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Задания для 35.02.05 Агрономия, 3-А гр.


Прочитайте слова и словосочетания и выучите их.

cycle –цикл to divide into- разделять на…

germination –прорастание to remain –оставаться

dormant – спящий amount - количество, сумма

moisture – влажность to germinate – прорастание

alive - живой to require - требовать

oxygen - кислород in order to - для того чтобы

radical - корешок to emerge - появляться

upward – вверх downward - вниз

to spread- распространяться mature - спелый, зрелый

pollination – опыление fertilization – оплодотворение

to take place – происходить to be carried by – осуществляться



Прочитайте слова и словосочетания и переведите их а русский язык.


To take place, germination, to spread, pollination, in order to, to take place, amount, to require, moisture, fertilization, oxygen, dormant, to emerge, mature


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The life cycle of a plant.


The life cycle of a plant can be divided into several stages. The first stage is germination. Seeds remain dormant, or in a resting state if they are kept cool or dry. When the amount of moisture and the temperature level are right, the seeds germinate and starts growing.

Certain conditions are necessary for this to happen. An essential condition is the seeds must be alive. Sometimes seeds are dried at a temperature which is too high.

Other condition for germination concern the amount of moisture in the soil. If dry seeds are planted in a dry soil, they will not germinate until in rains. On the other hand, if there is too much water in the soil, the seeds will not germinate either. This is because wet soils remain cold for a longer period of time than drier, well - drained soils dormant seeds require very little oxygen in order to stay alive. But when they start to germinate they require more.

In the first stage of germination the primary root or radical emerges. Then the stem pushes its way upward until it appears above the surface of the soil at the same time the root system grows downward and begins to spread through the soil. In early stages the development of seedlings depends entirely on the foodstore in the seed but as soon as the first leaves are produced, it is able to manufacture food for itself. The seedlings begins photosynthesis

When the plant is mature enough, it flowers and when this happens pollination and fertilization are ready to take place. In the process of pollination the pollen is carried by wind or insects from the stamens to the stigma of the carpel.


4. Добавьте слово или фразу из текста, чтобы закончить утверждение, которое показывает правильно или нет вы поня ли текст. Номер указывает предложение в тексте.

1. If seeds are kept cool and dry they remain _________.(3)

Seeds germinate when _________.(4)

2. Sometimes the temperature is ______ when seeds are dried.(7)

As a result, the seeds______(9).

3. Dry seeds will not germinate if they are planted in ______.(11)

If the soil is too _____ the seeds will not ______.(

4. Wet soil ______ longer than drier, well-drained soil.(13)


5. Oтветьте на вопросы по тексту.

1.Can the life cycle of a plant be divided into several stages? 2. When do the seeds germinate? 3. Will the seeds germinate if there is too much water in the soil? 4. Do dormant seeds require very little oxygen? 5. When does the primary root, or radicle emerge? 6. What begins photosynthesis? 6. When does a plant flower? 7. How is the process of pollination carried by?


6. Перепишите следующие предложения, выбирая один из предлогов времени (в скобках) и поставьте его в начале предложения. Не используйте слова, выделенные курсивом.

eg. First the seed is provided with water, warmth and air, then it starts to germinate. (after, until, while)

After the seed is provided with water, warmth and air, it starts to germinate.


1.The seedling begins to manufacture food for itself. But first it uses up the food stored in the seed. (when, before, after)

2.The young shoot appears above the surface of the ground. Then it begins the process of photosynthesis.(before, as soon as, while)

3.Once the oxygen has combined with and broken down the various complex sugars, energy is released. (before, after, while)

4.Dormant seeds are inactive. During this time they use very little air. (when, before, while)

5.Once the shoot appears, the plant then grows both above and below the ground.


7.Сопоставьте название процессов слева с их описанием справа.


a) transpiration 1)one of the male gametes unites

with the female gamete in the ovule


b) germination 2) pollen grains are transferred from =the

the stamen to the stigma of the female parts

c) pollination 3) water passes through the leaf cells and

evaporates into the air

d) fertilization 4) nutrients in the soil pass through the cell

membranes into the root hairs

e) osmosis 5) the seed “awakens” from its dormant state

and starts growing



1. Заполните правильно диаграмму, используя фразы, данные ниже.



Fig.1 The life cycle of a plant

fruit and seed production decay of vegetative parts

photosynthesis begins pollination and fertilization

plant flowers stage of rapid vegetable growth

seed dispersal germination



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