Text 1D. Sport in My Life 6 глава


[f] physical philosophy emphasize peripheral [k] chemistry technique school scholarship


Ex.3. Learn the key-words and wordcombinations to the topic “Physical Education”. Translatethe sentences.

1. education n   образование, обучение, воспитание
  educational establishment   учебноезаведение
  syn. educational institution    
  physical education   физическое воспитание
2. contemporary a syn. modern a   современный
3. health n   здоровье
  healthy a   здоровый
  healthylifestyle   здоровый образ жизни
  mentalhealth   психическое здоровье
4. curriculum n syn. syllabus n   курс обучения, учебный план, расписание
5. instruct v syn. teach v   инструктировать, обучать
6. movement n   движение
  body movement   движение тела
  basic body movements   основные / простейшие движения тела
7. activity (-ies) n   занятие, активность, деятельность
  sporting     activity   занятия спортом
  recreational   активный отдых, занятия физкультурой
  competitive   соревнования, спортивная деятельность
  dance   занятия танцами
  play   занятия в игровой форме
  bodybuilding   упражнения, развивающие тело
  strenuous   энергичные действия, интенсивная (физическая) нагрузка
8. school n   школа
  primary syn. elementary   school   начальная   школа
  secondary   средняя  
  high   старшие классы
  off-school a   внешкольный
9. class n   урок
  advanced class   урок с более высоким (продвинутым) уровнем сложности
10. course n   предмет, курс обучения
  degree course   курс обучения для получения степени бакалавра
11. teaching n   преподавание, обучение
    teaching diploma   диплом учителя
  methods   педагогические методы
e.g. In many countries degree courses or teaching diplomas exist in physical education.
12. military training   военная подготовка
e.g. Physical education is an extremely important element of military training.
13. skill n   мастерство, навык, умение, искусство
  basic   skills   основные навыки
  motor двигательные
  safety навыки безопасного поведения
  develop a skill   развивать навык
14. development n   развитие
  spiritual     development   духовное развитие
  aesthetic   эстетическое развитие
  human   развитие человека
  moral   нравственное развитие
  intellectual   интеллектуальное развитие
15. elementary games   подвижные игры
e.g. In primary school physical education courses centre on elementary games that emphasize participation and cooperation rather than competition.
16. condition n   состояние, кондиция, условие
  body condition   состояние организма, кондиции тела
17. physical fitness   физическая подготовленность
e.g. Physical exercises improve and promote physical fitness, develop motor skills, muscle tone, and body condition.
18. endurance n   выносливость
19. strength n   сила
20. flexibility n   гибкость
21. coordination n   координация
22. emphasize v   делать акцент, подчеркивать, выделять
23. participation n   участие
24. objective n   цель, задача
  social objective   задача социализации
  knowledge   приобретения знаний
25. optional a   факультативный, произвольный
  ant. compulsory   обязательный
26. degree n   степень
  Bachelor’s   degree     степень бакалавра
  Master’s   магистра
  Doctor’s   доктора наук
27. require v   требовать
  requirement a   требование
28. sports techniques   спортивные технические приемы
29. grass-rootsa   массовый, на добровольных началах


Step 2. Reading Practice.


Task 1. Read Text 2A for detail and find the answers to the questions:


1. What goals and objectives does physical education have?
2. What part does physical education play in education systems?
3. What activities do PE programmes involve?
4. What is physical fitness?
5. Why is PE teacher’s guidance so important when developing motor skills?
6. What social aspects does physical education deal with?
7. Why do we admire people going in for sports?


Text 2A. Physical Education: its Goals and Objectives


Schools are teaching not only the basics of various sciences these days. An important mission of modern schools is to provide students with knowledge, skills, capacities, and the enthusiasm to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can be done by means of physical education (PE in short).

Physical education is the part of the school curriculum that instructs students in body movements, sports and games, and other physical activities. In many countries physical education is taught in both primary and secondary schools. It is also a subject on many college syllabuses. In many countries degree courses or teaching diplomas exist in physical education. It is also a very important element of military training.

PE programmes involve a wide variety of activities, including elementary games, basic skills in movement (such as running or jumping) and exercises to improve physical fitness, to develop motor skills and body condition. Team sports and recreational activities such as swimming, dancing and gymnastic exercises, all form important aspects of physical education as a discipline. Students learn to work either as part of a team, or as individuals in competitive activities.

In primary school physical education classes help children develop and understand basic body movements. They also include elementary games that emphasize participation and cooperation rather than competition. Dance activities and exercises done to music are also included.

In the more advanced primary school classes simple competition sports, games, and exercises may be taught. The secondary and high school physical education programmes develop these activities and offer many other ones such as archery1, athletics, badminton, cycling, soccer2, swimming, tennis, etc.

Most colleges and universities offer physical education programmes and students take one or two years of physical education. At some colleges and universities these courses are optional. College students may take up the sport they played at high school or learn a new one. Big universities offer many activities not available at smaller schools like sailing3 and skiing.

There are some colleges and universities that offer Bachelor’s degrees in physical education. These degrees require the study of such subjects as anatomy, sports techniques and teaching methods. Master’s or Doctor’s degrees in physical education are also offered at some universities.

The objectives of physical education today are as follows:

1. PE courses help build up physical fitness, increase student’s endurance, strength, flexibility and coordination.

2. They develop student’s motor skills and many other qualities one’s life depends on.

3. People taking part in physical activities improve their mental health. They become more confident and persistent4, communicate and make friends easily.

4. Social objectives of physical education are closely connected with the general ideals and goals of education and form the basis of sportsmanship and fair play principles5.

5. Doing various sports people must know and follow the rules and techniques, use various tactics and strategies, make decisions. That is what makes knowledge objective of physical education so important.

6. Sports and athletes are very aesthetic. Everybody admires people who move with grace and ease, whose bodies are slender and well-built6.




1 archerynстрельба из лука;
2 soccer n футбол;
3sailing nпарусный спорт;
4 moreconfidentandpersistentболееуверенныйицелеустремленный;
5 formthebasisofsportsmanshipandfairplayprinciplesформируютосновуспортивногоповеденияипринциповфэйрплэй (честнойигры);
6whose bodies are slender and well-builtтелакоторыхстройныеихорошосложены.



Post-reading exercises


Ex. 1. Replace the following Russian words and word combinations with their English equivalents from the text:


средняя школа, выносливость, подвижные игры, основные навыки, мышца, состояние организма, диплом учителя, мышечный тонус, соревнования, физическое воспитание, активный отдых, двигательные навыки, физические упражнения, учебный план, делать акцент, уверенный, физическая подготовленность, сустав, гибкость, настойчивый.


Ex. 2. Make as many word combinations as possible.

physical technical military competitive basic   fitness activities training skills education


Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the word-box below and translate the sentences into Russian.


1. Physical education is the part of the school … that instructs students in body movements, sports and games, and other physical ….
2. Sports shares the general ideals and … of education.
3. People taking part in games and physical activities become more … and ….
4. Health is more than … from physical disease.
5. In primary school physical education courses emphasize participation and cooperation rather than ….
6. Physical education courses help build up physical ….
7. Students learn to work either as part of a team, or as individuals in a wide … of competitive activities.
8. Sports shares the general ideals and goals of education, which are also the basis of … and fair play principles.
9. Students learn exactly what level of strenuous physical activity their bodies can ….
10. The … of P.E. teacher is vital when developing students’ motor skills.


  goals withstand freedom persistent guidance activities sportsmanship curriculum confident competition fitness variety  


Ex. 4. Complete the following statements. Choose one of the alternatives and translate the sentences.


1. Physical education at school instructs students … a. in reading literature on sports
b. in body movements, sports and games, and other physical activities
c. In their actions in emergency situations
2. Physical education is a very important element of … a. professional growth
b. competition schedule
c. military training
3. At some colleges and universities physical education courses are … a. optional
b. compulsory
c. complicated
4. Physical activities help develop … a. student’s technical abilities
b. student’s memory
c. student’s motor skills
5. When we call people athletic we mean that they … a. are well-built and graceful
b. have health problems
c. look strange


Ex. 5. Look through Text 2A and find sentences where personal, possessive, demonstrative and indefinite pronouns are used.Translatethe sentences with them into Russian.


Ex. 6. Write down your extensive comments on the following statements about the main objectives of physical education.


· Today physical education is an integral part of the education process.
· PE programmes are directed to develop various physical qualities and skills.
· Physical activities influence moral development of a person.


Task 2. Check if these words and word combinations from Text 2B are known to you. If not, try to memorize them.


integral a   неотъемлемый
ancient a   древний,античный
magnificence n   великолепие
bring a return   вернуть
introduce v   вводить, представить
routine n   программа
substitute v   заменить, заместить
minor a   незначительный
ant. major   главный, крупный
substantially adv   существенно, значительно
extensive research   всесторонние исследования
design v   разрабатывать
disability n   инвалидность, нетрудоспособность



Task 3. Read Text 2Bto know how physical education began.


Text 2B. The History of Physical Education


The beginning of physical education can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who had organized physical education programmes by the 700s B.C.1 At educational establishments called gymnasia, Greek boys practiced in discus and javelin throwing, jumping, running and wrestling2. They also received instruction in mathematics, philosophy and rhetoric3.

The Greeks emphasized the idea of harmony of body and mind in education. This involved the harmonious development of the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of human personality. Physical education was considered an integral component of the educational programme. Besides strength and courage the Greeks’ ideals included grace and beauty of movement and other moral aspects. The sport festivals in ancient Greece celebrated magnificence of movement.

Although physical education was also an integral part of the general education inRoman Empire, its primary value was in military training. Later civilizations used physical training mostly for military purposes, too.

In Europe throughout the Middle Ages4 (from the 400s to the 1500s), the spiritual education and aesthetics were viewed most important, and physical and social aspects of human development were almost neglected, and sports and other physical activities were considered sinful5. However, during the Renaissance6, which lasted from the 1300s to the 1600s, a revival of interest in Greek and Roman culture brought a return to competitive and fitness sports and bodybuilding activities.

From the period of Enlightenment7 to the twentieth century, education primarily emphasized intellectual development. However, the necessity of physical education in the form of natural play or organised activities, such as gymnastics and games, was emphasized in writings of Locke, Rousseau, and Spencer8. During the twentieth century the philosophy of education began to change toward the return of the Greek ideals of balance and harmony between mind and body.

In the 1800s physical education programmes were introduced into schools in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. German and Swedish programmes emphasized gymnastics and exercise routines. The British programmes stressed team sports. The U.S. programmes borrowed from all these European sources.

During the first decades of the twentieth century rigid gymnastic programmes dominated in school syllabuses9, but later in 1930s gymnastics was almost completely substituted by games as they were considered to be most important for socializing children. Only minor attention was given to skill and physical development.

From the early 1940s and until the late 1960s physical education programmes were changed substantially. Increased attention was given to the professional preparation of specialists in physical education as well as classroom teachers. Extensive research in such areas as growth and development, motor learning, and physical performance led to the creation of balanced programmes of physical activities for all levels of education. However, a special emphasis was still placed on physical fitness. Another very important development in the 1900s was the large-scale provision of physical education courses for girls and for people with disabilities.

In recent years PE programmes have been designed to develop in each child knowledge, skill, health, and fitness, and a positive attitude toward participation in recreational activities that can be continued throughout life.




1bythe 700sB.C. –к 8 векудонашей эры;
2 practicedindiscusandjavelinthrowing, jumping, runningandwrestling– упражнялисьвметаниидискаикопья, прыжках, бегеиборьбе;
3 rhetoricn–риторика, ораторское искусство;
4 throughout the Middle Ages –всредниевека;
5 were considered sinful –считалисьгрехом;
6 during the Renaissance –вэпохуВозрождения;
7 the period of Enlightenment –эпохаПросвещения;
8Locke, Rousseau, andSpencer –Локк, РуссоиСпенсер (философыимыслителиэпохиПросвещения);
9rigidgymnasticprogrammesdominatedinschoolsyllabuses– вшкольныхпрограммахпреобладалисложныегимнастическиеупражнения.


Post-reading exercises


Ex. 1. Find in the text the paragraphs describing:

· the Greeks’ idea of harmony of body and mind;

· the return to the Greeks’ ideals;

· the increase of attention given to the professional preparation of specialists in physical education.


Ex. 2. Choose any two paragraphs from the text and translate them into Russian in written form.


Ex. 3. Write questions to the following answers:


· Theancient Greeks had organized physical education programmes by the 700s B.C.

· The Greeks emphasized the idea of harmony of body and mind in education.

· Later civilizations used physical training mostly for military purposes.

· In Europe throughout the Middle Ages the spiritual education and aesthetics were viewed most important.

· From the period of Enlightenment to the twentieth century, education primarily emphasized intellectual development.

· The necessity of physical education was emphasized by Locke, Rousseau, and Spencer.

· In the 1800s physical education programmes were introduced into schools in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.

· From the early 1940s and until the late 1960s extensive research in growth and development, motor learning, and physical performance led to the creation of balanced programmes of physical activities.


Ex. 4. Read the statements below and agree to them saying “That’s right” or disagree saying “That’s wrong”:


· The beginning of physical education can be traced back to the 1800s.

· The Greeks did not emphasize the idea of harmony of body and mind in education.

· The sport festivals in ancient Greece celebrated magnificence of movement.

· In Europe throughout the Middle Ages physical and social aspects of human development were most important.

· During the Renaissance a revival of interest in Greek and Roman culture brought a return to competition and fitness sports and bodybuilding activities.

· Locke, Rousseau, and Spencer stated in their writings that physical activities are not necessary in education.

· The USA created their own PE programmes completely different from all European ones.

· Physical education courses for girls and for people with disabilities were designed in the 20th century.


Ex. 5. Write your comments on the following points:


· the origin of physical education;

· the changes of attitude towards physical education from the Middle Ages to the 20th century;

· modern PE programmes.


Task 4. Learn the following school physical education terms you will come across in Text 2C.


testify v syn. certify v   свидетельствовать, подтверждать
sports facility   спортивное сооружение
gym n (сокр. oт gymnasium)   гимнастический зал, спортзал
sports ground   спортплощадка
running track   беговая дорожка
court   площадка, корт
mini-football field   поле для мини-футбола
indoor   class   урок в закрытом помещении
outdoor   урок на открытом воздухе
45-minute   45-минутный урок
promotev   пропагандировать, содействовать продвижению
acquirev   приобретать
provide v   обеспечивать
to be provided (with)   обеспечиваться
opportunityn   возможность
variety n   разнообразие
full range   весь спектр
day-to-daya   повседневный, ежедневный
search n, v   поиск; искать
devote v   посвящать
graduate (from) v   заканчивать ВУЗ
department n   отделение, факультет
feature v   входить (в программу)
profile n   краткие сведения, личное дело
inclination n   склонность, предрасположенность
select v   отбирать
selection n   отбор
selectionist n   селекционер
top-class athlete   спортсмен высшего класса
coach n, v   тренер; тренировать
coaching   тренерская работа
train v   подготавливать, тренировать
training n, a   подготовка, тренировка, тренировочный



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