Exercise 2.Translate the sentences into English. Use the verbs in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

Exercise 1.Choose the right tense form (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous).


1. This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) detectives. He (to write) books for 10 years. He already (to write) eight books.

2. My daughter is a very good girl. She always (to help) me about the house. Today she (to help) me since morning. I already (to wash) the floor and she (to dust) the furniture. Now we (to cook) dinner together.

3. What the students of group 22 (to do) now? – They (to be) in the reading room. They (to work) there for an hour already.

4. Where the children (to be) now? – They (to be) in the neighbors’ garden. They (to play) volleyball. They (to play) since breakfast time.

5. He (to live) in St. Petersburg. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 1990.

6. This is the factory where my father (to work). He (to work) here for fifteen years.

7. You (to find) your notebook? – No! I still (to look) for it. I already (to look) for it for half an hour, but (not to find) it yet.

8. You (to play) for three hours already! Go and do your homework.

9. I (to wait) for the documents for a month already, but (not to receive) them yet.

10. Ohh… I already (to do) my homework for two hours; but I (not yet to do) half of it!

11. What you (to do)? – I (to read). The text is very difficult. I (to read) for two hours already. But I (to read)only six pages.

12. Come along, Henry, why you (not to hurry up)? I (to wait) for you a long time.


Exercise 2.Translate the sentences into English. Use the verbs in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

Предложение в настоящем времени present Подсказка Перевод
Факт? simple Или длительное? Continuous Связано с моментом в настоящем? Perfect Никак не связано с моментом в настоящем? Not perfect (simple)
1. Мы изучаем финский язык четыре года.   + + (на данный момент вот уже 4 года)   We have been studying Finnish for 4 years.
2. Я всегда оставался в одном и том же отеле! Но в этот раз еду в другой.          
3. Где Нина? — Она уже два часа сидит дома.          
4. Где дети? — Они сейчас играют во дворе.          
5. Мой брат уже три года работает инженером в этой компании.          
6. Я знаю английский с детства.          
7. Я уже полчаса наблюдаю за тобой.          
8. Твой брат еще болен? — Нет, он уже поправился. Он уже три дня активно занимается спортом. Он хочет участвовать в школьном соревновании.          
9. Мне уже давно хочется прочесть эту книгу.          
10. Я уже двадцать минут пытаюсь найти мою тетрадь.          
11. Они уже десять лет живут в Нью-Йорке.          
12. Моя тетя — артистка. Да и я всегда любила театр.          
13. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. Где ты был все это время?          
14. Моя девушка пьет кофе с молоком. А я предпочитаю черный кофе.          
15. Вы все еще читаете эту книгу? Сколько времени вы ее уже читаете? Сколько глав прочитали?            




Exercise 3.Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:


1. My elder sister (to have) a music lesson. She always (to have) a music lesson on Friday. 2. Who (to sing) in the next room? 3. Father (to read) a newspaper, he usually (to read) something before going to bed. 4. Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen. She always (to cook) in the mornings. 5. Who you (to wait) for? — I (to wait) for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes. 6. It often (to rain) in autumn. 7. Do not go out, it (to rain) heavily. 8. You (to understand) the use of the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous quite well? 9. What you (to write)? You (to make) notes about the two present tenses? 10. Why you (to smile), Kitty?


11. I often (to meet) you at the corner of this street. You (to wait) for anybody? 12. You usually (to go) through the park? — Not usually, it's only today that I (to go) here. 13. You (to hear) anything? — Yes, somebody (to knock) at the door. 14. They still (to discuss) where to go now.


Exercise 4.Use the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect instead of the infinitives in brackets:


1. Will you, please, lend me your pen for a moment? I (to leave) mine at home and now (to have) nothing to write with. – I (to be) sorry, but I (to be going) to write myself. Ann (not to write), she can give you her pen. 2. You (to read) “The Gadfly” by Voynich? – I (to read) it now, I (not to finish) it yet. It (to be) a very good book, I (to like) it very much. 3. We (to go) to the café “Cosmos” tonight. You ever (to be) there? 4. Where (to be) Ann? – She (to be) in the kitchen. – What she (to do) there? – She (to wash up). — I already (to help) my mother with the housework and (to come) to ask Ann to go to the cinema with me. 5. Don't forget we (to have) a party tomorrow, be sure to bring Bob with you if he (to come) back from St.Petersburg. 6. (to be) there anything the matter with you? You (to be) so pale. — Nothing the matter. I just (to finish) my work and I (to be) a little tired. 7. Who (to play) the piano? Mary still (to have) her music lesson? — No. The lesson (to be) over and the teacher already (to go). Mother (to play) for little Kitty. 8. Ring me up when you (to be) free. I (to have) something to discuss with you. 9.1 (not to hear) the news yet. 10. Hurry up if you (to want) to go out with me. 11. She (to send) me a letter that she (to come) in a few days. 12. You (to understand) what they (to talk) about? 13. When she (to call) on us she always (to bring) some toys for my little daughter. 14. What you (to look) for? - I (to look) for my dictionary. I just (to see) it somewhere. I (to think) it (to lie) on the bookshelf.


Exercise 5.Translate into English using the Present Continuous, the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect:


1. Надень пальто и шапку. На улице холодно, дует сильный ве­тер. 2. Видишь человека на углу? Он на нас смотрит. 3. Сегодня на обед придет Елена. — Я давно ее не видела. Она очень изменилась? — Не очень. 4. Когда учитель объясняет новое правило, он обычно пишет на доске примеры. 5. Ты что-нибудь слышишь? — Я слушаю внимательно, но ничего не слышу. 6. Ты читал эту книгу, отец? — От корки (cover) до корки. Хорошая книга, я собираюсь прочесть ее еще раз. 7. Кто только что вышел из комнаты? — Не знаю, я никого не заметил. 8. По дороге на работу я обычно встречаю детей, которые идут в школу. 9. Я думаю, вам нужно выпить горячего кофе, прежде чем вы уйдете. Вечер такой холодный. 10. Ты видела Мэри сегодня? — Нет, она больна. Она больна уже десять дней. 11. Что ты собираешься делать после занятий? — Хочу пойти в кино. — Не уходи без меня, подожди, пока я тебе позвоню. — Хорошо. 12. Вы ходили в кино на этой неделе? — Нет, я очень занята последнее время. — Вы должны посмотреть новый фильм. Он вам, наверняка, понравится, 13. Вы часто ходите в театр? — Да, довольно часто, и сегодня иду. 14. Мы давно его не видели. Нелли говорит, что он очень изменился. 15. Я очень рада, что вы пришли. Вы всегда приносите хорошие новости. 16. Сегодня мы играем в теннис. Никки и я. 17. Они уже уехали? Нет, они уезжают трехчасовым поездом. 18. Есть у вас вопросы? Вы все поняли, что я вам объяснила? — Спасибо, все ясно.





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Exercise 6.Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous

instead of the infinitives in brackets.


Note: The Present Continuous expresses an action going on at the moment of speaking. The Present Perfect Continuous expresses an action occupying a period of time still continuing or just finished.


1. What you (to look) at? — I (to look) at that picture over there. I (to look) at it for almost half an hour and I still can't understand what it is. 2. What Mary (to do)? — She (to practice) the piano. She (to play) since 12 o'clock. I think she must have a rest. 3. Here you are at last! I (to look) for you everywhere. 4. Why you (to smile) Robert? — I (to watch) your kitten. What a playful little thing it is! 5. I see you (to write) letters all the morning. Is it the last letter you (to write) now? 6. You (to sit) here for a long time. You (to wait) for anybody? 7. How long you (to study) English? — For three years already. 8. I (to work) at my report since Monday. Now I (to write) the conclusion. 9. Mary's mother (to rest) in the garden all day because she is ill. 10. She (to sleep) for ten hours! You must wake her! 11. David (to repair) the TV-set. He (to work) at it for an hour or so. 12. David (to wash) his hands. He just (to repair) the TV-set. 13. Why you all (to laugh)? Jim (to tell) you his anecdotes? 14. It’s six o'clock. I (to wait) for Ann for half an hour. I must be off now.


Exercise 7.Comment on the use of the Present Perfect Continuous and

translate these sentences into Russian:


1. a) All these days he has been talking about his new plan. He can't speak of anything else.


b) Here is Mr. Madden who we have just been speaking about.


2. a) I have been peeling potatoes for half an hour, but mother says there isn't enough for everybody.


b) Why are your hands dirty? — I have been peeling potatoes.


3. a) Children, you have been swimming half an hour already. Get out of the water, quick!


b) I am cold because I have been swimming for an hour.


4. a) They have been working in the garden since 10 o'clock. Tell them it is time to have lunch.


b) I am very tired; I have been working in the garden.


5. a) Kitty, you have been watching TV too long, you'll have a headache.


b) I have a headache; I have been watching TV too long.


Exercise 8. Use the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:


1. You (to pass) your exam in English literature? 2. I (to try) to learn English for years but I (not to make) good progress уet. 3. That book (to lie) on the table for weeks. You (not to read) it yet? 4. I (to wait) here for her since 7 o'clock and she (not to come) yet. 5. I (to read) "War and Peace" for the last three months. 6. I (to think) about you all day. 7. He never (to be) here before. 8. I can't help being angry with you; you (to sit) here all the time and doing nothing. 9. There's nothing to be proud of; you (not to get) a single excellent mark as yet. 10. I (to work) so hard this week that I (not to have) time to go to the cinema. 11. The girls (to talk) about their new dresses for half an hour already; it seems they have nothing else to talk about. 12. I just (to talk) to him; he agrees to help us. 13. Some of our students (to join) the English club to get a better command of the language. 14. I (to know) her all my life and we always (to be) good friends.


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