Тема: «Функции компьютера»

Г. Группа 2М Иностранный язык


Практическое занятие №50

Тема: «Функции компьютера»


1. Проверка домашнего задания ( контроль усвоения лексических единиц).

Сделайте письменный перевод следующих слов с английского языка на русский язык:


1) follow -

2) figure -

3) single -

4) erase -

5) check -

6) spelling -

7) create -

8) retain -

9) quantity -

10) drawing -

11) drafting -

12) screen -

13) pie chart -

14) way -

15) alter -

16) mention -

17) connect -

18) edit -

19) the same -

20) allow -

21) accurately -


2. Употребление лексических единиц в различных видах речевой деятельности:

Ex. 1. Word-Search. Match the definitions with the expressions in the list: screen, CD ROM, mouse, floppy disk, keyboard, disk drive, mouse pad/mat, modem, laptop, key.

Найдите подходящие по смыслу слова и запишите их в конце каждого предложения:


1) the small object that you move with your hand to operate a computer -

2) the flat part in front of a computer which you look at -

3) the part of a computer with rows of letters and symbols -

4) the part of a computer you use to pass information to or from a disk -

5) a flat piece of plastic for storing information from a computer -

6) the flat piece of rubber or plastic which you use under a mouse -

7) a round disk for using in a computer to store large amounts of information -

8) a type of small computer you can carry with you -

9) one of the parts with a letter or symbol which you press when you use a computer -

10) the equipment inside a computer which allows information to be sent to another computer using a telephone line -


Ex. 2. Complete the chart by adding the words below (заполните приведённую ниже таблицу, выбирая из данного списка подходящие слова): storing, screen, processing, communication, desktop publishing, playing games, mouse, keyboard, drawing, inserting, calculating, display, monitor, editing, drafting, retrieving, sending, writing texts, music composing, accepting, hard disk, printing, floppy disk, keeping company's books, chips, key, selecting, sorting, erasing, CD-rom, deleting, system board, checking, displaying, modem.


Computer parts and components Operations the computer can perform Functions of the computer


Ex. 3.Insert "both... and", "either... or", "neither... nor":

1. ………….. children…………... adults enjoy playing computer games.

2. He has…………... arrived…………….. phoned. Perhaps something has happened.

3. You must………….... write a report……………... take an exam.

4. He isn't………….. a lawyer…………. a manager. He is a computer programmer.

5. ………....he ……….....she spoke with me after what had happened.


Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with: other, another, others, the other, the others.

1. I don't like this book. Give me... one.

2. There are seven students in our group. Two from China, ……….. are from Vietnam.

3. Using a computer you can create all sorts of images that are not possible with……….. media.

4. Using a modem, and………….. communications software, your computer can communicate with……………. computer.

5. Mary had two houses, one in Spain, …………... in France.


Домашнее задание:

Рассказать о функции компьютера в виде письменных ответов на вопросы:

1. What functions of computer do you know?

2. Which in your opinion is the most popular function:

a) with office workers? b) with students? c) with children?

3) Say which of these or other functions you often use in your activities?

Г. Группа 2М Иностранный язык

Практическое занятие №50

Тема: «Функции компьютера»

Выполнение практических заданий по теме «Функции компьютера» на основании текста, приведённого ниже в приложении А:


Ex. 1. Complete the word-combinations as in the text.

1) to follow...

2) to perform...

3) to calculate...

4) to hold any...

5) to create a...

6) multicoloured...

7) to have a good...

8) to perform mechanical...

9) to exchange...

10) to process...


Ex. 2. Translate into English.

1) создавать различные графические изображения -

2) компьютерная графика -

3) выполнять различные функции, изменяя программное обеспечение -

4) делать любые изменения, какие Вам хочется -

5) проверять орфографию -

6) обмениваться информацией -

7) электронные музыкальные инструменты -

8) изменять звуки -

9) появляться на бумаге -

10) удалять или вставлять что-либо -

11) средство для ведения бухгалтерского учета компании -

12) неограниченное количество -

13) сохранять в памяти слова, цифры и картинки в огромных количествах -

14) свобода творчества при написании и оформлении документа -

15) сделать чертеж на экране компьютера -

16) подготовка публикации с помощью настольных издательских средств -


Ex. 3. Make the sentences negative. Put questions to the underlined word:

1. A computer is an ideal tool for managing a company's books.

2. There are many other uses of PC, too numerous to mention.

3. All computers have a good memory.

4. You can create your draft on the computer screen quickly and easily.

5. Both children and adults enjoy playing computer games.

6. Computer graphics is also used in business.


Ex. 4. Answer the questions to the text А:

1. What is a computer for?

2. Is the number of computer programs limited?

3. What are the major computer functions?

4. How can a computer help in business and accounting?

5. What is the most popular task of computers today?

6. How does it help in publishing?

7. Have all computers a good memory? What is it for?

8. Can a computer draw?

9. Does a computer perform communications? In what way?

10. What is the role of computers in music?

11. Is a computer a good game-playing partner? Have you ever played with PC? Did you win or lose?

12. What other functions of computer can you add?





A personal computer is a machine designed to follow instructions, which are called programs or software. The same computer can perform many different tasks by changing the software. The number of computer programs is almost unlimited.

Business and financial. A computer is an ideal tool for managing a company's books. It can easily, rapidly, and accurately calculate financial information. The computer can process your data and display your figures in many forms.

Writing and editing. Word-processing is the single most popular task for personal computers today. Unlike a typewriter, your words don't appear on paper right away. That's why you can make any changes you like, erase or insert something, check spelling, etc.

Desktop publishing. Desktop publishing allows you even more creative freedom in your writing and page design. Your final printed copy can be in many colours and with photographs.

Storage and retrieval. All computers have a good memory. They can retain words, numbers, and pictures in enormous quantities. Your database can hold any kind of information that's important to you.

Drafting and drawing. Any small computer can perform mechanical drawing or drafting. You can create your draft on the computer screen quickly and easily.

Graphic art. Using a computer you can create all sorts of images that are not possible with other media. Computer graphics are also used in business (for example, multicoloured pie charts, transparencies and others).

Communications. Computers can exchange information in a simple, efficient way. Using the modem, and other communications software, your computer can communicate with another computer.

Music. Today many electronic musical instruments, especially keyboards, can be connected to personal computers. An electronic keyboard sends musical tones to your computer in electronic form, then a computer alters the sounds and sends it back to the keyboard. Or sounds can be synthesized on the computer and then sent to the instrument to play.

Games. Computers make some of the best game-playing partners. Both children and adults enjoy playing computer games. There are many other uses of personal computers, too numerous to mention.



Домашнее задание:

Учебник Голубев А.П. Английский язык для технических специальностей: учеб. для студ. Учрежденийс ред. спец. образования/ А. П. Голубев, А.П. Коржавый, И.Б. Смирнова. -5-е изд. стер.-М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2014-208с

С. 166, упр. 6

Найдите в научных журналах или в Интернете небольшую статью на английском языке по теме занятия, изучите её, запишите краткое содержание.


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