IV. Учебно-методический блок

УСР № 11

Тема: «Проблема шопоголизма в современном мире»

I. Краткая аннотация

Данные учебно-методические материалы предназначены для студентов 1 курса специальности 1-21 06 01 Современные иностранные языки факультета ФСиГЯ для организации УСР по теме «Проблема шопоголизма в современном мире». Комплекс заданий, направленный на достижение поставленных целей и задач УСР, разработан в соответствии с учебной программой по дисциплине «Практика устной и письменной речи».


§ расширить знания студентов о проблеме шопоголизма, об особенностях осуществления покупок; о кредитах и кредитных картах;

§ развивать умения письменной речи;

§ развивать память, логическое мышление и воображение студентов.


II. Тематический план

1 курс, 2 семестр

Тема: «Проблема шопоголизма в современном мире»

III. Содержание

1.1 Формулировка задания

1.Watch the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic and complete the tasks.

Write a report providing solutions to the given problems and prepare a presentation to illustrate the main ideas of your report. Be ready to present your report in class.

1.2 Пошаговая инструкция к выполнению задания


1. Before watching the film, find as much information as you can about the problem of shopaholism.

2. Analyze the title of the film. What do you think about the possible events in this film?

EXERCISE 2. While watching the film answer the questions.

a) Who is the main character?

b) How old is she? What does she dream about?

c) What do we know about her family? Her friends?

d) Where does she work? Who is Luke Brandon?

e) What passion does she have? Describe her shopping behavior.

f) What problems does she have? What happens to her? Who helps her? What steps did Rebecca take to try to change her spending behavior?

g) Comment on her character. Has it changed at the end of the film? Why? Is she a typical shopaholic? What makes you think so?

EXERCISE 3. Match the following statements with the correct answers on the left.

1. Rebecca starts the movie by admitting she has how many credit cards?   A. 12
2. Rebecca has the dream of working for this magazine.   B. Allette
3. Rebecca accepts a job working for this magazine while trying to obtain her dream job.   C. Successful Savings
4. Rebecca must pay for her green scarf in how many different ways before she could purchase it?   D. 2

EXERCISE 4. Watch the opening episode from the movie and answer the questions bellow:

1. What are the real prices and mom prices, according to Rebecca?

2. What does she see when she goes window shopping?

3. How did she call credit cards? Why?

4. How does she compare her excitement of seeing a store?


EXERCISE 5. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Rebecca and her roommate avoid answering a phone call from a particular gentleman. Why do they do this?

2. What steps did Rebecca take to change her spending behavior?

3. Allette makes the comment towards the end of the movie, "What are credit cards for?" In your opinion, what are credit cards for? Use at least four sentences to describe your opinion.

4. Should Rebecca have taken the money when her parents offered to sell their RV? Should they have offered it? Explain your response with at least four sentences.

5. Rebecca made a lot of money with her sale. While it was a great ending for a movie, do you think in real life she could sell clothing she had paid full price for in order to pay off thousands of dollars in credit card debt? Explain your reason for your response with at least four sentences.


EXERCISE 6. Imagine you are to prepare a report for your local newspaper. Choose one topic that you like, write a report and prepare a presentation to illustrate the main ideas of your report. Be ready to present your reports in class.


- How to Shop Properly?

- How to Help a Shopaholic?

- How to Identify a Shopaholic?

- How to Help Individuals Who Are in Situations Similar to Rebecca’s?

IV. Учебно-методический блок

5.1. Материалы, необходимые для выполнения задания (при необходимости)

V. Контрольный блок

6.1. Форма контроля учебных достижений студентов

Контроль учебных достижений студентов осуществляется в письменной, индивидуальной форме.

6.1 Содержание контрольной работы

Контрольная работа представляет собой выполнение заданий по фильму в письменной форме, написания статьи для газеты и ее презентации с использованием презентации.

6.3 Критерии оценивания учебных достижений студентов.

Примерная шкала оценивания письменной работы.


(Excellent) 5 4 3 2 1(Poor)

how well the task is fulfilled


Communicative achievement

how appropriate the writing is for the task

Organisation how logical and ordered the writing is          
Language range of vocabulary          
  accuracy of grammar          


«10»- 25, «9»- 24-23, «8»-22-21, «7»-20-19, «6»-18-17, «5»-16-15, «4»-14-13, 12 or bellow –failure of appropriateness

6.4 Ключи к контрольной работе (при необходимости)

Форма контроля является открытой, соответственно не предусматривает наличие ключей для самоконтроля и внешнего контроля.



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