Footwear, millinery, knitted goods, leather goods, textiles hosiery,

List of words (vocabulary)

NEF Student’s book

p. 21 text

p. 22 text

+ all the rage: clothes

p. 26 text

p. 28 ex. 2

p. 26 ex. 3

+ Airplane: vocabulary

p. 37 ex. 2

p. 39 text

+ Crime: vocabulary

p. 40 text


p. 15 text

p. 17 text

p. 24 ex. 1

p. 25 text



Unit 3

p. 32 ex. 2a

p. 35 ex. 3a

p. 32 ex. 3a

p. 41 ex. 4c

Unit 4

p. 44, ex. 2B

p. 45 ex. 5A

p. 48 ex. 4A

GRAMMAR (NEF; Speakout)

1) used to/ would/ be,get used to

2) future forms

3) countable/ uncountable nouns

4) mirror questions

5) narrative tenses

6) use of adverbs – adverbs and adverbial phrases

7) regrets – I wish/ if only/ should have

8) adjective order

GRAMMAR (Arakin)

1) Future simple. Future continuous. To be able / to have in future simple. Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition.

2) Sequence of Tenses.

3) The Future in the Past.

4) The Past Perfect Tense.

5) The Passive Voice.

6) The Complex Object

7) Some Verbs and Word Combinations Followed by a Gerund

8) The Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

9) The Present Continuous Tense. Special Questions in Indirect speech. Imperative sentences in Indirect Speech.

10) The Present Perfect Tense

11) The Past Indefinite Tense. Past Continuous Tense. Statements in Indirect Speech.


Fruits and vegetables.

Lesson 15


keep (kept, kept) vt / i держаться; оставаться (в известном состоя нии); to keep fine, e. g. The weather kept fine.

dull adj пасмурный; Ant. bright

splash vt забрызгивать, брызгать(ся), e. g. The driver splashed mud on the passers by.

fog n туман; a thick fog густой туман; foggy adj туманный, e. g. It is foggy.

spread (spread, spread) vt/i простираться, расстилаться,

e. g. A green valley spread before us; to spread over smth.,

e. g. The water spread over the floor.

light (up) (lit, lit/lighted) vt/i зажигать(ся), освещать,

e. g. The lamps are lit in the streets. Our houses are lighted by the electricity.

beastly adj ужасный, противный; Syn. nasty; beast n зверь, жи вотное; Comp. animal

hardly adv с трудом, едва, e. g. I could hardly understand her. hard adv сильно; Syn. heavily, e. g. It is raining hard (heavily);

hard adj сильный, as a hard frost

frost n мороз; frosty adj морозный; freeze (froze, frozen) vt замер зать, покрываться льдом; e. g. It’s freezing hard.

sparkle vi сверкать; Syn. shine

icicle n сосулька

slide (slid, slid) vi / t скользить; кататься no льду thaw n оттепель

float vi / t плыть (по течению, по воздуху), e. g. A lot of red and green balloons floated in the air.

harvest n жатва, уборка хлеба; урожай

degree n градус, e. g. We had 25 degrees above (below) zero yes


close adj душный, e. g. Open the window. It’s very close here.

Syn. stuffy

breath n дыхание; зä. дуновение, e. g. At last we felt a breath of fresh air; breathe vt / i дышать, e. g. The child was breathing hard.

weather forecast n прогноз погоды

remain vi оставаться, e. g. In England the fields and the parks re main green even in winter; Syn. stay

drizzle n мелкий дождь, изморось; drizzle vi, e. g. It’s drizzling. thunderstorm n гроза; thunder n гром; a clap of thunder удар


overcast adj покрытый облаками; хмурый (о небе)

pour vt / i лить, литься; наливать, e. g. It’s pouring, Льет дождь. Pour yourself a cup of milk.

fortunately adv к счастью; Ant. unfortunately

tremendous adj страшный, громадный; Syn. awful, terrible lightning n молния, e. g. A flash of lightning lit up the sky.

worth predic. adj заслуживающий, стоящий; to be worth doing smth., e. g. It’s not worth thinking about.


season, to shine brightly; to be out of doors; to be in blossom (to be in bloom); flower bed; to cycle; to boat; to fish; to go cy cling (boating, fishing); to bathe, to swim; to lie in the sun; to play with a ball; to play tennis (football); to play a game of chess (tennis); to pick flowers, to pick (gather) berries and mushrooms; to travel by car; at the seaside; on the beach; on the bank of the river

to blow; to go skating; skating rink; to toboggan; flakes of snow; sleet; sledge; slush; to get wet through; melt

Lesson 16


be tired after устать от, e. g. They were tired after having practice in hearing and pronunciation. If you are tired of London, go down to the sea. be tired (of) надоесть; be sick and tired надоесть до смерти; e. g. I am sick and tired of this noise.

a lot (of) много. The following word combinations are all translated into Russian with the word «много». Mind their usage and the way prepositions are used: a great deal (of), a good deal (of) are used with uncountable nouns, e. g. He spends a good (great) deal of time at the language laboratory. She plays the piano a good (great) deal. a great number of, a great many are used with countable nouns, e. g. There is a great number of old newspapers in the desk. I saw a great many needles in the working basket. a lot of, plenty of are used both with countable and uncountable nouns, e. g. There is a lot (plenty) of fruit in the shop today. There are a lot (plenty) of tooth brushes on the shelf. He knows a lot.

Mind the way of strengthening the meaning of the given word combinations: He knows a lot more than you think. I can tell you a great deal more on the subject.

get everything arranged все уладить, приготовить, e. g. Robert and Tom got everything arranged for their excursion.

very adj тот самый, e. g. At that very moment Mrs. Hilton told them that it was high time for everybody to go to bed. He is the very person we want to see.

settle vt улаживать, решать; назначать, определять, e. g. It was not difficult to settle the question. Syn. decide vt / i решать, e. g. She decided to leave Nick at home.

realize vt 1. представлять себе; понимать, осознавать. Syn. understand (understood, understood) vt, e. g. The man was very quiet. He didn’t realize the danger. 2. осуществлять, реализовать, e. g. The plan was hard to realize (fulfil). But: It’s necessary to understand the rule before doing this exercise. I don’t understand why he has left.

indoors adv дома; out of doors на улице; indoor games: chess, draughts, lotto, dominoes, etc.; outdoor games: football, golf, cricket, hockey, etc.

Mind the stresses in the following word combinations: indoor

games, but to stay in doors; out of doors.

watch television (TV) смотреть телевизор, e. g. The Leonovs bought a TV set and invited the neighbours to watch TV. to see

(watch) the TV programme смотреть телевизионною передачу, e. g. I’m sorry you didn’t see the TV programme on Sunday evening. It was really interesting.

week end n Sunday, with parts of Saturday and sometimes of Mon day, as a period of rest or as a holiday. Mind the use of prepositions: to do something at the week end, to go somewhere for the week end.

start (for some place) vt / i 1. отправляться, пускаться в путь, e. g. The family started for the railway station. 2. Начинать что л., e. g. The machine started working.

unusually adv необычно, e. g. He thought that Jane looked unusu ally pretty that day. Ant. usually обычно, e. g. He usually takes a cold shower at 8 o’clock, as usual как обычно, e. g. He took off his coat and hung it on the hook as usual.

to feel (look) unhappy (happy, bad, chilly, etc.) чувствовать себя (выглядеть, казаться) несчастным (счастливым), чувствовать себя (выглядеть) плохо, чувствовать озноб, but to feel (look) well чувствовать себя (выглядеть) хорошо, e. g. He always feels happy when he comes to his native town. She felt chilly and swam ashore. Ann looked surprisingly beautiful in her black dress. John looked well in spite of his illness.

to be about to собираться сделать что л., e. g. They were about to leave the house when the telephone bell rang.

besides adv кроме того; beside prp около, возле, e. g. X. is a won derful singer and a good pianist besides. There was a house beside the river.

expensive adj дорогой, e. g. The hat is too expensive, I can’t buy it. Syn. dear (разг.), e. g. Isn’t the toy dear? Ant. cheap дешевый, e. g. The cheapest things cannot be very good.

at the seaside у моря, на взморье

Note: shore n берег моря, океана, озера, as the shore of the Black Sea; bank n берег реки, as the bank of the Moskva river; coast n побережье, as the coast of France; the Black Sea coast; beach n пляж, e. g. Robert and his Grandpa sometimes spent their time on the beach.

as good as gold золотой, примерный (о поведении, о нравствен ных качествах)

to catch up (with smb.) догонять, e. g. It’s easy to catch up with him, he is walking slowly. Mary was afraid that she would not be able to catch up with the group after her illness.

to splash about брызгаться, плескаться

I’d rather (I would rather) я пожалуй, я предпочел бы, e. g. I’d rather swim ashore.

Compare: You’d better (You had better)вам бы лучше, e. g. You’d better go now = It would be better for you to go now.

Lesson 17

visit n посещение, визит,as a visit to a friend, a visit to the Crimea:visit vt посещать, навещать,e. g. They visited the Ivanovs on Sunday.

Syn. attend vt посещать регулярно (лекции, собрания),as to attend lectures, meetings, classes

tourist n турист, путешественник; tour n путешествие, экскур сия, поездка; to make a tour of (some place) объехать, осмотреть,

e. g. We made a tour of the new metro stations.

arrive vi прибывать, приезжать.Syn. come vi;to arrive in при быть, приехать (в страну, в большой город),e. g. A large group of tourists from England arrived in Russia. We arrived in Moscow in the evening. to arrive at прибыть, приехать (в небольшой населенный пункт),e. g. She arrived at Abramtsevo. We arrived at the station to meet our friend.arrival n прибытие, приезд,e. g. I saw him on the day of his arrival.

place of interest достопримечательность

so that для того чтобы

idea n представление, идея,e. g. That’s a good idea, let’s visit Kiev in winter. to get an idea of smth. получать представление,e. g. I’d like to get an idea of his character. to give an idea дать общее представле ние,e. g. This book gives you a good idea of life in England.

straight adj прямой,as a straight line (street, road, etc.);straight adv прямо,as to stand straight; go (carry) straight on идите прямо

broad adj широкий;Syn. wide,e. g. We need broad roads now that there are so many motor cars.Ant.narrow

avenue n проспект

impress vt производить впечатление,e. g. The book didn’t impress me at all. impression n впечатление; to make an impression on smb.

производить впечатление на кого л., e. g. His speech made a great impression on the audience.

busy adj 1.занятый; to be busy (doing smth.)быть занятым, e. g. I was busy getting ready for the journey. 2.оживленный, беспо койный, суетливый, e. g. Tverskaya Street is one of the busiest streets in Moscow.

suggest vt предлагать, выдвигать идею, предложение.Syn. offer. The verbto suggest is never followed by an infinitive. The direct object following the verbto suggest may be expressed by a noun, a gerund or a clause. He suggests, suggested a walk in the park. {(our) taking a walk in the park. that we (he, she, they) should take a walk in the park.

offer vt предлагать. The direct object following the verb to offer may be expressed by a noun or an infinitive.

satisfy vt удовлетворять;Ant. dissatisfy,e. g. The teacher was sat isfied with the student’s answer. satisfactory adj удовлетворительный;

Ant. unsatisfactory,e. g. She got a satisfactory mark at the exam.

immense adj огромный,as immense distance, height; immensely dv чрезвычайно, очень,e. g. Our guests were surprised at the im mense size of Moscow. Their trip was immensely interesting.

magnificent adj величественный, великолепный;Syn. splendid, excellent as a magnificent building (hotel, house)

to be situated быть расположенным,e. g. The village is situated on the bank of the river Volga.

crowd n толпа;crowded adj переполненный, битком набитый; overcrowded p. p., e. g. The bus was overcrowded.

cross vt пересекать, переходить (улицу), crossing n переход,e. g. Cross busy streets at crossings. (subway n подземный переход). across prp через, по ту сторону,e. g. There is a bridge across the river. to come across smth. случайно натолкнуться,e. g. I came across a very interesting phrase in the cross out вычеркивать,e. g. Two of the words were crossed out.

direction n направление; in the direction of в направлении, e. g. I saw her walking in the direction of the Institute. direct adj

прямой, as a direct line, direct speech, direct object

surprise vt удивлять, поражать, e. g. I was surprised to see the cat playing with the dog. to be surprised at smth. удивляться, e. g. I was surprised at seeing her there. surprise n удивление, e. g. To my great surprise his plan succeeded. in surprise с удивлением, e. g. The girl looked at us in surprise.

sights n pl достопримечательности, as to see the sights of Moscow;

Syn. places of interest, e. g. They were shown a lot of places of interest during their tour. sightseeing n осмотр достопримечательностей; to go sightseeing осматривать достопримечательности

sign n знак, e. g. a traffic sign

manage vt справляться, успевать (в чем л.), e. g. I didn’t manage to go to the library today, I had no time.

castle n замок

attraction n привлекательность, e. g. The picture gallery is one of the greatest attractions of our town. attract vt привлекать, притяги вать; to attract one’s attention привлекать чье л, внимание


get on/off (a bus); to put down at...; down/up the street; at the bottom of the street; take bus No. 7. change for bus No. 7; it’s a five minutes’ walk from here; take the first turning to the left/right; what/how much is the fare?; full up/packed; traffic regulations/lights; right/left hand traffic: heavy/light traffic; one way traffic; peak/rush hours; industrial area; shopping area/cen tre; outskirts; outstanding; tower

Lesson 18

department store n универсальный магазин

ready made clothes/clothes department отдел готовой одежды;

footwear, millinery, knitted goods, leather goods, textiles hosiery,

haberdashery, cosmetics (departments) отделы: обувь, головные убо

ры, трикотаж, кожгалантерея, чулки носки, галантерея, косметика

pretty adj хорошенький; Syn. good looking, beautiful; handsome

(usually about men)

cut n покрой, e. g. The saleswoman assured Eliza that the cut of the coat was fashionable. cut (cut, cut) vt резать; proverb: Cut your coat according to your cloth.

fashion n мода; Syn. style, e. g. Take this coat. It’s the latest fashion (style). in fashion в моде, e. g. Such shoes are in fashion now. out of fashion не в моде, e. g. This cut is out of fashion now. fashionable adj e. g. Alice has gone shopping and is sure to buy a fashionable hat. old fashioned adj, e. g. I don’t like old fashioned furniture.

to help smb. on with smth. помочь надеть что л.; to help smb. off with smth. помочь снять что л.

become (became, become) vt / i идти, быть к лицу, e. g. I don’t think it’s very becoming. Compare the use of the verbs to become (in the meaning «быть к лицу»), to fit, to match, to go with, to suit. fit vt

сидеть, годиться, быть впору, e. g. The dress fits her like a glove. match vt подходить no цвету, тону, e. g. She is going to buy a hat to match her new coat. go with vi подходить (по фактуре, стилю), соот ветствовать, e. g. That cardigan does not go with a silk skirt. suit vt

подходить, соответствовать, идти к лицу (is the most general term), e. g. The costume suits her. She looks smart in it.

size n размер, e. g. What size shoe(s) do you wear? What size glove(s) do you wear? What size clothes do you wear?

loose adj широкий, свободный; to be loose on smb., e. g. The frock’s a bit loose on me. Ant. tight: to be tight on smb., e. g. The coat is tight on him. The shoes are tight on me.

How much is it? What is the price of...? What does it cost? Сколько это стоит? The expressions are used only in the process of shopping. Compare the use of tenses in the following situation: “I bought a new hat yesterday.” “Really? How much was it?” (“What was the price?”)

cashier n кассир; cash desk n касса. Note other English words corresponding to the Russian word «касса»: box office at the theatre; booking office at a railway station

to try on smth. примерять что л.

wear (wore, worn) vt 1. носить, быть одетым в..., e. g. He always wears a grey hat. Kitty was wearing, a lovely pink dress that night.

Syn. to be dressed in smth.; to have smth. on, e. g. She was dressed in a light summer frock. She had a light summer frock on. 2. vi носиться (о платье, материи и т. ä.) e. g. Does that material wear well?

advise vt советовать, e. g. The teacher strongly advised him to work more at the language laboratory. advice n совет; Pay attention

to the use of the noun advice which is uncountable, e. g. We got so much good advice from him. Compare it with the Russian word «совет» which is countable. The following English uncountable nouns also correspond to Russian countable nouns: knowledge, money, weather, hair, work, information, news.

made of... сделанный из..., as made of leather, wood, etc.

to run out of smth. истощить свой запас, e. g. We’ve run out of sugar. У нас кончился сахар.

to have hardly any, e. g. We’ve hardly any bread in the house. У нас почти не осталось хлеба дома.

turn n зä. очередь; in turn по очереди, e. g. Speak in turn, please. I can’t understand you when you are talking together. Note the trans lation of the Russian combination «стоять в очереди за чем либо» — to stand in a queue (line) for something.

the greengrocer’s овощной магазин

the baker’s булочная, e. g. I met her at the baker’s yesterday. the grocer’s магазин «Бакалея»; the butcher’s мясной магазин. Note also the names of some other shops: provision shop продуктовый магазин; fishmonger’s рыбный магазин; fruit shop фруктовый магазин; confectionery кондитерская; dairy молочная; supermarket магазин самообслуживания; shopping centre торговый центр

Oh, bother! Какая досада!

It was... who (that), e. g. It was Nelly who did all the shopping.

Это Нелли сделала все покупки. The word combination it is (was)...

who (that) is used to emphasize the subject.

to do shopping, to go shopping делать покупки, e. g. Boys don’t like to do shopping. Mary likes to go shopping in the morning, when there are fewer people.

as well adv также; Syn. too, also, e. g. Everybody was eager to go sightseeing. Ann wanted to see the town as well.

model adj образцовый, e. g. Tom Sawyer hated the model boy because he was so good. model n образец, модель, e. g. Sentences must be formed according to this model.

sigh vi вздыхать; sigh n вздох

expect vt ожидать, предполагать, полагать, думать; e. g. I expect a letter any day now. Everybody expects he will come tomorrow.

Syn. to wait ждать. Whom are you waiting for? I am waiting for a friend of mine. Note that wait refers to physical activities (e. g. to sit and wait) while expect denotes supposition, looking forward to smth.


Kinds of clothes: coat, shirt, blouse, cardigan, sweater, skirt, suit, trousers, shorts, a pull over, dressing gown, jersey, jeans, corduroy trousers (corduroys).

Articles of clothing: socks, stockings, scarf, muffler, kerchief, gloves, mittens, tie, handkerchief, tights, pyjamas, nightgown, underwear (undies).

Parts of clothes: collar, sleeve, belt.

Footwear: slippers, sandals, sport shoes, walking shoes, court shoes, rubber boots, training shoes (trainers).

Textiles: silk, cotton (print), velvet, woollen cloth.

Jewellery: ring, bracelet, ear rings, chain, brooch, necklace.

Cereals: buckwheat, rice.

Meat: beef, pork, mutton, chicken, goose, duck, tinned meat.

Fish: herring, sprats, smoked fish, tinned fish.

Dairy products: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese.

Confectionery: biscuits, cakes, chocolate, pastry.

Vegetables: onions, turnips, melon, water melon, cauliflower, lettuce, radish, parsley, celery.

Lesson 19


refuse vt отказывать(ся); Ant. accept, e. g. Irene refused Soames

several times before she accepted him, refusal n

accept vt принимать; to accept a present (invitation, offer, help, plan) but to receive guests (visitors)

doubt vt / i сомневаться, e. g. We doubted whether he would follow your advice. doubt n; no doubt, e. g. There is no doubt he tells the


excite n возбуждать, волновать, e. g. The performance excited Jean so greatly that she could hardly speak. excited p. p. взволнован ный; to be (look, feel) excited; excitement n

seat n место в театре; in the stalls в партере; in the orchestra stalls в первых рядах партера; in the pit stalls в задних рядах парте ра; in the pit в амфитеатре; in the dress circle в бельэтаже; in the upper circle в первом ярусе; Syn. in the balcony на балконе; in a box

в ложе; in the gallery на галерке

stage n сцена; e. g. When the singer came onto the stage there was a storm of applause. stage vt, e. g. This play was staged by K. S. Stanis lavsky.

program(me) n; to be on the programme в программе, e. g. My favourite songs were on the programme.

the lights went down огни погасли

rise (rose, risen) vi 1. подниматься, подняться, e. g. He slowly rose to his feet. 2. взойти (о солнце), e. g. When the sun rose we started off. Note: raise vt поднять: to raise one’s head (hat, voice, etc.), e. g. At seeing Fleur he raised his hat. Syn. put up, e. g. If you want to ask a question put up your hand.

scene n сцена, картина (о пьесе), e. g. I like the final (last) scene in that ballet, scenery n (used only in the singular) декорации, e. g. The scenery was beautiful. The scene is laid in Paris.

act n акт, действие, e. g. I like the second act of “Swan Lake” most of all. actor, actress n актер, актриса, as a great (famous, popular, talented, favourite) actor; act vi действовать, e. g. He had to act at once. There was no time to lose. active adj активный, as an active person (support, part, etc.). Our students take an active part in school life. Ant. passive

to play the part of играть роль

leading adj ведущий, главный; leading article передовая статья, передовица

delight n восторг

charming adj очаровательный, e. g. The doctor was a charming young woman. charm vt, n, e. g. We were all charmed by her manners. His short stories have a charm of style that cannot be found in other writers.

to be in love with smb. быть влюбленным в кого л., e. g. Fleur was in love with Jon. to fall in love with smb. (at first sight) влюбить ся в кого л. (с первого взгляда)

touch vt трогать; касаться; волновать, e. g. Her story touched the listeners. touch n прикосновение; touching adj трогательный, e. g. We were excited by this touching scene.

support vt поддерживать, e. g. Michael helped his father to support their family. support n поддержка, e. g. I need your friendly support.

carefully adv аккуратно, тщательно; осторожно, e. g. He took the baby carefully in his arms. care n уход, забота, e. g. The car needs constant care. to take care of ухаживать за, присматривать, e. g. He took care of the flowers in the garden. Syn. look after, care (for smb.)

питать интерес, любить, e. g. I don’t care much for fish. I don’t care! Мне все равно. careful adj. 1. осторожный, e. g. I’ll be careful with your books. be careful not to смотри, не..., e. g. Be careful not to lose the tickets. 2. тщательный, as careful work (preparation, examination); careless adj 1. небрежный, as careless person (work, attitude);

2. беззаботный, as careless little singing birds

death n смерть; Ant. life, e. g. After his parents’ death little Shannon was brought up by his grandparents. die vi, e. g. Her father died when the girl was twelve. dead adj, e. g. When the doctor came the old man was already dead.

applause n аплодисменты; a storm of applause буря аплодисмен тов, e. g. There was a storm of applause when the curtain rose. The scenery was wonderful indeed. applaud vi, e. g. As soon as we saw the famous actor we began to applaud to him.

curtain call вызов актера на сцену

ticket n билет, as a ticket to the theatre (cinema), a ticket for a play (performance, etc.)

the first night премьера

the play is worth seeing пьесу стоит посмотреть

to call for smb. зайти за кем л., e. g. I’ll call for you and we shall go there together. to call on smb. зайти к кому л., e. g. Last night I called on Ann. She’s ill as you know.

That suits me perfectly. Это меня очень устраивает.


opera, drama, comedy, circus, variety show, concert, concert hall, conservatoire, symphony music, composer, conductor, cloak room, refreshment room, attendant, rehearsal (dress rehearsal), matinйe, opera glasses

Lesson 20


lovely adj прелестный, прекрасный, чудесный; Syn. beautiful, pret ty, good looking, as a lovely child (girl, woman), a lovely day; lovely eyes, hair, e. g. We had a lovely time. What lovely weather! Note the adjectives with the

same suffix ly: friendly дружеский ;lonely одинокий ;kindly добродушный handsome adj красивый; Syn. beautiful, e. g. a handsome boy (man), but a beautiful girl (woman); a handsome face, handsome appearance

deserve vt; to deserve attention (punishment, reward, praise, love, etc.) заслуживать внимания (наказания, награды, похвалы, любви и т. д.), e. g. He hasn’t deserved that from you. They deserved praise for what they had done.

merry adj веселый; as a merry child (look, game, company, song), a merry face, merry eyes; merrily adv весело

industrious adj трудолюбивый; Syn. hard working

wrinkle n морщина, e. g. There were merry wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. wrinkled adj морщинистый, e. g. Her face was old and wrinkled.

inform vt / i сообщать, информировать, уведомлять; Syn. Let know, e. g. We must inform them immediately. to inform smb. of smth., e. g. You must inform the post office of the change in your address. to inform smb. that..., e. g. We informed them that there would be a meeting on Thursday. information n (no pl.! no indefinite article!) све дения, сообщения, e. g. I want some information about this town. useful (interesting) information; to get (receive) information, to give information

amuse vt забавлять, развлекать, смешить, e. g. The sight of the child amused us. amusing adj забавный, as an amusing story (child, incident, play, scene)

to go (away) to sea стать моряком now and then время от времени

regret vt сожалеть, пожалеть о..., e. g. You will regret your words. to regret doing smth., e. g. He will regret telling a lie.

to make a fortune разбогатеть; fortunately; unfortunately adv to save money копить деньги

to have the (a) chance of иметь случай, возможность, e. g. If you have the chance of listening to this singer you’ll enjoy it.

respect n уважение; respect vt; respectable adj, e. g. His life and work deserve everybody‘s respect. We must respect her desires.

he had made a success of his life он хорошо прожил свою жизнь; success n успех; to be a success; successful adj, e. g. The actress was a success yesterday.

boast vt / i хвалиться, хвастаться; гордиться, e. g. He boasted that he could easily get tickets to any theatre. The young actress boasted of

her success. The Muscovites boast of the magnificent palaces of the metro.

Will you do me a favour... Не будете ли вы любезны...

to be (look) like выглядеть; быть похожим на, e. g. She is like her mother. What is the weather like? What does he look like? to take after smb. быть похожим (унаследовать внешность, черты характе ра), e. g. Her son took after her husband.

the trouble is... беда (дело) в том, что...; trouble n, vt / i, e. g. You mustn’t trouble about your mother’s health. She is all right. Proverb: Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

at 5 sharp ровно в пять


People’s Appearance

Figure: tall, short, middle sized; stout, thin, slim; straight, stooping

Face: thin, plump, fat; oval, round, square; beautiful, hand some, good looking; lovely, pretty, attractive; common, plain, ugly

Complexion: rosy, pale; fresh, dark, fair

Eyes: blue, brown, hazel, dark, grey; deep set, close set, wide set

(Eye) lashes: long, short, curving, straight

(Eye) brows: straight, arched, pencilled, bushy

Forehead: broad, narrow; low, high

Nose: straight, hooked, turned up, snub(bed)

Mouth: large, small, tiny, red.

Lips: thin, full, thick

Hair: long, short; curly, straight; red, brown, dark, fair, grey, chestnut, golden; thick; to wear one’s hair long, short; to wear a beard, a moustache

Arms and legs: long, short; shapely, small

to gain (lose) weight; to keep fit


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