Assertiveness is the ability to (1) __communicate _________________ with others in a clear and direct manner. Some people (2) ______confuse_____________ assertiveness with getting your own way all the time, but there may be occasions when you (3)_____take __the decision to back down on an issue, because you realise that the other person has rights too.
Assertive behaviour helps you to:
· Say ‘no’ to the requests of others in a (4) _______confident _____but polite way when you do not want to do as they say.
· To (5) __avoid being manipulated or put off by others.
· To listen better to what others are saying.
· To stand up for your rights.
· To (6) ___________achieve _ "win-win" situations where both parties are happy with the (7) ___outcome of the situation.
Being assertive helps you to (8) ______gain more control over your life, and thus may help to (9) __boost your self-confidence. It helps you to (10) ___reduce the stress in your life as you are less bothered about the opinions of others. Non-assertive behaviour can lead to loss of respect from others and loss of self-respect in the long term.
Assertiveness can be an important factor in (11) ________ perform __ well at job interviews. It will help you to come across as a (12) ______firm candidate who is likely to be able to get things done.
5. LMS (a) You can add the prefixes under- and over- to change the meaning of words. Complete the gaps in the sentences below using a word made from a verb in the list by adding the prefix under- or over.
fund value price run state
come estimate rate (x 2)
Example: However stunning the tourist attraction, the entrance fee is definitely overpriced.
1. Many scientists have underestimated the importance of early archaeological discoveries. They are much more significant than was once thought.
2. The monuments were totally overrun by tourists, I couldn’t take any pictures.
3. The museum is really overrated. It’s a very boring building.
4. Artefacts from a long time ago are frequently undervalued. At actions they only sell for a fraction of the price of modern art.
5. Some people are completely overcome with emotion when they visit Florence. It’s a syndrome called the Stendhal effect.
6. Many buildings and monuments of international significance are crumbling, because government repair schemes are underfunded.
7. To my mind, Alan Rickman was seriously underrated as an actor. He did not get half the credit he deserved.
8. Audrey Hepburn was famous for her simple, understated elegance.
(b) Search the sentences from (a) for the Russian equivalents of the following:
1) давать слишком высокую оценку;overrated
2) заполнять / наводнять;overrunby t
3) не получить достаточного признания;underrated
4) недооценить важность;underestimatedtheimportance
5) недооценить стоимость;undervalued
6) недостаточно профинансированный;underfunded
7) сдержанная, утонченная элегантность;understatedelegance
8) эмоцииохватили / обуяли / переполнили.overcomewithemotion
6. Translate from Russian into English. Refer to the Vocabulary Commentary if necessary:
1. Преодолев все препятствия, я был на седьмом небе от счастья. - Having…Havingovercomeallhurdles, Iwasoverthemoon
2. Требуется много усилий, чтобы не отвлекаться и продолжать усиленно работать над (достижением) своей цели. - IttakesIt takes a lot of effort to avoid being side-tracked and keep plugging away towardsyour objectives
3. В то время как девочкам не хватает уверенности, мальчики зачастую переоценивают свои возможности.While girls lack confidence, boys often tend to overestimate their abilities
4. Никакие препятствия не помешают мне в преследовании моей цели.Nohurdlescan prevent mefrompursuingmygoals
5. Поговори с кем-нибудь о своих непреодолимых проблемах. Это поможет объективно взглянуть на них.Talk to someone about your insurmountable problems. Itwillhelpyouputthem into perspective
6. Сотрудничество в разработке новых технологий будет стимулировать экономический рост и создаст рабочее места.Collaboration on the new technology development will spur the economic growth
and createjobs
7. Предприниматели в развивающихся странах сталкиваются с непреодолимыми препятствиями.
Entrepreneurs in developing countries encounter insurmountable obstacles/hurdles
8. Группа ученых продолжает усиленно работать над поиском решения (solution).
A team of scientists keep plugging away at finding a solution
9. Следует обратиться (referto) к статистике, чтобы объективно взглянуть на вещи.
We should refer to the statistics in order to put things into perspective
10. Симпозиум исследовал решения (solutionsto) современных мировых проблем с точки зрения международного права (internationallaw).
A symposium was researching solutions to modern world’s problems from an
international lawperspective
11. Мобильные телефоны в школе не только отвлекают учеников от учебы, но и, как утверждают эксперты, оказывают пагубное воздействие на их навыки межличностного общения.
Cell phones at school not only distract students from studies but also , according
to experts, have a detrimental impact on their interpersonal communication skills
12. Спортсменам часто приходится продолжать выступление, не обращая внимания на боль.
Sportsmen often have to proceed with their performance blocking out pain
13. Потребуются значительные усилия, чтобы исследовать этот вопрос в более широком масштабе (onalargerscale)..It will take a lot of effort to study the issue on a larger scale
15. Напористые люди не такие агрессивные, как нахальные (pushy), и они лучше умеют договариваться (negotiate). Assertive people are not as aggressive as the pushy, they are as well better at
16. Я был удивлен, что мне пришлось учить некоторых официантов таким элементарным вещам (basics). Сказать «пожалуйста» и «спасибо» - это то, чему должны научить родители, это должно войти в привычку. I was surprised that I had to teach some waiters the basics. Saying pleaseandthanks
is something that should be taught by parents and become second nature
17. Если тебя сократили на работе, то это может лишить тебя уверенности в себе. –
If you have been laid off, it can undermine your self-confidence
18. Многие переоценивают то, что они могут достичь за год, и недооценивают то, что могут достичь за десятилетие.Many people overestimate what they can achieve in a year, meanwhile they
underestimate what they can accomplish in decades
Language Focus
Getting to the Top
7. (a) Study the words and phrases (from Ex. 3, p. 10) and match the words in bold with the Russian equivalents listed below:
· objective – a goal that you plan to achieve, especially in business or politics; to accomplish / achieve / attain / reachan objective; e.g. Management is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. (
SYNONYMS: words for something that you are trying to achieve -target, objective or goal?
A target is the exact result that you try to achieve. It is often specific, and in the form of figures, such as number of sales or exam passes, or a date. People often set their own objectives: these are things that they wish to achieve, often as part of a project or a talk they are giving. Goals are often long-term, and relate to people’s life and career plans or the long-term plans of a company or organization.
· ambition - (1) (C.) something that you desire to achieve; to achieve / fulfil / realizean ambition; e.g. “It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book”(Friedrich Nietzsche)
(2) (U.) the desire and determination to achieve success; e.g. “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” (Salvador Dali). ambitious
NOTE: The Russian word “ амбиция ” is sometimes used with a hint of disapproval, referring to an unfounded self-confidence and vanity.
· fortune - (1) (C.) [usually singular] a very large amount of money; to make / amassa fortune; e.g. Warren Buffett, the world’s second richest man, continues to make his fortune in investment and turn it to philanthropy in the grand tradition of Carnegie and Rockefeller.
(2) (C.) [plural] the success or failure of a person or enterprise over a period of time; e.g. Venezuela's economic fortunes are tied to world oil prices. (BBC News)
· obsession – (1) (U.) an extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something which stops you from thinking about anything else; e.g. Even a company like Apple, renowned for its obsession with secrecy, was apparently not safe from well placed leakers. (Reuters)
(2) (C.) something that continually preoccupies a person's mind; e.g. America is so fixated on dieting that it has become a national obsession.
tobe obsessedwith sth
1) достичьисполнения / реализовать честолюбивоестремление;achieve / fulfil / realize an ambition
2) достичь цели;accomplish / achieve / attain / reach an objective
3) одержимость секретностью;obsession with secrecy
4) предметнавязчивыхмечтаний / мыслей; an object of obsession
5) заработать состояние;make / amass a fortune
6) честолюбивый / целеустремленный / стремящийся к чему-либо;ambitious
7) честолюбие / тщеславие. an ambition
LMS (b) Use the words below to complete the sentences (you may have to use the plural form):