Task 1. Look at the ways nouns and adjectives can be formed and translate the
words marked with “*”.
to differ отличаться | difference различие | different различный |
to develop развивать | development* | developed* |
to regulate регулировать | regularity * | regular* |
to invent изобретать | invention* | invented* |
to excite волновать | excitement* | exciting* |
to participate участвовать | participant* | participatory* |
spectator зритель | spectacular* | |
to act действовать | activity деятельность | active* |
to popularize популяризировать | popularity* popularization* | popular* |
to benefit извлекать пользу | benefit* | beneficial* |
Focus on Reading
Step 1. Word Power
Ex.1. Read the following international words.
Give their Russian equivalents.
golf cricket soccer rugby badminton billiards squash | snooker darts club final stadium fan interest | region match course court tournament yacht reputation | popular local national private regular amateur professional |
Ex.2. Read the words with the stress:
a) on the first syllable
cricket climbing cycling rowing badminton stadium | century leisure million festival outdoor indoor | violent special several annual amateur sometimes |
в) on the second syllable
event invent enjoy afford attack appear | develop devote regard restrict compete competitive | spectator spectacular exciting expensive important throughout | activity adult another against adopt between |
с) the words which have three and more syllables
competition association population reputation | beneficial recreational traditional professional | championship university understand popularize |
Ex.3. Learn the key words and word combinations to the topic “Sports and
Games in Great Britain”. Translate the sentences.
leisurenсвободноевремя, досуг
syn. mountaineering
hikingnдлительныепрогулкипешком, пешийтуризм
anglingn (спортивное) рыболовство
devotev посвящать, посвятить
e.g. Millions of people devote their leisure time to outdoor and indoor games,
athletics and climbing, walking and hiking, rowing and cycling, swimming
and angling.
cricketnкрикет (спортивнаяигра)
inventvизобретать, придумывать
e.g. The list of sports and games invented and developed by the British
includes football, golf, cricket, rugby, lawn tennis, badminton, squash,
enjoyv наслаждаться, хорошо проводить время
e.g. Thousands of amateur teams up and down the country enjoy playing
football, etc.
violent a жесткий, грубый
e.g. Rugby is a violet game and it’s highly popular in Wales.
excitinga захватывающий, увлекательный
e.g. The game looks slow but it can be exciting if you understand what’s
batnvбита, бить, ударять битой
hitv ударять, ударить, бить, стукнуть
syn. strike (struck, struck)
e.g. One team bats first and tries to hit the ball and score as many points as
golfn гольф
club клюшка для игры в гольф
course поле для игры в гольф
e.g. Golf is played by striking a ball with a special golf club round a golf
course with 18 holes.
expensiveaдорогой, дорогостоящий
lawntennisn (большой) теннис
joinv присоединиться, вступить
e.g. Some people join a tennis club, but most find a partner and go to one of
the public courts.
spectacularaзрелищный, захватывающий
e.g. Large crowds of spectators attend tennis matches.
horseracingn скачки на лошадях, бега
e.g. Some 29 mln adults and 7 mln children take part in some kind of sport
or recreational activity.
sailvплыть, плавать (подпарусом)
e.g. About 3 mln British people go sailing in small boats every year.
motor моторнаялодка
beneficiala полезный, благотворный, выгодный
benefitnпольза, выгода, извлекать пользу
e.g. Team sports are very beneficial for schoolchildren
Step 2. Reading Practice.
Task 1. Read the text for detail and find the answers to the questions:
1. What sports and games were invented in Great Britain?
2. Which game is at the top of popularity with the British?
3. Which gamewas originated from football and now differs greatly from it?
4. What are the most favourite English summer games?
5. Which sport has a long history in Britain?
6. Which sport is regarded as the most popular recreational activity in
Great Britain?
7. What sporting events do the British like to attend most?
Text4 A. SportsandGamesinGreat Britain
Great Britain is a country where leisure time and the sporting life are taken seriously. Sport probably plays a more important part in people’s lives in Britain than it does in most other countries. Millions of people all over Britain regularly take part in sport or exercise. They devote their leisure time to outdoor and indoor games, athletics and climbing, walking and hiking, rowing and cycling, swimming and angling.
The list of sports and games invented and developed by the British is a long one. It includes football, golf, lawn-tennis, cricket, badminton, rugby, squash and billiards.
At the top of the list is Association Football or “soccer” which in Britain is played by schoolboys and by thousands of amateur teams up and down the country, on Saturday and Sunday. For most of the public, however, football is a professional’s game. In the annual English Football Association Cup Competition amateur clubs can compete against the professionals. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. Some fans pay up to £250 for a ticket for the Cup Final. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year.
Rugby is another popular game in Britain. It appeared in 1823 when William Webb Ellis while playing soccer at Rugby School of England picked up the ball in his hands and ran with it. So, a new game was born called rugby football or “rugger”. CambridgeUniversity immediately adopted the game, popularized it and made local rules.
Rugby is played with an oval ball by two teams, of 15 or 13 players. The ball is carried rather than kicked1 and the players try to stop the man with the ball by holding him by the shoulders or by the legs2. Rugby is a violent game and it is highly popular in many regions of the country especially in Wales.
Cricket is the English national summer game. Nobody knows exactly how old the game is but some form of cricket was being played in England in the 13th century.
The game is usually played by men or boys though there are teams of women and girls as well. Players traditionally wear white clothes. Cricket is a typically British sport. The game looks slow but it can be exciting if you understand what’s going on. In cricket there are two teams of 11 players. One team bats first and tries to hit the ball and score as many runs (points) as possible3 while the other team is trying to stop them scoring. Cricket is a very long game. The most important matches can last from one to five days.
Golf is another kind of sport that is truly British. The game is played by striking a ball with a special golf club round a golf course with 18 holes. The golf player should push the ball into a hole in the ground with as few strokes as possible4. You need a special field for this game, so golf is rather expensive. Now it is played mostly in private clubs and is the sport of the rich.
Lawn tennis was also born in England at the end of the 19th century. The game soon spread all over the world. The number of people who play lawn tennis is great. Some join a tennis club, but most find a partner and go to one of the public courts.
Every summer in late June, the open lawn tennis championships are held in Wimbledon, south London. The Wimbledon tournaments are regarded as the most important tennis events in the world. They draw large crowds of spectators5. For them Wimbledon is not just a tennis tournament. It means summer fashions, strawberries and cream6, garden parties and long warm English summer evenings.
Horse racing has a long history in Britain. It is sometimes called the sport of the kings because it is an expensive hobby to own a race horse7. Only rich people can afford to go in for this kind of sport and only the rich can afford to buy tickets for the most famous races. But interest in racing is not restricted to8 the rich. Gambling9 –especially on horses is a part of many people’s lives in Britain. Over half the adult population of Great Britain places a bet on a sporting event during the year.
If you live in Britain you are never more than 100 miles from the sea and there are plenty of lakes and rivers to sail on too. About 3 mln British people go sailing in small boats every year. Sailing in yachts, motor boats and power boats takes place in clubs throughout Britain.
Swimming is also very popular. The British think that swimming is one of the most beneficial sports. Millions of people enjoy swimming both as a recreational activity and as a competitive sport.
Rowing is the most popular of all kinds of sports at the oldest English Universities. The University Boat Race10 is a traditional sporting competition between Oxford and Cambridge which is held on the Thames every spring. The Boat Race is a festival in London and on the Boat Race Saturday the banks and bridges of the Thames are crowded with people11.
The British have a reputation for being mad about sports. In fact they enjoy watching sports rather than playing them. Millions take part in some kind of sports at least once a week. Many millions more are regular spectators and follow one or more sports. There are hours of televised sport12 each week. Every newspaper, national or local devotes several pages entirely to sport13.
1. The ball is carried rather than kicked …– Мячпередаютдругдругучащеруками, чемногами.
2. …holding him by the shoulders or by the legs… – …удерживая (противника) заплечиилиноги.
3. … score as many runs (points) as possible… – выигратькакможнобольшеочков…
4. The golf players should push the ball into a hole in the ground with as few strokes as possible. – Игроквгольфдолженпослатьмячвлункунаполе, сделавприэтомкакможноменьшеударов.
5. … drawlargecrowdsofspectators– … привлекают большое количество зрителей.
6. … strawberries and cream – клубникасосливками.
7. … toownaracehorse … –иметь собственную, участвующую в скачках
8. is not restricted to … – неограничивается …
9. gambling– азартная игра, ставка
10. BoatRace – соревнования по гребле
11. banks and bridges of the Thames are crowded – набережныеимостычерезТемзупереполненылюдьми…
12. televisedsport– спортивные передачи по телевидению
13. …entirely to sport… – всецелоспорту
Post-reading exercises
Ex.1. Replace the following Russian words and word combinations by their English equivalents from the text:
регулярнозаниматьсяспортом, посвящатьсвойдосуг, повсейстране,длябольшинствалюдей, ежегодное соревнование, две лучшие команды, еще одна популярная игра, также, традиционно одевают белую форму, главным образом, богатые, вступать в теннисный клуб, городские корты, считаются самыми важными соревнованиями по теннису, спорт королей, позволить себе, больше половины взрослого населения, делать ставки, огромное количество озер и рек, по всей Британии, самый полезный вид спорта, наслаждаться плаванием как видом активного отдыха, быть одержимым спортом.
Ex.2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the word-box below and translate the
sentences into Russian:
1. | Thousands of people in Great Britain … their leisure time to outdoor and indoor games. |
2. | Britain … and developed many of the sports and games now played all over the world. |
3. | At the top of popularity in Great Britain is Association Football or …. |
4. | Rugby is another popular game which is played with an … ball by two teams of 15 or 13 players. |
5. | … is England’s national summer game. |
6. | Golf is a truly British sport, it is played by striking a ball with a special golf …. |
7. | Tennis was also born in England at the end of the 19th century and originally the game was played on …. |
8. | Many children in Great Britain learn to swim at school and … as a pastime is enjoyed by millions of people. |
9. | Only the rich can afford to go in for… because it is an expensive hobby to own a race horse. |
10. | … is the most popular of all kinds of sports at the old English Universities Oxford and Cambridge. |
soccer, rowing, lawns, horse racing, devote,swimming, invent, oval, club, cricket |
Ex.3. Complete the following statements. Choose one of the alternatives
and translate the sentences:
1.The British invented and developed … 2. Millions of schoolboys and thousands of amateur teams enjoy playing… 3. The Cup Final is played… 4. The rules of rugby are different from soccer, there are 15 or 13 players in a team and the ball is 5. The British think that the most violent game is… 6. The most popular summer game in Great Britain is… 7. Golf is another popular kind of sport that is truly British, it is played… 8. Lawn tennis was born in… 9. Only the rich can afford to go in for… 10.The University Boat Race is a traditional competition between… | basketball and volleyball football, cricket, rugby, lawn tennis, golf ski-jumping and ski races athletics and wrestling golf snooker soccer tennis at Wimbledon at Wembley Stadium at Arthur Ashe Stadium round oval light rugby cricket soccer golf football lawn tennis golf cricket with clubs and light balls with a ball and a bat with clubs and a puck Greece the United States Great Britain soccer rugby horse racing swimming Oxford & Sorbonne Oxford & Harvard Oxford&Cambridge |
Ex.4. Look through the text and find the sentences with the modal verbs and their equivalents. Put them down and translate them into Russian.
Ex.5. Give answers, in written form, to produce the topic “Sport & Gamesin Great Britain”.
1. Does sport play an important part in people’s lives in Great Britain?
2. What sporting activities do thousands of people in Great Britain devote their
leisure time to?
3. What sports and games were invented and developed by the British?
4. Which game is enjoyed by millions of schoolboys and thousands of amateur and professional teams up and down the country?
5. What is the main annual competition of the football season organized on a knock-out basis with the final match played at Wembley in London?
6. When did rugby football appear?
7. Do rugby and soccer differ a lot?
8. What is the English national summer game?
9. How is the game played?
10. And how is golf played?
11. Why is golf regarded as the sport of the rich?
12. When was lawn-tennis born?
13. Why is the number of people playing lawn tennis so great?
14. Why does the open lawn tennis tournament in Wimbledon draw large crowds of spectators?
15. Who can afford to go in for horse-racing?
16. Why are swimming and sailing so very popular in Great Britain?
17. Is rowing popular in Great Britain?
18. What traditional competition is held between Oxford and CambridgeUniversities on the Thames every spring?
19. Why do the British have a reputation of being mad about sports?
20. Does television help generate interest in sport?
Ex.6. Write extensive answers to the following questions:
· why are many of the British more interested in sport than in anything else?
· do you think people should play just for the love of the game or make a lot of money?