E-mail messages also lack facial expressions and body language. While you are unable to accompany your words with hand or facial gestures, there are some ways to describe it in your message. These include "smileys" or "emoticons". (See the table below)
"Acronyms" are used to save space and attract the recipient's attention to some information. E.g.
ASAP: as soon as possible
BTW: By the way
CU: See you (good-bye)
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
HTH: Hope this helps
TIA: Thanks in Advance
:-) | User is smiling. | :- ![]() | User has a cold. |
:-D | User is laughing. | :'- ![]() | User has a cold and is crying. |
8-) | User is smiling and wearing glasses. | =:-o | User is very surprised. |
:-( | User is sad. | :-/ | User does not believe you. |
:-0 | User made a mistake. | : -> | Devilish smile (heavy sarcasm) |
;-> | User is winking. | :-| | Indifference |
Words and word combinations:
lack – иметь недостаток, не хватать
accompany – сопровождать
gestures – жесты
Writing Formal E-Mails
In formal electroniccommunication messages are created according to the norms and standards of business paper writing. The following format is accepted by Internet users:
1. Salutation, which can be neutral — when you address a group of people and you don't know the exact name of the addressee. Example: Dear colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear editor,
or direct — when you know the name. Example: Dear Peter, Dear Mr Right, Dr Chan,.
It should be noted that in e-mail messages, an exclamation mark is used only if you want your letter to be more emotional. Usually, it's quite enough to write a comma, and then omit a line and start writing the message with a capital letter.
2. The body of a message, consisting of three parts: the aim of the letter; the development of the subject; final remarks.
3. Conclusion, where you give an electronic signature. The electronic signature could be brief (only first and last names), or may include name, position, place of work, e-mail address, postal address, web-site address, phone number, fax number, etc.
4. Attachments. The e-mail should not be very long and could be easily read, that's why large documents should be attached to the letter.
Words and word combinations:
accepted – принят
conclusion – заключение
signature – подпись
4) Choose the correct word or word combination for the statements.
A. Dear John, — is an example of a neutral/direct salutation.
B. Usually we put comma/exclamatory mark after the salutation.
C. Conclusion/the body of a message include such parts as the aim, developing the subject, final words.
D. All documents/large documents are attached to an e-mail message.
E-Mail Practice
1. Write the subject heading for this message:
To: john@hotmail.com From: Jane Smith<janesmith@yahoo.com> Subject: |
Hello John, I'm arriving by train 234, compartment 6. Please meet me at the station. See you, Jane. |
2. Match the messages and their emotional meanings.
1. You wrote me you had been there:-D | A. You're telling lies, as usual. |
2. You wrote me you had been there:-( | B. How amusing! |
3. You wrote me you had been there =:-o | C. Ha-ha-ha!!! |
4. You wrote me you had been there:-) | D. I'm sorry to hear this. |
5. You wrote me you had been there:-/ | E. Really? |
3. Paraphrase the sentences using acronyms.
A. I send you this list. I hope the information will help you in your work.
B. Please send me your picture. Thank you very much in advance.
C. I hope you'll write me as soon as possible.
D. Goodbye, Michael, I hope to see you again soon.
4. In what cases such salutations should be used? Tick the right columns.
Neutral | Direct | Informal | Formal | |
Dear Anna, | ||||
Dear Professor, | ||||
Dear Mr Brown, | ||||
My dear friends, | ||||
Dear colleagues, |
5. Identify the style of each e-mail (F — formal, I — informal) and write their subject headings.
F | I | Subject heading | |
Dear Jane, I'm glad you're coming soon, but UNFORTUNATELY, I can't meet you at the station:-((( Don't worry, Alex is going to meet you *for sure* See you John | |||
Dear Professor, I am writing to confirm my participation in the programme on Internet English, September 2003 - May 2004. Sincerely yours, Jane Smith Janesmith@hotmail.com Tel.: (3333) 555-555 |
1) When do you need a resume? Choose the correct answer.
a) when you leave school
b) when you enter the university
c) when you want to find a job
Text 1
What’s a Resume?
In today’s job market, the number of openings is limited comparing to the number of resumes submitted every day. The resume is the employer’s tool for choosing among candidates and the employee’s tool to get into a company.
So, if your resume is your sales tool- show your most marketable skills. It should not just summarize your job responsibilities. Focus on accomplishments and contributions, emphasize your successes and strengths.
Employers prefer neatly organized one - page resumes, as they spend only 15 to 20 seconds on each resume. So, your resume should quickly tell about your past performance and future capabilities.
Words and expressions:
openings –вакансии
submitted – представленный на рассмотрение
employer – работодатель
tool –орудие
employee – нанимающийся на работу
skills – навыки
responsibilities – ответственность, обязанность
accomplishments – достоинства, таланты
contributions – вклад, ценные достижения
successes – успех, достижения
strengths – достоинство, сильная сторона
performance – исполнение, выполнение
capabilities – возможности