Text 4 D. University Sport in the United Kingdom


1. What kind of organization is BUCS?


BritishUniversitiesand Colleges Sport (BUCS) is the governing body for university sport in the United Kingdom. BUCS is responsible for the promotion of inter-university sports activities. Its objective is to enhance the student experience in three key areas: performance, competition and participation.It organizes 50 inter-university sports within the UK and representative teams for the World University Championships and the World University Games.


2. What proves that BUCS is a large scale organization?


BUCS is a membership organization for 157 universities and colleges in the UK. It coordinates competitions and leagues for the 2.3 million students,organizes 150 individual final or championship events each year. In the 2009/10 season over 4000 teams competed in 16 league sports. BUCS organizes a national championships event called the BUCS Championships hosted by Sheffield. In 2009 over 5,500 student athletes competed in 24 sports over five days across 14 venues.

3. What is BUCS Overall Championship?


BUCS awards points in all its competitions towards the ‘BUCS Overall Championship1’– aranking of member universities’ sporting achievements. In recent years the top three positions have been Loughborough, Bath and Birmingham, followed by other “red-brick” universities and institutes with strong sports departments.


4. How did history of BritishUniversity sport begin?


Competition between various universities had existed for many decades before the twentieth century, especially the rivalries between Oxford and Cambridge, and those between the country’s medical schools. However no association existed to oversee or promote more widespread inter-university competition. In February 1918, the Presidents of University Unions conference in Manchester called for establishing such an association and the following year the Inter-Varsity Board of England and Wales held its first inter-varsity meeting, with representatives of nine universities present.


5. What university sports organizations existed in the UK before BUCS was created?


In different periods there used to be a great number of separate men’s and women’s organizations governing sports activities at colleges, universities and polytechnic schools of four parts of Great Britain and at the national level, such as the Universities Athletic Union (UAU) established in 1930, the British Universities Sports Federation (BUSF) founded in 1962, British Universities Sports Association (BUSA) formed in 1992 as a merger2 of UAU and BUSF, University and College Sport (UCS) established in 2000.In June 2008 UCS and BUSA merged to create British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS), one national association for university sport.




1BUCSOverallChampionship – общий рейтинг команд университетов и колледжей-членов BUCS, учитывающий выступления в сезоне;

2merger – слияние


Post-reading tasks


Task 1. Find a key sentence in each paragraph.


Task 2. Entitle each paragraph.


Task 3. Write the summary of the text following the outline:


– the origin of the BritishUniversity sport;

– the functions of BritishUniversities and Colleges Sport (BUCS);

– the BUCS competitions.


Task 4. What do you know about the University sport in Belarus? Write a story

describing your sporting activities as a student athlete.


Task 5. Look through texts A, B, C, D again. Write down the answers to the

following questions to form the topic “Sports in Great Britain and USA”


1. What is sport in people’s lives in Great Britain?

2. What are the most popular athletic activities in Britain?

3. What sports and Games were invented and developed by the British?

4. What game beats the popularity of all sports in Great Britain?

5. Who plays football in Great Britain?

6. How was ruby football born in England?

7. What’s the difference between soccer and rugger?

8. What game is considered to be the English national summer game?

How is it played?

9. Is golf as popular as cricket?

10.Are there many people in Great Britain playing tennis? Why?

11.Why does the Wimbledon tournament draw a large number of spectators?

12.What other sporting activities are popular in Great Britain?

13.What sports have long traditions in the British Isles?

14.When did organized games begin to appear in Great Britain?

15.What did help to mould a new kind of popular culture in Great Britain?

16.How did organized sport help schoolmasters teach pupils?

17.How is the era of modern international sport connected with the expansion of

the British Empire?

18. What is the origin of the BritishUniversity sport?

19.What is BUSA? What are its functions?

20. Why are American sports in many ways different from European ones?

21.What are the four most popular sports in the USA?

22.Why is baseball considered to be a “typically American sport”? How is the game played?

23.Do European and American football differ a lot? In what way?

24.What game is very popular with the American young people? Prove it.



Check Up Your Skills


I. Fill in the chart with the words and word combinations to describe a



Two teams of 15 or 13 players; a slow and long game; to strike a ball with a club; a wooden bad; to hold the opponents by the shoulders and by the legs; a field with four bases; to hit the ball; a violent game; two teams of 11 players; to bat the ball; to get the ball back; to carry and kick the ball; to push the ball into a hole; an oval ball; to score runs (points); to run round the four bases; two teams of 9 players; as few strokes as possible, a hard ball; a course with 18 holes.


rugby cricket golf baseball


II. Complete the sentences with the missing word:


Tennis basketball rugby baseball soccer cricket golf American football  


1. … is rather like rugby. It is played between two teams of 11 players with an oval ball that can be handled or kicked. 2. … is played by schoolboys and by thousands of amateur and professional teams up and down Great Britain. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. 3. … is typically American sport and it is played with a bat and a hard ball by two teams of nine players. 4. … is played by two teams of eleven players. One team bats first and tries to hit the ball and score as many points as possible. 5. The number of people who play … is great, some of them join clubs, others hire public courts. 6. … is played by striking a ball with a special club round a course with 18 holes. 7. … is American in origin, it is the most favourite pastime with the young Americans. 8. … is played with an oval ball by two teams, of 15 of 13 players. It’s a violent game and is highly popular in Wales.



III. Replace the modal verbs with their equivalents:

1. In rugby the players may hold their opponents by the shoulders or by the legs.

2. Tom was an experienced boxer he could beat anybody.

3. I must train hard if I want to qualify for the Master of Sport next season.

4. Victor can’t take part in the next championship because of his injury.

5. I must get up at 7 o’clock tomorrow, my training practice starts an hour earlier.

IV. Fill in the right modal verb (or the equivalent) which makes the action necessary:

1. To achieve success in sport you … study your opponents.

a) must; b) should; c) have to

2. My friend … attend training sessions. He retired from the competitions 3 years ago.

a) mustn’t; b) doesn’thave to; c) isn’t to

3. According to the competition schedule the final … to be held onSaturday.

a) must; b) is to; c) has to

4. His skis had broken and the skier … to the finish line on foot.

a) had to; b) must; c) was to

5. The coming qualifying is very important. We … beat very strong opponents.

a) will have to; b) will be to; c) must


V. Rewrite the sentences using one of the modal verbs which makes the action possible:


can’t; might have; must have; can’t have; must


1. He doesn’t know Minsk well. Perhaps he lost his way.

He … lost his way.

2. I can’t believe the forward was so rude. He always used to keep to the rules.

He … … been so rude.

3. “Don’t move,” the doctor said. “It is possible that you have broken your leg.”

“You … broken your leg.”

4. I doubt he will demonstrate good performance.

He … learn this element.

5. I’m almost certain he’ll win the prize. His physical condition isvery


He … certainly win.


VI. Choose the suitable modal verbs or their equivalents. Translate the


1. He was training hard for the race and … run 100 metres in 11 seconds.

a) could; b) was able to; c) might

2. You look overtrained. You … have a rest before the competition.

a) must; b) should; c) ought to

3. People call American football the most scientific of all outdoor team games, as its countless rules state what each players in each position … or … not do and when.

a) must; b) can; b) may

4. Horse-racing is an expensive hobby, only rich people … afford to go in for this kind of sport.

a) may; b) can; c) should

5. You … be more active, do morning exercises go jogging or practice some sport.

a) must; b) should; c) ought to




Grammar target: The Passive Voice

Texts for reading: 5A. Sports Competitions

5 B. The Championships, The World Gymnastics


5C. The Tournaments, Wimbledon.

5 D. The Cups, FIFA World Cup


Lesson 1. Focus on language

ThePassiveVoice (Страдательныйзалог)


Grammar analysis.


Look at how the verbs have changed in the examples:


They repair exercisers. They are repairing the exerciser. They repaired the exerciser. They were repairing the exerciser. They will repair the exerciser. They have repaired the exerciser. They had repaired the exerciser. They will have repaired theexerciser. They will have to repair theexerciser. They ought to have repairedthe exerciser. The exercisers are repaired. The exerciser is being repaired. The exerciser was repaired. The exerciser was being repaired. The exerciser will be repaired. The exerciser has been repaired. The exerciser had been repaired. The exerciser will have been repaired. The exerciser will have to be repaired. The exerciser ought to have been repaired.

Grammar notes


ThePassiveVoice (Страдательный залог)


1. Английский зык имеет два залога – активный (действительный), theActiveVoice, и пассивный (страдательный), thePassiveVoice, который показывает, что лицо или предмет, обозначенные подлежащим, являются объектами действия, выраженного сказуемым.

2. Как в русском, так и в английском языке страдательный залог употребляется:

а) когда неизвестно действующее лицо или по каким-либо причинам нежелательно упоминать его:

Two good athletes were discovered in this team.

В этой команде были замечены два хороших спортсмена.

Shouting is not allowed in the gym.

В спортивном зале не разрешается кричать.

в) когда предмет действия представляет больший интерес, чем действующее лицо:

This house will be built in a short time.

Этот дом будет построен в короткий срок.

Если указывается исполнитель действия, выраженный одушевленнымсуществительным или местоимением, ему предшествует предлог «by». Если в страдательной конструкции указывается объект или материал, при помощи которого совершено действие, употребляется предлог «with».


A new record was set by this athlete.   Football is played with a ball.   Новыйрекордбылустановлен этим спортсменом. В футбол играют мячом.


В таблице 5.1. представлены основные времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге.


Table 5.1.

to be + Participle II


Tenses Present Past Future  
Simple     I am He asked is She I He was asked She I shall(‘II) be asked We    
We You are asked They We You were asked They He She will (’II) be asked You They  
Continuous     I am being He asked is being She I He was being asked She   Simple Future    
We You are being asked They We You were being asked They  
Perfect     I We have been asked You They I He She had been asked We You They I shall have been asked We  
He She will have been asked You They  
He has been asked She  



Временные формы страдательного залога употребляются согласно тем же правилам, что и соответствующие им формы действительного залога. В страдательном залоге не употребляются времена группы PerfectContinuous и форма FutureContinuous. ВместоFutureContinuous, употребляетсяSimpleFuture:

Come at 5.00 p.m.The plan of the summer training camp will be discussed at that time.

Приходи в 5 часов вечера.В это время будет обсуждаться план проведения летнего сбора.


Вместо Present и PastPerfectContinuous, которые также отсутствуют в страдательном залоге, употребляются соответственно Present и PastPerfect:


The plan has been discussed for two hours.

План обсуждают в течение двух часов.

The plan had been discussed for two hours when he came.

План обсуждали уже два часа, когда он пришел.


ВэтихслучаяхвместострадательныхоборотовсглаголомвSimpleFuture, PresentPerfectиPastPerfectгораздочащеупотребляютсяоборотывдействительномзалогесглаголомвFutureContinuous, PresentPerfectContinuousиPastPerfectContinuous. Так, вместо “The plan will be discussed at that time” говорят: “They will be discussing the plan at that time”. Аналогичновместо “The plan has been discussed for two hours” говорят: “They have been discussing the plan for two hours”. Соответственнои “They had been discussing the plan for two hours when he came”.

Способность глаголов употребляться в форме страдательного залога в английском языке тесно связанa с характеристикой их переходности / непереходности. Все глаголы по характеру действия, которое они выражают, делятся на две категории:

переходные выражают действие, переходящее на другой предмет. Эти глаголы требуют прямого дополнения:


Мы строим спортивные сооружения.

непереходные выражают действие, не переходящее на другой предмет. Эти глаголы не могут принимать прямого дополнения:

IliveinMinsk. Я живу в Минске.

В английском языке все переходные глаголы могут иметь форму действительного или страдательного залога. Непереходные глаголы не могут использоваться в страдательном залоге. Поскольку при них нет прямых дополнений, то нечему быть подлежащим при глаголе в страдательном залоге, например, глаголы todie, toarrive. He употребляются в нем глаголы-связки tobe, tobecome. Некоторые переходные глаголы в некоторых значениях также не могут использоваться в страдательном залоге, например, глаголы tofit – соответствовать, tohave – обладать, tolack – недоставать, toresemble – походить, tosuit – подходить. Они выражают не действие, а состояние:

Theyhaveanicehouse. Униххорошийдом.

These running shoes don’t fit me. Эти кроссовки мне не подходят.

Этот список дополняют глаголы toappear – оказываться, tobelong – принадлежать, toconsist – состоять, tocome – возникать, todo – годиться, tolast – продолжаться, toseem – казаться.

Кроме того, в английском языке существует ряд переходно-непереходных глаголов, при употреблении которых предложения имеют форму действительного залога, но выражают значение страдательного:

Yourreportreadswell. Твой доклад читается хорошо.

New sports suits wash well. Новые спортивные костюмы хорошо


Переходно-непереходные глаголы могут иметь конструкции в действительном и страдательном залогах:


They sell fitness instruction books here.

Здесь продают книги по фитнесу.


Эти книги хорошо продаются.


В английском языке любое дополнение (прямое, косвенное или предложное) может стать подлежащим в пассивных конструкциях.

Наиболее распространенным типом являетсяпассивная конструкция, первый элемент которой соответствует прямому дополнению в предложении со сказуемым в действительном залоге, так называемый прямой пассив.


The students studied this subject last year.

Студенты изучали этот предмет в прошлом году.

This subject was studied last year.

Этот предмет изучался в прошлом году.


В английском языке имеется целый ряд переходных глаголов, которые соответствуют непереходным глаголам в русском языке:

toanswer–отвечать, toapproach–приближаться, toassist–помогать, tohelp–помогать, tofollow–следовать(за), tojoin–присоединяться, toinfluence – влиять (на), towatch–следить.


In the quarter – finals they were joined by three other teams.

В четвертьфинале к ним присоединились три другие команды.


Глаголы, имеющие и прямое, и косвенное дополнение в действительном залоге, в страдательном могут образовывать две конструкции, прямой и косвенный пассив, в зависимости от того, какое дополнение становится подлежaщим. К этим глаголам относятся: toask–спрашивать, просить, togive – давать,toinvite–приглашать, tooffer–предлагать,toorder–приказывать, topay – платить, topromise–обещать, toshow–показывать, totell – рассказывать, toteach – учить и др.


The coach gave the athletes the necessary instructions.

Тренер дал спортсменам необходимые указания.

The athletes were given the necessary instructions.


The necessary instructions were given to the athletes.

Необходимые указания были даны спортсменам.


Первый вариант конструкции более употребительный, чем второй.

Косвенный пассив невозможен с глаголами, требующими предложного дополнения с to-phrase. Сюда относятся глаголы toexplain – объяснять, toaddress – обращаться, toannounce – объявлять, todescribe – описывать, topropose – предлагать и др. Эти глаголы употребляются только в конструкции с прямым пассивом:


Тренер объяснил нам новые правила.

The new rules were explained to us.

Новыеправила нам объяснили.

В английском языке возможна пассивная конструкция, первый элемент которой соответствует предложному дополнению активной конструкции, причем предлоги сохраняют свое место после глагола – так называемый предложный пассив:

The doctor has been sent for. За доктором послали.

Особенно часто в конструкции указанного типа употребляются следующие глаголы: tolistento – слушать кого-либо, totalkabout – говорить о…, towriteabout – писать о…, tothinkof – думать о…, tospeakabout /of/ to – говорить o / с…, toreferto– ссылаться на … и т.д.

3. Английские пассивные конструкции переводятся на русский язык:

А. Сочетанием глагола быть в прошедшем или будущем времени с краткой формой причастия в страдательном залоге:

The record was set yesterday.


The problem will be discussed tomorrow.

Вопрос будет обсуждаться завтра.

Б. Неопределенно-личным предложением со сказуемым в действительном залоге:

He was shown the way to the stadium.

Ему показали дорогу на стадион.

В. Глаголом, заканчивающимся на -ся, -сь:

A lot of books are published in our country every year.

Ежегодно в нашей стране издается много книг.


Grammar Practice


Ex. 1. Write down the passive infinitive of the following verbs:

to play – to beplayed to beat to show to pass to take to send to write to read to build to win to hold to complete to train to practise to do to award to catch to knock down to call to bring


Ex. 2. Read and translate these sentences:


1. The element demonstrated by O.Korbut specialists called “Korbut’s sommersault” (caльто О.Корбут).

2. The shorts that men wear for swimming are called swimming trunks.

3. – May I take your ball?

– I’m afraid, not. It has been taken by somebody.

4. – Do you know this athlete?

– Yes, his name is known all over the world.

5. This athlete demonstrated top-class performance many times.

6. Some new elements were demonstrated by Belarusian gymnasts at the last World Gymnastics Championships.

7. During his last visit to his native sports club A. Hleb brought a new uniform for young football players.

8. Football was probably brought to England by Roman soldiers 2000 years ago.

9. The British played rugby football in the 19th century.

10. Rugby football is played with an oval ball.


Ex. 3. Choose “by” or “with” and translate the sentences.

1. Cricket is played … a ball and a short flat stick called a bat.

2. They were beaten into the fourth place… the Italian team.

3. The Olympic oath is usually taken … an outstanding athlete.

4. He was badly hit … a ball.

5. The first sports facilities were built … the ancient Greeks.

6. He was knocked down … the player of the opponent team.

7. The World Gymnastics Championships is an event which is organized …the International Gymnastics Federation

8. Baseball is played … a bat and hard ball... two teams of nine players.

9. A lot of books were written … famous Russian weight-lifter Yu.Vlasov.

10. The international competitions will be opened … the Mayor of Minsk.


Ex. 4. Transform the verbs in active into passive as in the model. Translate the sentences in the Passive Voice:


Model: A lot of people play football in our country.

Football is played by a lot of people in our country.

В нашей стране в футбол играет много людей.

1. She often leaves her sports bag in the gym.


2. We met the opponent team at the airport yesterday.


3. Our athletes will certainly win the game.


4. Look! John is showing a very interesting element.


5. A gymnast was demonstrating his routine on the parallel bars, when I enteredthe gym.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. He had already scored a goal by the time we came to the stadium.


7. The doctor has just examined the athletes carefully.


8. The coach and the athletes will have already discussed the results of the game in an hour. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Ex. 5. Transform the verbs in active into passive as in the models. Translate thesentences in the Passive Voice:


Model 1: They sent for the doctor because one of the players was badlyinjured.

The doctor was sent for because one of the players was badlyinjured.

За доктором послали, так как один из игроков былсерьезнотравмирован

Model 2: They speak much about this book.

This book is much spoken about.

Об этой книге много говорят.


1. They sent for the coach 10 minutes ago.


2. Sports newspapers write much about his record.


3. The student did not listen to the lecture.


4. Sports fans will speak a lot about his victory.


5. He looks well after our club football field.


6. Every athlete should carefully study new rules and regulations.



Ex. 6. Transform the verbs in passive into active as in the model.

Model 1.The ball was passed two minutes ago.

The player passed the ball two minutes ago.


1.This instruction was written by our coach.


2.The European Gymnastics Championships will be opened tomorrow.


3.The gym has been already cleaned.


4. A lot of sports facilities have been built in Minsk over the last ten years.


5. Dynamo stadium is visited by thousands of fans every year.


6. Football was probably brought to England by Roman soldiers 2000 years



7. Golf is played with small clubs.


8. The first Olympic Games were held by ancient Greeks.


9. Many sports stars are sponsored by the world’s biggest sportswear companies.



Ex. 7. Complete the sentences with the correct passive tense form of the verbsin brackets and translate them.


1. Over 130 sports and games … (play) in Belarus.

2. Athletes and fans hope that Minsk … (choose) the host city of several major

international sports events in future.

3. The first Belarusian cycling club … (open) in Vitebskin 1894.

4. The construction of some 5-star hotels … (complete) by the opening of the 2014 World Ice-Hockey Championship in Minsk.

5. Riding, hunting, swimming and games … (practise) by Belarusian people for centuries.

6. A new freestyle training centre … (build) in Minsk now.

7. A lot of Belarusians …. (involve) in regular sports exercises.

8. About 70 sports clubs and societies … (register) in Belarus by 1915.

9. When a new football coach arrived in Minsk the major city stadium … (reconstruct) still.

10. Ice-Hockey matches Minsk-Arena … (attend) by a large number of fans.


Lesson 2. Build your vocabulary.


Task 1. Look at the ways nouns can be formed and translate the words marked with *.


to contest соревноваться contestant* участник соревнования contest* соревнование
to participate участвовать participant* participation*
to compete состязаться competitor* competition*
to win побеждать winner* win*  
to lose проигрывать loser* losing*  
to judge судить judge* judging*
toeliminate снять с соревнований   elimination*
toqualify выйти в следующий круг соревнований qualifier* qualification*  
to admit допускать   admittance*


Focus on reading

Step 1. Word Power


Ex. 1. Read the following international words. Give their Russian equivalents:


individual final round system champion prize athlete stadium match opponent national international Olympic medical doping accreditation control procedure information jury basketball football hockey tennis gymnastics    



Ex. 2. Read the words paying attention to the sounds:


[ ] final trial prize find qualify [ ] determine single elimination consider   [ ] team complete fee


Ex. 3. Learn the key words and word combinations to the topic “Sports

Competitions”. Translate the sentences:


1. compete v соревноваться, состязаться
  syn. contest  
  competition n соревнование
  syn. contest  
  individual   личные  
  team   командные соревнования
  individual-team   лично-командные  
  mixed competitions   в смешанном разряде (в «миксте»)
  elimination   соревнования свыбыванием
  round-robin     по круговой системе
  competition venue место проведения соревнования
  competitor n участник соревнования
  syn. contestant  
  e.g. Competitions may be of individual, team or individual-team kind.
  e.g. Athletes from all over the world contest the Olympic Games.
2. league n лига
  football league футбольная лига
  Premier League Премьер-лига
  e.g. Football leagues like the Premier League represent the tournaments involving multiple matches.
3. final n финал
  quarter-final(s) четвертьфинальные соревнования
  semi-final(s) полуфинальные соревнования
  e.g. Elimination rounds are usually quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final.
4. take place v 1. проводить (соревнования)
    2. иметь место, случаться, происходить
  e.g. The semi-finals are to take place next week.
5. championship n чемпионат, первенство, соревнование
  e.g. A competition which is held to determine a champion is called a championship.
6. prize-winner n призер
  syn. prize holder  
7. runner-up n второй призер
8. tournament n турнир
  elimination tournament отборочный турнир
  syn. trial  
  knockout tournament турнир по олимпийской системе (с выбыванием)
  group tournament групповой турнир
  syn. league лига
  division (Am.E.) дивизион
  conference (Am.E.) конференция
  e.g. In a group tournament all competitors play a number of matches.
9. eliminate v снять с соревнований, «выбить» (соперника из дальнейшей борьбы)
10. qualify v (for) 1. выйти в следующий круг соревнований
    2. соответствовать требованиям для участия в соревнованиях
  qualifying round отборочный круг (соревнований)
  e.g.In the elimination tournament losers are eliminated and winners are qualified for the next round.
11. score v (goals, points, rating) забивать (голы), набирать (очки, рейтинг)
12. admittance n допуск
  syn. admission  
13. entry n 1. заявка (на участие в соревнованиях)
  syn. entrant 2. заявленный участник
  to submit/to make entries подавать заявки
  entry form форма (бланк) для заявки
  fill in an entry form заполнять заявку
  entry fee взнос участника, вступительный взнос
  to pay an entry fee делать взнос
  e.g.To take part in the competitions athletes should fill in entry forms.
14. draw n 1. жеребьевка
    2. ничья
15. schedule v, n 1. составлять график, расписание
    2. календарь соревнований, программа соревнований
  e.g.The time and place for the draw can be found in the competition schedule.
16. judge v, n судить, судья
  syn. official  
  panel of judges бригада судей, судейская коллегия
17. jury n главная судейская коллегия
  jury of appeal апелляционное жюри
  e.g. Competitions are served by a panel of judges, the Jury, the Jury of Appeal and many other officials.


Step 2. Reading Practice


Task 1. Read the text for detail and find answers to the questions:

1. What types of competitions are described in the text?
2. What is a championship?
3. What is a tournament?
4. How are the holders of the first and the second prizes called?
5. What are the main rules of admittance to competitions?
6. Who serves competitions?


Text 5 A. Sports Competitions


Competition is in human nature. People have always wanted to know who is faster, stronger, or better than others. Being an integral part of the training process, sports competitions give athletes an opportunity to do that. Competitions may be of individual, team or individual-team kinds; regional, national and international; for men or women, or even of the mixed type. Athletes may compete in different age groups; on professional and amateur levels. Competitions or tournaments can be held by either elimination or round-robin systems. A competition which is held to determine a champion is called a championship. A champion is the winner of the first place or the holder of the first prize. The second prize holder is called a runner-up.

A tournament is a competition involving a relatively large number of competitors. There are two major types of tournaments. The first type implies one or more competitions held at a single venue during a relatively short time interval. The other one is a competition involving multiple matches within subgroups of competitors. Theoverall tournament winner is determined on the combined results of the individual matches. It is common in most team sports, racket sports and combat sports¹. For example, all golf tournaments meet the first definition. In contrast, football (soccer) leagues like the Premier League represent the tournaments of the second type. Soccer matches are held on many stadiums over a period of up to a year. Many tournaments meet both definitions; for example, the Wimbledon tennis championship.

The most common are elimination (or knock-out) tournaments in which losers are eliminated and winners are qualified for the next rounds until there is a single champion. Elimination stages are usually quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final. But if the number of teams or players is high, earlier rounds may include last 16, last 32, etc².

In a group tournament (league, division or conference), which is common to soccer, ice-hockey, basketball, etc., all competitors play a number of matches. Points are awarded for each match, with competitors ranked on the basis of the total number of points. Usually each competitor plays an equal number of matches.

In a round-robin tournament, each competitor plays against all the others an equal number of times, once in a single round-robin tournament and twice in a double round-robin tournament for the most reliable rankings.

Many tournaments are held in multiple stages, with the top teams in one stage progressing to the next one. For example, American professional team sports have a “regular season” (group tournament) as qualification for the “post season” or “playoffs” (single-elimination tournament) which consist of series of games. Thus, in the NHL Stanley Cup teams play up to 7 matches. Better seeded teams are always given the advantage of one more home match. In the FIFA World Cup, each continent has one or more qualifying tournaments, some of them are multi-stage. The top 32teams qualify for the final tournament where they are divided into eight round-robin groups of four. Thetop two in each group progress to the knockout phase, which involves four single-elimination rounds including the final.

Double-elimination tournaments imply that teams or individuals losing at the first should have an opportunity to compete in a consolation tournament held parallel to the main competition.

The greatest championships in sports are the Olympic Games. They are held every four years with the Summer and Winter Olympics taking place two years apart. Athletes qualify for the Olympics by winning the Olympic licenses in competitions called trials or according to their rating scored during the pre-Olympic season.

There are general rules for admittance to competitions of any level. To take part in the competitions athletes and teams fill in and submit entry forms and pay entry fees. Accreditation, doping and medical control are the necessary procedures which the contestants pass. In some sports weigh-in of athletes and even equipment is also necessary. The time and place for the draw, prize-giving, the starting time and other information can be found in the competition schedule.

Judging is very important too. Competitions are served by a panel of judges, the Jury, the Jury of Appeal and many other officials.



¹ inmostteamsports, racketsportsandcombatsports – в большинстве командных видов спорта, в играх с ракетками и боевых единоборствах
² earlierroundsmayincludelast 16, last 32, etc – болееранниестадиимогутвключать 1/8 финала, 1/16 финалаит.д.



Post-reading exercises


Ex.1. Replace the following Russian words and word combinations with their equivalents from the above text:

тренировочный процесс, обладатель первого приза, лично-командные соревнования, пройти в следующий круг соревнований, полуфинальные соревнования, подгруппа, жеребьевка, неотъемлемая часть, отборочный турнир, судейская коллегия, апелляционное жюри, групповой турнир, выбыть из соревнования, заявка, победитель, проигравший, командные соревнования, второй призер, личные соревнования, победитель турнира.



Ex. 2. Find in the text and write out the words which go together with:













Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the word-box below and translatethe sentences into Russian:

1. Athletes may compete on … and … levels.
2. A competition which is held to determine a champion is called a ….
3. A competition usually takes place when two or more contestants ….
4. The most common tournament is an … tournament.
5. A...... is common to soccer, ice-hockey and basketball.
6. In knockout rounds … are eliminated.
7. The winner of the first place is called a ….
8. The time and place for prize-giving can be found in a ….
9. Competitions are judged by a ….
10. In a...... tournament each competitor plays against all the others an equal number of matches.


losers, group tournament, amateur, elimination, champion, schedule, championship, professional, round-robin, contests, compete, panel of judges


Ex. 4. Complete the following statements. Choose one of the alternatives and translate the sentences.


1. A competition is …. a) a theatrical performance
    b) a cultural event
    c) a contest
2. The greatest sports competition is called …. a) the NHL Stanley Cup
    b) the Olympic Games
    c) Premier League
3. The Summer and Winter Olympics are held.... a) every two years
    b) every four years
    c) two years apart
4. The holder of the second prize is called a …. a) bronze medallist
    b) champion
    c) runner-up
5. Athletes qualify for the Olympics by winning.... a) the Olympic licenses
    b) the Olympic titles
    c) the Olympic medals
6. To take part in competitions athletes submit …. a) an application form
    b) an entry form
    c) a declaration form
7. Competitions are served by …. a) officials
    b) waiters
    c) stewards


Ex.5. Write down the extensive answers to the following questions:


1. Do you often or seldom take part in competitions?
2. When did you last take part in competitions?
3. What kind of competitions were they?
4. Where were they held?
5. What prominent athletes took part in the competitions?
6. What were the rules of admittance to the competitions?
7. What procedures did you have to pass?
8. What judges served the competitions?
9. Did you place well?
10. What trophies were you awarded?


Task 2. Check if these words and word combinations are known to you.

If not, try to memorize them:


1. artistic gymnastics 2. male female gymnast 3. apparatus n 4. all-round finals 5. event finals syn. apparatus finals 6. score n 7. advance v (to) 8. total n спортивная гимнастика гимнаст гимнастка снаряд (гимнастический) финальные соревнования в многоборье финальные соревнования на отдельных снарядах оценка выйти в следующий круг соревнований сумма(баллов)



Task 3. Read Text 5 В to know how the World Artistic GymnasticsChampionships are held.



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