Situation 1.
You are going to travel on business abroad and you are calling to the Embassy to find out about a business visa.
Situation 2.
You are going to travel to London for 10 days for pleasure and you are calling to find out everything connected with a tourist visa.
Situation 3.
You meet your foreign partner at the airport. You haven’t seen him for a long time. Speak to him.
You travel by plane to London. You don’t know airport formalities for the international flights. Speak to your colleague who is an experienced international flight traveler.
Situation 5.
You are booking a plane reservation. You are speaking to a clerk.
Situation 6.
You are booking a plane reservation. You are speaking to a clerk.
You are on the way back from your business trip to Moscow. You are registering your ticket and weighing in your luggage. Speak to an official.
Situation 8.
You travel on board the plane. Speak to a stewardess and find out everything about the service during the flight.
Situation 9.
You travel on board the plane and feel yourself not quite well. You speak to a person sitting next to you.
Situation 10.
You have come to a custom’s desk and answer the questions of the custom’s official.
Situation 11.
You have arrived to a big city and would like to rent a car. Speak to an official at the car rental agency.
Situation 12.
You have to travel to a small city by bus and have come to a bus depot (автовокзал). You speak to a clerk.
Situation 13.
You have just been married and would like to spend your honeymoon abroad. You speak to a travel agent.
Situation 14.
You are at the airport and you would like to change your reservation. Speak to the clerk.
Situation 15.
You are talking to a travel agent about your holiday trip.
II. Staying at a hotel
Situation 1.
You are calling to Sheraton hotel to make a reservation. You speak to a receptionist.
Situation 2.
You are speaking to a receptionist about accommodation of 3 top
Situation 3.
You are talking to a bell-boy at a hotel.
Situation 4.
You are talking to a maid about laundry order.
Situation 5.
You have failed to reserve a room in advance. Speak to a receptionist and try to persuade him and to register you at a hotel.
Situation 6.
You are speaking to a telephone operator to book a call to Moscow.
Situation 7.
You are staying at a hotel and need get to the airport. You call to the Fast Taxi Service. You speak to a manager of this service.
Situation 8.
You are booking the hotel to accommodate 100 people. You are talking to a manager of the hotel.
Situation 9.
You are checking out. Speak to a receptionist.
III. Eating out
Situation 1.
You are on board the plane. You are talking to a flight attendant.
Situation 2.
You are talking to a receptionist at the hotel and trying to get information about meals at the hotel.
Situation 3.
You have just arrived to Madrid. You are a bit tired and refuse you partner's invitation to the restaurant.
Situation 4.
It is your first visit to your business partner to London. You are talking about lunch.
Situation 5.
You are going to the Russian restaurant with your business friend from England.
Situation 6.
You have come to the Russian restaurant with your friend. You are speaking to a waiter.
Situation 7.
You are eating out with your 2 business partners and talking to a waitress.
Situation 8.
You are entertaining your business partner from the USA and offer him to take part in a picnic outside the city.
Situation 9.
You have to arrange meals for the delegates of the conference. You are talking to a top-manager of the company.
IV. I’d like to speak to…
Situation 1.
You are calling to a company and looking for a person; he is not available at the moment.
Situation 2.
You are calling to the Journal of Technique and speaking to an operator.
Situation 3.
You are calling to your business partner to find out the address of an import firm in Manila.
Situation 4.
You are calling to find out prices for wines. You are talking to a secretary and then to a salesman.
Situation 5.
You are calling to make travel arrangement to the agency "Four seasons". You speak to a secretary and then to a travel agent.
Situation 6.
You are calling to Smith and C; but you have a very bad connection. Speak to a switchboard operator.
Situation 7.
You are calling to Brown and Co; but you have got the wrong number.
Situation 8.
You are going to fly to London to meet your business partner. Call to his office in London to arrange your business schedule.
Situation 9.
You are speaking to a hotel switchboard operator ordering a call to Moscow.
Unit 1.
1. to be from – быть из…
2. to be single – быть холостым
3. to be married – быть женатым
4. to be of marriageable age – быть в возрасте, позволяющем вступать в брак
5. to be of military age – быть призывного возраста
6. to be fond of - увлекаться
7. to be keen on – сильно увлекаться
8. to be responsible for – отвечать за
9. to be in charge of – отвечать за
10. to be interested in - интересоваться
11. to be acquainted with – быть знакомым
12. to be busy with – заниматься чем-то
13. to be going to – собираться, намереваться
14. to be ready – быть готовым …
Unit 2.
1. to travel first class – путешествовать 1 классом
2. to travel economy class – путешествовать туристическим классом
3. to travel by plane – путешествовать самолетом
4. to register the ticket – зарегистрировать билет
5. to weigh in the baggage – взвесить багаж
6. to pay extra – доплатить
7. to go through the passport control – пройти через паспортный контроль
8. to go through the Customs – пройти через Таможню
9. to learn the airport and landing formalities – изучить формальности в аэропорту, и после приземления
10. to show one’s ticket and boarding pass – показать свой билет и посадочный талон
11. to drink something – выпить что-нибудь
12. to fill out the landing card – заполнить карточку прибытия
13. to bring things duty free – ввезти вещи бесплатно.
Unit 3.
1. to eat out – питаться вне дома
2. to go out – пойти куда-нибудь
3. to order – заказать
4. to offer – предложить
5. to have something light – взять что-то легкое
6. hearty meal – здоровая, обильная еда
7. the main course – второе (главное) блюдо
8. the desert – десерт
9. to give one’s order – сделать заказ
10. to pay a bill – оплатить счет
11. to tip – давать чаевые
12. to have a quick lunch – быстро пообедать
13. to sit by the window – сидеть у окна
Unit 4.
1. to make a quick reservation – сделать заказ в гостинице
2. to book the cheapest room – заказать более дешевую комнату
3. to have the most expensive double/single room – взять комнату на двоих/одного
4. to have a nice room with twin beds – взять комнату с двумя кроватями
5. to be well equipped – быть хорошо оборудованным
6. the cheaper…the better – чем дешевле, тем лучше
7. the most remarkable service – наиболее прекрасное оборудование
8. the best swimming –pool and fitness centre – наилучший плавательный бассейн и фитнес центр.
9. to be easer to use – быть более удобным в использовании
10. to be much more comfortable – быть гораздо более комфортабельным
11. to be not the best/worst – быть не самым лучшим, не самым худшим.
Unit 5.
1. to be founded by – быть основанным кем-то
2. to be located – располагаться
3. to be made of – быть построенным из…
4. to be built in – быть построенным в…
5. to be produced by – быть произведенным кем-то
6. to be connected with – быть связанным с…
7. to be visited by – быть посещаемым кем-то
8. to be awarded with – быть награжденным
9. to be established as – быть учрежденным как
10. to be reorganized into – быть преобразованным
11. to be evacuated to – быть эвакуированным
12. to be used as – использоваться в качестве
13. to be born – родиться.
Unit 6.
1. to be fond of – увлекаться
2. to be keen on – сильно увлекаться
3. to be interested in – интересоваться
4. to be soothing to one’s nerves – действовать успокаивающе на нервы
5. to be busy with – заниматься (чем-то)
6. to connect – собирать, коллекционировать
7. to play a musical instrument – играть на музыкальном инструменте
8. to paint – заниматься живописью
9. to draw – рисовать
10. to do something for one’s own enjoyment – делать что-нибудь для своего собственного удовольствия
11. to slow down – замедлить ритм
12. to go in for sports – заниматься спортом
13. to skate – кататься на коньках
14. to ski – кататься на лыжах
15. to swim – плавать.
Unit 7.
1. Subject of the contract – предмет контракта
2. price – цена
3. terms of payment – условия платежа
4. terms of delivery – условия поставки
5. the Buyer – покупатель
6. the Seller – продавец
7. an attractive price – приемлемая цена
8. to get a discount of 5% - получить скидку 5%
9. to be heavy with orders – иметь большое количество заказов
10. to be of high quality – быть высокого качества
11. market share – доля на рынке
12. payment is to be effected – платеж должен быть осуществлен
13. invoice-in quadruplicate – счета в четырех экземплярах
14. Bill of Lading – коносамент
15. Certificate of quality – сертификат качества.
Unit 8.
1. insurance – страхование
2. force-major circumstances – непредвиденные обстоятельства
3. packing and marking – упаковка и маркировка
4. penalty and arbitration – санкции и арбитраж
5. inspection and test – испытания и проверка
6. equipment – оборудование
7. equipment without accessories – некомплектное оборудование
8. advance payment – предоплата
9. effective date of the Contract – дата вступления договора в силу
10. Acceptance Protocol – протокол принятия оборудования
11. the time stipulated in the Contract – время, оговоренное в контракте
12. prohibition of export or import – запрещения на экспорт или импорт
13. Chamber of Commerce and Industry – торгово-промышленная палата
14. Rules of Procedure – процедурные правила
15. acts of elements – стихийные бедствия
16. prevent – предотвращать
17. circumstance – обстоятельство.
Unit 9.
1. to call (ring) – звонить
2. to speak on the phone – говорить по телефону
3. to put through – соединять по телефону
4. to be in – быть в офисе
5. to be out – выйти, быть вне офиса
6. to be away – уехать
7. to reach somebody – дозвонится до кого либо
8. to be busy (engaged) – быть занятым
9. to hold on – быть на линии, не отпускать трубку
10. to leave the message – оставить сообщение
11. to contact somebody – связаться с кем-то
12. to trouble (bother) somebody – беспокоить кого-либо
13. to get the wrong number – неправильно набрать номер.
Unit 10.
1. to make an appointment – назначить встречу
2. to check an appointment book – справиться по ежедневнику
3. to be convenient for somebody – быть удобным для кого-то
4. to suit – подходить
5. to arrange – договариваться
6. to send confirmation of the appointment – отправить подтверждение о встрече
7. to fix another appointment – назначить другую встречу
8. to suggest another day – предложить другую дату
9. to get in touch with somebody – связаться с кем-то
10. to look forward to …ing- с нетерпением ждать чего-то
11. to have an urgent business – иметь срочное дело
12. to settle the matter on the phone – решить вопрос по телефону
13. How about …? – Как насчет…?
Unit 11.
1. to make/register a complaint – представить, сделать жалобу
2. to complain - жаловаться
3. to be late - опаздывать
4. to delay - задерживать
5. to be of poor quality – быть плохого качества
6. to keep to the deadline – придерживаться сроков
7. to sort it out – разобраться с чем-то
8. to be/ to put in a different position – поставить в затруднительную ситуацию
9. to be out of order – не работать
10. to be labeled wrongly – иметь неправильную этикетку
11. to be awfully/terribly sorry – сильно сожалеть
12. to get full compensation – получить полную компенсацию
13. to meet somebody’s request – удовлетворить свою просьбу.
Вопросы к зачету по деловому английскому языку, специальность 08.05.65
Побеседуйте с партнером или с преподавателем
1. You are calling to the Embassy and discussing business a visa.
2. You are getting a tourist visa.
3. You are meeting at the airport with an old friend.
4. You are talking about airport formalities.
5. On board the plane.
6. You are renting a car.
7. You are discussing your holiday trip.
8. You are making a reservation at a hotel.
9. You are making a laundry order.
10. You are booking a call to Moscow.
11. You are checking out and paying a bill.
12. You are ordering meals on board the plane.
13. You are talking to a waiter at a restaurant.
14. You are inviting your foreign partner to a restaurant.
15. You are calling to a company and looking for a person.
16. You are calling to a company to find the address of a person.
17. You have got a very bad connection while calling. Talk to a switch board operator.
18. You have got a wrong number. Make your excuses.
19. You are telling your friend about your native city.
20. Tell your business partner about Krasnoyarsk..
21. Tell you friend about your hobby.
22. You are discussing with your friend your hobbies.
23. You are discussing with your partner hobbies for men and women.
24. You are discussing with your partner terms of payment and delivery for the computers.
25. You are discussing with your partner the discount, packing and marking of the equipment according to the Contract.