Задание 2. Разбейте текст на смысловые отрезки, озаглавьте их. Запишите вместе с заголовками. Затем переведите текст и заголовки.

Задание по Иностранному языку для группы С11 (1 и 2 подгруппы) на 22.04.2020 г. (по 2 часа)

Важно!!! Все Задания выполняются письменно в рабочей тетради. Писать разборчиво, сделать фото выполненных заданий и прислать преподавателю. Все тетради с заданиями будут собираться по прохождении дистанционного обучения! Всем удачи!!!

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Тема 1. Канада. Географическое положение, климат, население. Крупные города. Достопримечательности страны

Задание 1: Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно.


Canada is the northern neighbor of the United States of America. The capital of Canada is Ottawa,but the biggest city is Toronto. In Toronto you can see -the CN Tower, which is 553 meters high-the tallest building in Canada. Canada has two national languages-English and French. Every Canadian pupil studies both languages in school. The French-speaking Canadians live mainly in a region called Quebec.

The native Canadians are Inuit (once called "Eskimos"). The word Inuit "means human beings. The Inuit live in the cold Arctic region in the north. They build their houses from whale bones. The Inuit hunt for whales, seals and fish. When they go hunting, they build igloos. Igloos are made of blocks of hard snow.

The most famous tourist attraction is the Niagara Falls. The waterfalls are between the U.S.A. and Canada. The Canadian part of the falls is 49 meters high-higher and more exciting than the American part. Millions of tourists come to see the Niagara Falls every year.

Задание 2. Вставьте в предложения слова из рамки. Напишите полностью предложения, переведите их.

the biggest city, Niagara Falls, the capital city, the tallest buiding


The most well known attraction in Canada is.

Ottawa is.

Toronto is.

The CN Tower is ….


Задание 3. Вставьте в предложения слова из рамки. Напишите полностью предложения, переведите их.

whale bones snow northern live Eskimo

The Inuit were once called.

They live in Canada.

They useto build their houses.

When they go hunting, they in igloos.

The igllos are made of.


Задание 4. Заполните карточку Канады словами из рамки. Переведите.

Inuit, English and French, Toronto, U.S.A., CN Tower, Ottawa

Capital City:

Biggest City:

Tallest Building:

National Languages:

Native Population:

Southern Border: ….

Тема 2. Новая Зеландия. Географическое положение, климат, население. Крупные города. Достопримечательности страны.

Задание 1. Посмотрите обучающее видео Welcome to New Zealand (ссылка: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzW1c2OgUxY). Запишите основные факты о стране из видео.

Задание 2. Разбейте текст на смысловые отрезки, озаглавьте их. Запишите вместе с заголовками. Затем переведите текст и заголовки.

New Zealand is situated in southwest Pacific. The country consists of two large islands, North and South and several smaller islands. The two main islands are separated from each other by the Cook Strait. New Zealand is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Tasman Sea in the west. The territory is small with the population more than three million people. The relief of each of the islands is mostly hilly and mountainous. There are active volcanoes, geysers and hot springs in New Zealand. The highest peak is Mountain Cook in the Southern Alps on South Island. The climate of the country is mostly temperate with moderate rainfall. The country has unusual animals and birds. The most interesting one, the kiwi, the non-flying bird, can be found only in New Zealand. It has become the national emblem of the country. The national currency of New Zealand is dollar. The official language is English, but there is also the Maori language spoken by the natives. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with the Queen of Great Britain as the head of the country. Queen Elizabeth II is represented by Governor-General and the head of government is Prime Minister. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington which is situated on North Island. It is the political centre of New Zealand because the House of Representatives and the residence of the Governor-General are situated there. There are several museums in Wellington. The Dominion Museum and the National Art Gallery are the most famous ones. Horse racing is very popular among the citizens of Wellington. Auckland is the largest city-port in New Zealand. It is a big commercial and business centre of New Zealand. The city is full of parks and gardens. Most of them are situated on hills and give a beautiful view on the city. New Zealand is an agricultural country. It specializes in sheep-breeding and exports lamb meat, sheep wool and butter. This country is sometimes called Green Paradise because of its nature: green hills, clean water and air. I would love to visit this country.



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