Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Infinitive, to – infinitive, Gerund.

Ф КГМУ 4/3-08/02

ПП КГМУ 4/02



Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра иностранных языков



Методические рекомендации для (практических, семинарских, лабораторных) занятий


Тема: Асептика.

Систематизация грамматического материала: Инфинитив.

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Специальность: 5В130100 Общая медицина

Курс: II

Составитель: Әлкен С.Х.



Караганда 2014


Обсуждены и утверждены

на заседании кафедры иностранных языков

Протокол № 9 от 30.04. 2014г.

зав. кафедрой _______ Бурмистрова В.А.



Тема: Асептика.

Грамматика. Инфинитив.

Цель: Овладение лексико-грамматическим материалом темы.

Задачи обучения:

Овладеть лексическим минимумом по теме: Асептика.

1.Научить студентов употреблять новые слова в устной и письменной речи

2. Грамматика. Инфинитив.

3. Научить студентов употреблять грамматические формы в устной и письменной речи

• Основные вопросы темы:

1. Работа с грамматикой:

- теоретическая подача новой темы

- закрепление на примерах

- работа с карточками

- поисковая работа

- выполнение грамматических упражнений с вариативностью заданий

2. Работа над лексикой:

отработка техники чтения и произношения

- перевод

- подбор синонимов, антонимов, омонимов

- работа с карточками

составление предложений с новыми словами

3. Работа с текстом:

- чтение, перевод

- составление вопросов и плана к тексту

- пересказ текста

- аннотирование

- составление диалогов

• Методы обучения и преподавания:

- индивидуальный опрос

- вопросноответная работа

- фронтальный опрос

- работа в парах

- работа в группах

- групповая работа

- ролевые игры

- индивидуальные выступления

- проведение дискуссий


1. Волмянская О.А. Профессиональный английский язык для студентовмедиков, Мн.: выш. Шк., 1984г.180с.

2. Маслова А.М. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. 2е изд. Испр. Доп. М.: Высш.шк., 1983г.352с.

3. Экерсли К.Э. Учебник английского языка.Харьков,1992г.250с.


Контроль: Выполнение лексико - грамматического теста.



І. Read and translate the words.


pathogenic activity






surgical infections rates

sterile gowns

suture material




II. Read and translate the text.


Asepsis is the state of being free from disease-causing contaminants (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites) or, preventing contact with microorganisms. The term asepsis often refers to those practices used to promote or induce asepsis in an operative field in surgery or medicine to prevent infection. Ideally, a surgical field is "sterile," meaning it is free of all biological contaminants, not just those that can cause disease, putrefaction, or fermentation, but that is a situation that is difficult to attain, especially given the patient is often a source of infectious agents. Therefore, there is no current method to safely eliminate all of the patients' contaminants without causing significant tissue damage. However, elimination of infection is the goal of asepsis, not sterility.

If all the works carried out by the great French researcher Pasteur were divided into three groups, they would form three great discoveries.

The first one might be formulated thus: “Each fermentation is produced by the development of a particular microbe.”

The second one might be given this formula: “Each infectious disease is produced by the following: “The microbe of an infectious disease, under certain conditions, is attenuated in its pathogenic activity; from a microbe it becomes a vaccine.”

In 1878 while delivering his lecture on the therapy of microbes at the Academy of Sciences in Paris Pasteur said that if he were a surgeon, who knew of the dangers produced by microbes existing on the surface of every object, particularly in hospitals, not only should he use clean instruments, but after washing his hands with the greatest care he would employ only those bandages and charpie which had been hearted to a temperature of 130 or 150 C.

If he employed the water, he would heat it to a temperature of 110 or 120 C, since observation had shown the clearest water to contain still greater number of microbes.

Had those principles of asepsis, on which Pasteur insisted, not been strictly followed in medicine thousands and thousands of human lives would have been lost because of sepsis.


Asepsis is procedure to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination

Usually involves

The use of sterile instruments

The use of a gloved no touch technique

Antisepsis is the removal of transient microorganisms from the skin and reeducation in the resident flora

Preoperative skin preparation

Skin shaving

Aesthetic and makes surgery, suture and dressing removal easier

Wound infection rate lowest when performed immediately prior to surgery

Infection rate increased from 1% to 5% if performed more than 12 hours prior to surgery

Task III. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. What is asepsis?

2. Where does the term asepsis often refer?

3. What does asepsis mean in surgical field?

4. How was each fermentation produced by the opinion of the great French researcher Pasteur?

5. Where was Pasteur delivering the lecture on the therapy of microbes?

6. What activities must be held by members of the surgical team before the operation?

7. Is irrigation used in the surgical site?



Task IV. Insert the missing words according to the text:

1. If all the …. carried out by the great French ….. Pasteur were …… into three groups, they would form three … …..

2. In … while delivering his lecture on the therapy of …. at the …. …. in Paris Pasteur said that if he were …..

3. …. is the state of being free from ……. contaminants (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites) or, ….. contact with …...

4. There is no current method to …. eliminate all of the patients’ …. without causing …… tissue damage.

5. Elimination of ……. is the goal of asepsis, not …...


Task V. Decide whether these sentences are true or false:

1. Each fermentation is not produced by the development of a particular microbe.

2. A surgical field is “sterile’’, meaning it is not free of all biological contaminants.

3. A patient who is brought for the procedure is washed and wears a clean gown.

4. Not all of members of the surgical team wash hands and arms with germicidal solution.

5. Antibiotics are often necessary in a “clean” case, that is, a surgical procedure where no infection is apparent.


Task VI. Grammar exercise.

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Infinitive, to – infinitive, Gerund.

1. I don’t really like (go) to hospitals.
2. The doctor told me (do) more exercises.
3. I hate (get stuck) in traffic jam.
4. The film made me (laugh).
5. He really enjoys (buy) presents. When he starts (go) round the souvenir shops, it’s difficult for him (stop).
6. Let me (think). I’d like (be left) alone.
7. We went to Astana (enter) the Medical university.

Task VII. Retell the text.

Task VIII. Revision test.


1. Give the definition to the word: to be produced

- to make

- to listen

+to be made of

- to produce

- to do

2. The synonym of the word: disease

- hurt

- pain

- headache


- insomnia

3. Give the definition of the word: pathogenic

- opposite

- painful

- discharging out

- is pumping

+causing or capable of causing disease

4. Asepsis is the state (be) free from disease-causing contaminants.

+to be

- to being

- is being

- was being

- are being

5. The synonym of the word: discoveries

- investigations

- news


- tests

- results

6. Give the definition of the word: microbe


- tissues

- protective agent

- symptom

- disease

7. The synonym of the word: instruments


- equipment

- place

- nurse

- doctor

8. The term asepsis often refers (induce) in an operative field in surgery or medicine -(prevent) infection

- to inducing, to preventing

- is inducing, is preventing

- induced, prevented

+to induce, to prevent

- been induced, been prevented

9. A surgical field is “sterile’’, meaning it is (be) free of all biological contaminants.

- was

- to being

- is

- had been

+to be

10. The opposite meaning of the word: danger

- undanger


- disdanger

- unsafety

- dangerous

11. The definition of the word: bandage

- tool

+a flexible strip or band used to cover, strengthen, or compress something

- handkerchief

- dress

- nurse

12. The definition of the word: to heat

+to become warm or hot

- to become cool

- to freeze

- to dry

- to spoil

13. The definition of the word: surgical

+used in or in connection with surgery

- laboratory

- increasing

- developed

- microbial

14. In turn, members of the surgical team need (wash) hands and arms with germicidal -solution.

+to wash

- wash

- is washing

- have washed

- had washed

15. He used (work) in hospital.

+to work

- to working

- was working

- working

- work

16. Point out the infinitive adverbial modifier

- This book is worth reading.

+ I know him for a long enough to ask for help.

- I can read and write since I was seven.

- He was happy after the holiday.

- To know a foreign language is useful for your mind.

17. Everybody looked tired and wanted to (go) home.

- go

- to going

+to go

- was going

- will go

18. The definition of the word: goal of asepsis

- reason of asepsis

- advantage of asepsis

+aim of asepsis

- cause of asepsis

- discovery of asepsis

19. Point out the infinitive adverbial modifier

+He was so weak as to be unable to work

- Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture

- My intention is to get into parliament

- Here is a nice book to read before going to bed

- Leila had learned to dance at boarding school

20. Then he suddenly wanted (visit) his doctor.

- to visiting

- is visiting

+to visit

- will visit

- was visit

21. The definition of the word: infection

+the act or result of affecting injuriously

- disease

- pain

- injury

- illness

22. The opposite meaning of the word: significant

- important


- makeable

- dangerous

- following

23. The definition of the word: observation

+an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often involving measurement with - instruments

- introducing

- working

- learning

- writing

24. The opposite meaning of the word: clean

- good


- bad

- danger

- safe

25. Look at the children! They are laughing. They seem (enjoy) the film.

- will enjoy

- enjoys

- enjoy

+to enjoy

- will enjoying

26. Joan likes taking care of sick patients. She is pleased (do) this kind of work all the time.

+to do

- will do

- to doing

- has done

- does

27. You warned me to stay away from Robert. I am sorry not (follow) your advice.

- to following

- follows

- will follow

- have followed

+to follow

28. The opposite meaning of the word: hygienic

- dirty

- sterile


- clean

- dry

29. The definition of the word: procedure

- process

+a series of steps followed in a regular definite order

- time

- injection

- treatment

30. The synonym of the word: solution


- question

- disease

- treatment

- tool

31. The definition of the word: to be washed

- to dry

- to keep

- to do

- to hurt

+ to be cleaned with liquid

32. The sudden noise made everybody (jump).

+to jump

- to jumping

- was jumping

- is jumping

- are jumping

33. This work is easy; it may (do) by a child, if you ask me.

- to do

- to done

+to be done

- will done

- was done

34. It is difficult (find) a friend who knows all about you and still likes you.

+to find

- will find

- to finding

- was finding

- is finding

35. The definition of the word: autoclaving

- procedure

+ an apparatus in which special conditions (as high or low pressure or temperature) can - - be established for a variety of applications

- injury

- treatment

- injection

36. The definition of the word: xenografts a graft of tissue taken from a donor of one species and grafted into a recipient of

+another species

- tissue

- surgeon

- device

- patient

37. Point out the infinitive attributes

+Here is a nice book to read before going to bed

- Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture

- My intention is to get into parliament

- He was so weak as to be unable to work

- Leila had learned to dance at boarding school

38. Point out the infinitive subject

+Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture

- My intention is to get into parliament

- He was so weak as to be unable to work

- Here is a nice book to read before going to bed

- Haviland was really someone to admire.

39. Point out the infinitive predicate

+My intention is to get into parliament

- He was so weak as to be unable to work

- Here is a nice book to read before going to bed

- Haviland was really someone to admire.

- Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture

40. The opposite meaning of the word: to increase

- to develop

+to decrease

- to grow

- to hurt

- to feel

41. The definition of the word: sepsis

- disease

- treatment

- illness

- injury

+ a toxic condition resulting from the spread of bacteria or their toxic products from a focus of infection

42. Point out the infinitive attributes

- Haviland was really someone to admire.

- Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture

- My intention is to get into parliament

+He was so weak as to be unable to work

- Leila had learned to dance at boarding school

43. The definition of the word: antibiotics

+substance produced by or a semisynthetic substance derived from a microorganism and - able in dilute solution to inhibit or kill another microorganism

- treatment

- disease

- injury

- injection

44. We intended (buy) a new house. But we couldn't afford it; houses are very expensive nowadays.

- will buy

- have bought

- was bought

+to buy

- Is bought

45. My younger brother hates to read; he prefers (read) to.

+to read

- will read

- reads

- read

- has read

46. The definition of the word: wound

- damage

+ an injury to the body (as from violence, accident, or surgery) that typically involves

-laceration or breaking of a membrane (as the skin) and usually damage to underlying

- tissues

- hurt

- injury

47. Point out the infinitive object

+Leila had learned to dance at boarding school

- Even to think of it gave him ineffable torture

- He was so weak as to be unable to work

- Here is a nice book to read before going to bed

- Haviland was really someone to admire.

48. I am awfully sorry (bother) you in this stupid way.

- to bothering

+to bother

- will bother

- was bother

- am bother

49. It is not hard (make) decisions when you know what your values are.

+to make

- to making

- to be made

- was making

- will make

50. It was nice of you (lend) me your Grammar book. Without it I would have been lost.

- to lending

- will lend

+to lend

- was lent

- had lent




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