Choose the correct endings for the statements.

1. The number or openings in a company is usually…

a) more than the number of resumes submitted

b) less than the number of resumes submitted

c) the same as the number of resumes submitted

2. Usually the employers spend…

a) no time looking through resumes

b) a lot of time looking through resumes

c) little time looking through resumes

3. A resume is primarily a tool for…

a) employers to make the best choice among candidates

b) employers to get into the company

c) both

4. A resume should…

a) only tell about your job responsibilities

b) be more than two pages

c) tell about your successes, achievements and strengths

5. Resume should cover…

a) your past and present

b) only your past

c) your past and future

Text 2

What shouldn’t be in your Resume?

1. Don’t include personal information such as age, race, gender, height, religion, origin , marital status , children, health, physical appearance, or your photograph.

2. Don’t handwrite your resume. Typewrite are all right, but a computer and printer should be used if possible.

3. Don’t tell an employer what you want from a job – only what you can contribute.

4. Don’t exclude a previous job just because it doesn’t relate to your career goal. If you don’t want to have a gap in employment record you can just mention it.

5. Don’t give the reason why you left each place of employment.

6. Don’t touch on salary or wage questions.

7. Don’t tell about your hobbies or interests. Such information should be omitted if it doesn’t represent your career goal.

8. Don’t forget to put your name on the second page, if you have two – page resume.

9. Don’t use cheap paper. Don’t use bright colours, if you want to look conservative and business – like.

10. Don’t submit a resume longer than two pages. Never write it on two sides of the same paper.

Words and expressions:

gender - пол

marital status – семейное положение

contribute – вносить вклад

exclude - исключать

previous - предыдущий

relate – иметь отношение

goal - цель

gap – пробел, пропуск

salary – заработная плата (ежемесячная)

wage – заработная плата (сдельная)

to omit - пропускать

submit - представлять на рассмотрение

Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

A. A correct resume should include such personal information as gender, height, religion, marital status, children, health, physical appearance, and a photograph of the applicant.

B. The best way of typing a resume is using a computer and printer.

C. It’s better to have an employment gap than to mention a previous job that doesn’t relate to your objective.

D. Resumes can be printed on any kind of paper.

E. It’s better to print a resume on two sides of the same paper than to make it two pages long.

F. A resume should be at least two pages long.

What information should be in your resume? Tick the right columns.

  Always Only in special cases Never
Your name      
Your weight      
Your age      
Your address      
Your nationality      
Your hobbies      
Desired salary      
Previous jobs      
Your expectations from the job      
Personal interests      
Your race      
The reasons why you left the previous job      
Your name on the second page      

Text 4

Employment History

The most serious error made by many candidates is writing their employment history as if it were a conversation or a story, using “I” – statements. Dont forget that your resume is a formal document, and if you want to write your history in its most basic form, it should follow the principle of “problem – solution - results”.

Use active verbs such as “managed”,“provided”, “directed”, “coordinated”, “accomplished”, “maintained”,“encouraged”, ”increased”, “conducted”, “participated”, etc.

It’s better to write: “Managed client meetings, coordinated appointments, maintained scheduling and “paperwork” instead of: “I was responsible for phones, client meetings, appointments, scheduling, and paperwork.”

Experience is important for a chronological resume. Focus on your accomplishments and show results. Exclude positions you had for less than four months. Round off dates to years (2001-2003 instead of 6/2001-3/2003).

Experience is optional in a functional resume. Here is you may mention only dates, job titles, and company names and locations.

List your work experience position by position in reverse chronological order.

Words and expressions:

error – ошибка

solution – решение

to manage – управлять

to provide – обеспечивать

to maintain – поддерживать, обслуживать

to encourage – содействовать, способствовать

to increase – возрастать, увеличивать

to conduct – руководить

to participate – участвовать

appointment – назначение

scheduling – планирование, составление расписания, графика


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