The article considers regularities of the construction of human identity in the space of social networks. For structuring of existing empirical data is used the classical concept of self-presentation I. Hoffmann, on the basis of which there are three main factors potentially influencing the nature of virtual self-presentation: 1) quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the audience; 2) personal characteristics of the user; 3) the specificity of activity of the user in interaction with his audience. There is insufficient knowledge of the latter factor. The empirical study is devoted to the comparative analysis of the activity in the virtual communication and specific features of the design of virtual self-presentation among people of different ages (younger and older teenagers, users in middle age, only 126 respondents). It is noted that inter-generational differences in virtual activity define the characteristics of virtual self-presentation. Preferred orientation of users average age on the informativeness of virtual interaction, the desire to expand contacts in social networks, preference information and interesting partners for virtual communication sets the higher saturation of their own virtual image, its primary "text" of the expression, the content of which is constructed as a detailed analogue of a real identity. At the same time, adolescence orientation to interpersonal trust interaction determines their preference to know the real communication partners, the desire to obtain emotional support and outcome dependence I their virtual nature of the resulting feedback from partners on the virtual interaction. The observed similarity between all sub-groups of respondents for taboo for virtual interaction the problems in his personal life, politics and religion.
Keywords: social networking, virtual collaboration, designing the identity, a virtual self-presentation
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About authors
Belinskaya Elena Pavlovna. Ph.D., Professor, Department of social psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Senior researcher, laboratory teenager’s psychology, Psychological Institute, teenager, RAO.
Jessica K. Frantova. Postgraduate student, laboratory teenager’s psychology, Psychological Institute RAO.
[1]Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ. Проект № 16-06-00574.
[2]Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РФФИ 16-06-00161
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