A world championship is a top achievement for any sport. It determines the best nation, team, individual in the world in a particular sport.
The World Championships in Artistic Gymnastics is an event organized by the International Gymnastics Federation or IGF. The World Championships held since 1903 remained for men only until 1934. Since 1934 women’s artistic gymnastics (WAG) and men’s artistic gymnastics (MAG) have been developing seperately. They are different in apparatus used at major competitions and techniques. WAG as it is known today, including competition in team, all-round and apparatus final events, was introduced in 1950. Currently the World Gymnastics Championships competition is divided into team qualifying round, team finals, all-round finals and event finals which take place on different days.
During team qualifying round gymnasts compete on all four (WAG) or six (MAG) apparatus. The scores are used to determine which team advances to the team finals and which individual gymnast advances to the all-round and event finals.
In the team finals the gymnasts compete on all four /six apparatus. The scores are used to determine the medalists of the team competition.
In the event or apparatus finals the top eight gymnasts on each event compete for medals. Only two gymnasts from a country may advance to each event final.
Male and female gymnasts are judged for their execution, degree of difficulty and overall presentation skills1. In 1989 the Newlife scoring rules2 were introduced according to which a gymnast’s performance in team finals does not affect his or her scores in all-round or event finals. In 1996 the team competitions began to be structured differently. Compulsories were eliminated.
To compete in senior international meets a gymnast must be at least sixteen years old. Only senior gymnasts are allowed to compete at the World Championships.
1 for execution, degree of difficulty and overall presentation skills - зд.заисполнение
и сложность программы, а также за технику (артистизм)
2 theNewlifescoringrules – новые правила судейства соревнований
Post-reading exercises
Ex. 1.Find in the text the paragraphs describing:
· women’s (WAG) and men’s (MAG) artistic gymnastics;
· the team qualifying round;
· the team finals;
· the all-round finals;
· the event finals.
Ex. 2.Choose any two paragraphs from the text and translate them into
Russian in written form.
Ex. 3.Write questions to the following answers:
· The World Championship determines the best nation, team, or individual.
· The World Gymnastics Championship is organized by IGF.
· The World Gymnastics Championship was for men only until 1934.
· MAG and WAG differ in apparatus and techniques.
· During team qualifying round the gymnasts and team with the highest scores advance to the finals.
· In the all-round finals the gymnasts with the three highest totals are awarded all-round medals.
· In the event finals the top eight gymnasts compete for medals on each event.
· In 1996 compulsories were eliminated from the team competitions.
· Only senior gymnasts may compete at major competitions.
Ex. 4. Read the statements below and agree to them saying “That’s right” or
disagree, saying “That’s wrong”.
· The World Championships in Artistic Gymnastics is an event organized by FIFA.
· The World Gymnastics Championships have been held for both men and women since 1903.
· The apparatus used in major competitions are the same for men and women.
· During team qualifying round the best team advances to the team final.
· Only one gymnast from a country may advance to the all-round finals.
· The top six gymnasts on each event compete in the apparatus finals.
· The New life scoring rules were introduced in 1989.
Ex. 5. Write your comments on the changes introduced into the World Artistic
Gymnastics Championships’ rules and regulations.
Task 4. Learn the following sporting terms you will come across in Text 5 C:
1. Gentlemen’sSingles – мужскойодиночныйразряд (втеннисе)
2. Gentlemen’sDoubles – мужской парный разряд
3. Ladies’ Singles – женский одиночный разряд
4. Ladies’ Doubles – женский парный разряд
5. MixedDoubles – смешанный разряд
6. WheelchairDoubles – парный разряд для инвалидов-колясочников
Task 5. Skim Text 5 C to understand how Wimbledon Tennis Tournament is
arranged. Time your reading. It is good if you can read it for 10 minutes
(70 words per minute).
Text 5 C. The Tournaments, Wimbledon
Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world and the most prestigious one. It is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments1and the only one still played on grass courts for two weeks in late June and early July.
Wimbledon includes five main events (Gentlemen’s Singles and Doubles, Ladies’ Singles and Doubles and Mixed Doubles), four junior events (Boys’ Singles and Doubles, Girls’ Singles and Doubles) and four invitation events2 (Gentlemen’s Doubles, Senior Gentlemen’s Doubles, Ladies’ Doubles, Gentlemen’s Wheelchair Doubles).
Wimbledon is scheduled for 13 days. Traditionally there is no play on the “Middle Sunday” which is considered a rest day. A total of 128 players feature in each Singles event, 64 pairs in each single-sex Doubles event3 and 48 pairs in Mixed Doubles. Players’ admittance to the main events is on the basis of their international rankings. The Committee of Management4 and the Referee evaluate the applications for entry and determine the players who may be admitted to the tournament directly. The Committee may admit a player without a high enough ranking as a wild card5. Usually wild cards are players who have performed well enough during previous tournaments or would stimulate public interest in Wimbledon. The only wild card to win the Gentlemen’s Singles was Goran Ivanisevic in 2001. Players and pairs who neither have high enough ranking nor receive wild cards may participate in a qualifying tournament held one week before Wimbledon. The Singles qualifying competitions are three-round events; the same-sex Doubles competitions last for only one round. There is no qualifying tournament for Mixed Doubles. No qualifier has ever won the Gentlemen’s or the Ladies’ Singles. The farthest that any qualifier has ever progressed is the semi-final: John McEnroe in 1977; Vladimir Voltchkov in 2000 (Gentlemen’s Singles) and Alexandra Stevenson in 1999 (Ladies’ Singles).
Players are admitted to the junior tournaments upon the recommendations of their national tennis associations, on their ITF world rankings and in case of the Singles events on the basis of a qualifying competition. The Committee of Management determines which players may enter the four invitation events. The Committee seeds the top players on the basis of their rankings. However the majority of entrants are unseeded. Only two unseeded players have ever won the Gentlemen’s Singles Tournament: Boris Becker in 1985 and Goran Inanisevic in 2001.
1 the Grand Slam tennis tournament – теннисныйтурнирБольшогоШлема
2 invitation event(s) – коммерческийтурнир(ы)
3 single-sex doubles event – мужской (илиженский) парныйразряд
4 the Committee of Management – организационныйкомитет
5awildcard – свободнаякарта
Post-reading exercises
Ex. 1.Complete in written form the statements with information corresponding
to the contents of the text:
· Wimbledon is one of the four …
· Wimbledon is played on …
· Wimbledon is held for two weeks in …
· Players are admitted to the main events on the basis of their...
· Players without a high enough ranking are admitted as …
· Players who have neither high rankings nor wild cards participatein a …
· The farthest that any qualifier has ever progressed is the …
· Players are admitted to the junior tournaments on …
Ex. 2. Look through the text once more and write about the achievements of
one of the Belarusian tennis players at Wimbledon.
Task 6. Learn the following sporting terms you will need to understand Text 5D:
1.groupstage – групповойтурнир 2.knockoutstage –турнир по олимпийской системе, плей-офф 3.pointn–очко 4.lossn –поражение | 5.penaltyshootout – штрафной удар 6. extratime –дополнительное время 7. attempt v –пытаться 8. permanently adv –постоянно |
Task 7. Read Text 5 D to find answers to the questions given before eachparagraph.
Text 5 D. The Cups, FIFA World Cup
1. What is the FIFA World Cup?
Certain sports do not have world championships, instead they organize world cups or sometimes both. The FIFA World Cup is an international football competition, contested by the men’s national teams of the countries the members of Federation Internationale de Football Association or FIFA. The World Cup has been held every four years since 1930 except for 1942 and 1946 because of World War II. The first nation to win the World Cup was Urugway.
2. What is the current format of the FIFA World Cup?
32 teams compete for the title at the stadiums of the host country for about a month. This phase is called the World Cup Finals. The qualification phase takes place during the preceding three years.
3. How is the group tournament held?
The final tournament is divided into two stages: a group stage and a knockout stage. In the group stage the teams compete within eight groups of four teams each. Eight teams including the host team are seeded and drawn to separate groups.1 The other teams are assigned to different pots2 based on geographical criteria. Teams in each pot are drawn at random3 to eight groups. Since 1998 groups should contain not more than two European teams and one team from any other confederation. Each team plays at least three matches in a round-robin tournament. The top two teams from each group advance to the knockout stage. Points are used to rank the teams within a group. Since 1994 three points have been awarded for a win, one for a draw and none for a loss.
4. How is the knockout stage held?
The knockout stage is a single-elimination tournament in which teams play with extra time and penalty shootouts used if necessary. It begins with the “round of 16” in which the winner of each group plays against the runner up of another group. This is followed by the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, the third-place match and the final.
5. How is the FIFA World Cup Winner awarded?
The FIFA World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting event. 198 nations attempted to qualify for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. A record number of nations (204) attempted to qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Since 1970 the FIFA World Cup Trophy has been awarded to the winning nation. This new trophy is awarded permanently but bears the engraved year and name of each FIFA World Cup Winner since 1974.
1 …are seeded and drawn to separate groups – зд. делятсянаотдельныегруппы
в соответствии с рейтингом
2 … areassignedtodifferent “pots” – зд. располагаются в разных «корзинах»
3 … aredrawnatrandom – выбираются по результатам жеребьевки
Post-reading tasks
Task 1. Find a key sentence in each paragraph.
Task 2. Entitle each paragraph.
Task 3. Write the summary of the text following the outline:
· the definition of the FIFA World Cup;
· the current format of the FIFA World Cup;
· the group and knockout tournaments;
· the FIFA World Cup Trophy.
Task 4. Look through Texts A, B, C, D again.
Write down the answers to the following questions to form the topic “Sports Competitions”.
1. | What kinds of competitions do you know? |
2. | What are the main competition systems? |
3. | What is a championship? |
4. | Who organizes the World Championships in Artistic Gymnastics? |
5. | What teams and individual gymnasts advance to the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships finals? |
6. | What is a tournament? |
7. | What are the major types of tournaments? |
8. | What is the most prestigious tennis tournament? |
9. | How are players admitted to the tournament? |
10. | What is the most widely viewed Cup competition? |
11. | Who contests in the FIFA World Cup? |
12. | What is the current format of the FIFA World Cup? |
13. | What are the general rules of admittance to any competitions? |
14. | Who are competitions served by? |
15. | What last competitions did you take part in? |
16. | Did you place well? |
17. | What trophies were you awarded? |
18. | What international competitions are held in Belarus? |
Check Up Your Skills
1. Put the words and word combinations in one of the boxes below to describe the following sports competitions:
team event apparatus all-round finals grass courts invitation event group stage degree of difficulty mixed doubles total wild card singles knockout stage ranking doubles penalty compulsories single-sex event qualifier host team pot unseeded player |
World Gymnastics Championships | Wimbledon | FIFA World Cup |
II. Match the terms from column A to their synonyms from column B:
A | B | |
competitor prize-winner runner-up to submit an entry schedule judge trials sports facilities elimination tournament apparatus finals | event finals second prize-holder official to make an entry prize-holder qualifying tournament competition venues knockout tournament contestant time-table |
III. Rewrite the sentences in the passive:
1. It is known that ancient Greeks built the first sports facilities.
2. Every year thousands of fans attend football matches at Dynamo stadium.
3. Look! Our forward is attacking the opponents’ goal.
4. The gymnast has just performed a very complicated element on the parallel bars.
5. They will discuss new competition rules at the team meeting.
IV. Fill in “by” or “with”:
1. The players had been examined …the team doctor before the game started.
2. Tennis is played…a racket and a small ball.
3. The routine demonstrated…the gymnast on the horizontal bar impressed everybody.
4. The home football team was actively encouraged…the fans.
5. He was badly hit … a bat.
V. Replace active with passive using the words in italics as the subject.
Translate the sentences:
1. Sports newspapers wrote a lot about his world record.
2. The doctor examined the injured athlete carefully.
3. They play mostly baseball in the USA.
4. The Ministry for Sports and Tourism appointed him head coach of the national football team.
5. Students often ask for this book in the university library.
VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive form. Translate the text:
Athletes like training shoes which (1) … (make) by the world’s biggest sports wear company Nike. Nike (2) … (name) after the Greek goddess of victory. The company (3) … (know) for its marketing activities. Such world sports start as John McEnroe in tennis and Michael Jordan in basketball (4) … (sponsor) by Nike. The famous Nike’s symbol () (5) … (recognize – признавать) all over the world.
Grammar targets: Sequence of Tenses (Согласованиевремен)
Direct and Reported Speech (Прямаяикосвеннаяречь)
Texts for reading: 6A. Ceremonies of the Olympic Games
6B. History of the Olympic Games
6C. Olympic Competition
6D. TheInternational Olympic Committee
Lesson 1. Focus on language.
Grammar analysis
Look at how the verbs have changed in the examples:
I know they have their practice every Friday. I know they had their practice every Friday. I know they will have their practice every Friday. | I knew they had their practice every Friday. I knew they had already had their practice. I knew they would have their practice on Friday. |
Grammar notes
SequenceofTenses (Согласованиевремен)
В английском языке существует правило согласования времен, отсутствующее в русском. Оно в основном распространяется на придаточные дополнительные предложения и заключается в следующем: время глагола придаточного предложения строго зависит от времени глагола главного предложения.
1. Если глагол главного предложения стоит в одной из форм настоящего или будущего времени, то глагол придаточного может стоять в любом требуемом по смыслу времени:
he works
действиеis working
says he worked
предшествующееwas working
he will work
будущееwill be working
2. Но если глагол главного предложения стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени, глагол придаточного также долженстоять в форме прошедшего времени.
а) для выражения одновременного действия – в прошедшем (SimplePast или PastContinuous), которое переводится настоящим временем.
б) для выражения предшествующего действия – в предпрошедшем PastPerfect или PastPerfectContinuous, которое переводится глаголом прошедшего времени.
в) для выражения предстоящего действия употребляется будущее в прошедшем (FutureinthePast), которое переводится глаголом будущего времени.
he worked
действиеwas working
saidhe had worked
![]() |
будущее he would work
3. Правило согласования времен не соблюдается, если придаточное дополнительное предложение выражает общеизвестную истину:
e.g. He knew that Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus.
Он знал, что Минск столица Республики Беларусь.
4. В разговорной речи, когда между действиями, выраженными в главном и придаточном предложениях, очень небольшой временной разрыв, это правило также не соблюдается. Это же относится и к текстам газетных сообщений и теленовостей.
e.g. The coach said the team is ready for the competition.
Тренер сказал, что команда готова к соревнованиям.
Direct and Reported Speech (Прямаяикосвеннаяречь)
Grammar analysis
Look at how the words have changed in the examples of reported speech.
Reportedspeech: statements (повествовательные предложения)
Direct Speech | Reported Speech |
The stadium is near the railway station. M.Krivonosov was awarded a silver Olympic medal. You will have a good practice. | You told us (that) the stadium was near the railway station. The brochure said (that) M.Krivonosov had been awarded a silver Olympic medal. You said (that) we would have a good practice. |
Reported speech: imperatives, requests (побудительныепредложения, просьбы)
Direct Speech | Reported Speech |
“Follow me!” “Don’t worry!” “Could you tell us the way?” | He told us to follow him. I told him not to worry. We asked someone to tell us the way. |
Grammar notes
Reported Speech (Косвеннаяречь)
Переводя прямую речь в косвенную, мы получаем сложноподчиненное предложение с придаточным дополнительным, следовательно должны помнить правило согласования времен, которое заключается в следующем: если глагол в главном предложении стоит в SimplePast, PastContinuous или PastPerfect, то время глагола прямой речи должно быть заменено в соответствии с правилами согласования времен, а именно:
Direct Speech | Reported Speech |
Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Present Perfect Simple Future | Simple Past Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Future in the Past |
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную производятся следующие изменения:
а) повествовательное предложение вводится союзом that, который часто опускается:
He said: “I often take part in competitions”.
Он сказал: «Я часто принимаю участие в соревнованиях».
He said (that) he often took part in competitions.
Он сказал, что часто принимает участие в соревнованиях.
б) личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу:
Mike said: “I often take part in competitions”.
Майк сказал: «Я часто принимаю участие в соревнованиях».
Mike said (that) he often took part in competitions.
Майк сказал, что часто принимает участие в соревнованиях.
в) если после глагола tosay имеется предложное дополнение, указывающее на лицо, к которому обращена речь, то он заменяется глаголом totell:
He said to me: “I participated in the competition”.
Он сказал мне: «Я принимал участие в соревнованиях».
He told me (that) he had participated in the competition.
Он сказал мне, что принимал участие в соревнованиях».
Замене подлежат указательные местоимения и наречия места и времени:
Direct Speech | Reported Speech |
this–these now today yesterday the day before yesterday tomorrow the day after tomorrow next week (month, year) last week (year) | that – those then that day the day before two days before the following day in two days time the following week (month, year) the previous week (year), a year (a week) ago. |
He said: “Ivanov set a new record yesterday”.
Он сказал: «Вчера Иванов установил новый рекорд».
He said (that) Ivanov had set a new record the day before.
Он сказал, что вчера Иванов установил новый рекорд.
ReportedQuestions(Вопросы в косвенной речи)
1. При переводе прямого вопроса в косвенный он становится дополнительным придаточным предложением. Порядок слов вопросительного предложения заменяется нормальным порядком слов повествовательногопредложения – глагол-сказуемое ставится после подлежащего. Личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу.
2. Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в прошедшем времени,то в косвенном вопросе необходимо соблюдать правило согласования времен.
3. При переводе общих вопросов в косвенные они присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if или whether, которые переводятся на русский язык частицей «ли».
Peter asked his team-mate: “Has the coach come back?”
Петр спросил у товарища по команде: «Тренер возвратился?»
Peter asked his team-mate whether the coach had come back.
Петр спросил товарища по команде, возвратился ли тренер.
4.Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи вводятся соответствующими относительными местоимениями.
He asked Mike: “Who won the last swimming event?”
Он спросил у Майка: «Кто победил на последних соревнованиях по плаванью?»
He asked Mike who had won the previous swimming event.
Он спросил у Майка, кто победил на последних соревнованиях по плаванью.
5. Если прямую речь вводит глагол tosay, то в косвенной речи он заменяется глаголами toask, towonder, towant,toknow.
She said: “Peter, where are you practising today?”
Она сказала: «Пeтр, где ты сегодня тренируешься?»
She asked Peter (she wondered, she wanted to know) where he was practicing that day.
Она спросила у Пeтра, где он сегодня тренируется.
Imperatives and Requests in the Reported Speech
(Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи)
Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи вводятся глаголами totell, toask, toorder.
За глаголами totell, toask, toorder всегда следует косвенное дополнение, к которому относится просьба или приказание. Если предложение, вводящее прямую речь, не содержит косвенного дополнения, вводится личное местоимение, обусловленное контекстом.
The coach said: “Don’t climb the rope”.
Тренер сказал: «Не лазайте по канату».
The coach told me not to climb the rope.
Тренер сказал мне не лазать по канату.
Глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом. Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется путем прибавления отрицания not (totake – nottotake).
Указательные местоимения, наречия времени и места заменяются в соответствии с правилами согласования времен.
Grammar Practice
Ex.1. Read and translate these sentences.
1.Johnny said that the Eskimos players had shot two pucks before the end of the first period. 2.She said she had attended professor Ivanov’s lecture the previous day. 3.He said that he had met our coach on his way to the stadium. 4.Petrov said that he had defended his diploma paper the previous month. 5.He told them he would speak to the coach about including him into the team if he saw him the following day. 6.I knew that they had practices three times a week. 7.I know that they will have their practice the next day. 8.We hoped he would devote his life to sport. 9.He knew that I should tell him about my new hobby. 10.The secretary said that the manager was speaking on the phone. 11.She asked them how long they were staying in Minsk.
Ex.2. Choose the proper adverb or adverbial phrase and translate the sentences.
1.He says he enjoyed the match (yesterday, the previous day). 2.The coach said that the team would be back in Minsk (tomorrow, the following day). 3.Ivanov said that he was very busy (now, then). 4. I heard that my friend had won the competition (the day before yesterday, two days before). 5.I heard that our coach had bought new hockey outfit for us (last week, the previous week). 6.Peter says he will book tickets for the team (tomorrow, the next day).
Ex.3. Choose the proper tenseform of the verb and translate the sentences.
1.He said the story (is, was) very interesting. 2.He told her that many of the students (will go, would go) to the football match the following day. 3. My friend says he always (has supported, had supported) Dynamo. 4.The coach said that the British team (has come, had come) to take part in the competition the day before. 5.In a letter to my friend I wrote that I (am, was) very sorry he couldn’t come to Minsk for a holiday.6.Our coach told us that we (will play, would play)against the team from Moscow.
Ex.4. Transform direct speech into reported speech. Make the necessary changes and translate the sentences.
Model: He said: “Ted, I don’t remember your telephone number?
He said that he did not rememberTed’s telephone number.
1. The commentator said: “The score is 2:1 to Dynamo”. 2.He asked Mike: “Who won the last swimming event?” 3. “Was it a cup game?” Nick asked Mike. 4.She said: “Don’t book tickets for the plane. I have already booked them.” 5.The coach said: “Don’t come for the practice today”. 6.He said: “I have never seen anything like it.”
Ex5. Write questions 1-6 in reported speech. Begin: “She asked him …”
1. Do you know Minsk?
2. Where is the nearest bank?
3. Can you show me the way?
4. How much is a bus ticket?
5. What time do the banks open?
6. Is it far to Dynamo stadium?
Ex.6.Complete with the correct form of say or tell.
1. “Come here” she __________ angrily.
2. They __________ us that it was time to leave.
3. Please __________ your coach that there’s a message for him.
4. Excuse me, but this notice _________ that you can’t smoke here.
5. Could you ________ me the way to Masherov avenue, please?
6. Sorry, what did you ________?
Lesson 2
Build your vocabulary.
Task 1
a) Look at two sentences below and state the difference between “exhausted” and “exhausting”.
We were exhausted after a long flight.
The long flight was exhausting.
b) Look at the two columns of adjectives. In pairs, for the –ed adjectives think of a situation in which you feel, e.g. exhausted.For the –ing adjectives think of something that is, e.g. exhausting
Model: I feel frightened when I see a snake.
I think horrors are frightening.
excited exciting
opened opening
lighted lighting
fascinated fascinating
tired tiring
surprised surprising
terrified terrifying
c) Add two more pairs of adjectives to the columns and translate them into Russian.
Focus on Reading
Step 1. Word Power.
Ex.1. Read the following international words. Give their Russian equivalents.
festival continent international
ceremony stadium committee
march symbol parade
honour culmination medal
cycle flag arena
Ex.2. Read the words with the stress:
a) on the first syllable.
thousand principle ceremony lowering
several continent symbol nation
hundreds background cauldron custom
ancient language motto major
actively heritage anthem organize
b) on the second syllable:
encourage attract apart award
together attention revive recite
compete consist parade declare
event resort describe arena
c) the words which have three and more syllables.
recreation culmination participate
attention international extinguishing
Ex.3. Learn the key words and word combinations to the topic “Olympic Games”. Translate the sentences.
1. encouragevподдерживать, поощрять
a man человека
to encourage a player игрока
peace мир
2. attendv присутствовать, посещать.
attendancen присутствие, посещение
games игры
to attend competitions соревнования
meetings собрания
lectures лекции
e.g. Several million people attend the Olympic Games and hundreds of millions watch them on television.
3. resortn. курорт, курортное место
health лечебный
summerresort летний
winter зимний
e.g. The Winter Olympic Games are held in a winter resort.
4. apartadvотдельно, порознь
5. draftvнаписать проект,
nпервоначальный вариант
6. charternхартия
e.g. Pierre de Coubertin drafted the Olympic charter.
7. symbol nсимвол
e.g. The symbol of the Olympic Games is the five Olympic rings.
8. representvпредставлять, символизировать.
thecountry страну
to represent the team команду
the company фирму
e.g. The five Olympic rings represent the continents of Africa, Australia, Europe and North and South America.
9. motto nдевиз
e.g. The motto of the Olympic Games is three words: Faster, Higher, Stronger.
10. theInternationalOlympicCommittee (theIOC) МеждународныйОлимпийскийкомитет (МОК)
theNationalOlympicCommittee (theNOC) национальныйОлимпийскийкомитет (НОК)
11. Olympiannолимпиец
12.sacred aсвященный
13. torch nфакел
14. flame nогонь, пламя
e.g. The culmination of the opening ceremony is the lighting of the Olympic flame.
15.oath nклятва
e.g. For the first time the Olympic oath rang out at the opening ceremony of the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium.
16.cauldron nчаша
17. anthem nгимн
syn. hymn n
e.g. The medal ceremony includes playing of the national anthem of the first place athlete.
Step 2. Reading Practice.
Task 1. Read Text6 A for detail and find the answers to the questions:
1. What games do the Olympic Games consist of?
2. Where have the Olympics been normally held?
3. When were the modern Olympic Games revived?
4. Who is considered to be the father of the modern Olympic Games?
5. What does the Olympic symbol present?
6. What is the Olympic motto like?
7. What parts do the opening, closing and medal presenting ceremonies include?
Text 6A.The Ceremonies of the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games, an international festival of sports, play an important role in encouraging people to take up sports and recreation. They bring together thousands of the world’s best athletes to compete against one another. No other sports event attracts so much attention. Several million people attend the Games, and hundreds of millions throughout the world watch them on television.
The Olympic Games consist of the Summer Games and Winter Games. The Summer Games are held in a major city, and the Winter Games are held in a winter resort. The Olympics used to be held every four years, with both the Summer Games and Winter Games taking place the same year. From 1994 on the Summer and Winter Games are held on a four-year cycle two years apart.
The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece. Inmodern time they were revived due to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator,who is considered the father of modern Olympic Games. He wanted to encourage more young people to participate actively in sport. He drafted the Olympic charter with the main principles of the Olympic movement and the rules and regulations of the Games. The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 inAthens, Greece. The winter Games began in 1924 inChamonix, France.
The symbol of the Olympic Games is the five Olympic rings that represent the continents of Africa, Australia, Europe and North and South America. The five interlocked rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours on a pure white background1 make up the Olympic flag. A special motto of the Olympic Games is three Latin words: Citius, Altius, Fortius,which mean Faster, Higher, Stronger.
Important parts of the Opening, Closing and medal presenting ceremonies of the Olympic Games are described in the Olympic charter, the rule book2 of the International Olympic Committee (the IOC).
Every opening ceremony starts with the host country’s national anthem, after which a parade of the Olympians from each participating countrybegins. In the parade athletesof Greece always enter the stadium first in honour of its heritage3 as the home of the ancient Olympic Games and the first Olympic Games of the modern era. Sportsmen of the host country always enter last. Then a colourful show starts, which is different at every Olympics, as the organizers always try to create something special that would surprise everyone.The show combines performances of musicians, dancers and athletes, accompanied by visual effects and fireworks. Then the IOC officials make speeches and the Olympic flag is brought in to be hoisted while the Olympic hymn is played. After that the Olympic oath is pronounced on behalf of all athletes and judges of the Games. The culmination of the opening ceremony is lighting of the Olympic flame. This is the end of the four-week cross-country relay during which thousands of the best athletes carry a lighted torch from the valley of Olympia inGreece4 and hand it over until the sacred fire reaches the main stadium of the Games. The final runnerlights a huge cauldron in which the Olympic flame is kept burning until the end of the Games. Finally the head of the host state declares the Olympic Games open.
From 1896 on the gold, silver and bronze medals became the Olympic awards presented to the first, second and third place winners respectively. In honour of the athletes the medal ceremony includes playing of the national anthem of the first place athlete and rising of the state flags of the first, second and third place winners.
The Closing ceremony includes lowering of the Olympic flag, extinguishing of the flame.The Olympic flag is handed to the NOC representative of the country hosting the next Olympics and the athletes march from the arena as a whole group and not by nation.
1on a pure white background зд.набеломфоне
2 rule book сводправил
3 in honour of heritage n вчестьнаследия…
4 the valley of Olympia inGreeceдолинаОлимпиявГреции
Post-reading exercises
Ex.1. Replace the following Russian words and word combinations by their English equivalents from the text:
заниматься спортом, лучшие спортсмены, привлекать внимание, посещать игры, смотреть по телевизору, состоять из, курорт, возрождать, усилия, участвовать, основные принципы, символ, представлять, кольца, девиз, Олимпийская хартия, священный огонь, Олимпийская клятва, честь, глава государства, Олимпийский огонь, включать,победитель, национальный гимн, гасить огонь.
Ex.2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the word-box below and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The Olympic Games … the Summer Games and Winter Games.
2. The Winter Games are held in a winter ….
3. The Olympic Games were … due to the … of Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
4. The first modern Olympic Games … in 1896.
5. The symbol of the Olympic Games is the five Olympic ….
6. The motto of the Olympic Games is ….
7. The head of state of the host country … the games open.
8. From 1896 on the … became the Olympic award.
9. In honour of the athletes the medal presenting ceremony includes the playing of the … of the first place athlete.
10. The Closing ceremony includes the … of the Olympic flag.
medals; national anthem; efforts; consist of; rings; three words; extinguishing; took place; declares; lowering; revived; resort |
Ex.3. Complete the following statements. Choose one of the alternatives and translate the sentences:
1. | At the Opening ceremony athletes of Greece always march into the stadium… | first |
second | ||
in alphabetical order by country | ||
2. | The athletes of the host country always enter... | first |
last | ||
second | ||
3. | … is brought in to be hoisted while the Olympic hymn is played. | the Olympic flame |
the Olympic flag | ||
the Olympic medals | ||
4. | The flame is kept burning… | until the end of the Games |
during a week | ||
during a day | ||
5. | The culmination of the opening ceremony is … | raising of the Olympic flag |
lighting of the Olympic flame | ||
bringing of a lighted torch | ||
6. | The Olympic symbol consists of… | four rings |
five rings | ||
six rings | ||
7. | The Olympic oath is pronounced on behalf of …. | all spectators watching the Games |
all people of the world | ||
all athletes and judges of the Games | ||
8. | The Summer Games are held …. | in a major city |
in a capital of the country | ||
in Athens, Greece | ||
9. | … declares the Olympic Games open. | the IOC President |
the host NOC Secretary General | ||
thehead of the host state | ||
10. | Medals are presented to … | the first place winners |
the first, second and third place winners | ||
the first and second place winners |
Ex.4. Read and reproduce in written form the dialogue in indirect speech.
R. You attended the Opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, didn’t you?
A. Yes, I did. I was impressed by the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. They were very spectacular and colourful. The main stadium appeared to us very wonderful and impressive.
R. Are the important parts of the Opening, Closing and medal presenting ceremonies of the Olympic Games described in any document?
A. They are described in the Olympic charter, the rule book of the International Olympic Committee.
R. What did the Opening ceremony include?
A. It included a parade of athletes from each participating country, raising of the Olympic flag, lighting of the sacred flame and reciting of the Olympic oath by an athlete and a judge.
R. Why does Greece always enter first in the parade of athletes?
A. Greece always enters first in honour of its heritage as the home of the ancient Olympic Games and the first Olympic Games of the modern era.
R. Who declares the Olympic Games open?
A. The head of state of the host country declares the Games open.
R. What was the culmination of the Opening ceremony?
A. The culmination of the Opening ceremony was lighting of the Olympic flame.
R. How long is the flame kept burning?
A. The flame is kept burning until the end of the Games.
R. The special feeling of excitement surrounds the Olympic Games, doesn’t it?
A. Yes, it is an unforgettable feeling.
Ex.5. Look through the text and find –ed/-ing adjectives. Put them down and translate them into Russian.
Ex.6. a) write down the extensive answers to the following questions:
1. Do the Olympic Games play an important role in encouraging people to take up sports and recreation?
2. Why do the Olympic Games bring together thousands of the world’s best athletes?
3. Where are the Summer Games held?
4. Where are the Winter Games held?
5. Where did the Olympic Games originate?
6. Who helped revive the Games?
7. What did Baron Pierre de Coubertin draft?
8. Where did the first modern Olympic Games take place?
9. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?
10. What are the colours of the rings?
11. What makes up the Olympic flag?
12. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?
13. What does every Opening ceremony consist of?
14. Who declares the Games open?
15. What is the culmination of the Opening ceremony?
16. When does the medal become the Olympic award?
17. Who are the medals presented to?
18. What does the medal presenting ceremony include?
19. What does the Closing ceremony include?
20. How do the athletes march from the arena in the Closing ceremony?
b) describe in written form:
- the role played by the Olympic Games in the development of the world sports
- your feelings while watching the Olympic Games on TV
Task 2. Check if these words and word-combinations are known to you. If not, try to memorize them:
malecontestants мужчины (участникисоревнований)
wayoflife образжизни
olivewreath лавровыйвенок
earthquaken землетрясение
landsliden оползень
convenev созывать
interlaceda переплетенный
promisev обещать
abidev придерживаться, оставаться верным
inscribev вписывать
device n приспособление
Task 3. Read Text 6 B to know the historical background of the Olympic Games.
Text 6 B. Historyof the Olympic Games
The Olympic Games are the oldest competitions. They were held by the Greeks long before our era.
The first recorded Olympic contest took place at the Stadium of Olympia in 776 B.C. in the valley of Olympia in western Greece. For many years the Olympic Games were for male contestants and male spectators only.Women first competed in the modern Games in 1900.
The only event in the first 13 Olympiads was a footrace of about 192 metres, the length of the stadium. Through the years, longer running races and other types of competition were added to the Olympic programme.
Winners in the Olympic Games were awarded the olive wreath, and became heroes in their cities.
The success of the ancient Olympic Games can be attributed to the Greek love for competition, to their respect for harmony and beauty of the human body, and to the emphasis in their way of life on the unity of mind, body and spirit.
The Roman Empire conquered Greece during the 100s B.C. In 394 A.D. Emperor Theodosius ordered the Olympic Games ended. No Olympics were held for more than 1500 years.
An earthquake destroyed the Stadium of Olympia in the A.D. 500s, and a landslide later buried its ruins. A group of German archaeologists discovered the ruins in 1875. The discovery gave Baron Pierre de Coubertin the idea of organizing modern, international Olympics.
Coubertin believed that athletics played an important part in forming a person’s character. He also thought that international sports competition would promote world peace.
The International Congress for the re-establishment of the Olympic Games was convened in Sorbonne in June 1894. Seventy-nine delegates and forty-nine associations from twelve countries proclaimed the reestablishment of the Games. They decided to hold the Games in true Hellenic tradition in Athens in 1896.
The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 inAthens, Greece. The Winter Games began in 1924. No Games were held in 1916, 1940, or 1944 because of World Wars I and II.
In 1920 the Olympic flag with five interlaced rings on a white background – symbol of the unity of the five continents – was hoisted for the first time in Antwerp.
For the first time the Olympic oath rang out at the Opening ceremony of the 1920 Olympic Games too. The following words were pronounced: “In the name of all competitors I promise that we will take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams”.
The motto adopted by the International Olympic Committee – “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (Faster, Higher, Stronger) – made its appearance at the Antwerp Games too. The IOC has also a second motto. In 1908 inLondon while opening the IV Olympic Games Coubertin said in his speech: “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well”. These words now appear on the electronic score board at the Opening ceremony of the Games.
From 1896 on a medal (gold, silver and bronze) became the Olympic award.
The title of the Olympic champion is the only sporting title that is awarded for life. The prefix “ex” can not be added to a sportsman’s name that has been inscribed in gold in the Olympic chronicle. There are no ex-champions of the Olympic Games and never will be.
The Olympics have been the scene of numerous exciting individual achievements.The earliest recorded Olympic champion is Coraibos of Olis, the winner of the olive wreath in the stadium race of 192m in 776 B.C. A long jump of 7.05 m by Chionis of Sparta in the seventh century B.C. is a performance comparable with the present-day club standard, though Chionis probably propelled himself with the aid of weigts, a device not permitted by modern rules. Milon of Croton won six wrestling titles between 540 and 516 B.C.
The first medal in modern Olympic competition was presented on April 6. 1896 to the American track-and-field athlete James Brenden Connolly for a triple jump of 12.71 metres. The first woman to win an Olympic medal was the tennis player Charlotte Cooper in Paris in 1900.
The first Olympic medalist (silver) of the Republic of Belarus was Mikhail Krivonosov (athletics). It happened in 1956 inMelbourn, Australia. Four athletes became the Olympic champions in 1960 inRome: Oleg Karavaev (wrestling), Tatyana Samusenko (fencing), Leonid Geishtor and Sergei Makarenko (canoening).
A real hero of the XXV Olympic Games was Vitali Shcherbo (gymnastics) who won 6 gold medals.In 2004 Yulia Nesterenko became the first non-US athlete to win the woman’s 100m race title since 1980.Belarusians have been taking part in the Olympic Games as an independent team since 1994.
Post-reading exercises
Ex.1. Find in the text the paragraphs describing:
- the ancient Olympic Games;
- the discovery of the German archeologists;
- the idea of Pierre de Coubertin about the modern Olympic Games;
- the International Congress for the re-establishment of the Olympic Games;
- the Olympic awards;
- the earliest recorded Olympic champions;
- the first medals in modern Olympic Games;
- Belarusian Olympic champions
Ex.2. Choose any two paragraphs from the text and translate them in written form into Russian.
Ex.3. Write questions to the following answers:
- The only event in the first 13 Olympiads was a footrace.
- The Roman Emperor Theodosius ordered the Olympic Games ended.
- The earthquake destroyed the stadium of Olympia.
- The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896.
- From 1896 on the medal (gold, silver and bronze) became the Olympic award.
- The prefix “ex” can not be added to a sportsman’s name that has been inscribed in gold in the Olympic chronicle.
- Belarusians have been taking part in the Olympic Games as an independent team since 1994.
Ex.4. Read the statements below and agree to them saying “That’s right” or disagree, saying “That’s wrong”. Correct the mistakes.
- The Olympic Games take their name from the Greek city of Olympia where the Games were first held more than 2000 years ago.
- In the first Olympic Games there was only one race and the winner was awarded a medal.
- The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 inRome.
- In 1920 the Olympic flag with 6 interlaced rings was hoisted for the first time in Antwerp.
- The most important thing in the Olympic Games is to win.
- The title of Olympic champion is not awarded for life.
- The first Olympic medalist (silver) of the Republic of Belarus was Mikhail Krivonosov.
- A real hero of the XXV Olympics was Vitali Shcherbo who won 6 gold medals.
Ex.5. Write your comments on the second motto of the Olympic Games “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part”.
Ex.6. Study the cities that have hosted Olympic Games.
The Geography of the Olympic Games
Year | Summer | Winter | ||
Athens, Greece
Paris, France
Saint-Louis, U.S.A.
London, Great Britain
Stockholm, Sweden
Not celebrated
Antwerp, Belgium
Paris, France
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Berlin, Germany
Not celebrated
Not celebrated
London, England
Helsinki, Finland
Melbourne, Australia
Rome, Italy
Tokyo, Japan
Mexico City, Mexico
Munich, Germany
Montreal, Canada
Moscow, Soviet Union
Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Seoul, South Korea
Barcelona, Spain
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