lake Tekapo, in the Aoraki Mackenzie region. The church is sited so the altar window frames a magnificent view of the Southern Alps.


Determine the SEASONS:

  Vegetation grows rapidly, nature returns to life, the thaw sets in, the snow turns to slush, a lilac bush, to emerge, to come out, to appear above the ground, to listen to the murmur of brooklets, sonorous streams, larks and blackbirds return from warm countries, trees burst into leaf, the snow begins to melt, а bud, trees in their young green, pink-white buds, a herald of spring, the rippling of brooks, newly fledged trees, the golden masses of golden-white jasmine,the bright riot of the twin lines of daffodils, snowdrops, tulips, crocus, mimosa, vernal equinox, Shrovetide, Mother’s Day, April Fool’s Day, May Day, birds build their nests, the beginning of the gardening season, the moist smells of new-ploughed earth and all the fresh green tilings pushing up to the air, apple trees are in blossom, Aries, the rivers and lakes are set free from icе.


    Weather becomes sultry, the heat grows oppressive, the air gets stifling, Dust covers the grass and leaves.trees are in leaf, summer solstice, roses begin to blossom. The days are the longest, and the nights are the shortest, The river glittering in the sun is calling us and we go boating, bathing, fishing, most people go to the seaside, holiday of Ivan Kupala, to build sand castles on the seacoast, to surf, to go on a picnic, to pick up strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants, to walk barefoot on the grass, to weal light clothes and bikini, to sunbathe, to lie in the sun, Leo, starfall, sea and sunshine, hot sunny days, a warm shower with a beautiful rainbow afterwards, tanned bodies, Trinity, peonies, forget-me-nots, camomiles, cornflowers, daisies.  


  The leaves turn yellow and reddish, most of the birds migrate to warm count-ries, the season of mist, windy and chilly days, when it often drizzles, a spell of sunny weather in October, Indian summer, golden shimmer of the foliage, scarlet bonfires melting in the morning fog, the melancholy of of gay-coloured leaves, bright colourful carpet of leaves, Halloweeen, aching tenderness of the falling leaves touching the surface of the lakes and rivers, sorrowful gray autumn sky, nostalgic hues and shadows of the passed away summer, it first gets cooler and then colder, webs flying in the air. The leaves begin to fall from the trees in a shower of gold and red, the harvest time, It often rains. pumpkins thick fog hangs along the quay, leaves flutter from elms, big barges full of yellow hay, chrysanthemums, Scorpio, the Day of Knowledge


  15 degrees of frost, to freeze hard, to complain of cold, on a frosty morning, hoar-frost, the rivers and lakes are frozen over, the snow falls, icicles hang from the roofs of the houses, it first gets cooler and then colder. There are no flowers in the gardens. The leaves have gone from the trees. Frost paints all the trees silver. Snowflakes fall thick and fast. The ground is like iron and rings under people’s feet. playing snowballs, making snowmen and building snow-huts. As usual the roads are slippery. You can ski, skate, play hockey and toboggan. The frost sparkles on the branches. Santa comes tonight.Tinsel round the window bright. Gifts wrapped in Christmas paper, a scarlet-breasted robin on a leafless bough, cold wind burns my face, in a reindeer sled, sledge, to decorate a New Year tree, to wear a fur-coat, St Valentine’s Day, Aquarius.


Questions about nature

1. What is your favourite season? Why?

2. Do you like animals? What is your favourite animal? Why?

3. Do you keep pets? What are they? Why do people keep pets?

4. Do you often go to the forest? What do you like to do there?

5. Have you got a summer plot (cottage)? Do you like it? What do you do there?

6. Do you like to spend time in the open air? What outdoor activities do you like to pursue?

7. What would you prefer: to go for a walk in a fine weather or to watch an interesting movie?

8. What is your favourite weather in summer, spring? Autumn and winter?

9. What season would like to have now? Why?

10. What is your favourite natural phenomenon?


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