First of all let’s work with our active vocabulary.

Иностранный язык группа 9 – ПК - 18 04.05.2020

Тема: Разрешение конфликтных ситуаций.

Цель: освоение во всех видах речевой деятельности новых лексических единиц; воспитание нравственных ценностей и ориентиров; развитие коммуникативных универсальных учебных действий во всех видах речевой деятельности, в том числе через освоение правил межличностного общения и поведения.


Тип урока: закрепить и обобщить знания по теме.

CONFLICTS between parents and children”


CONFLICTS between two persons”


CONFLICTS between a person and society”


people scream, shout, swear

losing friends

feel frustrated

cool off

discuss the problem

social interaction

be open-minded


pay attention

forgive and move on

forgive and move on

resolve a conflict

be flexible

be flexible

Social conflict


oppose each other

group conflict

Задание для самостоятельной работы:

Написать диалог на одну из тем.

Преподаватель: О.Н. Бутенко



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Иностранный язык группа 9 – ПК - 18 04.05.2020

Тема: Причины возникновения конфликтных ситуаций.

Цель: формирование практических умений в говорении и чтении; воспитание интереса учащихся к такой проблеме как конфликт и способах его разрешения, улаживания; расширение кругозора учащихся, изучение причин возникновения конфликтов; развитие логического мышления, коммуникативных умений и применение их на практике.

Тип урока: комбинированный, урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.

First of all let’s work with our active vocabulary.

Respect – уважение, уважать;

Resolve - решать;

Resolution – решение, улаживание;

Right – право, правильный;

Relation – отношение;

To prevent – предотвращать, мешать;

Peaceful – мирный;

Peacefully - мирно, спокойно;

To avoid – избегать;

To lead – вести, приводить;

Reason – причина;

Работа с лексикой:

The task of our Centre is to give people advicehow to resolve conflicts.

I suggest you to work and give me advice on what I should do and what I shouldn’t do if I have a conflict. Choose the right word combinations.

We should …

We should not …

observe other people’s rights

ask for advice from someone who is older than you

listen attentively to other people

be optimistic

be confident and relaxed

tell people what makes you unhappy

bully people

criticize differences

ignore someone’s opinion

trouble people

punish unfairly

quarrel with people

Now look at these text. You‘ve got different texts but the task is the same. Look through them and try to answer the question what is «conflict»?

Текст. We all face conflict at some time in our lives. But it doesn't always have to be negative. It doesn't have to end up as a war! In fact, if you learn skills to deal with conflict, there can be some really positive and satisfying outcomes.

Conflict is when people disagree on an issue, or can't get along well. This is just a part of life. It's natural for people to disagree at times, because we all have different interests, values, goals and needs. Sometimes we don't understand other people and what they really mean, or they don’t understand us.

Conflict happens in personal relationships, with family, parents, friends, partners, teachers and work mates.

Conflict also happens in the wider society, among groups with different interests and values, different religions, races, countries, political parties and even sporting teams.

Conflict can also happen within yourself when you learn something new that is different to what you always believed. The conflictinside yourself can make you want to hang on tightly to your old beliefs or it can lead you to change your beliefs.

Conflict can result in changes, often for the better.


Задание для самостоятельной работы:


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