To health and slim figure

Unit 4.


NB! Information for self-study


Look at the words, their definitions and examples. Work out their translations:


Definition Example Translation
canteen BrE/ cafeteria AmE n. a small place in a factory, office, college, etc. where food and meals are sold, often at a lower than usual price. The food in the college cafeteria is so tasteless that I never eat it.    
cinnamon n. a piece of bark of a tropical tree, or a brown powder made from this, used as a spice to give a particular taste to esp. sweet food A cinnamon stick placed in a container of sugar gives it a pleasant flavour. Sprinkle the top of the cake with cinnamon.  
game n. U. wild animals and birds that are hunted for food or sport Rabbit is my favouritegame. Game birds have a particularly strong taste.  
lard n. a soft white creamy substance made from pig fat. It is used in cooking. The Ukraine is famous for itslard.  
prawn n. a small edible pink sea animal with a shell and ten legs. Prawns have a thin flat body and a long tail and are similar to shrimps but bigger. We had a delicious prawn cocktail for the first course. I prefer prawnsto any other seafood.    

Topic Vocabulary Exercises


Exercise 1

Explain the difference between the following words. Consult an English-English dictionary:

· fowl / game –


· butter / oil –


· fat / lard –


· lobster / prawn / shrimp –


· cereal / porridge –


· grapes / raisin –


· noodle / pasta –


· to bake / to grill / to roast –

Exercise 2

Fill in missing letters:


b. r. e.. e m.. t. n h. l. b. t
bu.. w. e. t d. l. c.. u s s. r.. b.. r y
m. y..n.. s e do.. h b. s c.. t
w. l n. t s.. s. n. n. y.. s t
s. r. n. l e p.. r l- b.. l e. s.. m. n


Exercise 3

Complete the table using the words from the box:

soft drinks still water champagne coca cola juice wine   soda drinks cocktails pepsi fizzy/sparkling water milk shake hot drinks   tea alcoholic drinks cold drinks hot chocolate coffee mineral water



1. ________ 2.__________

3________ 4_______ 5________

6________ 7___________

12_____ 13_____ 14_____


8___soda_____ 9_______ 10______ 11_________

15 ______ 16 ________ 17 _______ 18 ___________

Exercise 4

A. Match the names of the fishes and sea animals with their Russian equivalents:


  1. redfish треска
  2. pink salmon кета
  3. navaga красная нерка/морской окунь
  4. chum корюшка
  5. codfish палтус
  6. pollock навага
  7. flatfish морская капуста
  8. seaweeds горбуша
  9. smelt минтай


B. Match the names of the berries and vegetables with their English equivalents:

  1. брусника bird/choke cherries
  2. калина rosehips
  3. облепиха cranberries
  4. рябина dried apricots
  5. черемуха guilder-rose
  6. шиповник fern
  7. курага schizandra
  8. лимонник rowan
  9. папоротник sea buckthorn



Exercise 5

Fill in the following grid:


  cheese cake tomato cabbage ham   lettuce onion carrot bread   lemon beef meat

Exercise 6

Do you know these facts about food?

  1. Ten olives before meal will keep you from gastritis and stomach ulcer, and will also boost your digestive system.
  2. Mediterranean people live longer life because their diet contains such wholesome food as pasta of whole-grain wheat, tomato sauce, olive oil and dry red wine.
  3. Sunflower seeds have 660 cal/ 100g which is more than in chocolate or three times more than in 100g of ice-cream, but seeds are very wholesome as they contain a lot of vitamin E, which stimulate your immune system.
  4. Vegetable oil is the richest in calories product: it has more calories than fat (900cal). It is also rich in vitamin E.
  5. Cholesterol can be found only in animal products (meat, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, milk and yolks) and you’ll never find it in vegetable oil, cereals, fruit and vegetables.
  6. Vegetable oil consists of 99.9 % of fats, and sugar consists of 99.9 % of carbohydrates.
  7. Yoghurt, sour cream and cottage cheese are better for your stomach than milk as a lot of adult people don’t have enough enzymes to digest lactose.
  8. Smokers should consume more foods with vitamin B12 which can be found in animal products, such as meat, liver, eggs and dairy products.
  9. Broccoli is the best vegetable for you because it is rich in calcium (which is necessary for your bones and for fat being burnt), vitamin C (which stimulates your immune system), fiber (which lowers cholesterol in blood and improves digestion) and potassium (which is needed for blood coagulation and for strong muscles).
  10. Keeping sodium to about 1.5 gr. per day can help bring down your high blood pressure or even keep it from developing at all. Too much salt can also lead to calcium loss, contributing to thinning bones and the risk of osteoporosis. Since salt is added to so many processed foods – sometimes you do not really feel it- reducing its consumption can be hard. Try to eat mostly fresh, unprocessed foods: whole grains, vegetables, and fruit are all naturally low in sodium.
  11. Health of your hair depends on food that you eat. It must contain vitamins A, C, and B group, and zinc. Make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet, with plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
  12. Many people fail to distinguish between different kinds of carbohydrates. Highly processed junk foods consist of simple carbohydrates, and they do promote weight gain. However, complex carbohydrates – vegetables, fruits, and grains, which in their natural state provide high level of fiber and vast array of nutrients – are the very best foods for weight control and overall health.
  13. Spices are good for health. Red pepper or chili is natural antiseptic. That is why people in tropical countries eat a lot of hot spicy food to fight the infection.
  14. Half teaspoon of cinnamon a day will help people suffering from diabetes to reduce sugar level in blood; besides this spice reduces the quantity of “bad” cholesterol in blood.

Exercise 7

Find information about vitamins and mineral and fill in the table:

  Vitamin A Vitamin B 1,2,3 (PP) Vitamin B 6,9 Vitamin B 12 Vitamin C Vitamin E Vitamin D
Good for your/ Is needed for eyesight            
Names of the food where you can find it         rosehips    



  Calcium Potassium Phosphorus Iron Iodine Magnesium Sodium Zinc
Good for your/ Is needed for                
Names of the food where you can find it                

Exercise 8

Fill in the gaps with the following statements:

vitamin C fish nutrients skin lean meat
Fish hair buckwheat sour milk tomatoes
Shellfish cereals sea weeds millet nutrients



  1. Vitamin A will make your ……………… silky and ……………….. smooth.
  2. Pickled cabbage has more ……….. than raw one.
  3. In the middle of the XIX century ……………….were considered to be poisonous. Some people even tried to poison George Washington with the help of ……………
  4. …….......... and …………… are the main source of good quality protein.
  5. You can find a lot of iodine in ……..............., ……………………, …………………
  6. ………………..products are rich in bifid bacteria which help to produce vitamin B1 in person’s intestines.
  7. The more varied your diet is the more ………….. you get. To supply your body with all the ………………you need to eat 300 different products a month.
  8. All ……………….. are rich in fiber which stimulates your digestion and makes you healthier. …………………… is rich in vitamin group B and iron. ……………………is rich in potassium. If you want to have pony tail as long and thick as all horses do you should eat a lot of different cereals.


Exercise 9

Translate from Russian into English using the words from Topic Vocabulary:

  1. Отдайте предпочтение белому мясу или вырезке. В них содержится меньше калорий и жира и больше витаминов D, Е и В12, а также высокоценного белка.
  2. Ешьте сезонные овощи и фрукты - в них больше витаминов и микроэлементов. В пути яблоки и шпинат теряют до 90% своих полезных свойств.
  3. В молоке и молочных продуктах содержится около сотни различных ценных для организма веществ: белок, 25 аминокислот, 30 минеральных солей и 20 витаминов. Лучше покупать свежие творог, сметану и сыр на ближайшем рынке.
  4. Кто бы что вам не говорил, вегетарианство – вовсе не ключ к долголетию. Научно доказано, что такой рацион ведет к нехватке белков, проблемам с желудком и дефициту мышечной массы. Два-три дня в неделю без мяса и белков пойдут на пользу.
  5. Низкокалорийная диета – ложный путь к долгожительству. Несколько лет назад ученые в США уверяли, что, если потреблять меньше калорий и больше клетчатки и витаминов, долголетие вам обеспечено.
  6. Но сегодня стало ясно, что такой подход хорош только для страдающих избыточным весом, а для молодых женщин подобная диета даже вредна, поскольку ускоряет старение. Молодой организм должен получать все необходимые питательные вещества.
  7. На завтрак вы должны съедать 20-25% дневной нормы калорий. В вашем рационе должны быть белки и клетчатка.
  8. Дневная норма белка - по грамму на килограмм вашего веса. Лучше всего усваиваются (assimilate) белки рыбы и морепродуктов. Съедайте по 20 г белка на завтрак, обед и ужин. 100 г нежирного творога содержат 12 г белка, 100 г лосося- 21 г, 20 г миндаля - 5 г, 100 г домашнего сыра – 15 г, твердые (ripe) сорта сыра – 25 г.
  9. Минимум раз в неделю закупайте орехи, пасту из твердых сортов пшеницы, куриные грудки, заправки для салатов. За овощами, зеленью и фруктами ходите каждые 2-3 дня – при хранении они стремительно теряют витамины.
  10. Овощи должны быть одной из основ здорового рациона. На завтрак приготовьте омлет с грибами и болгарским перцем, на обед – сэндвич с запеченным перцем, авокадо и огурцом. Ужин начните с салата или супа и добавьте овощи в основное блюдо. Перекусывайте овощами: морковкой, сельдереем, перцем, помидорами.
  11. Желающим похудеть следует снизить потребление жиров. Источники жиров – сало, сливочное и растительное масло, сливки, жирные сорта мяса, рыбы, сыра, колбас.
  12. Однако полностью исключать жиры из рациона недопустимо, так как они важны для образования женских гормонов и усвоения таких витаминов, как А, D, Е и К. Опыты показали, что на безжировой диете животные быстро погибают от инфекции в связи с резким снижением иммунитета.
  13. Помните, что есть и полезные жиры, они содержатся в оливках, авокадо, орехах, а также в жирных сортах рыбы.
  14. Из-за разного содержания жира мясо различных животных и птиц по своей калорийности (value) далеко неравноценно: 1 кг гусиного мяса (4500 ккал) соответствует 1,5 кг постной (lean) свинины, 3 кг говядины, 4 кг цыпленка


Exercise 10

Discuss the following:

  1. Tell about your favourite food/ dish/ dish you can cook.
  2. Tell what you don’t like and never eat.
  3. Who’s a vegetarian? What foods do they eat?
  4. Do you fast? How many fasts do the orthodox people have?
  5. What do you know about Lent and fasting?
  6. What food is good/ wholesome for you?
  7. What food is harmful for your health?
  8. How many meals a day do you have?
  9. What does your breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of?
  10. Do you agree with the saying that we eat to live, not live to eat? Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper.
  11. Share your tips how to keep fit.


Text Exercises

Exercise 11

Find the English equivalents in the text. Give the situations in which they were used in this text:

Немного за 40, странное имя, лестные шутки (остроты), подходить характеру, изящные (тонкие) черты лица, перестать (прекратить) думать о чем-либо, большое (приличное) состояние, скрепить союз, не получать сочувствия, громко захохотать, ходить ссутулившись, ходить с непокрытой головой (без головного убора), быть сильным как бык, по этой причине, по предложению Фрэнк, здравый смысл, дать волю неуправляемому аппетиту, набрать вес, продолжать лечение, избегать явно калорийных вещей, противостоять соблазну, с чистым сердцем, похудеть до, в мгновение ока, терраса с видом на море, нервное расстройство, хорошенько оглядеть кого-нибудь, мне пришлось многое пережить (я через многое прошла), вздохнуть от сочувствия/зависти, вопиющая непристойность, прийти в себя, неловкое молчание, уклончиво ответить, переглянуться, посмотреть на что-либо с отвращением, безвкусная камбала, прийти на помощь, обходиться без чего-либо, кривая (кислая) улыбка, состоять из, сбить с пути истинного, находчивый человек, незамедлительно, быть сладкоежкой, сильно желать чего-нибудь, посмотреть на кусочек сахара с вожделением, подавить вздох, мучиться угрызениями совести, вклад в домашнее хозяйство, с ледяным спокойствием, не оказать ни малейшего влияния на кого-либо, нарушить гробовую тишину.


Exercise 12

Answer the following questions:

  1. What do you know about William Somerset Maugham? What works is he known for?
  2. What was odd about Mrs. Sutcliffe’s first name?
  3. Who of the three ladies was a spinster/ divorced two husbands?
  4. Why were Miss Hickson and Mrs. Richman inclined to treat Arrow as a little young thing?
  5. Where is Antibes / Carlsbad / Riviera situated?
  6. When and how did the three women get acquainted with each other?
  7. Why were Miss Hickson, Mrs. Richman and Arrow Sutcliffe great friends?
  8. Who of the three women suspected that Dr. Hudebert wasn’t very clever? Why did she think so?
  9. Whose relative is Lena Finch?
  10. Why did Miss Hickson invite Lena Finch to Antibes?
  11. How long was Lena going to stay with three friends?
  12. What foods did Lena’s first luncheon consist of?
  13. Why were Beatrice and Arrow upset after luncheon?


Exercise 13

Are these statements True or False?

1. Miss Hickson was going to make a third man happy._________

2. Dr. Hudebert was unsympathetic towards his patients.________

3. The three women went to Antibes on Mrs. Richman suggestion._________

4. Beatrice was weak because she couldn’t lift heavy things._________

5. According to the text, there were four people living at Antibes before Lena’s


6. Frank envied Lena’s figure.________

7. At luncheon Lena said a grossest indecency which shocked the three women. ______

8. The butter served at luncheon was excellently prepared.__________

9. It was difficult to find cream on the Riviera._________

10. Lena had problems with teeth. __________


Word Power Exercises

Exercise 14

Answer the questions using words from the Word Power. Explain your point of view:


  1. When did you have great time last?
  2. What great state occasions do you know?
  3. When do you feel great before or after classes?
  4. Can you call yourself a great talker? Who in your group do you consider to be a great talker?
  5. Are you a great admirer of anything?
  6. How many great friends can a person have? How many do you have?
  7. Can women be great friends? a man and a woman?
  8. What clothes would you call plain?
  9. What things do you have good taste for?
  10. Can you give any synonymic expressions to the proverb “tastes differ”?
  11. What kind of people do you treat with respect? contempt?
  12. In what situations you are likely to say ‘It’s my treat’?
  13. Did you ever get special treatment from your teachers at school? How do students usually treat such people?
  14. What do you treat yourself to on your birthday?
  15. Do you think University rooms have enough furniture? What is not enough here?
  16. Have you got enough time to do everything? For what things you haven’t got enough time?
  17. What is your favorite food? What food can’t you stand?




Quiz on Word Power. Answer the questions as quick as possible:

1. What is the difference between great and big? Write three nouns that can be big, three nouns that can be great, and three nouns that can be both big and great.

2. Write five word combinations with the adjective plain and five word combinations with the adverb plainly.

3. What is the other way to say it is clear?

4. What is a more polite way to say an ugly girl?

5. How can you call simple and understandable language?

6. How will you call a room without decorations and much furniture?

7. How do we call food with a good taste?

8. When different people like different things, what do you say?

9. What is the difference between words taste, try and sample?

10. How do you call soup that you forgot to add salt in?

11. What does a lemon taste like? Chocolate? Coffee without sugar? Sea water?

12. What do you say when you invite somebody to the restaurant and pay for their meals?

13. If somebody treats you better than others, what do you get?

14. What are the rules of using the word enough with different parts of speech?

15. What food is not good for your health?

16. What do we serve at different public meetings?

17. What is food in general as an object of producing and selling?

18. What piece of equipment helps us prepare food by cutting/mixing/slicing?


Choose the most suitable word in the sentence:

1. He kept all his secret papers in a big / great box.

2. There is a big / great difference between liking someone and wanting to marry them.

3. It was only later Harry realized that they could be in big / great danger.

4. She had big / great difficulty in summing up numbers in mind.

5. The big / great thing about this dictionary is that it shows the frequency of words.

6. Come on, you are a big / great girl now, you can do it!

7. Marrying him was the biggest / greatest mistake of her life.

8. The boy is getting too big / great for his boots.

9. Roger chewed and swallowed so fast that he could hardly taste / sample the meat.

10. At the opening of our restaurant guests will be able to taste / sample any dish or beverage on the menu.

11. Traveling to other countries is a great opportunity to try / taste national dishes.

12. Lena tried / tasted the pear and asked the butler to bring some sugar.

13. He married her only because she was good at cooking tasty / tasteful dishes.

14. Wow! I see a really tasty / tasteful choice of books here!

15. As a special treat / treatment, we were allowed to stay up until midnight.

16. No wonder she was promoted, she gets special treat / treatment from the boss.

17. His father owns a company that produces sugar and other basic refreshments / foodstuffs.

18. We’ll continue our workshop in 20 minutes. During the break you’ll be offered refreshments / foodstuffs in the hall.

19. The patient has recovered enough to take some nourishment / diet.

20. The Kremlin food / diet has become famous throughout the country due to ‘Komsomolka’.


Exercise 17

Translate the sentences into Russian. Define the meaning of the words from the Word Power:

1. My answering machine was blinking, but I didn’t expect any great messages at this hour. 2. She is a great reader. It’s always a pleasure to talk to her. 3. Mr. Perkins took this part of his work with great seriousness. 4. He had heard that statement so often, and he couldn’t see why it was true; they didn’t know the conditions as he did, why should they accept it as self-evident that their greater age gave them greater wisdom? 5. They liked plain food, plainly prepared - roast beef and broiled chicken and burgers. 6. Plain girls marry earlier, statistically, then pretty ones. 7. His hair was as black and as long as ever, and he had plainly never learned to brush it; it fell over his forehead with every gesture, and he had a quick movement of the hand with which he pushed it back from his eyes. 8. But after a while the fish started to smell good and Vix discovered it didn’t taste that bad except for the bones. 9. Lemon drops taste like betrayal. 10. Once Victoria gets a taste of another way of life, once she spends summer with a girl like Caitlin Somers, she’ll be lost to them. 11. He was wearing a tasteful and expensive-looking gray suit, a crisp white shirt, and a necktie. 12. For most good girls, the whole idea of prenuptial agreement is tremendously distasteful. 13. We were treated to a good dinner at their house. 14. Lamb managed to make his way to the hospital, where he was treated for a broken arm. 15. When Caitlin introduced Vix to Sharkey she said, “You’d better treat her right”. “I treat all your friends right,” Sharkey said. 16. Legally, you have a right to a clear explanation of any proposed medical treatment, including any risks and any alternatives. 17. Having your husband, sister, or best friend standing by also reminds your doctor, that you’re a real human being, not just another disease to be treated. 18. The biggest boy in the dormitory took a dislike to him, and Phillip, small for his age, had to put up with a good deal of bad treatment. 19. If she had treated him with civility he would have been perfectly indifferent to her; but it was obvious that she disliked him, and his pride was wounded. 20. I knew I shouldn’t think this, but my daughter had never struck me as very appealing. She had all her life been a few pounds overweight, with a dish-shaped face and colorless hair and a soft, pink, half-open mouth, the upper lip short enough to expose her top front teeth. 21. If the lawyer was young enough to be her grandson, he could be Sophia’s age. 22. “Jessica and Nick dine at five-thirty” I said, “and what’s good enough for them is good enough for me.” 23. I’ve had enough of him. I don’t want to see him again. 24 Most of it was palatable, though the cod was not to his liking: tough, more like an old piece of rope than food. 25. It is an unwritten law that people who don’t cook and who do not savor food own the finest and most fabulously equipped kitchens, and Mike was no exception. 26. Dogs shouldn’t eat just anything, they should eat a properly balanced diet. 27. The diet the Romans introduced into Britain was appetizing indeed: pheasant and fallow deer; figs and mulberries; walnuts and chestnuts, parsley, mint and thyme; onions, radishes, turnips, lentils and cabbage. 28. On further inspection, the girl wasn’t merely thin, some of her ribs were visible: she was undernourished.

Exercise 18

Fill in the gaps:

A. with the prepositions and connecting words, where it is necessary

1. It’ll take her a great deal……..time to get over his betrayal.

2. It was plain ……..everybody that Maude was not happy.

3. It’s plain…… they are not going to sign this contract.

4. His joke about her divorce was……..the worst possible taste.

5. Add salt……..taste.

6. Even at a young age he had a taste……..books.

7. I asked for a plain ice cream, but the one you gave me tastes……..vanilla.

8. As a sign of gratitude, let me treat you……..a dinner in your favorite restaurant.

9. After the fire she was treated……..smoke inhalation.

10. She treated herself……..a nice hot bubble bath.

11. We all treated my grandfather……..the greatest respect.

12. I’m telling you, the best treatment……..depression is being with others.

13. Light concussion is usually treated……..bed rest.

14. He doesn’t have enough experience……..a classroom teacher.

15. They have enough……..uranium to build more than 30 000 bombs.

16. I read enough……..the article to get the main idea.

17. Don’t ask questions – there’ll be time enough……..that later.

18. I’m afraid we don’t have enough forks and knives……..everyone.

19. I can’t fasten my jeans – I’ll have to go……..a diet.

20. During the war, many people had to survive on a diet……..home-grown fruit and vegetables.

B. with words and set expressions from Word Power:

1. Nick was a good-natured guy who hated lying, that’s why he spoke everything……………. 2. Here is the golden rule which I always follow: “…………… others like you want them to……………you!” 3. She was undergoing……………for breast cancer. 4. ……..….are being sold in the lobby. 5. This is a……………opportunity to raise money for our new play ground. 6. I’ve never……………figs, but I heard they are very nice. 7. She has offered us a few……………snacks. 8. She’s a……………reader of biographies; I bet she will want to write her own biography soon. 9. With luck he would be back inside of Leicester’s within an hour, eating his favorite dish, the chicken breast, which …………… especially good with red wine. 10. Her CD collection was a……………selection of music. 11. Visitors will be able to……………different types of wine. 12. Poor……………can affect the unborn child. 13. There’s a……………difference in the attitudes of town and country people. 14. I’ve……………the milk and it’s definitely off. 15. The refugees have taken no……………for 24 hours. 16. “Would you like something more to eat?” – “No, thanks, I’ve had……………” 17. Speak……………and no one will misunderstand you. 18. I’ve had a……………argument with my girlfriend. 19. We……………the soup and found the flavor surprisingly delicate. 20. A wide variety of……………is available in the local market. 21. Hugh’s message was short, but the meaning was……………enough.

Exercise 19

Fighting fit. How much do you know about keeping fit? Read the following statements and say if they are True or False. Explain your point of view.


1. If you take more exercise, your appetite will increase and keep you from losing weight.__________

2. Exercises change fat into mussels._________

3. A good way to lose weight is to take exercise which makes you sweat heavily.__________

4. Vitamin pills can give an extra burst of energy.___________

5. Workout is not necessary for losing weight. Dieting itself is enough.________

6. To burn up the calories contained in a 4 oz (approx. 110 g.) bar of chocolate you must walk for over 2 hours at 4 m.p.h. (approx. 6.5 km.p.h.)._________

7. A high protein, low carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight. ________

8. People who do not eat meat, fish or poultry are not as healthy as those who do._________

9. When dieting you should avoid starchy foods such as bread and potatoes._______

10. Eating between meals is bad for you._______

11. A large lunch won’t cause you to put on as much weight as a meal of the same size eaten in the evening.________

12. If your diet is varied you must be getting proper nourishment._______

13. A glass of wine or a glass of scotch will help you sleep tight.________

14. People averagely need eight or nine hours of night sleep._________

15. Sleeping less than five hours a night shortens your life expectancy._________

16. Laughter helps to keep fit._________

Exercise 20

Translate from Russian into English:

1. Ясно как день, что он плохо готовит. Его суп всегда очень соленый, говядина недожарена, а картошка очень жирная (много масла). Его чай на вкус как крепкий вкус кофе, а его кофе безвкусен. Он даже не знает, куда убирать посуду.

2. Давайте побалуем себя обедом в морском ресторанчике. Я хочу настоящего пира. Мне хочется отведать жареный кальмар, вареных омаров, сырых мидий, свежих крабов и супа из акулы. Конечно, это дело вкуса, но морепродукты – моя любимая еда. Я угощаю.

3. Многие специалисты не советуют питаться в ресторанах быстрого питания, а есть полезную пищу. Ваш стол должен быть разнообразен и питателен. Нужно кушать много овощей, зелени, творога и других молочных продуктов. Если вы хотите похудеть, необязательно садиться на диету, просто забудьте про приправы: горчицу и перец. Вместо растительного масла пользуйтесь яблочным уксусом. Десерты теперь тоже не для вас, вам лучше поесть черешни или ананаса, они сладкие, но от них не потолстеешь.

4. Лена всегда одевается очень просто, но со вкусом. Даже ее квартира обставлена со вкусом. Там достаточно мебели, но она вся простая. Лена даже говорит простым понятным языком.

5. Он заболел. Его лечат постельным режимом и лекарствами. Все за него переживают, а он замечательно проводит время. К нему теперь особое отношение. Однако, не носите ему вкусных блюд, у него особый режим питания.

Exercise 21

Read and answer the questions:


to health and slim figure

  1. Do have breakfast!

Possible drawbacks:

- you don’t have breakfast at all (you just have a tea or a coffee)

- you have breakfast but it’s not substantial (your breakfast should be 35-40 % of day food)

- you don’t have vegetables for breakfast (it’s enough to add some lettuce or cucumber to your sandwich)

Do you have breakfast every morning? What do you prefer to have?


  1. Write a list of food that you should buy for a week.

You shouldn’t forget the most important things:

- 5-7 kg fruit and vegetables (fresh or frozen)

- 700-1000 gr meat and fish (chicken fillet, salmon, lean beef, veal, pork or mutton)

- 6 eggs

- 1 kg cereals and pasta (oats, buckwheat, rice and millet)

- a lot of dairy (skim milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese and cheese made of skim milk)

- a little bit of sweets (mostly black chocolate, dried fruit and ice-cream)

How much of these do you eat? What are your favorite products? What do you like and dislike? What do you never eat?

  1. Remember about proportions.

Well-balanced diet must consist of the right proportion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. 50% of your ration must be raw, boiled or steamed vegetables and fresh fruit: 25% of it protein food such as meat, fish, fowl, eggs, beans: and the last 25% must be potatoes, cereals, pasta and forget about buns, sweet, biscuits.

How balanced is your everyday diet? How should you change it in order to make it well-proportioned?


  1. Be careful at having snack.

Having right eating habits, still you might consume more calories than you need by having snack. When you think that you are hungry, at first drink a glass of water, maybe you just confuse hunger with being thirsty.

If water is not enough, then follow these two rules:

- place everything that you eat on the plate (never eat from the can, packet or box or you’ll never know how much you’ve eaten. Put everything on the plate; this way you’ll be able to control the amount of food that you’re going to consume)

- never combine eating with any other activity (when you watch TV or read a book, you’ll eat more than enough as you don’t understand if you are full or not. You just keep on eating)

Do you have snacks? What do you eat when you feel hungry and it’s not lunch or dinner time yet? Do you usually eat when you are really hungry or you might eat just to keep your friends company, or when you feel depressed or maybe happy?


  1. Learn how to stop.

Try to stop eating before you feel full. The feeling of satiation will come right after it. It takes time for the impulse that says that you’re full enough to get from the stomach to your brain. If you chew the food carefully, you’ll eat only half of the dish but will feel satiation.

How fast do you eat? Are you usually the first or the last to finish your meal?

  1. Choose lean meat.

Good protein food is not only chicken and fish. Any kind of meat is good for health.

Follow the rules:

- the meat should be lean, i.e. without fat

- it must be boiled, roasted, grilled or barbecued but never fried

- your steak mustn’t be large, your day size must look like a bar of chocolate.

Do you prefer meat or fish? What kind of meat or fish do you usually have?

  1. Don’t starve.

Strict diets are harmful for your health. You shouldn’t starve, but you should be aware of what you eat.

- reduce your carbohydrates intake (in order to lose weight it is necessary to cut down your daily value for 10-20%. Stop eating sweets, white bread and buns. Having snack, eat fruit and vegetables. Vegetables are more preferable as they have a lot of vitamins but less sugar. If you have choice between an apple, an orange and berries, choose berries)

- buy your food at the local market (eat more seasonal fruit and vegetables, berries and greens. Choose fresh meat and fish, not frozen one)

Do you have your secrets how to lose or gain weight?


Related reading

Exercise 22

Read the text and tell why it is so important not to skip breakfasts:


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