Словообразование. конверсия. Словосложение.

· Аффиксы как элементы словообразования: un-, in-, im- re-, dis-, mis-, -er, -or, -tion, -sion, -ing, -ness, -ment, -ist, -ism, -y, -ic, -less, -able(-ible), -ful, -ive, -al, -ous, -(i)ty, -ly. Приставки с отрицательным значением: non-, un-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-. Приставки: under-, over-, out-, up-, re-. Cуффиксы существительных: -ing, -er, -tion, - ness, -ment, -ship, -ty, -ism, ist, -ence, -ance. Cуффиксы прилагательных: - able/-ible, -an/ian; - ant/ent; -al; -ful; -ic; -ish; -ive; - less; -y; -ous. Суффиксы глаголов: -ize/-ise; - en; -ly.

· Многозначность лексических единиц. Синонимы. Антонимы.

· Лексическая сочетаемость.



· Общение в семье и школе, межличностные отношения с членами семьи, друзьями, знакомыми

· Здоровье и забота о нем, самочувствие, медицинские услуги, проблема экологии и здоровья

· Молодежь в современном обществе, ее роль и проблемы

· Досуг молодежи: посещение кружков, спортивных секций, клубов по интересам

· Страна/страны изучаемого языка, их географические и природные особенности, достопримечательности

· Спорт в современном мире. Проблемы любительского и профессионального спорта

· Современный мир профессий, рынок труда. Проблема выбора профессии

· Возможности продолжения образования в высшей школе в России и за рубежом. Общие сведения о системе образования России и за рубежом

· Планы на ближайшее будущее, выбор профессии, продолжение образования

· Праздники и знаменательные даты в англоговорящих странах.



Наиболее употребительные слова и выражения по темам «Дом, квартира», «Рабочий день студента», «Семья», «Мои друзья», «Питание: завтрак, обед, ужин», «В столовой, кафе, ресторане», «Посуда», «Продукты питания», «Институт, колледж», «Обучение иностранным языкам», «Выходной день, каникулы, отдых», «Спорт», «Времена года, погода», «Традиции и обычаи народов англоязычных стран», «Москва», «Лондон».


1) Speak on the topic "A visit to Moscow". Try to use the following words and

word -combinations:

Attend, to make a tour of, arrive, place of interest, so that, to get an idea of smth, straight, broad, avenue, impress, an impression on smb, to be busy doing smth, suggest, offer, immense, magnificent, crowded, manage, to attract one's attention.


2) Speak on the topic "Moscow". Try to use the following words and word-


Place of interest, attend, to be busy doing smth, to make a tour of, arrive, so that, to get an idea of smth, straight, broad, avenue, crowded, impress, immense, an impression on smb, suggest, offer, magnificent, manage, to attract one's attention.


3) Speak on the topic "My working day". Try to use the following words and word- combinations:

to turn on; to do...; to make...; to the music; to wash; to clean; to brush; in class; to have one 's hair done; to dry oneself on a towel; it takes; to get to a place; to be over; practice; news; to be (to feel) sure of smth; to be time; to be pressed for time; spare time; to manage to do smth.


4) Speak on the topic "The Sights of Moscow". Try to use the following words

and word combinations:

to attend; to arrive,;place of interest; manage; impress; magnificent; so that; straight; crowded; to make a tour of; broad avenue; to make an impression on smb; to be busy doing smth; to get an idea of smth; suggest; offer; immense; to attract one's attention.


5) Speak on the topic "The Student's Day".

Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

to turn on; to do...; to make...; to the music; to wash; to clean;

To have one's hair do oneself on a towel; to brush; in class;

It takes...; to get a place; to be over; practice; news; to be (feel) sure of smth; to

be short of time; to be pressed for time; spare time; to manage to do.


6) Speak on the topic "Seasons and Weather". Try to use the following words and word- combinations:

fine; dull; bright; spread; beastly; nasty; heavily; hard sparkle; icicle; slide; thaw; float; stuffy; breath; weather-forcast; remain; drizzle; thunderstorm; clap of thunder; overcast; pour; fortunately; tremendous; lighting; to be worth doing smth.


7) Speak on the topic "Weather and climate". Try to use the following words and word- combinations:

dull; fine; beastly; nasty; heavily; lighting; icicle; slide; thaw; float; spread; bright; stuffy; breath; remain; hard sparkle; drizzle; thunderstorm; clap of thunder; overcast; pour; fortunately; weather-forcast; tremendous; to be worth doing smth.


8) Speak on the topic "My Favourite Season". Try to use the following words and word- combinations:

fine; thunderstorm; tremendous; beastly; drizzle; nasty; fortunately; heavily; lighting; clap of thunder; icicle; hard sparkle; slide; thaw; float; spread; weather-forecast; bright; stuffy; breath; dull; remain; overcast; pour; to be worth doing smth.


9) Speak on the topic "Meals". Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

to fry; to boil; dessert; for the first course; sweet; to taste; bitter; sour; for dinner; first course; to roast; main course; to prefer; to lay the table; to be a treat; sweet; vegetables; fruits; healthy; to choose; to serve; to order; vegetarian diet; to keep to a diet of.


10) Speak on the topic "Education in Great Britain." Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

to leave school; entrance exams; to my mind; to take an exam; to pass one's exam; a mark in a subject; train; can't help doing smth; admire; it goes without saying; to go in for; opportunity; to master the language; opportunity; admire; to take an exam; master the language; a mark in a subject; train; entrance exams; to my mind; to leave school; to pass one's exam; can't help doing smth; it goes without saying; to be proud of smth; to go in for; to to get rid of.


11) Speak on the topic "About Myself.”Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

can't help doing smth; to leave school; entrance exams; to take an exam; train; to be proud of smth; master the language; a mark in a subject; opportunity; it goes without saying; to my mind; admire; to pass one's exam; to go in for; to to get rid of.


12) Speak on the topic "My Flat". Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

comfortable; well-planned; in front of, lawn; orchard; the ground floor; kitchen; dining-room; living-room; cosy; sitting-room; study; bedroom; nursery; bathroom; furniture; built in furniture; modern; own; bed; sofa; chair, armchair; dressing stool; bookcase; cupboard; wardrobe; dressing-table; mirror; standard-lamp; stool; cabinet; electricity; running water; central heating, toilet; a rubbish chute; tiled walls, lift, refrigerator (fridge), electric stove, vacuum-cleaner, TV-set, music-centre.


13) Speak on the topic "The House of my Dream" Try to use the following words and word- combinations:

dining-room; bedroom; well-planned; bathroom; dressing stool; cupboard; orchard; in front of, lawn; the ground floor; kitchen; comfortable; living-room; cosy; sitting-room; mirror; study; stool; nursery; furniture; built in furniture; modern; own; bed; sofa; chair, armchair; bookcase; wardrobe; dressing-table; standard-lamp; a rubbish chute; cabinet; electricity; running water; central heating, toilet; tiled walls, lift, refrigerator (fridge), electric stove, vacuum-cleaner, TV-set, music-centre.


14) Speak on the topic "Holidays in the U.S.A.". Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

custom; tradition, festival, to celebrate; to hold; to observe; ancient; New Year's Eve; Easter; to differ from; pancakes; religious; to play an important part; peculiarity; to devote to; to attend; origin; occasion; to decorate; to depend on; to play a trick on smb; to be proud of; family reunions; thanks are offered in the churches.


15) Speak on the topic "Holidays in Great Britain". Try to use the following words and word- combinations:

New Year's Eve; custom; to be proud of; peculiarity; tradition, festival, to celebrate; to attend; family reunions; to play a trick on smb; to hold; to observe; ancient; Easter; pancakes; religious; to play an important part; to devote to; to differ from; origin; occasion; to decorate; to depend on; thanks are offered in the churches.



16) Speak on the topic "My Family ".Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

there are... of us; the... members of my family are:...; an only child; five-year-old; mother-in-law; sister-in-law; uncle; aunt; cousin; niece; nephew; parents; granddaughter; great-grandchildren; husband; wife; son-in-law; stepmother; to be under age; to be over seventeen; to be a middle-aged person; to be an elderly person; to be fond of; to be eager; occupation; to do for a living.


17) Speak on the topic "Choosing the Career of a Teacher ".Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

to feel helpless; to keep an eye on smb.; to shout smb. down; to bring up; to make lessons interesting, entertaining, amusing; to educate; a challenge to your character; responsibility; reliable; choice; profession; to be interested in; to consider teaching as a career; to take up a career; to go in for teaching; rewarding/stimulating work; to earn gratitude and respect; appreciate; humanity; ignorance; boredom; to scold; to punish.



18) Speak on the topic "Illnesses and their Treatment “.Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

medicine; ache; to have a sore throat; pain; painful; prescribe; prescription; fever; flue; scarlet fever; chicken pox; measles; diphtheria; cough; sneeze; indigestion; injection; insomnia; disease; symptom; treatment; to examine a patient; to recover; to consult a doctor; to breathe in deeply; to keep to a diet; to fill sick and giddy; to test smb’s blood; to test smb’s blood pressure; to check one’s heart (lungs); to fill smb’s tooth; to pull out a tooth; to make an appointment with a doctor; primary health care; family practitioners; optician; pharmacist; to provide the first diagnosis; refer a patient to; to be paid through taxation; charges for dentures and spectacles; to complain; overworked; underpaid; nursing home; hire a private room in an ordinary hospital.



19) Speak on the topic "London “.Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

worth seeing; masterpiece; ancient; commerce; exhibit; the Victoria and Albert Museum; the Natural History Museum: the Science Museum; the Museum of London; Hyde Park; Kensington Gardens; Regent’s Park; St.Paul’s Cathedral; Westminster Palace; Westminster Abbey; Parliament: House of Lords; House of Commons; West End; East End; the City; the Tower; Trafalgar Square; Nelson’s column; National Gallery; British Museum; armour; bury; contain; huge; guard; residence; specimen; statesman; to win the victory; at the cost of smb’s life; in memory of; under the command; Julius Caesar; William the Conqueror; Queen Elizabeth; Christopher Wren; Big Ben.


20) Speak on the topic "Meals in an English Family “. Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

to treat to smth. tasty; delicious; to boil; to stew; to fry; to roast; to bake; to have smth. for dinner; for the first course; to have another helping of; to help oneself to smth.; plain food; underdone; overdone; done to a turn; cornflakes; marmalade; Yorkshire Pudding; Haggis; fish and chips; kippers; “high tea’; pastry; biscuit; scone; Continental breakfast; to afford; cabbage; potato; tomato; cucumber; onion; beetroot; apricot; peach; plum; orange; strawberry; raspberry; mushroom; nuts; flour; sugar; salt; pepper; spices; to cut; to sprinkle; to mix; to shake; to add; to pour.


21) Speak on the topic " Education “. Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

compulsory education; O-level; A-level; secondary education; further education; polytechnic; Modern School; Technical School; Comprehensive School; Public School; to specialize in teacher training; core component; optional subjects; Education Studies; Subject Studies; School-based experience; educational aids; modern audio-visual facilities; visual aids; to observe a lesson; supervisor; tutor; reader; lecturer; teaching staff; Bachelor’s Degree; Master’s Degree.


22) Speak on the topic " Sport in my life “. Try to use the following words and word-combinations:

to kick the ball; to score a goal; to keep the score; to end a game in a score; to win a prize; to set up a record; tobogganing; yachting; lawn-tennis; wrestling; athletics; gymnastics; calisthenics; billiards; soccer; rugger; amateur; hang gliding; windsurfing; mountaineering; rowing; hockey; fencing; ski-jumping; sky-diving; archery; discus-throwing; figure-skating; to go in for sports; to attend matches; to support football team; to try; a spectator; to hold a race; to participate in international match; to coach a team; to take the first place in public interest; great national sport.



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