Table setting
I. Reading.
A) Read and translate paying attention to names and using of utensils..
USEFUL INFORMATION 1. Do not sit too far from the table or too close to it and do not put elbows on the table. 2. Sit upright on a chair; do not bend over the plate. 3. If the dish is far from you ask your neighbour to pass it to you. 4. Take a napkin intended for individual use, unfold it and to put it on your laps. Do not wipe your lips with it, for this purpose it is better to use paper napkins. After the meal you can wipe your lips and fingers with it, then, not folding, put it on a table. 5. Bread, cookies, lump sugar, cakes and fruit are taken with hand. 6. Sandwiches are taken with hand. If sandwiches are prepared for hors d’oevres use a knife and a fork. 7. Take bread with hand and put it on your sideplate. 8. Bread is eaten by small pieces. Tear them off over your plate. 9. Do not spread butter on the whole piece of bread. Tear off small pieces and butter each of them. 10. First put a piece of butter with a clean knife on your plate and only then spread it on a slice of bread. 11. When caviar is served first put it on your plate, and then spread on small pieces of bread. 12. Hot hors-d’oevres are eaten with a fork. 13. Hot fish dishes are eaten with a fish knife and fork. 14. Soup is eaten slowly and silently. If soup is very hot, don’t stir it with a spoon; it is better to wait until it cools down. Having finished leave the spoon on a plate. | ПОЛЕЗНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ 1. He сидите слишком далеко от стола или слишком близко к нему и не кладите локти на стол. 2. Сидите на стуле прямо, не сгибаясь над тарелкой. 3. Если блюдо далеко от Вас, попросите соседа за столом передать его Вам. 4. Возьмите салфетку, предназначенную для индивидуального пользования, разверните ее и положите на колени. Нельзя вытирать ею губы, для этого лучше использовать бумажные салфетки. После еды можно вытереть ею губы и пальцы, после чего, не складывая, положить ее на стол. 5. Хлеб, печенье, сахар-рафинад, пирожные и фрукты берут руками. 6. Бутерброды берут руками. Если бутерброды приготовлены для закуски, пользуйтесь ножом и вилкой. 7. Берите хлеб руками и кладите на свою вспомогательную тарелку. 8. Хлеб едят маленькими кусочками. Отламывайте их над своей тарелкой. 9. Нельзя намазывать маслом целый кусок хлеба. Отламывайте кусочки и намазывайте каждый из них. … 10. Сначала положите кусок сливочного масла чистым ножом на свою тарелку, и только потом намазывайте его на кусочек хлеба. 11. При подаче икры ее сначала кладут на свою тарелку, а затем намазывают на небольшие куски хлеба. 12. Горячие закуски едят вилкой. 13. Горячие рыбные блюда едят рыбным ножом и вилкой. 14. Суп едят неторопливо, бесшумно. Если суп очень горячий, не следует мешать его ложкой, лучше подождать, когда он остынет. Окончив еду, ложку оставляют на тарелке. |
Answer the questions.
- How we eat …?
- How we serve …? Etc.
III. Reading. Read the text about essential bar equipment and check your answers.
What would you expect to find in a well-stocked bar? Certainly you would hope to find a waiter’s friend. This is a gadget with a bottle opener to open bottled beers and soft drinks, a corkscrew to remove corks from bottles of wine, as well as a foil cutter to remove the foil on top of bottles.
Then you might hope to find an ice bucket to keep white wine and champagne chilled and a paring knife tor slicing lemons and other fruit to garnish drinks. Not to mention a long bar spoon for stirring drinks.
Most good bars these days have a cocktail shaker to mix cocktails and the classic-shaped cocktail glasses to pour them into. These should have a solid stem so you do not warm the drink when you are holding it.
Other essential glasses include champagne flutes, with very long stems, highball glasses for soft drinks and long cocktails, and wine glasses or goblets. Finally, there should be an old-fashioned glass, which is short with a thick bottom, used for serving spirits such as whisky, and a good selection of other glassware.
IV. Reflection. Test.
Choose the correct variant
1. If the weather is fine, guests have meals........
a. in a smoking section b. on the dance floor c. on the terrace
2. A vase for... is in the middle of the table.
a. flowers b. cigarettes c. pencils
3. First we place.
a. a napkin b. a tablecloth с. a soup plat
4. We light the candle if it is..
a. morning b. evening c. weekend
V. Match the words and the photos of things you can find in a bar.
Champagne flute cocktail glass cocktail shaker goblet highball glass ice bucket
long bar spoon old-fashioned glass paring knife |