Finish up the sentences using words from the glossary list.

Revision (for students)

Thу Labours of Hercules

Glossary list

  1. to apply to sb. –
  2. to throw money about –
  3. to say without undue modesty –
  4. to impose a certain task upon (oneself) –
  5. lead –
  6. to suit sb. down to the ground –
  7. to make a bee-line for sth. (somewhere) –
  8. German sausage-dog –
  9. to have a personal appeal –
  10. Pekinese dog –
  11. to grudge the expense –
  12. to be in the habit of doing sth. –
  13. pram –
  14. to prosecute –
  15. inevitable –
  16. kidnapping / to kidnap –
  17. to lean forward –
  18. to poison –
  19. fee –
  20. charity organization –
  21. to growl –
  22. to risk one’s neck for sth. –
  23. to take advantage of sth –
  24. Keep your eyes open! –
  25. gang –
  26. to be suspected of sth. –
  27. ruthless –
  28. coincidence –
  29. to give away –
  30. to be not at ease –
  31. unpredictable –
  32. bore –
  33. to occur to sb. –
  34. to keep an eye on sb. –
  35. to swing open –
  36. the laugh is with me –
  37. to be in sb’s debt –
  38. to turn sb. over to the police –
  39. bribe / to bribe –
  40. to get on sb’s track –
  41. to shiver –
  42. immobile –
  43. indignation –
  44. jealous –
  45. interpreter –
  46. stroll –
  47. to get in rage –рость
  48. spanner –
  49. to take in the situation like lightning –
  50. for one’s own sake –
  51. to see sb’s point –
  52. to be condemned to death for sth –
  53. to hush the thing up –
  54. to blackmail –
  55. to make one’s living by sth –
  56. wig -
  57. negotiations –
  58. to make a fool of sb –
  59. to break off the engagement –олвку
  60. to be sane –
  61. insanity
  62. pretext –
  63. specimen –
  64. to give in –
  65. asylum –
  66. sth. is (runs) in the family –
  67. to worship sb. –
  68. to catch one’s breath –
  69. to pay the penalty –
  70. innocent –
  71. to smuggle –
  72. to be on the alert –
  73. to kill two birds with one stone –
  74. to drop in –
  75. (not) to make sense –
  76. bruise –
  77. ransom –
  78. to lose one’s nerve with sth. –
  79. to be mixed up in an affair –
  80. to throw light upon sth. –
  81. to look uneasy –
  82. to gasp –
  83. signature –
  84. consolation –
  85. to be expelled from –
  86. oriental –
  87. ardent –
  88. to spy on sb –
  89. sacrament –
  90. warrant for –
  91. martyr –
  92. ignorance –
  93. scoundrel –
  94. evidence -
  95. to and fro –
  96. to sway –
  97. femininity -
  98. taxpayer –
  99. (not) to make the most of oneself –
  100. drug racket –
  101. emerald –
  102. to be framed –
  103. to take the rap –
  104. Colonel
  105. masterpiece
  106. pneumonia
  107. wilderness
  108. retirement
  109. unconscious
  110. mascara
  111. to commit a crime
  112. typhoid
  113. syringe
  114. threat
  115. conjuring trick
  116. compromising circumstances
  117. to investigate
  118. bandage
  119. surgeon
  120. concussion
  121. to drown
  122. sacred
  123. to bury
  124. accomplice
  125. theft
  126. disguise



(I – VII) Read the words.

Femininity; pretext; warrant; originality; terrace, opposite; escalator; scoundrel; Colonel; Rubens; Hercules; wallet; hotel; masterpiece; pneumonia, arrangement, funicular; artistic, competence, influenza, wilderness; retirement, unconscious; mascara; extraordinary, typhoid; attendant; bruise; shiver; heredity; injured; syringe; ridiculous, threat; jealous; organization, abnormality; resemblance, conjuring trick; compromising circumstances; tortured face; to salute, influential; precisely; inevitable; hysteria; hallucinations; manageress, masquerade; psychoanalyst; display; physique; café; to investigate; creature; abominable crime; bandage; worship; miraculous; claw; companion; surgeon; surgery; civilization; flamboyant; concussion; to drown; condemned to death; hydrophobia; guarantee, chorus; distinguished; luggage; disfiguring; invaluable, experiment; persuade, prohibition; instinct, appraising; Pekinese; to ascend; seize; rendezvous; profile; ruthless; specimen; reluctantly, ulcer; moustache; immobile; kidnapping, Belgium; psychologist; suspicion; comment; perambulator; sacred; to bury; coincidence; priority; inquiries, insanity; grudge the expense; enthusiasm; accomplice; colleague; theft; disguise; appropriate; tuberculosis; asylum; millionaire; occurred; occurrence; prosecute; anxiety; bacteria; Balkan; invisibility, doubtfully, abruptly, curiously, inaudible; devotee; accomplishment; despairingly; growl; chemist’s; voluptuous; bourgeois.


  1. Find synonyms to the given words:

To waste money; not guilty; to come to one’s head; walk; to be used to doing smb; madness; from the East; to fling open; chef-d'oeuvre; holy; to become furious; cruel; to address smb; passionate; payment; mental hospital; to feel embarrassed; to keep an eye on smb; vow; he laughs best who laughs last; to tremble; talks; an example; to hold one’s breath; rascal; to be put in jail.


2. Give definitions to the following words and expressions:

Accomplice; to disguise; warrant; wilderness; to poison; interpreter; immobile; gang; asylum; wig; to take the rap; negotiations; mascara; bruise; to be on the alert; charity organization.


Finish up the sentences using words from the glossary list.

  1. When he saw his wife with a young man, he ……………………
  2. I can say without undue modesty that …………………
  3. He took in the situation like lightning and decided …………………………………………….
  4. You should keep an eye on her ………………………………….
  5. This woman can make the most of herself …………………………….
  6. If I learn that you’re mixed up in this affair ………………………….
  7. She has killed two birds with one stone ………………………..
  8. Lily got drowned last year ……………………………………..
  9. It’s not my father’s signature ………………………………
  10. It’s a coincidence that ………………………………………


5. Translate the given phrases and make up sentences with them:

Посадить в тюрьму невиновного человека; раскачиваться взад и вперед; жестокая банда; обратиться к хирургу; напасть на след негодяя; жить за счет взяток; неизбежное наказание; заниматься контрабандой изумрудов; дрожать от негодования; полковник оценил ситуацию с быстротой молнии; сдать подельника в полицию; расследовать похищение; воспользоваться совпадением; направиться кратчайшим путем к клинике для душевнобольных; под предлогом безумия, похоронить мученика, быть в долгу у переводчика; напасть на след шантажиста; выкуп за похищенный экземпляр древнего животного; восточные мужчины умеют себя подать; негодяй был наготове; понимать налогоплательщиков.

6. Translate from Russian into English:


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